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This essay examines Brain: The World Inside Your Head, a traveling museum exhibit sponsored by Pfizer, to show how the dissemination of psychiatric vocabularies aligns corporate and individual interests. The spatial composition of the museum and its interactive exhibits interpellate visitors as active agents capable of expressing their experiences through the scientific vocabularies of contemporary neuroscience. The gentle and benevolent conditioning to a way of thought and a manner of speaking, rather than a “hard sell” approach, makes pharmaceutical remedy an obvious and desirable mode of self care.  相似文献   

图书馆学研究中的泛化   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
随着图书馆学研究群体的不断壮大,研究的内容日益增多,形成了以图书馆学为中心的裂变和以其自身为轴心向其他学科辐射的研究范畴,构筑起了辉煌巍峨的图书馆学学科体系。然而,在这种繁荣的表面下,隐含着图书馆学学科体系的虚妄和佞智。它是由图书馆学研究中的泛化所致...  相似文献   

王小红 《图书与情报》2007,(6):112-116,128
宋代《尚书》学文献繁富,约有500种,颇具特色:(1)经学变古之风兴盛,疑辨之作兴起并盛行;(2)以义理解《尚书》,义理之作占宋代《尚书》学文献绝大多数;(3)为帝王讲《书》之作较多;(4)汇集众说的集结之作大量出现;(5)以图谱解《书》流行;(6)《禹贡》、《洪范》等单篇研究如火如荼;(7)南宋著述多于北宋;(8)宋代《尚书》学文献虽多,但保存下来的很少,绝大部分已亡佚。  相似文献   

Dominance‐submission in interpersonal interaction typically has been conceptualized as largely a function of either highly stable characteristics of individual actors (e.g., basic termperament, genetic heritage, fixed social roles) or highly dynamic properties of situations (e.g., relational control sequences). Too, the dominance end of the continuum frequently has been infused with negative connotations. Here it is argued that a more balanced and comprehensive perspective is achieved by conceptualizing interpersonal dominance as influenced by a combination of person, situation, and relationship factors and as including positive qualities that also underwrite social competence. Experimental data relevant to this interactionist perspective were examined for the impacts of one traitlike actor variable (self‐reported social skills), two situational factors (communication format and message goal), and one relationship factor (acquaintanceship) on dominance displays during dyadic interactions. Sender and receiver perceptions were also triangulated with observational data from trained coders. Results support an interactionist conceptualization of dominance.  相似文献   

哈佛大学伯克曼互联网研究中心是全球互联网相关研究的重镇,集教授、访问学者、法律工作者与业界人员在内的多元研究力量,从事的研究涵盖社会、文化、技术、商业和政策等多个领域。在过去12年中,中心设立了近50项研究项目,就美国本土及世界范围内的互联网社会的前沿课题展开探讨,本文依据其门户网站进行考察,希望能为国内相关研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines current trends in family studies research, details the methodological and topical perspectives that are emerging, and reflects on how these findings could be integrated to provide a more coherent approach to researching the leisure, learning and recreational aspects of family visitors to art museums. Research findings from disciplines such as sociology, ethnography, education, design and marketing are of interest to the field of visitor studies, and this paper contributes to the wider research agenda by providing an overview of family research methods from a range of other disciplines, as well as those used within visitor studies.Over the last decade, there has been a growth of research in family learning in science museums, leading to an emerging disciplinary matrix, whilst many aspects of family visits to art museums remain relatively unexplored. The paper discusses the problems of gathering meaningful data from adults and children in family groups, and concludes by suggesting that a challenge for art museums is to learn from what is happening in other areas of cultural research into families, and to develop a framework for research which builds on the methodological strengths and practical experience of robust studies.  相似文献   

北美中国研究图书馆员专业知识的积累和对中国文化的认同,形成了他们进行知识服务、学术研究与文化传播的核心竞争力。他们既在北美图书馆界提供中文文献资源服务,又在海外中国研究领域进行学术活动,对中国文化在海外的传承与发展起到了积极作用。北美中国研究图书馆员在职业身份、学术追求和文化背景等方面的共同认知,促生了中国研究图书馆员学会,这一专业组织的出现,标志着北美中国研究图书馆员共同体的正式形成。本文立足于海外中国研究和“文化中国”的学术背景,从共同体的形成和维系角度,对中国研究图书馆员及中国研究图书馆员学会进行了系统考察,希望在呈现北美中国研究图书馆员共同体发展历史与现状的同时,揭示出这一共同体对于中国图书馆服务转型和文化软实力提升的学术价值与现实意义。图3。表6。参考文献40。  相似文献   

从五十年馆藏西文文献看国外藏学研究及藏学文献的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对馆藏西文藏学文献的分析,以点带面,概括出国外对藏学研究及国外出版的藏学文献的特色、意义和今后的发展方向,以及国内在收藏和利用国外有关文献时应注意的问题,从而为藏学研究工作者提供更好的文献资源服务。  相似文献   

本文分析了使用《中图法》四版法律二表时经常出现的分歧,提出了5种解决办法。  相似文献   

美国图书馆协会是美国教育部批准的唯一的图书馆学情报学学位认可机构,美国图书馆协会制定的相关认可标准《图书馆学情报学硕士学位认可标准》自1925年发布第1版以来,经过7次修订,已成为图书馆学情报学教育发展与质量评估的依据。美国图书馆学会制定该标准的目的在于指引图书馆学情报学硕士学位教育的方向,并保证其教学质量。  相似文献   


This study provides an overview of the various products available for library patrons with blindness or visual impairments. To provide some insight into the status of library services for patrons with blindness, a sample of American universities that are recognized for their programs for students with visual impairments was surveyed to discern which assistive technology products are available in their libraries. The results of the study are analyzed and conclusions are offered.  相似文献   

Students with developmental disabilities are being increasingly included in college life. As this occurs, academic libraries will be providing more services to this population. This discussion of services to users with developmental disabilities attempts to help fill a gap in the literature and provide information that can be useful for libraries to build on as they develop services. Furthermore, by focusing on students with developmental disabilities, there are opportunities to improve services for all students.  相似文献   

任继愈先生主编的《中国版本文化丛书》旨在揭示我国版本研究的当代水平和最新成就,以拓展人们的版本学视野。它为传播版本文化知识,提升人们的版本文化素养,作出了新的尝试。现代版本学不仅贯穿在一个人读书、求知、治学的全过程,而且对于当代图书文献工作也有着重要的意义。参考文献4。  相似文献   

In order to be more successful in carrying out their responsibilities, public librarians should become more aware of the larger field of public administration within which they practice their profession. A syllabus for a twelve-clock-hour unit on public administration for public librarianship is presented.  相似文献   

关于少数民族文字文献的数字化思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
包和平 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):125-127
少数民族文字文献的数字化是我国数字图书馆发展中的一个重要组成部分。文章从加强少数民族文字文献数字化建设的必要性以及如何对少数民族文字文献数字化进行规范控制等方面进行了论述,并对网络环境下的少数民族文字文献数字化建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

加拿大政府、大学、大学图书馆都非常重视残疾人工作,大学图书馆的残疾读者服务比较成熟。通过对加拿大大学图书馆残疾读者服务资源、服务人员、注册制度、服务项目、意见反馈、服务合作等方面的分析,归纳了对我国大学图书馆残疾读者服务的启示:增强服务残疾读者的意识、搜集残疾读者的基本信息、加强残疾读者服务的资源建设、开展专门面向残疾读者的服务、提高馆员服务残疾读者的素质、注重残疾读者服务合作。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):357-385
Family members create a social environment that varies in terms of the degree to which it evokes hurt. Two studies were conducted to examine the nature of hurtful family environments and to assess whether the association between people's experience of their family environment as hurtful and their perceptions of hurtful family interactions could be described by a sensitization or a habituation model. The results indicated that hurtful family environments are characterized by aggression, a lack of affection, neglect, and violence. Individuals’ views of their family environment as aggressive were negatively associated with their own verbal hostility and their self-esteem, but positively linked to their anxiety and to their tendency to see a family member's hurtful behavior as intentional. People's tendency to note their family displayed a lack of affection was positively linked to their own verbal hostility and negatively associated with their self-esteem. The findings also offered partial support for a habituation model: Those who said their family environment was characterized by a lack of affection rated hurtful family interactions as less emotionally painful than did others. Together, the results provide a rationale for examining the emotional contexts created by family members as well as the implications of those contexts for individuals and their family relationships.  相似文献   

More than 5,000 households with a person identified as having a physical, mental, or emotional condition that impairs participation in activities were surveyed about their opinions concerning barriers to public library use and opinions about efforts by public libraries to be useful to people with disabilities. Results showed that perceptions of accessibility, collections, and presence of assistive or adaptive devices for people with disabilities were slightly more positive if someone in the household had used the public library in the past year. Data used for the study were from the October 2002 Current Population Survey, a federal survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  相似文献   

Cultural studies seems to have passed into the shadows of academic interests, replaced by globalization and political economy as the new millennium's privileged concerns among left academics. Yet, cultural studies' longstanding interest in the interrelationship of power, politics, and culture remains critically important. Matters of agency, consciousness, pedagogy, and rhetoric are central to any public discourse about politics, not to mention education itself. Hence, this article argues that the promise of cultural studies, especially as a fundamental aspect of higher education, resides in a larger transformative and democratic politics in which matters of pedagogy and agency play a central role.  相似文献   

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