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Papermaking has a special place in the cultural heritage of China. Papers made from different types of plant fibers were, and are still used for particular applications. Bamboo paper is a handmade paper that has been traditionally used for book printing and restoration of ancient paper objects since antiquity in China, whereas Xuan paper, the subject of recent previous study, is used for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. Following our previous approach on Xuan paper, four modern Bamboo papers manufactured using traditional or chemically-facilitated techniques were artificially aged by UVA radiation and changes to their optical properties were evaluated by reflectance and 3D-fluorescence spectroscopies. Paper samples produced by different methods displayed different fluorescence spectra and UVA photolysis of paper resulted in decreases in the fluorescence intensities and reflectance values, manifested as differing photoyellowing of the papers. Assays of reactive oxygen species, ROS, revealed that papers made by chemically-assisted pulping methods generally produce more hydrogen peroxide or superoxide radicals than those made by traditional methods, which correlates with their relative yellowing rates. Different spatial distributions of calcium and chlorine were also observed by SEM/EDS analysis in the chemically-manufactured papers, probably arising from the specific pulping and/or bleaching chemicals used in their manufacture.  相似文献   

正从大年初二开始在央视播出的《中国诗词大会》第二季,掀起了一股"全民诗词"的热潮。这档文化类综艺节目被网友称为"电视界的一股清流"。百人团组成行走的"诗词库",王立群、康震、蒙曼和郦波四位专家点评精准独到,加上温婉知性的主持人董卿,满腹诗书的选手,一起为观众奉上了10集"诗词界的饕餮盛宴"。在点评专家、中央民族大学副教授蒙曼看来,《中国诗词大会》之所以能引起共鸣,就是打动了中国人的一颗"诗心"。  相似文献   

Organic-inorganic lime mortars were widely used in many ancient buildings due to their good performance in some fields (such as caking property, water repellency, weatherability, etc.). However, many ancient buildings and sites are suffering from various degrees of damage with the development of the economy and society and appropriate conservation and restoration are needed. The application of traditional construction materials, such as organic-inorganic lime mortars, attracts more and more attention in the conservation and restoration of ancient buildings in the recent years. So, the understanding of the components of original lime mortar which remained in ancient sites is of fundamental significance. In this work a set of analytical procedures to identify the organic additives in lime mortars by classical chemical analysis is proposed. The results show that using iodine-potassium iodide reagent, Benedict's reagent, reduction phenolphthalein reagent, Coomassie brilliant blue and sodium periodate oxidation glycerin acetyl acetone method could effectively detect a small amount of starch, reducing sugar, blood, protein and fatty acid ester that remained in ancient buildings’ lime mortars, respectively. These analytical methods are easy to operate with low detection limit, high accuracy and some other advantages.  相似文献   

本文考察了德国汉学史的分期及其相关的文献。文章除了对欧洲汉学与德国汉学的关系进行了探讨之外,还着重从欧洲汉学的历史出发分析概括出了德国汉学史的分期和特征。在对有关德国汉学史的新旧德文文献进行了爬梳之后,本文还举例说明了对德国汉学史认识的批判视角的重要性。  相似文献   

曾做过保安的中国农民蔡小华做梦也没想到,有位艳若天仙的美国女大学生会爱上自己,而且是那样的义无反顾,二人最终花好月圆!  相似文献   

本文通过对一些较为典型的原始初姓与感生神话之间的关系予以剖析,认为“姓”之所出,源于“因生以为姓”,所以,姒姓犹言苡所生,子姓犹言卵所生,嬴姓犹言燕所生,姬姓犹言足迹所生,姜姓意为羊所生,姚姓意为桃所生。其原生态的文化内涵即是反映了原始初民的生殖崇拜和图腾崇拜观念向祖先崇拜的演进。而从社会形态来说,则反映了母权制氏族社会向父权制氏族社会的转变,以及家族公社向家族私有制的发展。  相似文献   

The historical paper samples from XIII–XIX c. are characterised by means of techniques of the optical spectroscopy. The influence of pulsed laser cleaning by means of the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm on the spectra and also cleaning results of stained paper documents are reported and considered. In the absorption spectra, the minima around 280 and 370 nm are identified and luminescence reveals a characteristic band centred around 430 nm. The laser cleaning diagnosed by the recording of the LIF spectra with 266 nm excitation shows a profile of increasing intensity and preserved structure. The LIPS spectra reveal sharp emission lines recorded at 612.5, 644.2, 646.5, 671, 714.9, 720.2 nm (Ca I), 589.4, 616.4, 780 nm (Na I), and 766.5: 769.9 nm (Mg I) which are ascribed to the surface contaminations. The intensity decrease of these peaks is in accordance with successive laser pulses and monitors the cleaning progress of the stained paper.  相似文献   

2006年春,著名物理学家丁肇中在他70寿辰的时候,应邀到中央电视台作客。当时,丁肇中正在领导着AMS计划,这个计划由十几个国家的500多位科技人员参加。  相似文献   

小五 《文化交流》2014,(4):46-49
中国读者知道列夫·托尔斯泰(1828-1910)的早期创作《塞瓦斯托波尔纪事》,大都是从罗曼·罗兰(1866-1944)的《托尔斯泰传》得来.  相似文献   

全球化时代与中国文化的再出发--陈立夫空中访谈录之三   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
○祖国大陆的改革开放凝聚着百年中国全部的苦难与梦想 ,屈辱与反抗 ,挫折与探索。在全球化时代的今天 ,我们有资格昂头挺胸谈论中国文化的再出发 ,这对五千年的文化生命是一种安慰 ,我想对先生也是一种安慰。●谈中国文化的再出发 ,我有三个问题弄不明白 ,而且我认为这些问题没个说法 ,那末按问题的内在逻辑必然给出如下结论 ,即中国文化不可能再出发 ,甚至中国文化能否继续存在都将成为最大问题。三个什么问题呢 ?第一 ,近代中国的落伍究竟是西方列强的侵略还是中国文化的所谓“劣根性”。综观一部人类文化史 ,世界上大概很难找到中国那样…  相似文献   

歌曲是文化的一部分,中国文化"走出去"少不了中国歌曲"走出去"。然而,长期以来,我国对歌曲翻译的研究大多集中在对欧美歌曲汉译的研究,有关中国歌曲英译的研究涉及较少,鲜有成果。本文探讨了弗兰松(Franzon)提出的歌曲翻译五种选择及《中华人民共和国国歌》英译时的选择,并基于彼得·洛(Peter Low)的歌曲翻译"五项全能原则",对中国歌曲英译策略与基本规则进行了梳理与探索。  相似文献   

中国古代美学中的儒、道互补问题,学术界早已提出并有不少研究成果,但对互补的内在机制,则还留下很大的研究空间.本文从审美功能、审美判断、审美心理、审美趣味四方面,具体深入探讨了儒、道互补的内在机制,对儒、道两家的美学思想作了较全面的比较研究.  相似文献   

Based on both a historic and documentary and a physicochemical approach, the study is attempting to codify well-adapted antique, medieval and traditional textile dyeing recipes; to reconstruct them through a detailed sequence of simple and reproducible operations; and to optimize the methodology at all stages, i.e. extraction of the colouring principles, as well as mordanting and dyeing; the latter being evaluated through standard light and wash fastness assessments, and on the basis of systematically obtained colorimetric data. As colouring agents are considered saffron, turmeric, weld, Persian berries, henna, safflower, dyer's bugloss, madder, scale insects, sappan and Brazil wood. A variety of mordants, namely FeCl3, SnCl2, K2Cr2O7, ZnCl2, CuSO4, and KAl(SO4)2·12H2O, is anticipated to meet both early and rather recent options, while being easily available. Based on a large collection of ancient proposals and optimized by means of methodical assessments, the standardized dyeing processes proposed are simple, reproducible, and perfectly reliable for use in the preservation of the relevant tangible heritage, and the revival of traditional arts and crafts; and are consequently beneficial to artistic weavers, as well as conservators and restorers of textile products.  相似文献   

中国古代的创新意识产生得很早,在秦汉典籍之中就可以见到大量的文字记载。千古以来,这种创新意识在政治、人生、哲学、伦理、文学等人文层面展开,其表现富于美学意味。中国古代的创新意识丰富了中国古典美学的内涵,它昭示了中国古典美学具有一种奋发进取、刚健有为的精神;革故鼎新、与时俱进的特质;永在追求、永怀希望的理想色彩。虽然各种思想派别在创新问题上的价值取向各异,但从总体上看,中国人绝不保守倒退、抱残守缺,而是主张温故知新、吐故纳新。然而也必须承认,中国人在科技层面上创新意识相对薄弱,这与人文层面上创新意识的强劲有力恰恰形成鲜明对照,这也给中国古典美学带来了特有的问题。  相似文献   

中华民族的先人执着于“天人合一”的观念,他们确认自身与山水处于和谐的人生伙伴关系,进而将山水视为对象化的自身,山水与人有类似的感觉和情绪。当这种渊源深远的集体意识转入到艺术领域,音乐家首先发明“移情”山水之说,画家以“势”表现山水的生命态势,文学家以“情往似赠,兴来如答”表述人与山水双向交流的关系。山水艺术的生命意识在绘画领域得到更生动更直观的表现,从荆浩到郭熙,画家们描绘山水鲜活的生命有非常自觉的意识,进入到山水“人化”的境界;继而至石涛,提出“山川与予神遇而迹化”的新命题,山水真正地成了画家的自身,画家生命意识与山水的生命态势有了主客一体契合无间的融合,于是中国山水艺术再次上升到“人的本质力量对象化”的最高审美境界,辉煌的生命境界。  相似文献   

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