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In this paper, the authors briefly review the state of the art of the 3D acquisition and digitizing techniques applied to heritage. The main focus is on motivations, issues and technical specification of the 3D digitizing of heritage artworks. Different digitizing technologies currently available for this specific application have been evaluated and tested, with application to a pair of case studies, showing that 3D digitizing technologies are sufficiently developed for extensive application in the field of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Learning cultural heritage by serious games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immersive technologies such as virtual environments and augmented reality have a clear potential to support the experiencing of cultural heritage by the large public, complementing the current tools and practices based on tangible goods such as museums, exhibitions, books and visual content. Serious games – videogames designed for educational objectives – appear as a new tool to learn cultural content in an engaging way. In this paper, we will provide an extensive portrait of the current proposition of serious games in the cultural sector, highlighting the educational objectives of games in this domain and analysing the complex relations between genre, context of use, technological solutions and learning effectiveness. We finally identify and discuss the most significant challenges in the design and adoption of educational games in cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Different techniques and tools currently exist to generate three-dimensional models of small elements, buildings and cities. Apart from being easier to interpret than two-dimensional drawings, these models facilitate data necessary for reconstruction projects, preservation or rehabilitation of the architectural or archaeological heritage. Traditional surveying only enables us to obtain discrete information of the characteristic lines that define each surface, edge, slope change etc. whereas work with massive capture techniques allows us to obtain continuous points of the surfaces. Photogrammetry or laser scanning combined with conventional photography provides information of the building in addition to its geometry. We carried out a review of the different techniques showing the advantages and disadvantages of each technique as well as the information that can be obtained by applying these techniques to the survey of the great Gate of Antioch in the town of Aleppo, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986, in Syria.  相似文献   

The increasing awareness of some local and international authorities has promoted the appearance of new legislation and the rising of research works focused in the prevention of damage to the cultural heritage in karstic caves. Nevertheless, karstic areas usually imply complex studies, and a universal methodology is very difficult to establish. This work exposes the basic methodology for the geological risk assessment in archaeological site and/or rock art bearing karstic caves getting a strategy that provides flexibility to adjust specific methods according to the conditions of different cases. The integrated use of basic geological (mapping, petrology, stratigraphy…) and geotechnical (rock mass quality analytical methods and indexes) techniques used in engineering geology is proposed. Those techniques permit the geological characterization of the rock mass, the hazard identification and the analysis and the geological risk assessment of the research area. Obtained geological risk areas could be included in protection areas that could be used as the basis for the selection of the areas where further investigations and the application of prevention/mitigation measures would have a better cost/benefit ratio. The geological risk should be considered together with other type risk evaluations in order to define effective protection areas.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the role of cultural heritage in coastal areas, including land belts and coastal marine waters in the prospect of operating sustainable development-aimed strategies. It is a part of the investigations carried out in the framework of the Progetto Finalizzato Beni Culturali (Special Project Safeguard of Cultural Heritage) convened by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, the Italian National Research Council). Essentially, it aims at contributing to the discussion on how the mise-en-valeur of the coastal cultural heritage may be framed within integrated coastal management programmes. In this view, the discourse on the coastal cultural heritage runs along this pathway: (i) global (climatic) change and globalisation are assumed to be the key components of the external environment with which the coastal area interacts; (ii) the conceptual framework of coastal management, as it can be deduced by the background guidelines from Agenda 21 (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED), is considered; (iii) the legal framework, which the coastal area is characterised by, is taken into account by focusing on its implications on the management patterns. At this point, attention is concentrated on the role of cultural heritage in the framework of integrated coastal management approaches. It is considered, how this pivotal component of the coastal area has been dealt with bythe intergovernmental organisations. Special consideration is attributed to the European Code of Conduct for Coastal Management Zones, since it considers the ecological patrimony and cultural heritage as giving shape to a unique ethically-endowed reality, which materialised through landscapes and seascapes. The final step consists of the design of a tentative Code of Conduct for Coastal Cultural Heritage consisting of some background and operational principles.  相似文献   

Image-based modeling is an appropriate technique to create 3D models of cultural heritage objects, which starts with the basic task of designing the camera network. This task is, however, quite crucial in practical applications because it needs a thorough planning and a certain level of experience. The optimal camera network is designed when certain accuracy demands are fulfilled with a reasonable effort, namely keeping the number of camera shots at a minimum. In this study, we report on the development of an automated method for designing the optimal camera network for a given cultural heritage building or statue. Starting from a rough point cloud derived from a video image stream, the initial configuration of the camera network is designed, assuming a high-resolution HR state-of-the-art non-metric camera. To improve the image coverage and accuracy, we use a mathematical non-linear optimization with constraints. Furthermore, synthetic images are created to guide the camera operator to the designed images. From the first experimental test, we found that a target accuracy of 10 mm could be maintained although the initial number of more than 300 high-resolution images got reduced to less than 90 for the final, optimized network.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role played by built heritages and cultural environments, alongside other locational factors, in explaining the growth of human capital in Sweden. We distinguish between urban, natural and cultural qualities as different sources of regional attractiveness and estimate their influence on the observed growth of individuals with at least three years of higher education during 2001–2010. Neighborhood-level data are used, and unobserved heterogeneity and spatial dependencies are modeled by employing random effects estimations and an instrumental variable approach. Our findings indicate that the local supply of built heritages and cultural environments explain a significant part of human capital growth in Sweden. Results suggest that these types of cultural heritages are important place-based resources with a potential to contribute to improved regional attractiveness and growth.  相似文献   

This paper combines the travel cost method (TCM) with contingent behavior questions to estimate domestic visitors’ use values for cultural heritage sites in Armenia, a transition economy in which conservation of cultural monuments is hampered by limited resources. Respondents intercepted at four cultural monuments provided information on their visitation patterns, experience at the site, perception of the state of conservation of the monuments, and rating of the quality of the services and infrastructure. We combine actual trips with stated trips under hypothetical programs that would enhance the conservation of the monuments and improve one of (i) the cultural experience at the site, (ii) the quality of the infrastructure, or (iii) the quality of the services, and use the combined actual and stated trips to fit a panel data model. Our study is one of the few applications of the TCM to value cultural heritage sites. Our investigation shows that (i) significant use values are associated with the four study monuments, and (ii) conservation programs and initiatives that improve the cultural experience, or simply make it easier for the respondent to reach and spend time at the monument, are valued by domestic visitors and would encourage higher visitation rates. Actual and intended trips reported by the respondents exhibit good construct validity, in the sense that they are well predicted by price, location, hypothetical scenario and other individual characteristics of the respondents.
Anna AlberiniEmail: Phone: +1-301-4051267Fax: +1-301-3149091

As a general and effective protection measure for copyright violations, which occur with the use of digital technologies including peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, copyright owners from the cultural sector often use Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems and digital watermarking techniques so as to encrypt copyright information to the cultural content. In other cases, copyright owners restrict or even block access to the digital cultural content through the Internet and the P2P infrastructure. This chapter claims that DRM and P2P can be quite complementary. Specifically, a P2P infrastructure is presented which allows broad digital cultural content exchange while on the same time supports copyright protection and management through watermarking technologies for digital images.  相似文献   

Today's restoration and preservation of cultural heritage is an important task because of its historical significance, symbolism, and economic benefits. Decision makers or executors often encounter with taking decisions on which heritage is prioritized to be restored within the limited budget. However, very few tools are available to determine appropriately restoration priorities for the diverse historical heritages, perhaps because of a lack of systematized decision-making aids. This paper proposes an alternative decision support model to prioritize restoration needs within the executable budget. The model is constructed on stochastic analytic hierarchy process (S-AHP) and knowledge-based experience curve (EC); the former requires the input data to be random variables for interpreting probabilistically the ranks of the prioritized heritages and the latter reflects quantitatively the contribution of experts’ knowledge to weighting significant criteria in carrying out an assessment of restoration urgency. The application of 14 cultural heritages in Korea has been conducted, and the results are analyzed to illustrate the model's efficiency.  相似文献   

It is an indisputable reality that the most important thing for transmitting cultural heritage to posterity is a sensitive documentation. Up to the present there have been many developments in documentation of cultural heritage by developing technology, and contemporary documentation techniques have progressed speedily. In time, modern methods have become preferable to conventional methods in architecture generally in the existent state and in determination of deformations and preparation of measured drawing projects of historical edifices. Digital and 3D data, rich visual images obtained by digital close-range photogrammetry, and orthophoto images of edifices, are governed and shepherded in documentation and future conservation projects. Also, these methods supply much ease, precision and time-saving in measured drawing projects when compared with conventional methods. In this study, contributions of digital close-range photogrammetry to measured drawing projects were evaluated. A historical building, which had been exposed to fire two times in Konya (Turkey), was photographed and its situation before and after the fire was demonstrated. In addition, the building's measured drawings of facade and its 3D model were completed using digital close-range photogrammetry. The building's present status and its reconstruction project is indicated and how digital close-range photogrammetry contributes to measured drawing, reconstruction and restoration projects is presented. Furthermore, the significance of present-day use of digital close-range photogrammetry in the acquisition of data and preparation of measured drawing projects for historical buildings is emphasized. This study has been completed by photogrammetrists, architects, urban planners and restorers.  相似文献   

Precise documentation of cultural heritage status is essential for its protection and scientific studies carried out during the restoration and renovation process. The close range photogrammetry has been used successfully for documentation of cultural heritage. With recent developments in computer and information technologies, this well-known traditional method has been replaced with digital close-range photogrammetry. This new method offers us new opportunities such as automatic orientation and measurement procedures, generation of 3D vector data, digital ortho-image and digital surface model. Terrestrial laser scanning is another technology that in recent years has become increasingly popular for documentation which provides very dense 3D points on an object surface with high accuracy. In addition, the 3D model and digital ortho-image can be easily generated using generated 3D point cloud and recorded digital images.  相似文献   

There are many contingent valuation (CV) studies to estimate the economic benefits of cultural heritage, but few provided advice on the design of financial products for cultural heritage assets. This paper conducted conjoint and willingness-to-pay (WTP) analyses for providing the design implication of these financial products. We calculated WTP for each attribute. The result of conjoint analysis shows that people prefer a short period of investment, high-expected rate of return and small amount of money invested. Only the amount invested and the rate of return on investment are significant to estimate WTP for these financial products.  相似文献   

The costs for deterioration and soiling of different materials due to air pollution are huge and the damage to culture targets endangers seriously the rich European cultural heritage. Within the sixth Framework Programme of the EU, the overall aim of the CULT-STRAT project has been to assess and predict the effects of different pollutants on materials and objects of cultural heritage in a multipollutant scenario and to identify indicators and thresholds levels of pollutants. In particular, the present paper reports one of the studies carried out in the CULT-STRAT project at city level and focused on the town of Madrid (Spain). Different maps are shown for the past, present and possible future scenarios: inventory of stock of cultural heritage for each selected material, concentration of selected pollutants (SO2, NO2, O3 and PM10), corrosion (cast bronze) and recession (Portland limestone), exceedance of tolerable degradation thresholds for each material and corrosion-cultural heritage overlapped maps. The model and the methodology developed could be useful if apply it to towns, regions or countries in order to quantify the percentage of Cultural Heritage at risk or to quantify the percentage of the area where corrosion/recession exceeds the established tolerable levels.  相似文献   

Almost everywhere public intervention in cultural heritage (CH) conservation is widespread. Using Italy as a case study, the paper analyses public capital expenditure for CH conservation and investigates whether the high degree of specialization of contracting authorities affects the efficiency of CH conservation works. A two-stage analysis is carried out. At a first stage, a nonparametric approach (Data Envelopment Analysis—DEA) investigates the relative efficiency scored by each single work; at a second stage, the determinant factors of the scores variability are investigated. The empirical analysis shows that, ceteris paribus, the expertise affects the efficiency of CH works.  相似文献   

In this article we present our global approach to the problem of accurate 3D measurement and reconstruction of 3D works of art using a calibrated multi-camera system. In particular, we illustrate a simple and effective adaptive technique for the self-calibration of CCD-based multi-camera acquisition systems with minimum a-prior information. We also propose a general and robust approach to the problem of close-range partial 3D reconstruction of objects from stereo-correspondences. Finally, we introduce a method for performing an accurate patchworking of the partial reconstructions, based on 3D curve matching.  相似文献   

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