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This article provides guidance for legal research in American municipal and county law, with particular emphasis on California. Included is information on the local lawmaking process, an overview of local legal publishing, availability of local laws, and a review of suggested secondary sources, both print and on-line. Applications of the Internet and other developing technologies are discussed as emerging avenues for the delivery of local legal materials to remote based researchers.  相似文献   


A well-designed and user-friendly Web site is essential with the large and rapid increase in the number of off-campus users. Web site usability studies can help ensure that libraries provide effective and efficient access to their Web site for both on-and off-campus users. Formal usability studies, focus groups, and cognitive walkthroughs are usability techniques that can be incorporated into a Web site study. These three techniques will be discussed with real life experiences added in to provide the reader with suggestions of how to and how not to use the techniques.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

如何快速地在网上查找信息   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章主要介绍了如何在WWW(环球信息网)上进行有效检索时应注意的一些问题,并从应用的角度探讨了在使用WWW(环球信息网)检索时可使用的具体技巧。  相似文献   

如何在因特网上查找全文资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑睿 《津图学刊》2002,(4):30-32
本文主要论述了如何在因特网上查找全文资料的方法和途径,着重介绍了两种网络全文检索工具,并对目前电子版文献的信息缺失问题作了探讨,给出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):37-45
As more navigational tools, such as Archie, WAIS, Gopher, World-Wide-Web and VERONICA are introduced on the Internet, it is critical that reference librarians understand the function of each one. VERONICA (Very Easy. Rodent-Oriented. Net-Wide Index to Computerized Archives) is the newest, and most powerful tool, and it takes away the mystery of where files are hidden on the Internet. Using specific examples, this article takes the reader through step-by-step guides of menu choices showing how VERONICA is accessed through a Gopher client using simple keyword and Boolean searching. In addition, this article discusses the limitations and frustrations encountered when attempting to access information using gopher servers.  相似文献   

A Rare Find     
Baltimore writer Binnie Syril Braunstein has authored three romance novels and thirty-six published short stories. The novels (The Color of Love, Out of the Darkness, and Baby Love) were published by Harlequin Temptation under her pseudonym, Binnie Syril. She is also a book collector; her collection includes (among other things), over one-hundred ten (110) different editions of her favorite fairy tale, "Beauty and the Beast." In doing the research for her fifth book, Ms. Braunstein became aware of the very strong link between collecting and creating. The article which follows includes an examination of that link, a brief discussion of romance novels in general, and a preview of her new book proposal, tentatively titled, A Rare Find.  相似文献   

如何快速查找Internet网上资源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Internet上的各类信息资源在以惊人的速度增长,如何从其网上快速查找资源,已成为人们在网络环境下急需掌握的一项技能.介绍了有关网络查询的一些工具,还介绍了网上一些主要信息资源的地址、特点及服务方式,并提出了检索时要注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

当代世界出版产业发展走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“二战”之后的前十几年,世界各国经济都处于重建和复苏期,许多国家特别是发展中的第三世界国家也发生了深刻的社会变革,更多的人有了受教育的机会。美、英、法、德、日、荷等国在战后大力普及高等教育,读书人数的增加和读者素质的提高推动了图书出版业的迅速发展。从20世纪50年代至今半个多世纪的时间里,西方发达国家的出版业已  相似文献   

The creation of a comprehensive digital asset management strategy for a museum can seem like a daunting or even impossible task, but it need not be. This paper will show how the creation of a comprehensive digital asset management strategy document, outlining the administrative principles, policies, technical specifications, and operating guidelines for digital initiatives, can be accomplished in discrete, manageable tasks. Once created, such a document can form the backbone of an institution's digital activities and provide the basis for an RFP for a digital asset management system. This paper proposes a model framework for institutional digital asset management plans, including standards, tasks, and decisions. Each of the elements in the framework is discussed in both general, best‐practice terms and also specifically, presenting case studies and lessons learned from Corning Museum of Glass.  相似文献   

敢问路在何方—对档案编研的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无庸讳言,档案编研的辉煌已成明日黄花,带着种种困惑和无奈它正渐渐走向窘境,编研机构的撤并,编研规模的萎缩使我们如同踏上穷途末路般倍感失落.在各行各业意气风发迈进新时代之际,我们所挚爱的档案编研事业所迎来的似乎只有没落贵族式的黯然神伤,究竟该如何走出低谷,摆脱危机,已成为每一位档案编研工作者苦苦思索的世纪难题.“敢问路在何方?”……  相似文献   

武彩珍 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(4):33-33,36
从四个方面论述了“图书馆”一词更名不现实的原因:发展至今,“图书馆”一词除本义外,还代表一种形象,一种文化;“图书馆”一词是能将其本义与“有序化管理”的内涵一起体现的恰当词汇;传统管藏与虚拟馆藏将长期共存,互补;从国情看,用发展的眼光看,一切尚待定论,讨论更名,不合时宜。  相似文献   

随着我国与多国双边协议的签署,我国加入世贸组织的脚步已清晰可闻.境外资本进入中国书业,也已为期不晚.这就意味着真正具有现代市场经济意义的激烈竞争就要来到中国图书市场.面对跨国出版列强的冲击,中国书业能否站得住并能得到发展?面对网络技术日新月异的快速发展和普及,传统的出版发行业能否生存,会不会有朝一日被新的知识经济时代所抛弃?我认为,造成中国书业落后的根本原因,当是我们的小生产经营思想与经营方式.  相似文献   


Library orientation at an academic health sciences library consisted of a five-minute overview within new student orientation. Past experience indicated this brief presentation was insufficient for students to learn about library resources. In 2014, an effort was made to supplement orientation by developing an online game aimed at enabling students to become self-sufficient through hands-on learning. A gaming model was chosen with expectations that competition and rewards would motivate students. Although the pilots suffered from low participation rates, the experience merits further research into the potential of a broader model of online library instruction in the health sciences environment.  相似文献   

为编辑素质挑"毛病"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因为工作的关系,我常常去逛书店、书市、书展,还要参观一年一度的图书订货会、两年一度的图书博览会。我对图书市场总的感觉是:品种越来越多样,装帧设计越来越考究,编辑们为满足广大读者的需要,绞尽脑汁,一批又一批的“精神食粮”,层出不穷。不过我也发现:当今的出版物真正能散发出  相似文献   


Mounting digital images of art objects on a Web site is only the first step in providing patron access to such materials. Libraries and museums have a responsibility to provide not only high-quality digital reproductions but also high-quality access from an integrated library catalog with controlled vocabulary and consistent access points. While some digital collections may have excellent internal searchability and require no more than collection level cataloging in a library's OPAC, others may demand cataloging of individual components of the collection. A particular collection's significance, its potential audience, the types of access required, as well as factors such as its size and cohesiveness need to be considered before becoming locked into a specific Web designespecially when it is that of another institution.

This paper examines several online library catalogs in which records for art objects as well as historical objects and natural history specimens have been merged, with varying degrees of success, and briefly addresses a modest proposal to catalog ceramic objects at the Ohio State University Libraries. The importance of consistent subject access in a merged catalog, regardless of the thesaurus or thesauri used, is stressed. Library consortia and bibliographic utilities may offer an economically appealing alternative for libraries that cannot design and construct their own digital libraries but these external organizations often have limited capability for-or interest in-modifying the design for a particular library and even less interest in cataloging the collections. Libraries, too, must be faulted for simply listing available electronic resources, either alphabetically or in broad subject categories, on a separate portion of their Web page and failing to provide full catalog records in their catalog. Finally, it is emphasized that the current debate over the viability of MARC 21 versus other metadata standards remains largely irrelevant to the importance of continuing to cultivate a monolithic online catalog, maintaining cataloging standards, and not mindlessly developing what amounts to a separate, rudimentary catalog solely for electronic resources.  相似文献   

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