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This article focuses on a recent enhancement to the WorldCat Collection Analysis tool, the Interlibrary Loan Analyses module, exploring the possibilities that this enhancement offers for strategic collection development. The study concentrates on the tool as a way to assess the impact of the recent growth at North Carolina State University in biomedicine and human medicine programs. The research contained in this article originated from a session presented at XXVII Annual Charleston Conference, which was held in Charleston, South Carolina, on November 8, 2007.  相似文献   

This article examines data from five years of titles ordered as part of an academic research library's purchase on demand program (POD-ILL) for print titles originally requested through interlibrary loan. The study evaluates a variety of factors: patron departments, campus location, and status; the subject areas of the books acquired; cost; and publishers. Assessment of POD-ILL data may assist a collection management librarian to determine the value of having patrons contribute to collection development decisions. In addition, subject librarians can use the data to evaluate approval and demand-driven acquisition profiles.  相似文献   

Patron-initiated collecting via interlibrary has been examined regularly in the literature over the past decade, with articles examining the topic at public libraries, liberal arts colleges, and large doctoral institutions. This paper examines a patron-initiated collection development program at Grand Valley State University, a comprehensive university with an enrollment of 24,000 students. It compares Grand Valley State University's experiences with those at other types of institutions. The paper also discusses the different models used to assess the success of these programs within the literature and how Grand Valley State University used WorldCat Collection Analysis, circulation statistics, and peer comparisons to assess its program.  相似文献   

This article outlines preliminary results of a complete gap analysis of the collections at the University of Houston Libraries. Methodology for a large-scale collection analysis project is explored here, including necessary collaborators for successful and accurate data collection. As well, the preliminary results of phase one of the project, studying usage by subject area and comparing to available interlibrary loan data, are outlined. Limitations and future directions for the project are also discussed.  相似文献   

In fiscal year 2004–2005, papers published in the Material Research Society's Proceedings series were the fifth most requested interlibrary loan item submitted by faculty and students at the University of Arkansas. This prompted the authors to determine if a purchase-on-demand scheme for items in this series, made without any subject specialist input, would allow the library to increase the strength of its collection at a price that was no greater than or lower than the real cost of traditional interlibrary loan. The study analyzes and describes the parameters of the data. Results suggest that this type of plan might be useful for libraries lacking a designated selector.  相似文献   

馆藏分析是图书馆采访工作中重要的一环,过去图书馆所使用的馆藏分析工具有较大的局限性。OCLC最新开发的Worldcat Collection Analysis是面向图书情报学界的专业的馆藏分析工具,能够提供对某一图书馆所有馆藏及其使用状态的概览。这种馆藏分析所得出的数据能够为采购、数字化项目和剔旧决策提供信息,并为项目评估和认证提供帮助。  相似文献   

In libraries, collaboration between departments or individuals can be the best way to implement a new project. This article will examine the implementation of ILLiad at the University of Toledo and show how a successful collaborative relationship was formed between the Interlibrary Loan and Systems Departments. It will demonstrate that, although challenging at times, collaboration is worth the effort in order to introduce a new service successfully.  相似文献   

馆际互借网络数据库服务和管理系统的开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
传统的馆际互借模式已无法适应信息时代馆际互借和文献传递的要求。清华大学图书馆结合多年来在馆际互借工作中积累的实践经验,利用互联网络迅速发展的有利条件,开发出基于Web的“清华大学图书馆馆际互借数据库服务和管理系统”。该系统的使用不仅极大地提高了馆际互借工作的效率、质量和服务水平,而且使其更加规范化和现代化。  相似文献   


The evolution of statewide resource sharing and reciprocal borrowing for Maryland public libraries is discussed. Beginning in the 1950s, the Enoch Pratt Free Library assumed responsibility for filling interlibrary loan requests for the state due to the size of its collection. In 1971, Pratt became the State Library Resource Center and its interlibrary loan responsibilities became formalized. Through a series of technological advancements in library catalogs and interlibrary loan systems, Maryland has arrived at the MARINA system to facilitate sharing resources throughout the state. The state has a long-standing philosophy of cooperation, which makes the MARINA endeavor possible.  相似文献   

The University of Mississippi Libraries began a patron-initiated purchasing program in 2009. After a successful year of purchasing, the authors evaluated both the criteria and workflows. The process included sharing results with subject librarians and the Collection Development Steering Committee. As a result, changes were made to both the criteria and the workflows.  相似文献   

This article revisits the author’s 2001 article on resource sharing’s anticipated increased demand as a service and its larger role in collection management. The article presents arguments that interlibrary loan’s role is still evolving and stresses the need for increased cooperation and shared collection development among academic libraries.  相似文献   

影印《四库全书》系列书目数据库的规范控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王阁 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(4):8-10
文章就影印古籍《四库全书》系列书目数据库建设,谈我国古代个人名称标目和古籍文献题名规范控制,并指出“国家图书馆名称规范库”存在的问题.  相似文献   

台湾地区的国立中央图书馆台湾分馆、台北市立图书馆、台北县立图书馆、林口乡立图书馆均制定了馆藏发展政策。这些馆藏发展政策的内容包括政策说明、本馆简介、馆藏概述、馆藏资料选择、馆藏资料采访、馆藏维护、对外活动7个方面。我国大陆地区公共图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策时,应借鉴台湾地区的实践经验,研究并拟定政策编制指南,并在具体政策文件中突出电子资源建设和馆际合作等问题。  相似文献   

高职院校图书馆藏书发展现状及影响因素分析研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章调查了高职院校图书馆藏书发展的现状,并分析了影响藏书发展的因素,试图引起各方面对高职院校图书馆藏书发展的重视,落实科学发展观,促进高职院校图书馆藏书发展工作的开展。  相似文献   

以馆藏资源建设定位学科馆员的核心职责   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
学科馆员职责定位的失误,导致国内学科馆员服务长期以来徘徊于低层次水平,工作无法取得实质性进展。馆藏资源建设是学科馆员制度的核心,应尽快明确授权学科馆员负责相关学科馆藏资源建设的任务。  相似文献   

在以印刷型资源与数字资源作比较的基础上,分析了印刷型文献在馆藏建设方面所具有的优势,并以华东政法大学图书馆馆藏建设为例,阐述了高校法律图书馆在馆藏建设中仍需要以印刷型文献作为主要馆藏。  相似文献   

近年数字人文在学术界的关注度逐年提升,以项目为载体的数字人文研究不断涌现。文章遴选近年来国家社会科学基金重大项目中富含数字人文特色的课题作为研究对象,通过主题编码、内容分析与社会网络分析等方法揭示数字人文类国家社科重大项目中的学科属性及合作特征。研究发现:数字人文类国家社科重大项目呈现出明显的跨学科特征,涵盖人文社会科学领域和自然科学领域相关学科。传统人文学科之外,图书情报与档案管理学科和计算机科学在研究中占据重要地位。学者的学科背景、成果形式以及项目涉及的数字技术呈现出多样性。在跨界合作方面,学科合作紧密度较高,跨学科的同时也显现出跨机构合作的特征。然而研究也发现人文学者对数字技术工具在研究中的涉入度还较为有限,数字技术与人文研究的融合有待进一步深化。  相似文献   

German universities built over the years highly specialized book collections for use by faculty and graduate students. The German term, seminarbibliothek, is often applied to these types of collections, although examples can be found in universities across Europe. The purpose of this article is to examine a similar type of collection using ebooks in veterinary science and to compare this collection to the standard subject classified ebook collections. Most collection development in college and university libraries focuses on academic subjects. The type of collection being described here focuses on a mission. A mission-focused collection increases the use of library holdings and greatly benefits the stakeholders within the institution. This study looks at how such a collection might be formed and defined and what possible effects this might have on the use of collections of this type.  相似文献   

公共图书馆馆藏发展的特点与策略   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
"馆藏格"清晰地揭示了图书馆馆藏的新格局。结合公共图书馆的特点和美国同行的服务策略,笔者建议我国公共图书馆在馆藏发展方面应立足本地用户、扬长避短、公开信息,并且尝试制定馆藏发展政策。  相似文献   


The working group developed its map through a web-based survey distributed internationally via listservs. Eighty-nine preponderantly North American cooperative projects responded. Almost three-quarters of them were born in the 1990s. State-based projects are prevalent, and most projects operate in compact regions. Academic libraries appear to participate much more frequently than other types. Not surprisingly, 75 percent of the projects feature the shared purchase or archiving of electronic resources. One-third engage in selection or management of print materials, most often in area studies. Collaborative electronic purchasing has generated a boom in cooperative collection development, but traditional print-based cooperation remains rare and narrowly focused.  相似文献   

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