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图书馆环境污染及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆内污染物按性质可分为化学性污染物、物理性污染物、生物性污染物和放射性污染物。按此分类对图书馆内主要污染物的来源、危害和防治进行了分析。  相似文献   

以网络作为Web服务器,结合asp.net技术,搭建图书馆电子商务和一卡通联合服务平台,使图书馆内的服务方便、快捷,使图书馆能够更好地掌握读者需求,按需调整服务结构。  相似文献   

大学城图书馆联盟顶层设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹庆东 《图书情报工作》2013,57(12):56-59,76
通过对大学城图书馆间共享活动成功案例的调查,在顶层设计理念指导下,提出大学城图书馆联盟的定义、建设目标,并构建共享平台结构图,按云服务模式提出三层架构的建设内容,围绕大学城图书馆联盟可持续开展提出组织机构的建设和保障机制的研究,为大学城内图书馆共享活动提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

按需出版必然会对与出版模式有着内在联系的图书馆文献资源建设的理念、方针、政策产生重要影响.应充分认识按需出版对图书馆的价值、积极研究按需出版和图书馆的关联性、加强图书馆与出版社之间的业务联系、做好图书馆文献资源建设的基础工作.  相似文献   

1979~2010年间关于图书馆史的研究可以按年代大致划分为三个时期。定量分析结果表明,三个时期内图书馆史研究的热点有细小变化,高校是主要的研究机构,高产作者发文量并不多,作者合著情况较少。共词聚类分析结果则表明,图书馆史研究主要集中在图书馆事业史、图书馆学史、图书馆发展史三类主题,高产作者的研究主题和研究兴趣较为广泛,并且有一定的重合度。表4。图4。参考文献10。  相似文献   

1979-2010年间关于图书馆史的研究可以按年代大致划分为三个时期。定量分析结果表明,三个时期内图书馆史研究的热点有细小变化,高校是主要的研究机构,高产作者发文量并不多,作者合著情况较少。共词聚类分析结果则表明,图书馆史研究主要集中在图书馆事业史、图书馆学史、图书馆发展史三类主题,高产作者的研究主题和研究兴趣较为广泛,并且有一定的重合度。表4。图4。参考文献10。  相似文献   

文章介绍了美国州立图书馆在美国图书馆系统中的作用和在美国图书馆发展中,在执行美国有关图书馆法的过程作所起的作用。通过对州图书馆发展的历史回顾,州图书馆在州政府的行政隶属关系,以及美国法律中对州图书馆职能的规定等方面的讨论,可以看出州图书馆及其作用的形成有其历史、政治和法律的原因。在此基础上,文章进一步讨论州图书馆对公众,州内各级政府以及各类图书馆所提供的服务。最后介绍州图书馆按《美国图书馆服务和技术法案》规定,在执行联邦政府图书馆法和监管政府图书馆基金时必须进行的图书馆服务计划的制定和评估过程。  相似文献   

本文列举图书馆类场所的空气污染物及其特点,介绍图书馆类场所采用的若干空气净化措施、设备,分析它们的空气净化效果,试图为图书馆类场所的空气净化措施的选择提供实用的参考。  相似文献   

<正> 贵州民族学院图书馆向黔东南州图书馆、镇远县民族图书馆、三都水族自治县图书馆、占江县民族图书馆等民族地区图书馆捐赠图书资料(1991年12月)。·两藏民族学院将八个系资料室按专业合并为三个情报室,分设于三个教学楼内,以加强管理,更好地开展情报服务工作。·上海财经大学图书馆与科研处联合举办学校第四届图书情报学术研讨会,收到全校各系、室、所资料室论文54篇(1991年12月)  相似文献   

呼呈图书馆工作人员重视书库污染物对身体健康的影响。  相似文献   

This article proposes a methodology for studying the social history of telecommunications grounded in the interrelations and contaminations between Anglophone and Continental literature; its originality lies in the fact that it presents and discusses both traditions. Before tackling the central theme, the reasons for studying the history of telecommunications will be discussed and three different approaches will be considered. The first is the constructivist approach which, examines ‘relevant social groups’ and their decisions regarding telecommunications. The second is socio-economic and considers both path dependence theories and concepts useful in understanding the network economy: natural monopolies, economies of scale, externalities and public services. Finally, the macro-systemic approach will be considered. In our proposal these three approaches, deriving from both the Anglophone and Continental schools of thought, form a methodological basis for studying the history of telecommunications.  相似文献   

本文针对目前电子阅览室的微环境质量的现状,介绍了造成电子阅览室微环境污染的污染物来源、类型和对人体的危害及控制与预防措施,以引起人们对电子阅览室微环境质量的关注。参考文献3。  相似文献   

本文采用撞击法对库房空气真菌进行检测,并对结果进行分析,摸索库房空气微生物的污染特点,为库房空气微生物污染防治和库房环境治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

论信息服务业的生态文明构成和原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息服务业是信息产业的一个重要组成部分,也是推进信息化建设的主要力量.信息服务业生态系统存在的信息污染、信息膨胀与信息短缺等危机制约了信息服务业的发展.信息服务业生态系统的文明要素包括信息主体、信息、信息服务业的基础设施和规则等.我们必须加强以区域开发与结构优化、公正分配与利益均衡、生态平衡与永续利用同步为原则的信息服务业生态文明建设.  相似文献   


Emergency response to an atmospheric release of chemical or radiological contamination is enhanced when plume predictions, field measurements, and real-time weather information are integrated into a geospatial framework. The Weather Information and Display (WIND) System at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) utilizes such an integrated framework. The rapid availability of predictions from a suite of atmospheric transport models within this geospatial framework has proven to be of great value to decision makers during an emergency involving an atmospheric contaminant release.  相似文献   


Between 1992 and 2005, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) carried out a comprehensive environmental cleanup of thirty contaminated areas and facilities. Because some of the cleanup efforts involved isolation of contamination in permanent storage (e.g., safe-storage of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party's use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. of reactor components), residual low-level soil contamination, or long-term groundwater treatment to achieve cleanup goals, land use restrictions are needed to prevent human and environmental exposure to remaining contaminants that are above levels that allow unrestricted use. BNL uses a web-based geographic information system (GIS) to integrate and overlay information from databases, electronic documents and paper reports that are distributed throughout the BNL site, and to convey this information to stewards and stakeholders.  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(3):187-188

Remnant dye on an excavated textile has been identified using a Fourier transform infrared microscope on a scale far below that which is possible by extractive techniques. The sample requires minimal preparation, a single fibre being sufficient to obtain a useful signal. A spectral data library of fibre, dyes and mordants has been built into the computer analysis program and four separate algorithms within the search facility are used to make the identification. The method is quick and may avoid some of the problems caused by masking of the infrared signal due to sample contamination during burial.  相似文献   

Global food supplies are at risk of both accidental and deliberate contamination. As past incidents have demonstrated, food terrorism may cause social, economic, and political disruption. The United States increased its efforts to protect its food after 9/11 by broadening the roles of existing agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, and by making coordination of food defense the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security. However, weaknesses in the system remain. This article presents background information and Web sites useful for consumers, industry representatives, students, researchers, policy makers, and the librarians that serve them.  相似文献   

由于档案库房空气中微生物受地理位置、气候等外在环境条件等的影响,不同地区档案库房空气的微生物种类存在较大差异。本研究通过自然沉降法采集了山东省半岛地区3个档案库房空气微生物样本,计算出该地区库房空气细菌和真菌浓度,并与相关标准进行了比较,发现:细菌浓度基本在正常范围之内,但真菌污染严重,提示该地区需加强对档案库房真菌的防控,以减少对档案实体和档案工作人员的危害。  相似文献   


Aspects of preventive conservation are central to the long-term preservation of archaeological sites such as Pompeii. Mitigating moisture ingress and its manifold effects on decay mechanisms such as salt degradation are of critical importance when planning durable conservation strategies. A suite of non-destructive techniques was used to diagnose decay mechanisms at an ancient tomb monument at the Porta Nocera Necropolis. Rising damp and salt contamination are shown to be actively contributing to on-going deterioration of the plaster surfaces. An existing shelter is shown to be inadequate in its protection. These initial results are used to inform a more in-depth, long-term survey as well as the design of a holistic preventive strategy.  相似文献   

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