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一、引言 儿童作为权利主体,在享受权利和确定如何实现权利的过程中应该扮演积极的角色,他们的意见和声音必须受到聆听和认真的对待。要保证儿童在研究中的真正参与,最好的方法是让儿童成为研究的参与者(Pole,Mizen&Botton,1999)。[第一段]  相似文献   

论教育决策过程中的学者参与   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王洪明 《教育科学》2008,24(1):26-29
教育决策过程中离不开专家学者的参与。专家学者参与教育决策是保证决策科学性,提高决策质量的重要保障。专家学者凭借其知识和专长,对教育决策的优化会起到不可估量的作用。通过对美英等国专家学者参与教育决策过程的分析,设计切实有效的专家学者参与教育决策的咨询制度,可对提高我国教育决策质量有所借鉴,进而提出专家学者有效参与教育决策的政策建议。  相似文献   

父母卷入子女教育,无论对子女的成长,还是对整个社会的发展都具有重要的意义,一直备受重视。20世纪60年代以来,研究者开始对父母卷入孩子教育进行实证研究,父母卷入教育逐渐成为心理学、教育学、社会学等多学科交叉研究中的一个重要领域。40多年来,研究者从学业、认知能力和社会性发展等角度揭示了儿童发展与父母卷入教育之间的关系,并从教师、强调父母监控、儿童主动性等多个角度提出了不同的父母教育卷入的结构。为描述父母教育卷入的产生和作用机制,Hoover-Dempsey和Seginer分别提出了突出微观过程的父母教育卷入多水平模型和从宏观、静态层面认识各种影响因素的生态系统模型。此外,研究者还从学校和家庭两个角度提出了促进父母教育卷入的有效途径。本文对这些研究进展进行综述,并从加强纵向追踪研究、重视比较研究和更多开展中国化研究三个方面,指出了父母教育卷入研究未来应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

品格的理论和应用实践研究近年来获得了广泛的关注。品格包括了习惯、特质和美德三种相互依赖又彼此交叠的概念。作为一个多维度的动力发展系统,在个体与环境相互影响下,积极品格可以得到充分的培养和塑造。积极品格不仅能够促进儿童青少年的心理健康,减少问题行为,提升幸福感,对学业成绩的提升亦有助益。但是对于品格的结构模型及其衍生出的具体测量模型,不同学者仍存在一定的争议。西方国家基于研究基础开展了一系列的品格教育项目,试图通过营造学校环境氛围、提供针对性的培训实现促进学生积极发展的目标。在未来的理论和实证研究中,应重视中国文化下儿童青少年品格的内涵、结构的建构,并在完善测量工具的基础上开展品格发展轨迹、影响因素及其功能的追踪研究。在实践中则需逐步建立具有中国特色的中小学品格教育教学体系,尤其要重视针对处境不利儿童群体开展的品格教育。  相似文献   

受教育权是特殊儿童与青少年的基本权利之一。2019年,法国国民教育部发布《特殊儿童与青少年学校教育指南》,明确了特殊学生就学的背景支持、教育路径、教育内容、教育手段与政策法规,强调了适应性与补偿性的教育原则,体现了学校教育的全程特征,突破了教育环境的时空界限,呈现了多元的个性化教育支持体系,为我国特殊教育向两端的延伸发展、特殊学生的入学环境支持、远程教育系统的建设以及个性化服务体系的构建提供了经验与启示。  相似文献   

基于文化自信,构建学校、家庭、社会育人共同体,系统开展儿童青少年生命哲学教育,是新时代立德树人的重要命题。本研究通过近9年的实践探索,认为在中华优秀传统文化,特别是中医文化指导下进行饮食、起居、网络应用、情志、运动和学习一体化德育实践,能够有效调动儿童青少年身心健康潜能和生命自觉意识,让儿童青少年从身体和精神上强起来,逐步进入生命的自觉状态。  相似文献   

父亲参与对儿童性别角色的形成有重要影响.他们通过角色期待、抚养方式、游戏互动等影响儿童性别角色的认同、性别角色的稳定性和性别角色的恒常性的形成,同时也影响儿童自我概念、未来婚姻观和社会归属感等性别角色的内容发展,应通过营造良好的家庭氛围、增加陪伴互动时间、利用社会支持等促进儿童性别角色的正确形成.  相似文献   

林可 《中国德育》2015,(15):32-37
探讨德育如何应对网络时代的挑战,需要先了解我们的德育对象——即被称之为"网络时代"的青少年,先分析他们如何通过互联网习得道德品质、政治素养和价值观念等。文章从青少年网络公民参与的原因、议题、方式及其影响这四个维度展开,以期为研究我国情境中的相关问题提供理论和方法上的借鉴。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革的实施赋予了教师愈来愈多的课程决策权力,教师参与课程决策也直接关乎课程改革的质量和成效。重新省思教师参与课程决策的议题,激发教师的课程批判意识,促进教师参与决策实质性的更新与突破,具有深远的理论意义和现实需要。依循批判教育理论的视域来审视教师参与决策的意识和行为,将赋予教师在参与课程决策上批判与建构的行动方法和精神气质。  相似文献   

发展性辅导是以全体学生的发展作为辅导的重心,目的在于协调学校的各种教育因素,提供最佳的学习情景,以利学生的整体发展。不同年龄阶段的学生在认知方面都有各自的发展特点,只有了解学生认知发展的心理年龄特点,才能在教学中做到有的放矢。针对不同年龄阶段的学生采用不同的教育与教学方法,才能促使学生的思维向更高水平发展,才能培养学生健全的人格,促进学生身心健康和谐的发展。如果违背学生的心理年龄特点进行教学,不但达不到促进学生思维发展的目的,而且还可能造成学生的心理困扰,形成学生的心理问题。  相似文献   

Characteristics political behavior among Russian youth can be seen as part of a broader trend toward the erosion of the classical divisions in Russian society. Research shows division between those who support and those who condemn the authorities, and between those who are active users of the Internet and who take part in discussions, and those who are indifferent to public discussion.  相似文献   

Ninety‐one percent of 227 surveyed teachers of children up to seven years of age (including 101 teachers who monitored educational television series for the Project), in 17 local education authorities in England and Wales, claimed to use educational television broadcasts to assist them with children's language development. However, apart from the nursery teachers, they appeared to put emphasis on language skill acquisition rather than language development, reinforcing the language policy of the schools. Two thirds of the teachers stated that they were catering for children individually when using educational television, although class viewing was the normal practice. The usual method was to watch a programme continuously from beginning to end (even when a video recorder was used) and then to discuss it with the children and to give written work on letter formation, sentence formation, initial sounds, etc., often by filling in worksheets. The teachers were encouraged in this practice by the television series, as these promoted the learning of language and reading skills rather than language development. There was no evidence to suggest that general interest series were used to any extent to enhance language development, in spite of overwhelming agreement by the teachers that television stories, songs and poems were valuable in this respect. A change of attitude by teachers towards language and educational television is desirable, involving the examination of current practices, the analysis of the material presented by broadcasters and the relating of developmental factors to the medium  相似文献   

Spirituality is a concept which is hard to define, not least because it is not a neutral idea. How you understand it depends in part on your belief system. However, the quality of a school's contribution to spiritual development of its pupils is something included in OFSTED inspections. This paper describes an investigation which sought to answer the question, 'What are the professional perspectives of OFSTED inspectors and teachers with regard to the provision for spiritual growth of children in schools?' A small sample of inspectors and teachers were interviewed and asked to define spirituality. They were also asked what they looked for to indicate a spiritual dimension in children. The results showed a significant gap between the views and understandings of inspectors and teachers. The writers highlight the significance of these and make a number of suggestions about their implications.  相似文献   

教育的本质问题是人类自教育科学诞生以来一直不断探索争论的话题,至今没有定论,是当今教育理论界的"哥德巴赫猜想".本文通过对马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论的考察,从新的理论视角对教育本质进行再认识,并依据马克思主义教育思想、马克思主义哲学基本原理,提出劳动主体论的新概念:教育是强化劳动主体,不断满足发展需求,促进人类全面进步的社会活动.  相似文献   

小学教师在当下的教育改革中参与教育研究是他们专业发展的需要.小学中青年教师参与教育研究基本情况的调查主要围绕教育研究的基本过程来设计问卷的内容,包括对教育问题的选择和确认、资料的收集与选择、假设的提出与论证、研究结论的获得与分析.此外,还收集了他们参与课题研究和撰写论文的基本信息以及他们对开展教育研究活动的建议.  相似文献   

以西盟佤族为着眼点,分析了佤族人口的分布及文化素质,指出了提高佤族人口的科学文化素质,是降低贫穷、创造财富的最有效方法之一。强调重视佤族人力资源的开发,加快佤族教育事业的发展,是实现各民族共同繁荣、共同发展的当务之急和治本之急。  相似文献   

A lack of good information about what youth are doing with new media stimulates fears and hopes about the relationship between young people and digital technologies. This article focuses on new modes of inquiry into youth new media use, highlighting the challenges, complexities, and opportunities inherent in studying young people's digital cultures. It outlines methodological issues unique to studies of youth and new media, such as accessing populations of respondents, benefits and drawbacks to online qualitative research, and challenges in capturing a snapshot of young people's actual, not self-reported, media practices. This type of qualitative research on youth media cultures and practices can guide educators who are developing pedagogy and policy that integrate young people's mediated practices into the educational process.  相似文献   

Dynamic/interactive assessment (DA) has been motivated by the inadequacy of conventional static tests to provide accurate information about the individual's learning ability, specific deficient functions, change processes, and mediational strategies that are responsible for cognitive modifiability. A growing need for DA with young children has emerged recently because decisions about treatment should be made as early as possible. The objectives of this paper are to review the major criticism of the standardized static testing approach, present the theoretical basis of the DA approach, describe current research on DA of young children within educational and intervention perspectives, and suggest some directions for future research. The theoretical foundations of the presented research derive from Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, specifically the zone of proximal development concept, and Feuerstein's mediated learning experience theory. DA has been applied with different clinical and educational groups and was found to be more accurate in reflecting children's learning potential than static tests, especially with minority and learning disabled children. The mediational strategy is also reported as more effective than other intervention approaches (e.g., graduated prompt). The DA approach was found useful in assessing outcome effects of cognitive education programs aimed at enhancing learning how to learn skills. Crucial issues of cost-effectiveness, training, reliability and validity, and generalization are discussed.  相似文献   

The article presents the rationale, methodology, and selected outcomes from More than a body's work, a collaborative, international, arts educational interactive research project. The project, taking place in both New York and England, explored the ways in which young people construct and ‘perform’ identity through the construction of their body and its appearance. The project's central intention was both to investigate diversity in young people's personal and cultural experience, and demonstrate their potential for creative engagement in mediating and expressing identity through a visual form. With its inclusive ethos, More than a body's work facilitated opportunities for young people who may not ordinarily have access to the arts to be partners in collaborative arts production, generating models of wider participation through innovative participatory approaches to visual art and interdisciplinary practice. The ongoing project is developmental, continuing to involve young people as participants, responding to the synthesis of local, national and international influences creatively deployed within youth culture. In considering More than a body's work's significance as a model for inclusive practice within art education, the article will discuss its strategies and its potential impact in relation to current initiatives and policies within the arts, culture and education.  相似文献   

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