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《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(22):309-316
This paper describes some major changes which affect searchin of East Slavic names in library catalogs since 1981, when AACR2 was introduced. Three types of names have been selected for illustration: geographical, corporate, and personal names associated with the Russian S.F.S.R., Ukraine and Byelomssian S.S.R. In addition to pointing out new search patterns for East Slavic names thc discussion focuses on how library catalogs have been restructured to accommodate these changes and provides suggestions to Slavic scholars about how they can become familiar with these new searching methods.  相似文献   

OCLC CatCD在西文编目中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高红 《图书馆学刊》2002,24(Z1):56-58
OCLC联机计算机图书中心,是一个不以盈利为主要目的的计算机服务机构及研究组织,成立于1967年,总部设在美国俄亥俄州.  相似文献   


In the last decade the issue of copyright has become more complex for Slavic and East European librarians for a number of reasons. Technological advances have led to new forms of publication and new options for document distribution, and have also had a major impact on intellectual property law in the U.S. and abroad. As the technical means for copying and distributing materials in various formats have increased, and as electronic resources comprise a steadily increasing proportion of the material used in libraries, copyright law has become more integral to the work of librarians. In the background of technological progress, the newly independent states which emerged after the dissolution of Communism have all adopted new copyright laws within the context of global developments in intellectual property legislation. This paper provides a context for copyright as it relates to the work of Slavic and East European librarians in the U.S., by offering a framework for understanding the main issues surrounding copyright and a method for approaching questions related to copyright protection of library materials. The emphasis of this article is on use by U.S. libraries of textual material created or published in Slavic and East European countries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Institutional repositories (IRs) provide storage and access to digitally produced scholarship. In order to improve storage and access to these materials, it is important for the creators to describe the contents adequately. Following generally accepted best practices in terms of file formats is encouraged, as is providing basic metadata about the content of the items. Some of the benefits of utilizing IRs include the provision of unique identifiers for digital projects and files, institutional commitment to preserving the files, and increased access through metadata protocols. Collaboration between creators and librarians is encouraged to ensure that standards are followed when appropriate, and that metadata is of the highest quality to ensure good preservation and access to the content.  相似文献   

《西文文献著录条例(修订扩大版)》有关"电子资源"著录规则的修订是修订本中变化最大的一章。本文对《西文文献著录条例(修订扩大版)》与其1985年版中有关电子资源著录规则的变化进行比较分析,供各图书馆西文编目人员参考。  相似文献   

期待完善的《西文文献著录条例》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为使《西文文献著录条例》臻于完善,在总结其成功经验的同时,重点分析了其不足之处,提出了若干改进意见和措施.  相似文献   

The article discusses the Slavic Cataloging Manual (SCM), available on the World Wide Web since 1994. The SCM contains a great deal of valuable information for all aspects of cataloging materials in Slavic and East European languages and in the non‐Slavic languages of the former Soviet Union, as well as equally valuable information for cataloging materials about the area. The manual offers especially detailed guidance on heading construction and subject analysis for the dissolved unions of the former USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. This is a valuable resource for anyone involved in Slavic cataloging, both the experienced cataloger and the novice.  相似文献   

向前 《图书情报工作》1998,42(8):58-60,55
介绍用于西文文献回溯建库的主要光盘和网络书目资源,探讨外来数据源利用中的问题  相似文献   

规范工作是图书馆编目工作中非常重要的一个环节.对西文文献著录中有关个人责任者标目进行了探讨,并针对当前工作中存在的具体问题提出了建议.  相似文献   

Szwede Slavic Books, the largest Slavic bookstore in the United States, ceased operations in May 2010. However, throughout its operation, the bookstore made an enormous contribution to Slavic culture and Slavic library collections in the United States. In this article, the author introduces the owners, Irena and Jerzy Szwede, and longtime employee Vera Shemelis. Additionally, he discusses the firm, its books, and the special atmosphere of the store.  相似文献   


This article describes the holdings of the museum, libraries, and archives of Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY, as well as the archives of the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in New York City.  相似文献   

编目工作的走向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对网络发展的论述, 阐述了编目工作将由对传统型图书资料的标目向对网上资源编目的方向发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some common problems which catalogers of Slavic materials may encounter in establishing Slavic headings under AACR2. Three categories of headings have been selected: geographical, corporate and personal names concerned with the Soviet Union. Emphasis is placed upon cases where a cataloger may apply the rules correctly, but still establish an incorrect heading. Sources of these types of problems are identified and suggestions are made for dealing with them.  相似文献   

杜芸 《图书馆学刊》2007,29(1):118-119
对自动编目的定义、优点、内容及中美文献信息资源自动编目的实践进行了总结,为更好地开展我国文献信息资源自动编目工作提出建议。  相似文献   

套录编目是现代编目的一种重要手段,本文在介绍套录数据种类的基础上,阐述了套录编目的优点和存在问题,强调制定分编工作细则以规范套录编目。  相似文献   

再谈编目经验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出要巧用与编目有关的网页,列出巧设文献批号、巧著录赠送文献、巧揭示特色文献、巧检测著录项目是否正确、巧输入文献条码号、巧交送书目数据、巧合并书目记录的方法。  相似文献   

网络信息资源编目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对生得多、长得快、不可枯竭的网络信息资源,分析网络信息资源的类型及特点.论述了图书馆用MARC格式对网络信息资源编目的优势及必要性,从而得出MARC格式将是组织网络信息资源的有效方式。参考文献2。  相似文献   

紧急编目浅议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述紧急编目的意义、方法、范围、原则和效果.  相似文献   

编目经验谈   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了分“区”记忆法、分“段”记忆法、结构记忆法、谐音记忆法等“巧”记方法,列出了巧用“软键盘”、巧输“ISBN”、巧选“检索途径”、巧输检索内容、巧下载网上数据、巧恢复误改内容等巧“干”方法,指出了分编、著录及其它文献知识、编目易出现的错漏等应“死”记的内容。  相似文献   

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