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卓越 《图书馆杂志》2008,27(6):79-81
朱绪曾的《开有益斋读书志》是清代读书志的典型著作,具有目录学著作的性质。以往学者对其著录体裁及学术价值很是认可,但就该志的撰写流播情况较少留意。为了弥补这方面的研究缺撼,本文着力考察《开有益斋读书志》撰写、流散、整理及刊印的过程,以期对该志的进一步研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

学术期刊的出版改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵文义 《编辑之友》2015,(10):44-46
为寻找和解读学术期刊出版改革的各种现实阻力,文章通过对比农村联产承包责任制改革、国有企业改革和学术期刊出版改革,分析学术期刊出版改革迟滞不前的主要原因,揭示学术环境对学术期刊出版改革形成约束的内在逻辑和改革的可能路径.  相似文献   


今年6月30日晚,从电话中惊悉宋原放同志于当日凌晨在上海病逝的噩耗,深感悲痛,眼前立即浮现去年2月25日我在国谊宾馆和他晤面时的情景.那次是他来京接受第八届"中国韬奋出版奖"颁奖大会授奖和参加中国版协老出版工作者工作委员会会议,特地抽出半天时间,约集在京部分出版界老同志在他住的房间内聚会.  相似文献   

Scientific advances are occurring at such a rapid pace that scientific communications are becoming more like print news media. Scientists want rapid publication and electronic retrieval, but, at the same time, demand careful peer review and criticism of their work. Conventional journals, in which a year or more may ensue between writing and publishing, are ill-equipped to meet these demands. Electronic typesetting and rapid distribution systems of modern publishers are not the slow step in the process; getting rapid competent review is now the critical factor. Scientific publication will lead the way in publication in non-print media and in electronic transfer of reviews. The "electronic book" is closer to reality in primary literature than anywhere clsc in scientific publication.  相似文献   

浅析电子出版物与纸质出版物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章介绍了电子出版物与纸质出版物的特点,论述了电子出版物不能完全取代纸质出版物,二者将长期并存与互补.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(15):89-107
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

期刊的出现晚于书籍,是一种重要的出版物,可以为我们提供最新的、深层次的、系统化的信息。学术期刊是期刊的一种,它既有自身的个性也有通常期刊的共性。从办刊的指导思想、方针和方法三个层面对办好学术期刊提出了一些见解。  相似文献   

网络出版与图书馆采访工作应采取的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(2):66-67,55
图书馆采访工作面对网络出版的勃兴需要采取的对策是不断关注网络出版的进展、变化,研究网络出版物的特点;采访人员必须熟悉信息系统的知识、计算机技术和数据库;采访工作要使纸质出版物、网络出版物的比例均衡,形成满足读者不同需求的有机体。  相似文献   

谷松  杜芸  柯平 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):136-138,201
分析了西文电子出版物的编目依据、著录信息源的选取和USMARC机读格式字段的使用,探讨电子出版物编目中的问题及今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The author of ALA's Library Technology Report, E-Book Platforms for Libraries, shares her thoughts about some of the issues she faced as she wrote about this still very complex subject, which all public librarians need to know about in order to develop good business positions for their organizations.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

屈指算来,鄙人与上海市公安局宝山分局政治处主任马宝和熟识已经多年.但是,直到近日才听闻这位平素看起来颇"正襟危坐"的马主任竟然还有会为歌曲作词这一拿手好戏.  相似文献   

在当下,少儿出版在市场化运作中出现了不少不好的现象,如少儿出版的"跟风现象"、"引进版一边倒现象"、"少儿出版娱乐化现象"等等.这些"无序"和"失范"的现象与问题的出现反映了转型时期少儿出版在如何应对新形势、新体制和新读者方面还缺乏主体意识,也就是说在文化定位方面还非常模糊,可以说,当下少儿出版注重的是商业目标的实现,还缺乏自己明确的文化目标和精神追求.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effects of using four methods of publication counting (complete, whole, fractional, square root fractional) and limiting the number of publications (at researcher and institution levels) on the results of a national research evaluation exercise across fields using Polish data. We use bibliographic information on 0.58 million publications from the 2013–2016 period. Our analysis reveals that the largest effects are in those fields within which a variety publication and cooperation patterns can be observed (e.g. in Physical sciences or History and archeology). We argue that selecting the publication counting method for national evaluation purposes needs to take into account the current situation in the given country in terms of the excellence of research outcomes, level of internal, external and international collaboration, and publication patterns in the various fields of sciences. Our findings show that the social sciences and humanities are not significantly influenced by the different publication counting methods and limiting the number of publications included in the evaluation, as publication patterns in these fields are quite different from those observed in the so-called hard sciences. When discussing the goals of any national research evaluation system, we should be aware that the ways of achieving these goals are closely related to the publication counting method, which can serve as incentives for certain publication practices.  相似文献   

网络资源的“在版编目”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王松林 《图书情报工作》2004,48(11):101-103
分析网络资源的定义及特点,认为目前网络资源的编目手段主要有图书馆式编目和搜索引擎式编目两种,提出使用DC和HTML对网络资源实行"在版编目"的方法,以提高图书馆式编目的速度与准确性和搜索引擎的检准率。  相似文献   

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