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Until the 2002 revision to AACR2 was adopted, cataloging rules for updating loose-leaf publications were orphans—they were excluded from previous Anglo–American rule compilations. To offer guidance to catalogers, over the years the Library of Congress issued a series of rule interpretations and supplemental resources outlining best practices and rules for cataloging loose-leafs. This article chronicles the publication, or lack of practical publication, of cataloging rules for updating loose-leafs and the impact on libraries. Also included is a review of the various organizations instrumental in garnering support for the creation and acceptance of a new paradigm and standards and concepts that would ensure the inclusion of cataloging rules for updating resources. Finally, the impacts on libraries and cooperative organizations resulting from the implementation of the new rules are examined.  相似文献   

论文以ISBD、AACR2相关规则为依据,结合对西文手稿资料范围、类型及特点分析,探讨西文手稿资料的著录规则与西文普通图书著录规则的差异,并对采用MARC21进行西文手稿资料编目方法及注意事项进行细致的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

论英美编目规则第二版2002年修订版的新概念和新规则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要介绍了“英美编目规则第二版2002年修订版”中出现的新概念,如综合形态资源,有定限资源,连续性资源等;论述了第九章电子资源中的新规定及在编目中的应用。  相似文献   

西文图书出版年的著录探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过学习AACR2和美国国会图书馆条例解释LCRIs,结合多年的工作经验,对西文图书出版日期信息的比较和著录项进行了总结,以寻求西文编目工作的规范化和标准化。  相似文献   

关于西文计算机编目的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从我国西文分编的标准依据,西文分编人员的业务素质,以及业务规范和评估方面对我国图书馆西文机读编目进行探讨。  相似文献   

跨行业编目共享是图书编目发展的必然趋势。目前,出版社、书商、图书馆对图书的分别编目导致了编目工作重复,造成了经济成本与人力成本的浪费。因此,出版社、书商、图书馆及用户应协力共建全国性跨行业书目数据网,各司其职,按统一的编目标准或数据兼容格式逐步完善、补充书目数据。  相似文献   

梁静 《重庆图情研究》2007,8(3):51-53,59
随着图书馆的发展,西文图书也日益增多,而西文图书的分类、著录在很多图书馆还处于起步阶段,极需加强。本文分析了在西文的主题标引、著录标准以及在西文的主题标引和著录的过程中经常遇到的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

贾延霞  杨慧 《图书情报工作》2014,58(18):117-121
认为批量编目是促进电子资源获取的有效手段。针对国内电子资源批量编目的实践进行调研,涉及数据质量、相关工具、对书目系统质量的影响、面临的挑战、发现系统对电子资源批量编目的影响等内容。对调研结果进行分析,发现批量编目遇到的最普遍的挑战是数据质量问题,各馆质量评估及数据编辑修改的做法有所差异,整体上国内图书馆对数据质量的重视程度还不够。最后总结国外相关实践对我们的启示。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the challenges faced by the serials cataloging staff at Texas A&M University Libraries following a decision to move materials to an off-site storage facility. The process of cataloging review developed by serials cataloging staff to address these challenges is described in detail. More specifically, the process that deals with the preparation of the collections for off-site storage, with emphasis on the unique problems created by serials that have been cataloged under pre–Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition (AACR2) rules is described.  相似文献   

This article provides a background for the change of the classification system for Chinese language materials at an academic library. It describes how the decision was made; how choices on partial reclassification or total reclassification were made; and how matters such as project planning, implementation, and vision for the future are being handled. It is hoped that the authors’ experience can offer tips for other libraries contemplating reclassification projects. By making use of the Chinese Library Classification (CLC) numbers from various sources in Mainland China, the authors envisage increased cataloging efficiency and cost saving in the long run.  相似文献   

In the current socioeconomic climate, efficiency and performance have become very important in libraries. The need for library managers to justify their costs to their parent organizations has become particularly important. Time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) helps libraries to get a better picture of the cataloging activities that they are actually engaged in, and their costs. This article reviews the relevant literature to provide an overview of different cost accounting methods suitable for the measurement of the cataloging process. Then, through a case study conducted among Estonian university libraries, the TDABC approach was used to analyze the activities of cataloging process in two university libraries.  相似文献   

近年来,国内版图书的中外文文种界定日趋困难,同种图书在不同图书馆中文种界定不一致的情况十分普遍。通过图书实例探讨授权影印版外文图书及国内原版外文图书文种界定的复杂性和采编工作的应对措施。建议高校图书馆应改革按文种划分图书的管理模式,实行按学科类集各类型文献,中外文图书混合采编,混合馆藏排架等措施,逐步实现信息资源的整合共享。  相似文献   

对《中国文献编目规则(第二版)》在国家图书馆中文编目施行一年以来所发生的新情况进行了分析,提出加强中文著录、标引与名称规范联系的必要性,强调编目完整性的重要性,同时对编目专业化与一体化发表了观点。  相似文献   

Study findings suggest that access to Spanish language adult fiction through bilingual records in the OPAC is mutually beneficial for RA librarians and patrons. Subject access depends on local cataloging policies regarding enhancements for bibliographic records and catalogers' Spanish language proficiencies. Without incentives to enhance bibliographic records, local bilingual cataloging will continue but may not be shared. Reader advisory can be improved with the multicultural RA tools, multilingual RA websites, incentives to libraries for enhancements to non‐English records, and linking individual bibliographic records in OPACS to reviews and comments for titles in languages other than English.  相似文献   

New forms of publication have called into question AACR2’s current division of the type of publication into monographs and serials. This paper analyzes the recommendations in the April 1999 report to the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) on AACR, “Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality.” The JSC report presents a new type of publication model, which recognizes elements of seriality in resources that do not meet the current AACR2 definition of serial. Recommendations in the JSC report attempt to provide rules for the cataloging of new forms of materials as well as solutions to other current cataloging problems. Some of these solutions are based on incorporating and adapting the best of former rules and practices. Anticipated benefits of the rule revision include harmonization of AACR2 with international standards, reduction of needless title changes, and a more holistic approach to serials cataloging.  相似文献   

高校图书馆编目业务外包的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述高校图书馆业务外包产生的背景,业务外包的必要性。针对目前我国高校图书馆发展趋势,提出业务外包的必要性及将来发展趋势对图书馆的影响。  相似文献   

HORIZON系统编目模块与CALIS联机编目客户端之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章客观比较了美国的Hotizon系统编目模块和CALIS联机编目系统在编目工作应用中的利弊,以期对我国图书馆系统设计和图书馆的联机编目工作有所参考。参考文献8。  相似文献   

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