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Precise documentation of cultural heritage status is essential for its protection and scientific studies carried out during the restoration and renovation process. The close range photogrammetry has been used successfully for documentation of cultural heritage. With recent developments in computer and information technologies, this well-known traditional method has been replaced with digital close-range photogrammetry. This new method offers us new opportunities such as automatic orientation and measurement procedures, generation of 3D vector data, digital ortho-image and digital surface model. Terrestrial laser scanning is another technology that in recent years has become increasingly popular for documentation which provides very dense 3D points on an object surface with high accuracy. In addition, the 3D model and digital ortho-image can be easily generated using generated 3D point cloud and recorded digital images.  相似文献   

3D reconstructions of small objects are more and more frequently employed in several disciplines such as medicine, archaeology, restoration of cultural heritage, forensics, etc. The capability of performing accurate analyses directly on a three-dimensional surface allows for a significant improvement in the accuracy of the measurements, which are otherwise performed on 2D images acquired through a microscope. In this work we present a new methodology for the 3D reconstruction of small sized objects based on a multi-view passive stereo technique applied on a sequence of macro images. The resolving power of macro lenses makes them ideal for photogrammetric applications, but the very small depth of field is their biggest limit. Our approach solves this issue by using an image fusion algorithm to extend the depth of field of the images used in the photogrammetric process. The paper aims to overcome the problems related to the use of macro lenses in photogrammetry, showing how it is possible to retrieve the camera calibration parameters of the sharp images by using an open source Structure from Motion software. Our approach has been tested on two case studies, on objects with a bounding box diagonal ranging from 13.5 mm to 41 mm. The accuracy analysis, performed on certified gauge blocks, demonstrates that the experimental setup returns a 3D model with an accuracy that can reach the 0.05% of the bounding box diagonal.  相似文献   

Cultural heritage sites and artefacts get a significant added value from high-resolution 3D models. These models are increasingly available due to improvements in technology and to higher integration of survey techniques such as laser scanning and photogrammetry. In this paper we present a case study on the development of a web-based application for user access and interactive exploration of three-dimensional models by providing integrated geometrical and non-geometrical information into an intuitive interface. The main feature of this interactive system is to provide the user with a completely new visit experience based on a free interactive exploration interface of the object (i.e., not constrained by any predefined pathway) and on the opportunity to get more detailed information on specific parts of interest. A parallel aim achieved was to use, in data processing and in the architecture, open source tools and free software, thus providing full transparency on adopted methodology and data processing methods, and a cost effective solution both for server and client. Furthermore, the aspect of data size has been considered using a segmentation and simplification scheme and server-side data management to keep transmission size to a minimum, thus improving access speed.  相似文献   

The Minerva of Arezzo is an ancient bronze statue located at the Museo Archeologico in Florence and currently under repair at the Restoration Centre of the Soprintendenza Archeologica of the Tuscany Region. We assembled a complete three-dimensional (3D) digital model of the Minerva before the restoration started. More 3D models will be produced to keep track of the variations that occurred during the restoration process, up to the final acquisition of the form of the restored artwork. The modelling of the Minerva will be the focal point of an ambitious “Minerva Project” that involves the integration of data from other sources in a 3D digital model of the object. Besides this, the project is aimed at showing how 3D techniques can be used to design useful and easily manageable new tools for the diagnostics of archaeological objects. 3D measurements have been realized by means of a high-resolution laser scanner developed at National Institute for Applied Optics (INOA). The instrument is composed of commercial low-cost components in order to be competitive with the very expensive commercial devices. Besides this, our scanner is supported by an efficient and flexible software developed by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) that supports all the post-processing phases of a 3D scanning session (range data alignment, merge and simplification).  相似文献   

Stone conservation at Chambord Castle and monitoring of its changes over time is actually an urgent necessity in order to preserve and enhance this historic and tourist site. Its porous stones suffer from degradation problems depending on physical and chemical parameters that are the origin of frequent restorations. The goal of this research is to supply authorities of the castle with a tool for scientific monitoring and decision support, based on the acquisition of alteration mapping and on the estimation of degradation patterns, in order to permit rational programming operations of restorations. This paper proposes an approach for digital documentation about the conservation state of buildings. The approach is based on the connection between a structured 3D model and structured 2D mapping data. In particular, in the NUBES web platform, a specific interface has been implemented, permitting the displaying and cross-reference of 2D mapping data on the 3D model in real time, by means of structured 2D layer-like annotations concerning stone degradation, dating, and material.  相似文献   

Terrestrial laser scanning technique has represented one of the more advances occurred in the last years in the field of data acquisition. Time-of-Flight (TOF) systems provide a fast and reliable tool to measure millions of 3D points allowing a very effective and dense measurement of the surface geometry. Nowadays, the generation of high quality 3D models is a practice applied to different kind of objects: small or medium size artworks, parts of human body, cars, buildings, civil infrastructures (like dams, bridges, plants, etc.) and whole archaeological sites as well. In most cases, in order to capture the whole object geometry a number of single scans need to be acquired from different positions and then stitched together (i.e. registered each other) to generate the full 3D model. The automatization of the registration of multiple scans acquired from a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) still represents a very attractive research field. The chance to automatically align several point clouds would reduce processing costs in terms of time and human resources. In addition it would allow even non-specialist users to produce 3D models with good quality. This paper contributes to this research area by presenting a method for the automatic registration of very dense point clouds acquired by TLS systems. The proposed solution is an extension to large datasets of an automatic range data registration procedure we developed a few years ago for the modelling of point clouds acquired with close-range laser scanners. Such procedure, based on the spin-images (SIs) algorithm, has been then improved with the introduction of a multi-resolution method that generates a pyramid of spin-images in order to speed up the matching between adjacent scans. The results we present show that this method can be successfully applied for the automatic registration of high density laser scans of complex and large structures of Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

It is an indisputable reality that the most important thing for transmitting cultural heritage to posterity is a sensitive documentation. Up to the present there have been many developments in documentation of cultural heritage by developing technology, and contemporary documentation techniques have progressed speedily. In time, modern methods have become preferable to conventional methods in architecture generally in the existent state and in determination of deformations and preparation of measured drawing projects of historical edifices. Digital and 3D data, rich visual images obtained by digital close-range photogrammetry, and orthophoto images of edifices, are governed and shepherded in documentation and future conservation projects. Also, these methods supply much ease, precision and time-saving in measured drawing projects when compared with conventional methods. In this study, contributions of digital close-range photogrammetry to measured drawing projects were evaluated. A historical building, which had been exposed to fire two times in Konya (Turkey), was photographed and its situation before and after the fire was demonstrated. In addition, the building's measured drawings of facade and its 3D model were completed using digital close-range photogrammetry. The building's present status and its reconstruction project is indicated and how digital close-range photogrammetry contributes to measured drawing, reconstruction and restoration projects is presented. Furthermore, the significance of present-day use of digital close-range photogrammetry in the acquisition of data and preparation of measured drawing projects for historical buildings is emphasized. This study has been completed by photogrammetrists, architects, urban planners and restorers.  相似文献   

Computer tomography (CT) technology has greatly contributed to the feasibility and convenience of detecting and visualizing the internal material constitution and geometrical fabrication of museum artifacts. This paper presents a case study of 3D virtual reconstruction for the CT-acquisition-based study of a cultural heritage artifact. It documents the complete procedure, including the preprocessing, segmentation and visualization of the data by providing coarse interactive exploration and integrated high-quality renderings. A parallel aim achieved was to use open source tools and free software for segmentation and visualization, thus providing full transparency of the adopted methodology and 3D visualization methods, and a cost effective solution for ordinary CPU-based PC users. Furthermore, the challenges of the large data volumes involved have been addressed using preprocessing, a segmentation scheme and linked front-to-back management to keep interaction and high-quality rendering available, thus achieving corresponding demands.  相似文献   

In this article we present our global approach to the problem of accurate 3D measurement and reconstruction of 3D works of art using a calibrated multi-camera system. In particular, we illustrate a simple and effective adaptive technique for the self-calibration of CCD-based multi-camera acquisition systems with minimum a-prior information. We also propose a general and robust approach to the problem of close-range partial 3D reconstruction of objects from stereo-correspondences. Finally, we introduce a method for performing an accurate patchworking of the partial reconstructions, based on 3D curve matching.  相似文献   

The study refers to the visual representation of the coastal front of the historical center of Thessaloniki in northern Greece and its changes that have occurred through the years. Most of the old town was destroyed by fire on August 18, 1917. A few years later, the French architect and archeologist Ernest Hébrard proposed the reconstruction of the city centre, but his plans were never fully implemented. Since then, a series of interventions changed the form of the old town and consequently the coastal cityscape. The research was initially based on the photogrammetric processing of archive aerial images (1938) of Thessaloniki's city centre. Besides the vertical images, high oblique aerial images dated back to 1932, proved to be a significant source of information. A rich archive of old photographic material, sketches, drawings and gravures of the coastal forehead of the city was also used. Ortho-images of the coastal front, derived from laser scanning (2010), and a 3D model of the historical city center, derived from the stereo photogrammetric process of aerial images (1990), contributed decisively at the multi temporal study of the city front. The main outcomes of the present documentation study are the 3D representation (at scale of 1:200, accuracy 5 cm) of temporal changes of a part of the coastal front of the historical center of Thessaloniki and the 2D representation (at scale 1:100, accuracy 1–2 cm) of these changes with respect to variations on skyline, lacunas, interventions in old buildings, etc.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) digital preservation aims at generating 3D models of objects that have cultural or scientific value. It allows realistic visualization of objects through virtual museums or scientific applications, and the restoration of the preserved object in case of natural wear or accidents. This work contributes to this research area by presenting a method to improve color texture quality of 3D models obtained from color and depth images of a laser scanner. Although this device offers precise depth information, the resulting color information is still poor and limits the generation of realistic textures. Our approach is to capture photographs of the object with a high-resolution digital camera and use them to generate a new color texture for the 3D model. Our work proposes a practical technique, easy to replicate, to generate high quality textures for 3D models from photographs. The method is composed by three main steps: (1) calibration of the image acquisition devices; (2) data acquisition; and (3) texture generation. In this paper, we detail our color texture generation method and apply it on the digital preservation of many artworks made by native Brazilians (indians) from the Wauja and Karaja communities. These indigenous communities are acknowledged as great ceramic artists, each bearing their own main themes, using a very rich symbolism in their paintings. Their artworks represent important aspects of the native South American culture and their digital preservation is motivated by three main reasons: (1) their fragility; (2) the paintings loose their original appearance with time; and (3) the possibility of extinction of these communities. We present several results of preserved artworks with enhanced quality realistic texture maps. Also, we present a methodology to analyze the quality and accuracy of texture maps. The resulting 3D models can be visualized through a tool we developed to support the virtual exhibit of 3D preserved heritage.  相似文献   

It is a fact that the most important thing for transmitting cultural heritage to posterity starts with a sensitive documentation step. Up to the present, there have been many developments in documentation of cultural heritage by developing technology, and contemporary documentation techniques have progressed speedily. Nowadays besides of a sensitive documentation, rapidness has gain importance for the sake of time and cost. Because of these facts, the techniques that provide fast and reliable documentation and modeling like digital close-range photogrammetry and laser scanning became preferable with respect to classical architectural methods. In this paper, the studies of precise measurement, 3D modeling and documentation of Nippur Cubit is presented. The Nippur cubit–the first known standard measure of length–was a heavy copper bar, unearthed at Nippur on the Euphrates River dating from about 2650 B.C. This ancient measuring device is nowadays exposed in the Archeological Museum of Istanbul, Turkey. For the purpose of 3D modeling and archiving of the mentioned object, digital close-range photogrammetry and laser scanning technology were applied and results obtained from these two techniques were compared.  相似文献   

This paper describes GPR (ground penetrating radar) surveys performed inside the crypt of the San Miguel de los Reyes Monastery (1546–1835) in order to detect the exact location of its founders' remains, the Dukes of Calabria (16th century). This Monastery was erected to house their family mausoleum and the bodies of the founders were buried near the high altar of the church (1645). However, in the 18th century, the tombs were exhumed to provide them with a worthier burial site: the crypt below the high altar. There is no documentation specifying the exact location of the tombs inside the crypt. Therefore, in order to reveal the exact location of the tombs the GPR survey was conducted inside the crypt.In our specific study, the available historical documentation led us to suppose that the Dukes of Calabria's remains were inside their mausoleums. However, after having performed the GPR analysis, we discovered that the mausoleums were solid and not hollow. The project required data collection on four areas in the crypt: the altar crypt, the Fernando de Aragón mausoleum, the Germana de Foix mausoleum and the floor between the two mausoleums and the altar.In this study, we have processed the GPR records in three different ways: the radargrams were processed in a standard manner, a detailed spectral analysis of all anomalous areas was carried out, and finally a 3D representation was generated. After this complete analysis we concluded that the bodies were not located inside their mausoleums, because they were shown to be solid. Besides, a burial site was located in the crypt subsurface near the Germana de Foix mausoleum, in which four different elements could be identified. Two of them may well be the tombs of the Dukes of Calabria and the other two the tombs of the Germana de Foix sisters.The results obtained in this survey are a good example of GPR application as an efficient and respectful tool for use in Cultural Heritage restoration studies, providing it with a very useful technique for similar projects such as those carried out in the restoration of historical buildings and those in which the elements to be examined are beneath a shallow coating of material.  相似文献   

Virtual restoration of cultural heritage (CH) artefacts is an important task that aims to digitally recreate the original appearance of damaged items. In this paper, a method that can be used for virtual restoration of faces appearing in damaged Byzantine icons is presented. Given a damaged face, the complete three-dimensional (3D) geometry of the face is reconstructed using data from the non-damaged facial parts and the texture of the damaged areas is restored. A key aspect of the proposed method is the use of a customized 3D deformable face model suitable for representing the geometry of Byzantine faces, the so-called Byzantine Style Specific Model (BSSM). A BSSM is generated by enforcing rule-based constraints on a deformable model trained using 3D scans of human faces. The use of a BSSM ensures that the Byzantine style is preserved during the process of shape restoration.  相似文献   

Safeguarding and exploiting Cultural Heritage induce the production of numerous and heterogeneous data. The management of these data is an essential task for the use and the diffusion of the information gathered on the field. Previously, the data handling was a hand-made task done thanks to efficient and experienced methods. Until the growth of computer science, other methods have been carried out for the digital preservation and treatment of Cultural Heritage information. The development of computerized data management systems to store and make use of archaeological datasets is then a significant task nowadays. Especially for sites that have been excavated and worked without computerized means, it is now necessary to put all the data produced onto computer. This allows preservation of the information digitally (in addition with the paper documents) and offers new exploitation possibilities, like the immediate connection of different kinds of data for analyses, or the digital documentation of the site for its improvement. Geographical Information Systems have proved their potentialities in this scope, but they are not always adapted to the management of features at the scale of a particular archaeological site. Therefore this paper aims to present the development of a Virtual Research Environment dedicated to the exploitation of intra-site Cultural Heritage data. The Information System produced is based on open-source software modules dedicated to the Internet, so users can avoid being software driven and can register and consult data from different computers. The system gives the opportunity to do exploratory analyses of the data, especially at spatial and temporal levels. The system is compliant to every kind of Cultural Heritage site and allows management of diverse types of data. Some experimentation has been done on sites managed by the Service of the National Sites and Monuments of Luxembourg.  相似文献   

Accurate three-dimensional representations of cultural heritage sites are highly valuable for scientific study, conservation, and educational purposes. In addition to their use for archival purposes, 3D models enable efficient and precise measurement of relevant natural and architectural features. Many cultural heritage sites are large and complex, consisting of multiple structures spatially distributed over tens of thousands of square metres. The process of effectively digitising such geometrically complex locations requires measurements to be acquired from a variety of viewpoints. While several technologies exist for capturing the 3D structure of objects and environments, none are ideally suited to complex, large-scale sites, mainly due to their limited coverage or acquisition efficiency. We explore the use of a recently developed handheld mobile mapping system called Zebedee in cultural heritage applications. The Zebedee system is capable of efficiently mapping an environment in three dimensions by continually acquiring data as an operator holding the device traverses through the site. The system was deployed at the former Peel Island Lazaret, a culturally significant site in Queensland, Australia, consisting of dozens of buildings of various sizes spread across an area of approximately 400 × 250 m. With the Zebedee system, the site was scanned in half a day, and a detailed 3D point cloud model (with over 520 million points) was generated from the 3.6 hours of acquired data in 2.6 hours. We present results demonstrating that Zebedee was able to accurately capture both site context and building detail comparable in accuracy to manual measurement techniques, and at a greatly increased level of efficiency and scope. The scan allowed us to record derelict buildings that previously could not be measured because of the scale and complexity of the site. The resulting 3D model captures both interior and exterior features of buildings, including structure, materials, and the contents of rooms.  相似文献   

On many occasions, the graphic information handled by people working in the cultural heritage sector is still bidimensional. Layouts showing elevations and cross sections are the most widespread tools. However, there is an increased need for carefully detailing the complexity of valuable sites with an improved accuracy. This implies the measuring and handling of three-dimensional data, using both commercial and turn-key hardware and software solutions. Taking the usual traditional process as a reference, in the present paper a new effective methodology for carrying out computer assisted delineation of layouts from cultural heritage sites, using 3D digital models, is described. The proposed procedure has been tested in five intervention projects on representative churches within the “Merindad de Aguilar de Campoo” medieval area, in the north of Spain.1 This area has the largest collection of Romanesque art in the world, and is currently under European Heritage Site and World Heritage Site declaration process by the UNESCO.  相似文献   

Complete digital recording of Cultural Heritage is a multidimensional process. It depends highly on the nature of the subject of recording as well as the purpose of its recording. The whole process involves the three-dimensional digitization, digital data processing and storage, archival and management, representation and reproduction. In this paper we briefly review methods for three-dimensional digitization that are applicable to cultural heritage recording.  相似文献   

To create photorealistic three-dimensional (3D) models of real scenes and objects is a challenging problem that demands advanced knowledge of computer vision and computer graphics. Systems that can reconstruct the 3D model of cultural artefacts have found many applications such as virtual museum and historical archiving. While there are methods for 3D digitization of cultural artefacts with high geometric resolution, there are still limitations in achieving high textural resolution for virtual exhibition. One major problem is that the object surface exhibits specular reflection of illuminated light during the acquisition of surface texture. The shading of the target object does not match to other objects or pictures in the virtual scene. Also, if texture of the object must be composed of multiple images, the mismatch of shading (radiometric difference) among the images can be very prominent. In order to create high visual quality exhibition, the specular reflections must be eliminated and then the virtual scene is relit by a synthetic light source. Most existing methods for the identification and removal of specular reflection component demand special device or rely on information obtained in a single image. In order to reconstruct a complete 3D model, we need to acquire a multi-view image sequence. We therefore propose a new method that is applicable for the separation of diffuse and specular reflection components in multi-view image sequence. Also, our method can tackle the specular reflection across the texture boundary. The image sequence is first normalized by the estimated illumination color. Based on the dichromatic reflection model, the specular chromaticity is replaced by the corresponding diffuse chromaticity, which can always be found in neighboring views with the highlights already faded away. We test the new method in modeling Yixing ceramic teapots. The shape model of the teapot is obtained by a laser scanner. The diffuse image sequence is then used to generate the texture map. We create the virtual scene with the photorealistic 3D teapot model, some synthetic 3D models and still pictures. Interactive exhibition of the artefact is achieved with the control of the mouse and simple keyboard commands. This paper gives an account of the procedures for the creation of interactive virtual exhibition of ceramic artefacts.  相似文献   

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