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This study tests the assumption of Markovity in library circulation data. The data was obtained from The Ohio State University Libraries for the years 1975-1978. The test instrument was Rodda's "An Analytic System for Statistical Analysis of Markov Chains." Tests of the time independence of the data revealed a time dependence in the data sets. Tests of the Markovity of the circulation, where second order Markovity is assumed and first order Markovity is tested, revealed all fourteen data groups to be without Markovity. It appears from this study that further tests of the Markovity of library circulation should be conducted before models based on the same assumptions of state and time periods are constructed.  相似文献   

附盘图书的分编典藏及借阅管理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
随着电子计算机、多媒体技术、通讯技术等现代信息技术的日益发展,信息载体的形态日益多样化,逐步从单一的印刷型向着与声像、信号、电子、数字化成像等多种形式并存的方向发展,出现了许多配有光盘、软盘、录音带、录影带等的图书资料,其中以纸张和电子材料共同作为载体即书刊配以光盘、软盘的出版物,我们称之为附盘图书.  相似文献   

This study compares the circulation rates of recently published monographs and anthologies of literary criticism at libraries at five liberal arts colleges in Ohio. The analysis shows that anthologies tend to circulate at a much higher rate than monographs. Applying these findings to the cooperative development of shared collections, these findings suggest that literary criticism anthologies may merit a greater number of duplicate copies than do monographs in the same subject area in a shared college library system. This subject-specific study may serve as a model for further studies aimed at developing more nuanced duplication guidelines for shared collections.  相似文献   

本文对《普通图书著录规则》进行了认识论的哲学分析,概括出规则的理论原则——客观性原则。在说明其特定内涵后,又从客观根源性和客观规律性两个方面阐述了它在规则的具体体现和在书目活动中的意义与作用,从而说明理论原则是条例的核心、灵魂和内在生命。  相似文献   

Electronic monographic series display a complex mix of the characteristics of electronic serials, electronic books, and print monograph series. Because many cannot be managed via the typical tools and services used to manage electronic resources, providing title-level, or analytic cataloging presents challenges above and beyond the usual challenges for e-resources. This article enumerates those challenges, proposes a set of criteria for making analysis decisions for e-monograph series, and suggests other directions libraries might pursue to provide catalog access to this important category of resources.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

近年来,国内出版了一类品种多、质量高、"以书代刊"形式的连续出版物,被称之为集刊.集刊作为一种文献类型,已成为社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)的一个重要组成部分,这在一定程度上肯定了集刊的学术影响.以法律类集刊为例,这类出版物在出版形式和内容方面具有自身的特点,在利用中存在着收藏完整性较差、检索途径少等问题.对于集刊文献资源的发展和利用值得关注.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 梳理人文社科专著众筹OA出版的发展现状,分析具有公益性特点的OA出版物和具有商业性特点的众筹出版所引起的冲突,以期对学术专著众筹出版提出有价值的思考。[方法/过程] 从发起者、投资者和众筹平台3个基本要素梳理Open Book Publishers和Knowledge Unlatched的众筹模式,比较异同点,探讨两者在竞争中引起的问题。[结果/结论] 目前,欧美国家的学术专著众筹出版分为高校、众筹商和OA出版社3种模式。Knowledge Unlatched是期望通过对图书馆的优质服务获得收益的众筹商,Open Book Publishers是借助网络开展众筹出版的OA出版社,两者属于商业化大型公司和非营利性OA出版社的竞争关系,在OA出版物的商业化开发、财务公开透明、垄断性的销售模式和审核制度方面值得高度关注。  相似文献   

国家图书馆西文图书利用分析及思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国家图书馆馆藏西文图书利用状况及特点进行归纳总结 ,进而对近期西文馆藏做出初步评价 ,提出相应措施和建议 ,为今后更加科学、合理地做好西文馆藏建设决策提供客观依据。图3。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

关于授权影印版西文图书的编目问题   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
随着改革开放步伐的加快,我国出版的西文图书日益增多,特别是自我国加入国际版权公约后,国内出版界掀起了一阵与国外出版商直接签约在国内出版影印本的热潮.  相似文献   

数字人文在世界范围的兴起和发展引起了学术界的广泛关注,以往研究多聚焦数字人文的技术问题,而忽略了人文学者这一重要参与主体。本文通过多案例研究探索中国人文学者参与数字人文的现状;采用半结构化访谈法和观察法,对11位典型的人文学者进行纵贯数据收集;综合运用质性分析方法,归纳出18个影响人文学者参与数字人文的主范畴,在此基础上构建了用于解释中国学者参与数字人文的相关理论。研究发现,人文学者参与数字人文的动机是二元的,包括主动动机和被动动机;在二元动机的共同作用下,人文学者参与数字人文产生了阶段性的信息需求和参与行为,进而演化出三种参与路径:阶段式假性参与、自我调节性参与和外界干预式参与;每种参与路径的产生有其发展条件和影响因素,并且可分解为不同的阶段,每个阶段对应着各自的要素特征。通过聚焦人文学者,揭示了人文学者信息需求的不确定性和信息行为的复杂性,并提供了一种基于过程研究的全面理解人文学者复杂信息行为的方法,扩展了信息行为的相关研究,也为理解数字人文的发展趋势提供了新的思路。图4。表5。参考文献56。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(91-92):161-174

Discusses collection development issues involving humanities Internet resources with a particular focus on sustainability, and highlights a few of the major Internet vendors and resources.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据是数字人文研究的基础和核心之一,图书馆人文数据组织与重构不但能提高数字资源的利用率,而且能拓展图书馆人文数据服务,可极大地促进数字人文科学的发展,也是图书馆知识型专业服务的具体体现,有利于提供更高层次领域的服务。[方法/过程]分析数字人文研究中的人文数据特点及人文学者研究对人文数据的需求,认为图书馆需从人文数据的完整性、可计算性、可用性及重用性、可发现以及获得性等角度出发进行人文数据组织与重构。[结果/结论]要克服人文数据碎片化带来的零散、不系统的弊病,必须采用数据复原与重构的方式恢复或重建人文数据所蕴含的知识之间的联系,采用数据化、数据融合、数据关联及发布等手段,最终实现知识单元的精细粒度化、知识组织的语义化、知识呈现的可视化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以人文学者为研究对象,划分其数字能力域类别,构建人文学者用于学术研究的数字能力框架,用以探究当前我国人文学者的数字能力现状和存在问题。[方法/过程]按文史哲、语言、法律;艺术、音乐、传媒;图书馆学、档案学、博物馆学;人类学、政治学、社会学4大学科分类对国内203名相关人文学者开展问卷调查,并对问卷结果进行因子分析、T检验、单因素ANOVA分析。[结果/结论]为提高人文学者的数字能力,从人文学者开展学术研究的一般过程:前期基本信息能力、中期数字技术运用能力、末期交流共享能力三方面提出建议,为今后人文学者如何更好地开展学术活动、图书馆相应学科服务能力的升级、数字人文平台推动人文研究的发展等方面提供一定参考。  相似文献   

The impact of monographs in a vertebrate zoology collection on the scientific literature was assessed using a randomly selected sample (52 monographs), Science Citation Index and a statistical package. Characterstics of the monographs considered were: copyright date, circulation, citation frequency and subdiscipline (ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy). Citing references were dispersed among journals in a wide array of disciplines. A few monographs proved to be very highly cited (one being cited nearly 600 times), and so generated the majority of the database of 2,971 citations. The ichthyology monographs generated the broadest subject dispersion among citing references. The herpetology collection is less active than are the others in terms of circulation and current citation frequency. The sample has been generating an ever increasing share of the citations in the Science Citation Index. A method that applies citation analysis to the evaluation of monograph collections is outlined.  相似文献   

This article describes the ‘On-Demand Publishing in the Humanities’ project, funded by JISC as part of the eLib programme, at Liverpool John Moores University. The principal aims of the project were to develop a ‘cheap and cheerful’ model for networking electronic texts, to develop a model agreement for the networking of copyright texts for use with publishers, and to shed light on the problems and benefits of on-demand publishing for all the stakeholders involved. The article sets out the project methods, describes the extent to which the aims of the project have been fulfilled, analyses the reactions of end-users to the materials, and attempts an assessment of the current viability of on-demand publishing as a means of supplying copyright texts to students.  相似文献   


This article examines the current state of Open Access for the humanities and social sciences in the Czech Republic. Since the Velvet Revolution in 1989, and following the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia in January of 1993, the Open Access movement in the Czech context remains understudied. This article focuses on the current state of affairs of Open Access in the Czech Republic within the European Union framework for Open Access.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):123-136

Humanists build new ideas and arguments based upon studies done in the past. Although research requires these scholars to pick through the literature that has come before, much has been lost because of the lack of adequate comprehensive reference tools. In the age of technology, new projects are available which enhance and enlarge the body of work upon which future scholars can build. For reference librarians helping with research questions in the humanities, the marriage of traditional reference tools and new on-line resources means a richer cumulation of past scholarship. In this paper, I will discuss strategies for academic humanities reference librarians to integrate traditional and electronic reference resources, and the need to continue learning the skills to use both. Humanities reference librarians must continue the great humanist tradition of building new ideas upon older foundations by successfully acquiring and using both new and old reference resources.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

文章从数字图书馆的服务宗旨、服务体系、馆员作用、知识共享等方面,分析论述了数字图书馆的人文性。指出数字图书馆的价值实现需要技术和人文的双重支撑,只有实现科学精神和人文精神的结合,才能持续健康发展。参考文献4。  相似文献   

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