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对Elsevier旗下的SDOL数据库中的219种材料科学类期刊进行有关OA方面的研究,调查发现,在OSD和DOAJ这两大OA平台上,这219种期刊的可OA情况不容乐观。在SDOL数据库中,可OA的材料科学类期刊种数为数不少,但其中可OA期刊全文的并不多。将这219种期刊区分为完全OA期刊、部分OA期刊和完全非OA期刊,并对其质量进行了对比研究,认为Elsevier中材料科学类期刊的OA情况不是十分乐观,需业界的进一步推动。  相似文献   

对我校视听资料的分类与著录谈几点意见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
视听资料分编与图书分编有所不同。就其特殊性, 作者在近几年的视听资料分编工作中, 不断探讨视听资料分类与著录的具体实施细则, 以及目录组织。并对我校视听资料分编工作提出了一些新的认识和具体的实施办法, 仅供同行参考。其目的在于提高视听资源在高校教学和科研工作中的管理与利用效率。  相似文献   

张立彬  陈镭 《图书与情报》2007,(6):50-54,58
网络作品是指在互联网络上出现的作品,它为普通情报与学术史料的搜集、整理、交流与利用,提供了一个高速而便捷的平台,并成为当前文献史料工作一个新的“聚居地”。其中,网张作品的电子表述改善了史料的技术呈现;网络作品的虚拟色彩增强了史料的“史感磁场”;网络作品的开放性质扩大了史料的搜索空间;网络作品的交互特性拓展了史料的交流渠道;网络作品的个体属性更新了史料的表现形式。在新环境下,网络史料有“静态网络史料”与“动态网络史料”之分,而“动态网络史料”又有“显性动态”与“隐性动态”之分。网络作品的史料价值具有远大的发展前景和实用功能,同时,它也从反方向推动了网络作品自身呈现形态的变化进展。  相似文献   

材料科学数据共享网是国家科技部科技基础条件平台建设项目,旨在整合我国材料领域的数据资源,建立 满足国家不同需求的材料科学数据体系和材料科学数据共享服务平台。本文主要阐述材料科学数据共享网项目取得的 成果以及材料数据作为加快新材料的研发、降低材料成本的三大关键技术之一,在材料数据科学这一新学科的提出以 及支撑虚拟材料设计生产线的建设等方面的应用。  相似文献   

This study examines delinquency at the Oyo State Library Board, Dugbe, Ibadan, Nigeria. The study's objectives were to find out the reasons for delinquency, identify the causes/methods employed, and suggest ways of minimizing its occurrence in the study library. It employs the case study design, sampling nearly 50% of the staff and employing questionnaire, interviews, and personal observations. The findings show that students are the major culprits, who fear others will borrow but fail to return materials. Ways of ameliorating this are suggested, encapsulated in a well-formulated collection development policy to serve as a working document for the library staff.  相似文献   

对于岩画的史料价值,学界有着不同的观点,推崇者称之为"刻在石头上的史书",贬斥者认为岩画多为"涂鸦"或"随意"之举,难以为之征信。与传统文献相比较,中国岩画资料的确有很大的不同,它是以崖壁石头为载体,以凿刻、描绘为记录手段,以图像为主传递信息的一种文献形式。中国岩画作为中国传统历史文献特殊形式之一,以直观形式保存了人类远古时期的丰富信息。  相似文献   

外国教材的遴选与评价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对以往外国教材遴选与评价过程中一般采用的专家推荐、出版社推荐等做法中存在的主观及人为因素,采用层次分析法构建影响教材质量的作者、出版社等相关量化指标信息的综合评价模型,并根据评价模型中的评价结果,选取一定比例排名靠前的教材编出其内容结构和教材大纲,结合经验丰富的教师及专家的意见给出最终遴选结果,使评价更具有科学性。  相似文献   

音像资料的MARC格式研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据音像资料的特点及其与CNMARC的分析比较 ,设计了音像资料MARC格式。对于CNMARC不能完全表述的音像资料字段进行修改和补充 ;对音像资料来说 ,CNMARC的冗余字段做必要删除 ;对CNMARC不能表述的音像资料进行字段增加。其格式已在南京电视台的管理信息系统中运用。参考文献 3。  相似文献   

材料类科技期刊如何获取学科发展动态信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对国内外材料类科技期刊的对比分析,认为制约我国材料类科技期刊发展的主要问题是缺乏高质量的论文,可采用快报的形式和因特网技术调整其出版节奏和方式,密切跟踪国内外重大研究项目及学术会议,通过各种渠道扩大期刊影响并吸引处于材料学科前沿的科技工作者,使这类期刊能够真正反映材料学科最新的发展动态,为科技工作者提供材料学科的前沿性的知识信息。  相似文献   

“高校古文献资源库”是我国第一个高校校际古文献数据库。该数据库的检索功能独特而完备,善于利用这些检索功能,能极大地提高相关学术研究的效率,使读者受益无穷。  相似文献   

在描述中文数字化参考工具定义的基础上,将中文数字化参考工具分为五种类型,并对各类型进行了简要的概述。  相似文献   


The main problems of cataloging Persian language materials as it is practiced in North America are discussed. The problems are grouped by origin: those that originate from the implementation of the ALA-LC Romanization Tables for Persian; those that occur either because of misleading examples used in that Table's rules for application section, or a lack of functional knowledge of Persian; and those that appear in the treatment of names generally and choice and form of main entry specifically, due to the application of inappropriate rules for Persian names. Suggestions for dealing with these cataloging issues are presented.  相似文献   

针对近代档案史料的状况,作者提出了比较详细的考证方法和途径.从档案史料考证的条件、目的、原则入手,提出了以外部考证、内部考证为主的档案史料真伪的鉴定方法,采取书证、物证、人证、当事人记录参证法、旁证、理证等多种方法相结合的方式考证档案史料内容的真实性.  相似文献   

Curriculum materials center (CMC) collections in academic libraries play a vital role in supporting teacher education programs. The collection items consist of print and non-print materials including nontraditional items such as kits, games, models, and toys. Following a comprehensive literature review of research on CMC collections, this study seeks to raise awareness of the role played by curriculum materials centers in the history of teacher education and the challenges faced by the CMC librarians. The article provides a general overview of the CMC at Long Island University (LIU) Post library and describes local collection development strategies and issues in collection access and maintenance.  相似文献   

教材的使用属性决定教材需要不断修订和再版。网络技术的发展和应用,为教材开发提供了丰富有效的工具和手段。建立基于网络技术的教材开发平台,可以有效使用教材资源,提高教材质量,为教材使用者提供各种服务,促进教材开发者与使用者的互动。  相似文献   

音乐院校的音响资料建设与利用具有特殊的意义。本文从三个方面论述了音响资料对培养音乐人才的重要性。  相似文献   

The ‘Oddy test’ is an accelerated corrosion test introduced in the 1970s at the British Museum to identify materials likely to emit volatile substances that could harm museum artefacts. It is carried out in many museums all around the world, but not always using the same methodology, which makes it difficult to compare and share test results between institutions. Refinements to the Oddy test methodology have been implemented at the British Museum over the last decade and the aim of this paper is to present these and promote consistency across institutions. The modifications introduced concern the method used to wash the glassware, the preparation of the metal coupons, and standard methods for preparing samples of liquid coatings, adhesives, and adhesive tapes. Finally, conducting Oddy tests is time consuming and measures employed at the British Museum to reduce the number of materials to be tested and streamline testing are described.  相似文献   

Academic libraries continually adjust services to adapt to the ever-changing landscape in higher education. In response to the broken textbook market, libraries are becoming actively involved in the open educational resources (OER) movement. Although there is not a formal program in place, librarians at Utah State University explored a collaborative approach to integrate OER in faculty members' courses. One goal of the effort was to work closely with faculty to consider course objectives and learning outcomes when evaluating and incorporating OER. This article identifies a streamlined process for targeting courses most suited for OER adoption and outlines a process of collaborating with teaching faculty to integrate relevant OER. The paper includes a detailed workflow that other libraries can easily adapt to make OER part of their faculty outreach toolkit.  相似文献   

政府采购体系下的图书资料质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会的发展,各级各类图书馆的购书经费不断增大,为了提高这些经费的使用效益,保障图书资料的采购质量,根据我国《政府采购法》的有关规定,图书资料已实现了政府采购。但在政府采购体系下,图书资料质量问题屡见不鲜。这主要源于图书资料政府采购存在责任不明确、机构设置不规范、信息不畅通、资质审查不严格、招标折扣不节制及合同执行不力等方面的原因。图书馆必须针对这些原因,采取相应措施来控制图书资料的采购质量。  相似文献   

Academic libraries and consortia are spending the vast majority of their material budgets on digital content, including ebooks. A review of ebook preservation activities for the North American library consortia is provided along with a look at the major preservation services such as Portico, CLOCKSS and HathiTrust. Publishers and ebook aggregators are also examined to provide a broad environmental scan of the current ebook preservation activities and risks.  相似文献   

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