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h指数及其用于学术期刊评价   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
由J.E.Hirsch提出的h指数被认为是一个评价科学工作者科学成就的好指标,也能很好地用于学术期刊的评价并可与期刊影响因子优势互补。作为实例,计算了《中华医学杂志》的h指数,强调指出了各种因素对h指数数值的影响。  相似文献   

P指数用于中文社会科学学术期刊评价的适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为P指数在期刊绩效评价中体现了数量(被引次数C)与质量(平均被引率C/N)的平衡,应用P指数进行学术期刊评价是一种有益的探索。以法学期刊和教育学期刊为研究对象,对比分析P指数在不同学科期刊中与期刊载文量(N),被引次数(C),自被引率(SCR),5年影响因子(IF5)、期刊h指数、特征因子组合(EFS,AIS)等指标的差异,进行相关性分析,并得出以下结论:P指数简洁易计算,区分度好、支持动态变化排名、与多个关键评价指标相关性好,且在优秀学术期刊识别方面具有较好的可靠性,具有一定的现实应用前景。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学情报学期刊评价体系探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鉴于图书馆学情报学期刊是图书情报事业的重要组成部分,是展示一个国家总体图书情报学科研究实力、水平和创新能力的窗口,对图书馆学情报学期刊进行评价有着极为重要的意义,文章提出从政治标准、经营管理、编辑水平、学术水平、期刊影响力和期刊稳定性6个方面来对我国图书馆学情报学期刊进行评价的方案和设想。  相似文献   

创办于20世纪二、三十年代的天津左翼文学期刊,是天津左翼文学的主要阵地,但迄今为止缺乏有效的发掘和整理。本文意在通过对《星星》、《夜鹰》、《南中学生》、《当代文学》等十余种天津左翼文学期刊的梳理与论述,总结其文献学价值,为更为系统的天津左翼文学研究提供文献学的支持。  相似文献   

本文从我馆对GALE公司的InfoTrac Custom期刊数据库组织评选的实际工作出发,总结了我馆对该数据库的期刊具体的评选程序,提出了这种新的数据库的组织采购模式对当前的数据库采购的意义,  相似文献   

2006年,网络上最热闹的事件恐怕要数"韩白之争"了.争论双方都是当今文坛颇有影响的人物:一方是"80后"中的明星作家韩寒,一方是中国社会科学院文学研究所研究员、中国当代文学研究会常务副会长白烨先生.论战起因是白烨写了一篇《80后的现状与未来》的评论,始发于《长城》杂志2005年第6期,后搁入白烨建于新浪网的名人博客.  相似文献   

Journals Pricing     
A significant new study has been conducted at Cornell University. The Mann Library surveyed several hundred titles in Agriculture and Biology, in order to analyse their prices (per page and per thousand characters) over time, comparing university presses, commercial publishers, society publishers and government agencies. They aimed to develop a methodology, using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which could be used elsewhere, and to use their findings to examine the patterns of article ownership and pricing of published scientific research.  相似文献   


This paper evaluates the comprehensiveness and composition of university library holdings of economics journals of three types of institutions: schools that offer a doctoral degree program in economics; schools that offer a master's degree in economics, and schools that offer only a baccalaureate degree in economics. The results offer useful information for university libraries and economics educators responsible for deciding whether the current holdings should be maintained or, if not, which journals should be added or deleted.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种电子期刊采购的新模式——期刊定制,并介绍了期刊定制的具体过程及其重要意义。  相似文献   

唐秀群 《图书馆》2012,(5):94-95,116
通过对六门学科领域open access(下文简称OA)期刊特点的分析,并与订阅期刊进行比较,表明OA应纳入图书馆资源服务体系。  相似文献   

田稷  马景娣  缪家鼎 《情报学报》2004,23(5):561-565
本文详细统计了《情报学报》等 4种图书情报类核心期刊 1992年至 2 0 0 1年发表的论文被 2 0 0 2年以前非图书情报类期刊的引用情况。通过被引篇次、被引期刊学科分布、引文类型分布等分析它们被非图书情报类期刊的引用趋势、被引特点等 ,从而从一个新的角度分析研究图书情报类期刊的发展历程以及对其他学科的影响力和渗透力。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


Two publishers of well-known print newspapers have launched successful Web versions. The editors described the evolution of their sites and discussed the advantages of Web editions: timeliness, depth of content, user-customized access to information, and community-building interactive forums. They detailed lessons learned, outlined future plans, and clarified similarities and differences between the two sites. Discussion centered on three main areas: library access and site licenses, the nature of archives and article retrieval, and advertising.  相似文献   

A sample of Australian journals in the natural and social sciences has been analysed with regard to their editorial procedures, costs, revenues, marketing, production methods and general well-being. The analysis shows that many scholarly journals have problems with management, marketing and distribution, and do not cover their costs. Most journals are increasingly subsidized by members of their parent societies or from other sources, and their longer-term future is unclear. The separation in most societies of the editing function from the policy and financial functions is thought to contribute to this situation, which in many cases is simply not yet recognized by those closest to it.  相似文献   

电子期刊编目初探   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
通过对电子期刊特征的分析, 讨论了电子期刊编目的特点及注意事项, 并对USMARC 格式中的相关字段在电子期刊著录时的使用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Professional military journals are valuable resources thal have been generally overlooked in library literature. While they do often carry institutional bias, they offer information on defense developments in greater depth than the general media. Moreover, they offer insight into the development of military thought. The journals reviewed are those that address the needs of professionals in the defense sector. The issuing bodies are composed of three groups: trade publishers, associations and service schools.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the comprehensiveness and composition of university library holdings of marketing journals for three types of university library holdings of marketing journals for three types of institutions: schools that offer a doctoral degree program in marketing; non-doctoral degree programs in marketing offered at schools accredited by the AACSB; and non-doctoral degree programs offered at non-AACSB accredited schools. The results offer useful information for university librarians and marketing educators responsible for making journal acquisition and discontinuation decisions.  相似文献   

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