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职业生涯规划是人生和事业成功的导航仪,对大学生的成长与发展有着重要的意义和指导作用。目前许多高校已经开设了职业生涯规划课程,但也存在着许多问题。高校应该从树立职业生涯规划理念,构建全程化、系统化的职业生涯规划教育体系,建设专业化、高素质的职业生涯规划教师队伍,建立健全大学生职业生涯规划课程体系,开展职业训练等几个方面来不断完善我国大学生职业生涯规划教育。  相似文献   

Taking a life‐cycle’ perspective in the study of the teaching career allows us to generate some new insights into how teachers evolve professionally. More specifically, this perspective opens new windows for the study of pre‐service and in‐service education. In this particular life‐cycle’ study, teachers’ ‘mastery’ of the most important aspects of classroom instruction was explored. It turns out that many facets are not mastered, either at the outset or later on in one's career. It also turns out that the ‘classic’ or conventional offers of in‐service training are under‐utilised. A proposal is made to graft the in‐service component onto the ways in which teachers spontaneously go about trying to remedy shortcomings in their instructional repertoires.  相似文献   

陈法是清初理学名臣,但其思想中有着浓厚的隐逸情怀。儒家的“经世”理念与出世的“隐逸”情怀所形成的激烈冲突使陈法的仕宦生涯一直处在“仕”与“隐”的往复之中。在仕宦的不同阶段,陈法的隐逸思想也在发生着变化,从渴求悠游山林到吏隐,陈法一直在努力找寻着“经世”与“隐逸”的平衡点,但终因其刚直的性格,陈法最终毅然放弃了仕途,实现了彻底的归隐。  相似文献   

On the concept of career transition – a theoretical discussion with regard to Super's theory of career development.The aim of this article is to promote a differentiated concept of career transitions. First, Super's theory concerning this topic is analysed. The conclusion is that Super considered career transitions as being processes that occur every time an individual is destabilised by socio-economic and/or personal events. In this respect, transitions from one life-stage to the next are not to be regarded as something special. Second, a general career transition model is outlined based on Super's approach and including theory elements developed by other researchers. Some dimensions of transition strategies are discussed using cases from an ongoing study. Finally, some implications for research and career counselling practice are formulated.  相似文献   

Reports published since 1977 indicate that African Americans are underrepresented among Ph.D.‐holding scientists. Although researchers have identified numerous factors that correlate with career choice, they have failed to address students' reasons for choosing or not choosing science and science‐related careers. This study examines the career decisions of three African‐American college students. All three students began college aspiring toward science‐related careers. However, by the end of data collection only one student was working toward a science‐related career. Data were collected by means of eight, open‐ended, 1‐hour interviews conducted over a period of 6 months. Findings indicate that students' interest in a science‐related career is directly related to the degree to which they perceive that career as being supportive of deep‐seated life goals; and that a deeper view of the nature of science better enables students to perceive a science‐related career as supportive of life goals. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 599–621, 2001  相似文献   

职业生涯规划应分为生涯规划和职业规划两部分。大学生尚处于个性发展、成熟和生涯观念的形成过程中,职业生涯规划的重点应放在生涯规划方面。大学生尚不具备独立完成职业生涯规划的完全能力。处于职业生涯的探索和确立阶段的大学生,进行持续的职业生涯探索(自我探索、环境探索)和实践(环境认知实践、学业实践、社会性实践和尝试性职业实践)是大学生职业生涯规划的两个要点。  相似文献   

从大学生社会适应性的概念界定入手,分析了当前社会适应视阈下大学生职业生涯与教育的现状,提出了通过高校建立服务于大学生的教育服务体系、大学生在职业生涯规划中做到自规自划、密切联系社会用人单位,广开大学生就业渠道等途径构建大学生的职业生涯教育体系,实现大学生、高校与社会的共同发展.  相似文献   

Defining 'Early Career' in Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to ensure the future of high qualityresearch in some disciplines it may benecessary to provide special consideration inprestigious research funding schemes for earlycareer researchers who will otherwise becomedisenchanted with academic research and leaveit behind in their search for a stable andfruitful future. Milestones in progressionthrough research studies and academic life toestablishment as an academic researcher areoutlined. Within this context, a range ofpotential criteria for determining promisingearly career status are reviewed. Thediscussion leads to derivation of thedefinition of early career which has beenadopted by the Australian Research Council forits prestigious Discovery – Projects grantsscheme.  相似文献   

翻译家和古文大家林纾,正式职业就是教师,但其长达50多年的教学生涯却极少有人关注.为了从新的一个角度对林纾有一个再认识,文章在广泛搜集材料基础上,阐述了林纾救国兴学的教育理念、不拘一格严谨务实的教学活动及平凡执著的教书生涯.林纾的教育思想、教学实践,对当时的京师大学堂(今北京大学)乃至全国的教育教学,都有积极而深刻的影响;即使对今天的教育教学改革,也将有很大的补益作用.  相似文献   

瞿佑在杭州、南京、周府、保安、北京都留下了足迹,一生交游极广。章在宏观考察瞿佑每个时期的交游的前提下,尽可能微观地考清交游的生平事迹。  相似文献   

把大学生职业生涯规划与思想政治教育结合起来开展研究,能够不断创新思想政治教育的思路和方法,帮助大学生正确认识自我和评价自我,树立正确的人生观和择业观,实现当代大学生的全面发展,为大学生就业提供重要的帮助。  相似文献   

Teachers' career transitions and their positive as well as negative outcomes were left relatively untouched in the literature and research on education. In an effort to fill in gaps in knowledge, this paper reports the findings of a life story study that explored inter‐school transitions during the career cycle of mid‐career women teachers in Israel. The study aimed at understanding the process of voluntary IST and its association with the teachers' self‐renewal, as well as to unearth contextual and biographical determinants that facilitate this kind of connection in their career cycle. Based on life story interviews with eight primary and secondary teachers, the study provides insight into a positive consequence of the inter‐school transition among mid‐life teachers. In subsequence to the transition, the teachers reported having a sense of greater self‐esteem/image, feeling energy replenishing and enthusiasm and increasing inclination to launch changes and innovations, all of which are elements of the professional's self‐renewal process. Practical implications are suggested.  相似文献   

歌剧是音乐和戏剧相互融合的高级形式,在艺术领域有着深远的影响。在歌剧的发展历史中,先后出现了很多艺术大家,马丽亚?卡拉斯就是其中的代表人物之一。本文着重研究了卡拉斯的艺术经历,并分析了她经典歌剧的演唱艺术特点,以期古为今用,学习借鉴,促进歌剧事业的繁荣。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the broader college and career readiness agenda encourage educators, researchers, and other stakeholders to focus on preparing students for life after high school. A key emphasis is literacy, as the ability to read and comprehend written language is critical to success in college and careers. Understanding the level of reading comprehension needed for college and careers has important instructional implications. This study examined text complexity levels of various career texts using the Reading Maturity Metric and compared them to expectations in the CCSS. Text samples were selected for jobs from the five job zones in the Occupational Information Network database. Text complexity demands for all careers were generally in the CCSS range of college and career readiness and increased as job zone and required preparation increased. Results could provide specific career-related targets to make the CCSS reading requirements more relevant for students.  相似文献   

中年是生命周期中重要的人生阶段,中年职业女性在家庭和职场上均扮演着重要的角色,她们社会地位和经济基础稳定,并通过丰富的工作经验和社会关系取得了一定成就,受到职场的重视和信任;由于被信赖、被依靠,责任和压力聚集在一起,加之生理自然规律的发展,中年职业女性或许会更早进入更年期。大部分的中年职业女性对于更年期有着一定的心理恐惧和排斥,但是更年期是女性必经的一个阶段,如果中年职业女性能科学地了解更年期,就可以理性地应对更年期的各种症状,更好地管理自己情绪和健康,更加和谐地工作、学习和生活,平安地进入人生的另一个阶段。  相似文献   

Conclusion Information-processing theory has the potential to yield new understanding of the career development process. However, theorists and researchers must be cognizant of the many ways in which current approaches are limited in their ability to relate process explanations to career outcomes which differ for females and males. These approaches could be made more sensitive to female/male differences by: (a) examining the nature of thedecision which is being investigated; (b) expanding the notion ofinformation to include that which is relevant to the decision regarding the importance of work in one's life and also that which relates to the interpersonal context of occupations; (c) relating the vocationalschema to otherschema, i.e., the genderschema; and (d) noting whether process variables are general, sex-related, or sex-specific.Patricia L. Wolleat is Professor and Chair, Department of Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education, 321 Education, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

职业预期对中职学生职业能力的培养以及就业有着极为重要的作用,但这一核心理念并没有受到应有的重视。通过对中职学生与企业员工的问卷调查发现,两者的职业预期在学习进修、晋升空间与自我实现方面存在显著差异,且两者的职业预期所受到的影响因素上也同样存在显著性差异。由此可见,学校、企业和社会要更加关注中职生的职业预期,这样他们才会形成正确的人生观、价值观与择业观。  相似文献   

丁克家庭是夫妻放弃生育,共同工作而追求高收入高品质生活和事业的家庭。丁克一般是典型的"高知高收者",认定生育的投资时间特别长,投资付出特别大,投资相对回报率特别低,会严重影响生活品质和事业。需要的层次理论认为,某一层次的需要相对满足后,就会向高一层次发展,追求高一层次的需要将成为驱使行为的动力。获得基本满足的需要不再是激励力量。我国人口学强调追求生命"质量"是高级需要,而追求"数量"是低级需要。丁克家庭的心理学成因是"当生理、安全与(老年)保障、归属与爱的需求良好地获得满足之后,人们为进一步追求尊重和自我实现,自然地作出的合乎心理学规律的选择。"  相似文献   

Counselor supervision occurs during a critical stage when counselors‐in‐training (CITs) are actively developing their career self‐concept as they adapt to professional life and responsibilities. This article provides an application of a narrative approach for supervisors helping CITs understand how their personal occupational images interplay with adjusting to the work environment. With this understanding, CITs are able to identify aspects of the professional career image that they want to develop and portray in their pursuit of a career in counseling.  相似文献   

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