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This preconference was a presentation of the Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop created by the Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP). The workshop assumed a general knowledge of print serials cataloging and focused on issues specific to cataloging electronic serials. Presenter Jeanne Baker followed the course content developed by SCCTP, while highlighting changes introduced by the new CONSER standard record where applicable.  相似文献   

Discusses the environment in which academic libraries operate. The constraints are economic and societal. Automation is a major factor. These general factors are applied to a discussion of the place of the serial in academic libraries and the ways in which serial processing might be organized. Mention is made of the future of the serial and the role that librarians can play in effecting change.  相似文献   


The Serials Cooperative Cataloging Program (SCCTP) is reviewed from the standpoint of a library educator. Although the demand for copy catalogers has declined in the era of digital information, the demand for original catalogers has remained constant due, in part, to the growth in titles in different media formats and different languages. Additionally linking to information housed externally or internally and embedding metadata tags for resource discovery are among the new tasks for organizers of information in the Internet era. Increasingly professional organizations are filling the need for continuing education and training for advanced-level catalogers. This article examines the SCCTP as a model for continuous professional development and concludes it is adaptable more generally.  相似文献   

In 1999, the University Library System at the University of Pittsburgh began a project to outsource cataloging for both the monographs and serials that were included in a special collection known at the university as the Glidden Collection. The collection had previously been accessible only through the existence of a card catalog. The materials had originally been cataloged using a local hybrid classification system based on the Glidden classification system. In her presentation, Faye Leibowitz provides detailed information about the history of the collection and why certain factors associated with the collection made it a difficult candidate for outsourcing. Libraries should seriously consider the hidden costs of outsourcing serials cataloging. The decision to outsource serials cataloging should take into account staffing problems and training. The way in which catalogers at the selected vendor use “cataloger's judgment” can also impact consistency between existing library policy and the outsourced records.  相似文献   

RDA与CSR在西文连续出版物著录中的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍艳蓉 《图书馆杂志》2011,(4):48-49,18
资源描述和检索(RDA)已于2010年6月正式在网上发布,CONSER作为美国连续出版物编目的权威指导机构参与了RDA的测试工作。本文介绍了CONSER标准记录文件(CSR)与RDA连续性资源著录部分一些主要字段的变化和区别以及新增字段。  相似文献   


The career path and significant professional accomplishments of librarian Valerie Bross (1954–2016) are described in this article. The awards and recognition she received are recounted and the influence of outside activities on her career is assessed. An attempt is made to capture what she was like as a professional, as well as what her unique characteristics were. A bibliography of her writings and a photograph are included.  相似文献   

The challenges the cataloger of historical serials faces are many and they come from all aspects of the cataloging process. For those who primarily catalog contemporary materials, these issues can be particularly daunting. The object of this article is to examine some of the more commonly experienced issues with emphasis on how to address them in a practical sense. The article is organized by broad functional categories: types of material, iterations, bibliographic data, and name authority control.  相似文献   

Using the manual prepared by Steven J. Miller (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries) in 2003, and revised February 2005, the instructor updated some parts of the course as necessary for this workshop. The workshop was taught in two days and divided into six sessions. Day one covered core sessions (sections 1–3: Introduction, Original Cataloging, and Updating Integrating Resources Records), and day two covered optional sessions (sections 4–6: Copy Cataloging, Record Modification and Maintenance, Case Studies, Updating Loose-leafs). Emphasis was on electronic integrating resources as they present more challenges, and catalogers are more familiar with updating loose-leafs. Session 7, Selection of Online Resources and Options for Providing Access, was omitted due to time constraints and its lesser relevance. This report highlights some of the most important new rules and codes for cataloging integrating resources.  相似文献   


This article investigates an innovative approach to training non-traditional employees, particularly student workers, in a library's cataloging department. The author presents guidelines and pedagogical aspects of designing e-learning courseware for basic cataloging training, reviews some challenges and difficulties encountered in the project, and introduces the content and structure of prototype 2 of the courseware. This e-learning courseware for basic cataloging can be adapted to facilitate the training of other groups of new staff in the cataloging department.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Adjuncts teaching cataloging is becoming increasingly popular in library science programs. This article shares the experience of one practicing cataloger invited to teach an online introductory cataloging course as an adjunct. Curricular decisions and pedagogical methods are among the topics explored in this informal article, with emphases on the benefits of learning cataloging from a practitioner and the importance of teaching the practical aspects of information organization.  相似文献   

“印前编目”的设想及可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于国内在版编目和图书编目的现状,本着优势互补的思想对图书进行"印前编目",可以消除重复编目,保障编目质量,优化编目资源,达成多方共赢,其技术可行,制度可行,且具有人力资源保障。  相似文献   

File display-the way in which catalog records are arranged for display-is a principal determinant of access to printed library catalogs, whether they be on cards, on microform, or in book form. In 1980, both the American Library Association and the Library of Congress published new sets of filing rules which represent significant departures from traditional library catalog arrangement in North America. These new rules are analyzed and compared with each other and with their predecessors, the 1956 LC and the 1968 ALA filing rules, on the basis of fundamental attributes of files and filing: (1) the symbols considered in arranging records together with the filing values assigned to them, and (2) the underlying basis of filing-symbols or concepts. Numerous examples of the very different sequences which result in the application of these codes are provided and discussed. The purpose of this paper is to help clarify filing options and thereby to help librarians make more informed choices for the display of their own catalog files.  相似文献   


Implementation of the proposed revisions to AACR2 will bring changes to our libraries in both technical and public services. This article identifies some of those changes and poses several questions which may need to be addressed in the implementation process. A brief proposal for dealing with training issues is also given.  相似文献   


The CONSER Program is the oldest component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) and many elements that made CONSER a success were adopted by the PCC over the past twenty-five years. This article describes how CONSER’s evolution over the years in the areas of membership, leadership, standards, training and documentation influenced the development of the PCC.  相似文献   

广东省流动图书馆2011年度(粤西地区)业务培训班面向29所基层图书馆开展图书编目培训。此次培训建立了轻松和谐的课堂气氛;调整教学手段,引发学员兴趣;介绍编目经验,使学员尽快学以致用;提供编目小窍门,让学员少走弯路,快速上岗;传达联机编目的理念;注重课堂讲授与实践操作相结合。该模式取得了良好的成效,可供其他馆借鉴学习。  相似文献   

The author describes the different categories of dance periodicals and the readership that each one attracts. Twelve of the more popular dance periodicals are examined and described.  相似文献   

我国联机编目的现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从现有技术条件、现有法律法规和实施状况等三个方面综述了我国联机编目的现状,主要以我国目前已建成的两大联机编目系统为例,即国家图书馆联机编目中心和中国高等教育文献保障中心联机编目系统,以期对我国今后联机编目的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

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