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As reference work changes dramatically due to computer technology, tangible reference collections are disappearing from academic libraries in many fields. Such is not the case in music research libraries, however. While many important online music reference resources exist, many print resources remain vitally important, and because of limited funding, they are unlikely to be digitized soon. Music libraries and music reference collections are currently a combination of traditional and online resources, enhanced by human expertise. This beneficial combination should be maintained.  相似文献   

Crowdsourced metadata available in iTunes is too often insufficient or even incorrect for classical music recordings. Listeners find themselves frustrated when the only options iTunes provides are illogical. What we need is a group of professionals who are experts in music and information organization to clean things up. Enter the Music Library Association. The author proposes that this national group with ten regional chapters divide the work of providing improved metadata for classical recordings, using an open source program such as freedb. Working with Gracenote, individual music librarians could also correct existing data and reduce instances of a user encountering poor information.  相似文献   

已故教授的私人藏书具有很高的利用价值,是馆藏文献的有益补充。高校图书馆为已故教授的私人藏书设立书架、对这些藏书进行开发与利用不仅必要而且可行。高校图书馆应打破放在图书馆的已故教授藏书便是图书馆财产这一观念,吸引已故教授家属将教授生前藏书存放于图书馆;建立管理工作细则对已故教授藏书征集工作进行管理;对已故教授私人藏书进行合理的分类排架。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从阅读推广的视角来探究图书馆朗读亭的建设,基于大数据分析图书馆朗读亭用户朗读偏好差异,提出图书馆朗读亭阅读推广的策略。[方法/过程]在界定朗读亭是一种新的阅读推广形式后,对12所图书馆105 496条朗读数据进行编码,运用SPSS 21.0进行描述性统计和多元线性回归模型检验,在此基础上以质性研究方法探讨朗读亭的阅读推广策略。[结果/结论]案例分析结果显示朗读作品时长与播放次数呈显著负相关;朗读作品的查看次数与受众播放次数呈正相关关系;经典文学类素材、休闲作品类素材和主题教育类素材对播放次数有显著的正效应;受众对休闲片段类作品查看后播放率最高,主题教育类作品标准差最高;不同图书馆类型对于朗读播放次数有显著影响。据此提出针对朗读亭的阅读推广策略可以从运营方对上线的作品分类审视及服务优化、图书馆开展系列阅读推广活动并引导深度阅读、阅读协会等社团和朗读者积极发挥阅读推广人作用等三个方面推进。  相似文献   

书生核心元数据(SC-Matadata)在数字图书馆建设中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
书生之家数字图书馆元数据有25张表,涉及到的元数据有300多个,包容了图书、期刊、报纸三种资讯。本文还介绍书生核心元数据与CNMARC的对应关系。通过书生核心元数据有利于从整体上把握和理解书生之家数字图书馆,有利于数字图书馆数据质量的管理与控制,有利于图书情报单位建设自己的特色馆藏,有利于实现与其它元数据的互操作,有利于实现数字图书馆建设的标准化。  相似文献   

In Ohio, the space needs of campus libraries are changing just as book depositories are filling up. In response to this situation, the university libraries are re-examining the depositories to see if the space can be used even more efficiently, the funding distributed more predictably, and the services standardized and expanded. The Northeastern Ohio Cooperative Regional Library Depository has a plan to rethink the space in the depository, redefine the collection housed there in terms of ownership and access, and to repurpose the depository from a warehouse model to a service-centered model. The Northeastern Ohio Regional Library Depository plan and its anticipated role in changing the way that contributing libraries statewide assess depository collections and provide for access to those collections is the focus of this paper.  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆可以从以下几方面加强连环画馆藏建设:连环画馆藏基础雄厚的馆继续完善珍品收藏;各馆抓住目前老版连环画大量再版机会,加强能"用"的收藏,破解馆藏连环画"藏""用"矛盾;各级地方馆收藏有其所在地地方特色的连环画,形成各馆不同的馆藏特色。  相似文献   

特藏资源是图书馆最可珍视的资源。特藏推广的独特价值在于,以"有形"资源之推广,促"无形"文化之传播。以特藏推广为载体,不仅可以促进特藏资源的利用,而且有利于图书馆服务品牌的塑造和文化价值的传播,特藏推广可以成为带动图书馆全局工作的战略。特藏推广要以高质量的资源建设为基础,通过制定完善的推广计划,辅以专业的服务以及多样化的推广方式,并以制度作保障,将深度整合图书馆的资源,带动图书馆整体服务水平的发展,而实现特藏资源的共建共享则是特藏推广的终极目标。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(67-68):161-173

While educational partnerships between academic libraries and public schools have taken many forms throughout the later half of the century, a less common approach to building learning communities is coordinated outreach visits by academic librarians to secondary schools to provide active-learning, hands-on workshops that include remote access to the wide range of information technologies and electronic resources available in academic libraries today. This article reviews the concept and practice of learning communities, establishes a connection between learning communities and information literacy, and offers an outreach model that promotes information literacy and expands the academic learning community to college-bound high school students.  相似文献   


This article discusses the theory of exhibition presentation as a genre, the specific issues of curatorial styles, and the distinct features of exhibitions in libraries. Based on my personal reflections on taking part in curating the Russin Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths exhibition at the British Library, the article discusses the tension between the nature of collections held in libraries and their transformation when turned into an exhibition display, as well as the tension between the purpose of collecting for libraries and collecting for displays. It also presents the author’s experience of the challenges and solutions that exhibitions in libraries normally face. As the number of exhibition projects in all kinds of libraries is growing, the library communities are looking toward a better understanding of how libraries’ special and general collections can function in an exhibition environment and how information professionals can contribute to curatorial practices. Sharing experience about library exhibitions in the wider framework of art and museum curation will help to recognize exhibition curating as a requisite part of librarianship, which might change our perception of libraries and their relations with users now and in the future.  相似文献   

文章所称讲座录像是指图书馆根据主讲人对于某一问题或者某一领域相关内容的理解和认识所作的报告拍摄而成的录像作品。讲座资源正成为馆藏的重要组成部分,讲座工作正在成为图书馆的一项主要工作,但同时也带来了一系列的现实问题。文章从图书馆讲座录像制品的作品属性出发,研究了讲座录像的权利归属、作者的人身权、财产权等著作权问题,并指出图书馆讲座工作应重视研究版权保护所引起的冲突,以应对变化发展的知识产权利用和保护环境。  相似文献   

通过调研,对四川省各市(州)县区公共图书馆的一般情况,如:有无少儿部(室)设置、有无专职少儿图书馆员、少儿图书的收藏和借阅、各类少儿服务活动、未成年人上网阅读,以及与学校图书馆业务与服务的联系等,进行了统计分析和抽样分析,拟找出规律,供改进公共图书馆的少儿服务起参考作用。  相似文献   

考察案例中学学生对图书馆的利用对其学业表现是否有影响、图书馆各项服务设计与其影响的关联、学校图书馆的帮助方式。结果显示,在该校目前的教育状况下,图书馆利用与学生学业表现间不存在统计学上的相关关系;在学生和教师的感知中,学校图书馆有不同程度的帮助,但效果并不明显;图书馆服务设计中仅三项能够对学生的考试成绩产生影响;学校图书馆的帮助主要体现在对学生阅读能力的影响。本研究进一步发现,是目前的教育状况(注重素质教育的形式、忽视真正的能力培养)掩盖了学校图书馆价值的展现,并限制了其作用的发挥。  相似文献   

The multi-user virtual environment Second Life has drawn attention from many librarians who established virtual libraries and information spaces there. Even as interest in Second Life diminishes, it is worthwhile to look at how libraries in Second Life were established and what models they followed. This study examines the purposes, users, collections, and community integration of Second Life libraries. Researchers identified over 75 libraries in Second Life through the professional literature and search results within Second Life. Using this sample, they identified seven general categories of libraries and discuss examples of each. Some Second Life library spaces help to set a scene and contribute to the ethos of a larger space. Other Second Life libraries connect physical libraries with virtual communities. Still others serve communities that exist only in virtual spaces, supporting common interests or role-playing scenarios. Finally, some Second Life libraries expand understandings of what a virtual library might be, whether through imaginative architecture or unusual collections. Second Life libraries offer collections of resources tailored to the needs of individual communities and make them available in different formats. They also offer social and educational programs, much as physical libraries do. Whatever the future of Second Life, the libraries that have been established there raise important questions for future virtual library work.  相似文献   

通过调查古典音乐录音资源的作品、表演版本、载体的特点,确定其基本类和属性.根据用户信息需求调查确定古典音乐录音资源的其他属性,并对属性进行处理,构建古典音乐录音资源本体.在此基础上,开发古典音乐唱片目录.该目录提供古典音乐作品、表演版本、录音载体层次化的主目录结构,并在目录结构的基础上提供本体其他类的实例的页面,同时可以实现基于本体的语义检索.相较于目前的音乐检索系统,该目录能够提升用户的检索效率和满意度.  相似文献   

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李华  马文光 《图书情报工作》1993,37(4):36-39,17
??Taking cases as objects for investigation, the paper paints that the distribution of copy nurnber of the different collections in libraries not only is possessed of a certain law, but also exists in some relativity with the number of user needs. And, by the help of computer-aided regression analysis, it indicates that there is a positive correlation Meanwhile, based on the statistics analysis of refused rates, it finds that there is a monadic curve f hyperbola regrcssian relationship between the refused rakes and the collection copy number. 50, on the principle of the biggest point of curvature of hyperbola. which divides refused rates in high and low revns, the optimal collection copy number and theory refused rates have tteen obtained by the authors in the calculation of coordinates of the biggest point of curvature.  相似文献   

In formulating collection development statements for music score collections, a combination of the structural elements outlined in the RTSD Guidelines for Collection Development together with the terminology and format of the RLG Conspectus is recommended, in part to facilitate cooperative resource sharing activities. Criteria for score selection are discussed, and ways of incorporating selection criteria not provided for in the Conspectus are presented. Although the observations and recommendations are made in terms of academic collections, the criteria and formal elements are applicable to collections in public libraries as well.  相似文献   

针对音乐院校特色馆藏资源的艺术内容以及表现形式的特殊性进行分析研究。归纳总结出进行数字化建设的具体对策,在此基础上提出音乐院校特色馆藏资源数字化建设应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文献剔旧工作是图书馆优化馆藏结构、扩展馆藏空间的重要手段,借鉴国外图书馆剔旧实操中的经验与做法,有助于推动我国图书馆剔旧工作的科学开展。[方法/过程]通过梳理美国卫斯理大学图书馆官方博客及区域联盟公告信息,从项目背景、剔旧标准、成员组成、项目流程、项目呈现的特点等方面对卫斯理大学图书馆剔旧项目进行分析性介绍。[结果/结论]制订完备的读者反馈机制、引入多元力量参与、优化特藏及历史文献择选等文献剔旧措施,是卫斯理大学图书馆文献剔旧项目的特点,其可为我国高校图书馆文献剔旧工作的实践操作、框架搭建、发展方向制定等提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

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