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Non-invasive documentation of historic façades with fluorescence lidar techniques can provide helpful information for the cultural heritage sector, especially when large areas outdoors are to be examined. This paper presents a case study of the Coliseum, Rome, where both cleaned and heavily soiled areas of the monument were scanned and analysed with two fluorescence lidar systems. Biodeterioration processes were also addressed during the experiment, with the aim of assessing the colonisation extent on selected areas of the monument. Results show the usefulness of a mobile fluorescence lidar system for documentation and survey of large surfaces with complex conditions without limiting the public access to the monument.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of wood at different length scales of its hierarchical structure are governed by structural and compositional properties on smaller length scales. This opens up the possibility to use microstructural data for estimating mechanical properties, which are difficult to assess by conventional, destructive testing but are nevertheless of high relevance for conservation practice. Herein, we investigate such microstructure-mechanics relationships for a particular example, namely the load bearing archaeological oak of the Oseberg Viking ship, displayed at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway. In order to identify the effects of degradation on the mechanical behavior and their relations to the microstructure, recent oak specimens of different geographical origin (Norway and Austria) are investigated as well. Wood exhibits a cellular structure. Its cell walls are composed of an amorphous polymer matrix consisting of lignin and hemicelluloses and embedded, stiff cellulose fibers. At the cell level, experimental studies comprised microscopic investigations of the cellular structure, chemical analyses of the composition of the cell walls, as well as nanoindentation tests on single cell walls. The same samples were also analyzed on the macroscopic level, where additionally mass density and annual ring data were measured together with ultrasonic stiffnesses. The chemical data clearly indicate deterioration in the archaeological oak, affecting mainly hemicelluloses and amorphous cellulose. At the cell wall scale, however, this does not necessarily lead to a weaker material behavior. The nanoindentation modulus, as a measure of the cell wall stiffness, was found to even increase. This is counterintuitive to our understanding of the effects of chemical degradation. It might be due to possible modification of lignin in the Oseberg oak, and thus have a stronger effect on the indentation modulus than the concurrent weakening of the interfaces between the load-carrying cellulose fibers and the connecting cell wall matrix when analyzing wood at the microscopic level. A similar effect is also observed for the transversal stiffness of macroscopic samples, which increases. In tension-dominated loading modes, however, the degradation of the interfaces is the dominant effect, resulting for example in a considerable reduction of the macroscopic stiffness in longitudinal direction. This underlines the utmost relevance of the loading condition on the remaining load-carrying capacity of degraded wood. On the macroscale, effects of the geographical origin (i.e. growth conditions) on ring characteristics of the oak tissues override the effects of degradation on the mechanical behavior. They have to be carefully extracted in order to come up with conclusions on the effect of degradation from macroscopic test results. The identified microstructure-mechanics relationships provide the basis for–in further research steps–building mathematical models describing the relations between microstructural characteristics and macroscopic mechanical properties and, thereon, for structural analyses of historical wooden objects.  相似文献   

A KrF-excimer laser operating at λ = 248 nm was used for basic studies in cleaning ancient glass surfaces. For irradiation a mask projection technique was applied. A modified optical set-up was designed using cylindrical lenses for large area removal by line scanning. Previous investigations revealed insufficient knowledge about interaction processes between UV-laser radiation and individual surface layers of encrusted historical glass. Thus, first detailed studies were carried out on special model glass samples simulating the behaviour of historical glass. The potential of removing crusts, bio layers as well as layers of different conservation materials (due to former conservation work) were examined. The avoidance of damaging material such as gel layers, paint layers or the bulk glass was of great importance. Removal rates and thresholds for the materials mentioned above were carried out. The collected data enables a comparison and evaluation of the feasibility for the removal of superficial layers from historical glass artefacts. The results indicate that in some cases a closed loop process control will be necessary to avoid over-cleaning.  相似文献   

The German Federal Foundation for the Environment (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) is one of Europe's largest organizations of its kind. It supports innovative, exemplary projects for the protection of the environment and of national historic monuments and cultural landscapes. All projects are set up to provide a platform for researchers, craftsmen and restorers to find a common solution to difficult problems in conservation practice. More than 360 projects have been funded since 1990. Two recent projects deal with laser cleaning, one for stone and the other one for stained glass windows, the latter being presented here. This publication gives an overview on cleaning problems on stained glass windows and the project methodology. The interdisciplinary approach of the project provides the possibility of including experts in different fields to examine perspectives and limits of laser cleaning for stained glass windows. Two other publications in this issue (LACONA III) give selected results on cleaning experiments achieved within this project.  相似文献   

The ablation of biofilms by excimer laser radiation was systematically examined in a series of model studies during which the biofilms originating from different historical panels were simulated on model glasses. The composition of these model glasses was modelled on that of the original historical glasses. Our studies have shown that glass composition, climatic conditions and biofilm formation are factors which interact synergetically. It could be observed that various biofilms grow differently on the same type of model glass and that the same type of biofilm shows a different development on various model glasses. The decisive factors for the effectiveness of biofilm ablation by laser irradiation is the formation of the biofilm on the one hand and its corrosive potential on account of its ability to accumulate moisture and to produce glass-damaging metabolites on the other. Glasses of low chemical stability promote the growth of dense biofilms and can be cleaned only with a high energy density, whereas glasses of high chemical stability merely allow for a slow growth of a biofilm spreading two-dimensionally on the glass surface which can be gently removed using low energy density.  相似文献   

Transylvanian glass icons are very specific heritage items of Romanian folk art, produced from the middle of 18th century until now. The present research reports the results of a study on the organic components of the paint layers, analyzing the binding media of a series of glass icons belonging to three important icon making centers: Nicula, Olt County (?ara Oltului) and Brasov area (?cheii Bra?ovului). The analysis of the binding media has been done by means of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The applied analytical procedure allowed the characterization of the proteinaceous, polysaccharide and lipid-resinous content of the binding media starting from a unique microsample. Results showed that a wide range of materials were used by the icons painters, mostly applied as mixtures of a proteinaceous material and a lipid one. The proteinaceous component proved to be mainly egg, though animal glue and casein were ascertained too, and proteins were often mixed; the lipid material was identified as linseed oil. In some of the icons pine resin and saccharide material were found. Data also highlighted that though the materials used in all the glass icons under study are similar, some particularities could be observed in the painting technique of the studied producing centers and icon painters.  相似文献   

During a conservative operation, a restorer noted a grey shade on a ‘fresh’ (recently fractured) marble surface during laser cleaning. Following this report, the authors began a study on ten Carrara white marble specimens polished on the surface and treated in the same restoration conditions using two types of laser equipment: the first one a Q-switched laser (20-ns pulse), the second one a short free-running laser with a medium pulsewidth of 20 μs. In a few specimens a grey shade appears on the surface. These specimens were investigated by optical microscopy in reflected and raking light and by SEM/EDX. After that, the same samples were embedded in resin and polished to obtain cross sections to be analysed in the same way. Results show that the white marble of the greyish samples contains very small fragments of pyrite (iron sulphide) of dark shiny aspect and that after cleaning the aspect of the fragment appreciably changes. The morphological studies allow two different behaviours of dark inclusion to be observed following the different laser pulses: the first one occurs after short-pulse laser treatment in the form of micro-explosion surrounding the pyrite grains (mechanical effect); the second one (medium pulsewidth) appears like a fusion and spread of particles on the surface. Results are reported showing microphotographs and SEM/EDS documentation.  相似文献   

On-line monitoring or even closed-loop control is necessary to avoid over-cleaning in case the ablation process is not self-limiting. Therefore, the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used. Basic investigations were carried out on original sandstone samples (Elbsandstein) with strong encrustations as well as medieval stained glass samples (13th century from Cologne Cathedral). The spectroscopic study has shown that the plasma emission can be used for determination of the elemental composition of the ablated material. The plasma was initiated by 248-nm pulses of an KrF-excimer laser (30 ns FWHM). For the spectroscopic analysis, a grating spectrograph in combination with an optical multichannel analyser was used. For the glass and stone samples we obtained a continual alteration of the LIBS spectrum (vanishing of peaks and generating of new element peaks) during the removal process. Thus, certain element peaks can be used to distinguish between encrustation layer and valuable underlying material. To show the potential of LIBS we designed an experimental laser cleaning set-up including closed-loop LIBS control and demonstrated successful automatic cleaning of an original glass fragment.  相似文献   

Stained glass windows belong to the most precious pieces of art in many European countries. Examples of heavily endangered paint on glass are reported in the literature and mainly related to condensation effects and air pollution, as stained glass windows preferably remain in their original architectural surrounding. Several surface coatings and paint treatments have been proposed to consolidate and protect degraded paint. Very often, the selection of the materials is based more on practical aspects than on scientific research. This study concerns the comparison of some traditional, modern and newly developed consolidants for the preservation of historic glass paintings. Experiments have been carried out with model painted glass samples simulating weathering phenomena of originals. Traditional materials like Paraloid B72, modern ones like SZA (proposed by the Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung, ISC), and three new consolidants prepared by the sol–gel method and based on different hybrid organic–inorganic alkyl-alkoxysilane systems have been considered. The adhesion, penetration, stability, hydrophobicity, mechanical and chemical resistance are properties and requirements tested to prove their effectiveness and range of use. The three new materials developed in this study for the consolidation of paint on glass have the potential to offer alternatives to existing materials. Nevertheless, further research is necessary before their application in restoration workshops can be recommended. A strategic approach is requested to avoid risks for these valuable historical originals and to contribute to the long-term preservation of the paint on stained glass windows in their original sites.  相似文献   

The removal of a brass-based paint (purpurin) used in painting gilded wood to cover losses of gold leaf, represents today a difficult task to conservators, who may have to resort to toxic chemical solvents in order to clean the painted surface. This action, due to its nature, is unsuitable for both the conservator and the artwork itself. In this study, a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system outputting 1 064 nm (infrared), 532 nm (visible, green) and 266 nm (ultra-violet) radiation was used to study the interaction of these wavelengths in a gilded sample surface painted with purpurin. All tested wavelengths interacted differently with the tested surface and, also, the several layers that form the gilded surface (purpurin, varnish and gold) showed different interactions to each wavelength. The ultra-violet radiation (266 nm), in a multi-pulse mode at low fluences, was found to be the most efficient wavelength in cleaning the painted gilded surface.  相似文献   

The application of lasers for the removal of superficial deposits from historic stained glass is a comparatively new field of scientific interest. Experimental studies concerning the behaviour of glass substrates and the corresponding superficial deposits towards different laser wavelengths were carried out. The experiments were performed using wavelengths of λ = 193 nm (ArF-Excimer), 308 nm (XeCl-Excimer), 355 nm (Nd:YAG third harmonic) and 1 064 nm (Nd:YAG fundamental) in comparison to λ = 248 nm (KrF-Excimer). This comparison is due to the fact that the present knowledge is based on the 248 nm wavelength. Specially prepared model glass samples representing the original fragments and samples of organic polymers (formerly used as a protective material for historic stained glasses) were used to study the effects of laser radiation and were subsequently characterised by optical microscopy.  相似文献   

The development of laser cleaning as a conservation treatment has imposed a need for the evaluation and assessment of other cleaning techniques. The use of more traditional methods like abrasive cleaning, steam cleaning and chemical cleaning has relied so far on visual assessment, unlike much of the research applied to laser cleaning. A conscientious use of these cleaning methods requires their assessment as well as the need for a comparison based on a common methodology. A topographical assessment of laser cleaning, abrasive cleaning, steam cleaning and chemical cleaning (using hydrofluoric acid, ammonium carbonate and EDTA) is presented. Topographical variations induced on marble, oolitic limestone and architectural terracotta surfaces are assessed by means of light interferometry, showing the potential of this non-contact and non-destructive technique for surface studies in conservation. The comparison between cleaning treatments is based upon key parameters associated with cleaning surfaces. The aesthetic impact of these treatments is verified by means of optical microscopy and quantified by colour measurement. Chemical analysis of the cleaned surface (EDS) is performed to investigate the removal of surface pollutants and the presence of residues. Finally, petrographical analysis was used to investigate the removal of pollutant layers and its effect on surface texture.  相似文献   

Metallographic features of ancient bronze artefacts often hide peculiar micro-chemical processes and corrosion behaviours, which are worth to be studied as they can provide conservators and archaeologists with valuable tools and information. It is widely documented that Chinese bronzes were cast and the way to adjust their properties was to change the alloy composition. In particular, addition of lead, which is insoluble in the bronze matrix, results in the formation of inclusions or globules, which undergo oxidation processes leading to their conversion into corrosion products. The mechanisms through which this occurs were still poorly investigated. The present work was conducted to further study the corrosion behaviour of high-leaded bronze, especially focusing on the behaviour of lead globules. To this aim, a collection of Chinese archaeological bronzes, showing intermediate steps of degradation, were selected and investigated. The use of combined microscopy-based, molecular and elemental, analytical techniques allowed the characterization as well as the precise location of corrosion products, thus enabling us to propose a degradation pathway basing on thermodynamic data provided by Pourbaix diagram. The achieved results will be useful for researchers involved in these kinds of studies to better interpret data obtained.  相似文献   

This work reports mainly the results of an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) study carried out on coloured glass tesserae from the palaeo-Christian mosaic which decorated the votive chapel of St. Prosdocimus (Padova) until its replacement with the current frescoes of Renaissance age, and which is one of the only two known mosaics in the Veneto region (Italy). The study aims at clarifying how the different local structure, oxidation state and quantity of copper influenced colour. Analysis of high-resolution Cu-K edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectra showed that copper is present as cuprite (Cu2O) in orange samples and as metallic copper in red and brown ones. These phases are responsible for both the colour and opacity of the samples. In addition, Cu1+ ions linked to the oxygen atoms of the glass framework were identified in ratios of about 60% and 30% of total copper in orange and red/brown samples, respectively. In blue and green samples, copper is dispersed in the glass matrix as a mixture of Cu1+ and Cu2+ ions, and no crystalline phases are visible. In this context, the Cu1+ and Cu2+ contents in glass were also quantified thanks to suitable standards, demonstrating that, when Cu2+ is the main chromophorous ion, colour intensity is directly correlated to its content in the glass. In particular, in green and blue samples, coloured by copper, Cu2+ content varies from 26% to 56% of total copper, and the higher contents of Cu2+ are shown by more intensely coloured samples. It should be stressed here that the green colour of the analysed tesserae is given by the physical interaction of blue colour, due to Cu2+ ions, and yellow colour, due to Pb antimonates used as opacifiers.  相似文献   

Laser removal of surface contaminants on silver threads was carried out using Nd:YAG laser radiations from near infrared (1064 nm) through visible (532 nm) to ultraviolet (266 nm) produced by frequency harmonic generation. The thread in the museum textile was made of silver and silk in which the silver ribbon wraps the bunch of silk fibres. The goal of this work is to find a feasibility to clean the tarnished silver without any damage of the underlying silk since the conventional chemical treatment is problematic to apply in this specific specimen. From the results, it was found that the laser wavelength of 266 nm is most appropriate to clean the silver surface without causing any damage either to the silver or the silk surfaces while 1064 nm wavelength easily causes damages such as melting and burning to the silver as well as the silk inside.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a European project, three cleaning laser devices are tested to evaluate the influence of different parameters on stone cleaning rate and efficiency. The project objective is to design a large surface-cleaning laser. One of the devices is a prototype with some technological improvements compared to the lasers used today for restoration. The tests are performed on limestone and sandstone covered with various dirt layers. The influence of fluence, water spraying, spot area, frequency, as well as particle emission rate is investigated. Results allow a comparison of the importance of each parameter and confirm the increase in cleaning speed of the new prototype. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that an automatic device will be suitable to attain a cleaning speed competitive with other traditional cleaning techniques.  相似文献   

The utilization of laser light to produce fine and selective cleaning of superficial deposits and encrustation from stones was originally proposed more than 20 years ago by John Asmus who performed pioneering trials of laser cleaning on stone façades in Venice, Cremona and Padua. The opportunity to collect stone samples from these sites allowed us to carry out an original study aimed at evaluating the conservation state of stone surfaces cleaned 10–20 years ago by means of three different techniques: Nd:YAG laser radiation, micron sandblasting and chemical pads. Samples of various stone types, as Istria limestone, Botticino limestone and Nanto sandstone were collected and examined by means of optical and SEM microscopy, FT/IR, and EDAX analyses. The results provided preliminary indications that the state of conservation of stone surfaces previously subjected to laser cleaning is generally better in comparison with those which concurrently underwent mechanical and chemical cleaning.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of 11 glass panes originating from two 13th century non-figurative windows were analyzed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy–Energy Dispersive X-ray system (SEM-EDX). The windows were discovered in the back-wall of the triforium during the restoration of the choir of the cathedral St. Michael and St. Gudule in Brussels (Belgium). In order to determine if these windows were fabricated with glass of different origin or not, the compositional difference between the panes were compared with the variation in composition as a result of the following causes: (1) compositional fluctuation between panes cut from the same sheet of glass, (2) compositional fluctuation caused when panes are cut from different sheets that were made with the same batch, (3) compositional fluctuation caused when the glass is made from different batches at the same production center, and (4) compositional fluctuation as a result of glass produced at different fabrication centers.  相似文献   

The present research is an attempt to create a link among different disciplines and to confirm stratigraphic observations through chemical analyses. It involved detailed colorimetric examination and in-depth chemical-physical study of the samples taken from the historical centre of Genoa, which enabled connections to be made among many data. This led to the creation of an analytical method that is applicable to various geographical sites. Examinations involved several experimental techniques: X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and infrared spectroscopy; the data were compared with those from the stratigraphic examination. A detailed investigation of the Ligurian climate, including data kindly supplied by the Environment Department of the Provincia di Genova, allowed us to explain the presence of particular chemical substances and suggested how they might have been formed.  相似文献   

Potentials and limitations of the near-UV pulsed laser cleaning of parchment (wavelength 308 nm, pulse duration 17 ns) are demonstrated by the application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), colour metrics and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) at model contamination/pigment/parchment systems. Pigment-binder systems stable and unstable against near-UV laser treatment could be identified. A chemical degradation threshold fluence of a goat parchment model substrate was determined which practically coincided with its ablation threshold fluence. This indicates that the fluence range of destructionless laser cleaning at 308 nm is almost not impaired by chemical modfications below the ablation limit. Nevertheless, spectroscopic diagnostics are necessary to guarantee destructionless cleaning for practical cases where the chemical conversion threshold fluence deviates from the ablation threshold to lower values.  相似文献   

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