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The author presents the results of the December 1998 CONSER “Survey on Providing Access to Serial Titles within Aggregator Databases.” Major findings include 71% of respondents desiring to see full-text serial titles incorporated into the online catalog and nearly 75% interested in acquiring record sets. Also included are an analysis of the numerous survey comments received, strategies toward creating the necessary records and integrating them into OPACs, examples of aggregator analytic records, and other background information on the work of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging's Task Group on Journals in Aggregator Databases.1  相似文献   

On July 1, 2006, The Research Libraries Group, Inc. (RLG) and the Online Computer Library System (OCLC) combined their organizations and resources. RLG's products and services were integrated with OCLC's, and RLG's program initiatives went forward within an expanded OCLC Research division. This was a historic moment for libraries and research institutions consonant with the incredible changes in the information environment that had been underway during the previous decade. The expansion of WorldCat that resulted and the renewed attention given to research libraries by OCLC in the merger has positively impacted libraries around the globe.  相似文献   

Pillbox is a tool that can be used to rapidly identify solid dosage medications. The database, created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine with the support of the Food and Drug Administration, seeks to enhance patient safety through the identification of solid dosage medication. Users enter physical characteristics of a medication, possible matches are provided, and links to additional resources are offered. A comparison with comparable resources was conducted, and future enhancements to Pillbox are discussed.  相似文献   

对X市65位公众的访谈数据进行分析,探讨中国地方电子政务公共服务的公众接受问题。研究发现,政府部门对电子政务的宣传方式、渠道及其效果是影响电子政务公共服务可及性的关键性因素;效益性因素、制度性因素和技术性因素是影响公众接受和使用电子政务公共服务的关键性因素。在此基础上,提出了一个用于分析和解释中国地方电子政务公共服务的公众接受问题的初步框架。  相似文献   

The eleven state universities of Florida have long shared an integrated library system architecture, but maintained separate databases. In 2009 the deans and directors of the eleven state university libraries tasked the three largest libraries to investigate the feasibility of combining all catalogs into a single bibliographic entity. With the help of a central automation group, the three successfully negotiated the fine line between sharing data and retaining the unique work created by each of the three libraries. The groundwork laid in this initiative should prove valuable to other libraries seeking to centralize functions and pool resources.  相似文献   

CSCD个性化服务研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对CSCD个性化服务进行研究,并设计其体系结构和功能模块,包括用户管理、存储服务、推送服务、定制服务和推荐服务;设计数据库结构及其之间的关系;并根据以上设计,采用基于struts2架构,利用hibernate进行服务器的交互,通过tiles整合页面各个模块,应用JQuery架构在JavaScript的编写中,实现CSCD的个性化服务。  相似文献   

网上社区信息服务是公共图书馆一种创新服务模式。在分析公共图书馆网上社区信息服务内容的基础上,探讨了我国公共图书馆开展网上社区信息服务的优势,并提出了开展网上社区信息服务的措施。  相似文献   

从文献调研看国外公共图书馆分馆读者服务研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对国外有关公共图书馆分馆读者服务研究的论文和文章进行统计分析,从论文年代、来源期刊和文献语种等方面论述了研究所呈现出的特征,最后对相关文献的内容作了进一步分析,指出了研究的重点。  相似文献   

Secret shopping is a form of unobtrusive evaluation that can be accomplished with minimal effort, but still produce rich results. With as few as 11 shoppers, the author was able to identify trends in user satisfaction with services provided across two entry-level desks at Illinois Wesleyan University's The Ames Library. The focus of this secret shopping program was on user experiences rather than whether correct answers were given by student employees working at the desks. Overall, users were satisfied or very satisfied with their experiences, though user feedback identified one desk as providing consistently better service.  相似文献   

The four FRBR user tasks have become widely accepted as functions of the library catalog, but there have been only sporadic discussions concerning their validity and sufficiency, despite their modification in the models subsequently presented in the FRAD, FRSAD, and draft FRBR-LRM reports. This article presents a critique of the four variant sets of user tasks, and proposes an extended set of six generic end-user tasks, applicable to both bibliographic and authority data: locate, collocate, connect, identify, select, and obtain. The article also outlines their interrelationships and suggests those tasks that may be particularly well supported by professional cataloging.  相似文献   

Next-generation catalogs or discovery tools (NGCs) overlay existing bibliographic data and repackage it in displays that differ from the traditional catalog. Many implementations of NGCs have revealed errors, omissions, or inconsistencies in the underlying data that had not been apparent in the traditional catalog. This study explored the effect of NGCs on cataloging functions and catalogers in academic libraries, examining catalogers’ participation in the selection and implementation processes, identifying and correcting data problems, changes to procedures or workflow, and staffing.  相似文献   


An overview of the preliminary analysis of focus group and semi-structured interviews identifies how and why college and university information seekers meet their information needs. In the age of immediate gratification, in certain situations users may settle for information that is quickly and easily available instead of library sources that are considered more authoritative and trustworthy. Meeting user needs in the library environment requires updating library catalogs to implement discovery and recommender services that provide the associations and links that are available to users in other Web-based environments and that meet these users' expectations of online systems and sources.  相似文献   

Genetics Home Reference is a free, online resource created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine. It is designed to provide genetic information to a wide variety of audiences, particularly the general public. The site consists of original information and links to other curated resources.  相似文献   

The University of North Texas Libraries provide extensive online access to academic journals through major vendor databases. As illustrated by interlibrary loan borrowing requests for items held in our databases, patrons often have difficulty navigating the available resources. In this study, the Interlibrary Loan staff used data gathered from the ILLiad interlibrary loan management system to investigate why patrons request locally available materials. This study resulted in recommendations for the Libraries' linking strategies in EBSCOhost databases. Several user education needs were identified and communicated to the Libraries' Subject Liaisons.  相似文献   

胡大琴 《图书情报工作》2017,61(15):104-110
[目的/意义]通过调查研究,探索适合国内图书馆具有可操作性的数字资源使用统计方法,以期提高数据的准确性和可比性,支持数据资源采购、管理与服务。[方法/过程]通过问卷、访谈等方式调查了15家知名的中文数据库商,分析其数字资源使用统计的现状、问题和需求。[结果/结论]发现仅同方知网一家通过COUNTER审核,4家遵循国内相关标准;仅同方知网能提供统计平台和日志信息;但统计功能均不够完善;统计指标不规范;使用统计数据应用广泛,且普遍认为其准确、规范性对于图书馆和数据库商双方均非常重要。为规范中文数据库使用统计,建议推动中文数据库商遵循COUNTER标准,利用SUSHI统一收割使用统计数据,深化统计平台功能。  相似文献   

Readers' advisory databases are used by public librarians to assist patrons in finding books based on the facts of the plot, the factors used to describe the appeal of the book, or read titles similar to another book they have read. Librarians depend on these databases to give a complete view of the titles available given these limiters, and may assume that identical searches in each database would give similar results. This study compares search results from four databases to see the extent of crossover within those results, using fact-based searches, appeal factor searches, and read-alike searches.  相似文献   

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