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司国理 《成才之路》2011,(19):90-I0019
如果说“序曲”“衔接”和“尾声”是美术课堂教学的三部曲,那么“高潮”则是它谱出的最强音。正如一部优秀的电影或一篇好的小说必有扣人心弦的高潮,成功的课堂教学也应该如此。本文根据新课程理念为指导,结合作者自身的教学实践,提出了初中美术课堂教学中开心教学和创设高潮的方法,为初中关术课堂教学改革提供了一点思考。  相似文献   

好莱坞大片《盗梦空间》的火热上映,激发了人们研究梦境的极大热忱。这部带领观众游走于现实与梦境的影片,在挑战观众想象极限的同时,也带给人们无限的惊奇。天呢!原来梦中居然潜伏着如此巨大的能量和奥妙。  相似文献   

好莱坞影片在中国的热映和流行,不仅给中国大学生带来了视觉上的震撼和享受,而且也给中国大学生思想政治教育带来了一定的挑战和影响,为此,文章通过对好莱坞影片所蕴含的思想内容、意识形态和文化价值观的深刻剖析,针对好莱坞影片对中国大学生思想政治教育的挑战,提出一些行之有效、具有建设性的应对策略,以便对思想政治教育的顺利开展,提供一定的借鉴意义和指导意义。.  相似文献   

《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows》),是英国女作家J.K.罗琳创作的哈利·波特系列小说的第7部,也是该系列的终结篇。  相似文献   

赵亚君 《中国教师》2013,(17):77-78
人们对教育总是充满无限希望,即使在好莱坞影片中,教育也是大导演们极其热衷于阐释的主题,这类影片大都呼唤突破传统教育模式,破除一成不变的教规教条。而彼得·威尔导演的《死亡诗社》可以算是教育影片中的优秀代表,它呼吁教育须抵达心灵,有其独特且深刻的价值。当基廷老师呼唤年轻人"Seize the Day",焕发出青春的激情时;当基廷老师拒绝用理性分解的方式  相似文献   

战争影片从来都是电影中一种不可缺少的表现题材。通过对战争中残酷、血腥场景的再现来达到对战争的斥责是战争影片中惯用的模式。但一部出自女性导演之手的小成本战争影片《拆弹部队》却打破了这种常规模式:她大胆的突破传统观影习惯,突出战争丰富深刻的意义,凸显独特的纪实手法,将一部别样的战争影片展现在我们眼前。也让我们对战争有了更新、更深的认识。  相似文献   

很多朋友都喜欢好莱坞大片,大牌的导演、亮眼的明星阵容、扣人心弦的剧情、大手笔的制作,等等,都成为好莱坞影片倍受欢迎的原因。都说艺术来源于生活,高于生活,那么,好莱坞影片在多大程度上反映了现实生活呢?不妨来做个对比。  相似文献   

一直到今天,谢晋的小儿子阿四,还不知道"死亡"是什么。大家觉得,这次该让他知道了。但是,不管怎么解释,他诚实的眼神告诉你,他还是不知道。这情景,很像一群哲学家在讨论死亡,而最后,评判者没有让他们及格。在人类一些最本原的问题上,最低智能和最高智能,首尾相衔。  相似文献   

沈珏熠  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(11):29-29
河智苑对决怪物河智苑的银幕复出作《第七矿区》将于6月开拍,电影的全部场景都在新西兰。该片总耗资80亿韩元,是与《汉江怪物》相似题材的怪物影片,河智苑饰演的女主角将和栖息在第七矿区的一头怪物展开命悬一线的生死搏斗。河智苑将在《第七矿区》上演前所未有的动作戏,特别是河智苑与怪物最后的对决场面一定会给观众留下深刻印象。  相似文献   

JOHN KERRY is weary.His day began shortly after dawn with a visit tocoal miners in Moundsville,West Virginia,then moved on to a speech beforeworkers at a cookware factory in Canonsburg,Pennsylvania.Throughout theafternoon,as his“Jobs Tour”campaign bus rolled through Rust Belt country,Kerrystopped to exhort(告诫,劝勉)roadside crowds and grasp out-stretched hands.Now,with evening near,he’s headed down the highway toward Youngstown,Ohio,and an outdoor rally with steelworkers angered by job losses.  相似文献   

In our previous work we reported that HIV Tat and 6 cysteine rich peptides of Tat induce tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-induced ligand (TRAIL) in human monocytes (Yang et al., 2003). Here our results showed that HIV Tat and Tat cysteine rich peptide increase CCR5 expression in human monocytes, and this activity is inhibited by rabbit anti-Tat. Boiled Tat does not increase CCR5 expression in monocytes. These results provide insight into a new mechanism by which HIV Tat plays a key role in the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

泰山刻石安国藏百六十五字本准秦文说   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦泰山对石小篆,最佳拓本是明安国藏本.存字百六十五。其文字内容与《史记》所载秦泰山刻石颂词及二世诏书摊校,有十余处似异而实同,其小篆构成百余字与可捡秦文相对照,基本吻合。所以得出结论:安国藏本的小篆与秦文相符,是秦文字或准秦文字。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是我们不懈追求的社会理想。和谐社会对人的社会属性有着特别的要求,而全纳教育能有效地对人的这些社会属性进行培养。构建和谐社会呼唤民主平等的教育、参与合作式的教育、多样化的教育,和谐社会的构建离不开全纳教育的参与。  相似文献   

呼唤善的教育评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一教育评价做为教育过程的反馈环节,对整个中小学教育教学活动起着十分重要的导向作用。它不仅引导着学生的发展,而且对一个国家教育发展的水平、教育的后果及人才类型起着不可低估的影响。为了推进素质教育,促进学生全面、主动和生动活泼的发展,有必要对教育现状和教育评价进行深刻的反思。目前,这种反思集中反映在两个方面:一方面是对教育伦理的关注,其主要表现为对教育中社会公正和个体的主体价值的追求;另一方面是对教育异化的批判,即是从教育的本质和人性本质的高度进行反思。对教育伦理的关注和对教育异化的批判是从不同的理…  相似文献   

This paper reports on a collaborative research study between three secondary teachers and two university researchers, initiated by the teachers, into the practice and impacts of assessment for learning in science, geography and history classes. The research provides insights into how teachers and researchers can collaborate to develop a research and practice agenda. The study illustrates the need for a dynamic interconnection between the personal, micro or school-related level and the macro or policy level factors. The findings highlight the importance of external support, shared teacher knowledge and beliefs, professional experimentation, and shared reflection on student responses to classroom innovations.  相似文献   

Low reading comprehension persists among deaf readers, and recent research indicates that low automaticity in recognizing words and parsing sentence patterns is a significant source of the difficulty. When a learner does manage to gain an insight about some aspect of printed English, there may be limited impact on comprehension until the new knowledge can be applied fluently because the multiple cognitive demands of reading call for completing basic linguistic operations with a minimum of conscious effort. The research literature agrees that the route to improved automaticity is effective practice, and, thus, practice is also a likely route to increased comprehension. This article presents considerations to guide the design of practice for deaf readers. Certain of these notions are relatively applied in nature and may shape practice activities directly, for example, the discussion of research-based guidelines for tailoring the sequence and composition of practice items. Other parts of the discussion, such as those related to word recognition, are more theoretical than directive, and they imply research hypotheses that can and should be tested empirically. A principal point of this article is that without appreciable improvements in practice, the reading of many deaf students will remain largely unimproved.  相似文献   

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