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行政诉讼起诉期限就是行政诉讼时效,我国行政诉讼时效的规定繁琐而杂乱,在司法实践中存在理解上的分歧,因此首先要将我国行政诉讼起诉期限的规定作为行政诉讼时效进行系统性的整体理解。其次对现有行政诉讼时效的规定进行分析,总结出在司法实践中行政诉讼时效的计算方法。  相似文献   

行政诉讼最长起诉期限制度的适用在司法实务中颇有争议。基于起诉期限制度的立法目的、具体行政行为的成立与生效理论.法官有必要限定最长起诉期限制度的适用范围,其中20或5年期限的适用,应将适用对象限定为第三人,并将期限起算点的“作出’'解释为“生效”。  相似文献   

对环境行政诉讼几个问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《行政诉讼法》在环境行政诉讼方面存在着起诉资格的规定比较模糊、被诉对象范围狭窄、诉讼时效期限过短等缺陷。应该放宽起诉资格、扩大被诉对象范围、适当延长诉讼时效。  相似文献   

我国现行行政诉讼法及其司法解释根据不同情况对行政诉讼一般起诉期限采取不同的起算点,但受制于“知道或者应当知道”标准的主观性和案件的复杂多样性,很多时候很难推断出行政相对人是否“知道或应当知道”,由此给司法实践带来了计算难度。与诉讼时效不同,立法者在设定起诉期限起算点时的基本立场是基于行政行为的外部性特点,始于行政行为的对外作出,而并非以内部行政行为或过程性行政行为为基准。所以,在确定一般起诉期限起算点的认定标准时,应当围绕行政行为的效力状态展开。这不仅在客观上易于操作,而且在功能上可以更好地保护行政相对人的诉权,并监督行政机关依法行使职权。  相似文献   

赵明正 《太原大学学报》2013,14(2):46-50,53
行政诉讼起诉难是我国行政诉讼困境的重要表征。起诉虽然是起诉人向法院提起诉讼的单方行为,但致使起诉难产生的因素却不仅限于起诉人一方,起诉难产生的原因更多是在于实定法规定的不足和不合理,也存在于起诉人与行政主体及法院的相互作用过程之中。为解决行政诉讼起诉难问题,必须“对症下药”,采取提升起诉人自身能力、知识水平,完善相关法律规范,禁止行政主体对行政诉讼起诉制造障碍,改革和完善法院的立案审查制度及规范,改革法院的财政、人事制度等措施。  相似文献   

剖析两类典型的教育行政诉讼案件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着民主与法治进程的不断加快,我国行政诉讼制度正逐步走入正轨,行政诉讼案件的种类和数量与日俱增,涉及教育行政部门和学校的行政案件也呈逐年增长趋势。目前已发生的教育行政诉讼案件中,数量居多的主要有两类:一类是学生起诉学校的行政案件;一类是教师起诉教育行政部门的行政案件。这两类案件的发生和处理揭示出该领域尚存在不少值得探讨和规范的问题。  相似文献   

行政诉讼立案登记制是破解“立案难”的重要举措,也是司法改革的重点之一。由于《行政诉讼法》整体法条设计未体现立案登记制的本质与内核,所以在司法实践中对案件加以实质审查的现象依然存在,行政诉讼立案登记制存在审查程序明晰不够、起诉条件界定不清、保障措施有待完善等问题与不足。通过对行政诉讼立案登记制的实质意涵和构建模式的考察,提出了细化立案登记制审查程序、限定行政诉讼起诉条件范围和健全立案登记制保障机制等优化路径。  相似文献   

目前,我国行政诉讼的现状不很乐观,行政案件的受案数的增幅减缓甚至有不少省份呈下降趋势。行政相对人不愿、不能、不敢起诉,或者起诉以后迫于压力或害怕报复而又不得不撤诉的现象是其最主要的原因,也成为我国当前行政诉讼的一大难题。本文认为,确立行政诉讼中的“支持弱者原则”,是解决此难题的关键,也是完善和健全我国现行行政诉讼制度的重要选择。  相似文献   

行政诉讼立案登记制实施三年有余,一定程度上缓解了行政诉讼领域长期存在的"立案难"问题。但是,其存在起诉要件的文本逻辑失范、立案审查标准不明确、滥用起诉权行为的防范缺失的现实困境,现行制度仍然无法摆脱行政纠纷立案受理过程中实质审查的窠臼。对此,需要探寻行政诉讼立案登记制的实质意涵,以实现起诉要件的低阶化回归,从正当化改造的可行路径推动立案登记制的规范运行,并构建相对集中审查机制和规制滥用诉权,释放立案登记制度的潜能。  相似文献   

随着行政规范纳入司法审查,抽象行政行为和具体行政行为的划分也将失去原有的意义。行政规范纳入司法审查,我国行政诉讼制度必然要进行重新建构。本文就行政诉讼的起诉和管辖制度、裁判和执行制度提出了比较具体的建构方案。  相似文献   

简易程序不应只局限于诉讼领域,而行政简易程序也不应局限于行政处罚,它理应适用于大多数具体行政行为。从简易程序的基本问题入手,结合各个地方的简易程序规定,找出其共同性,并就其适用条件、适用范围、如何适用,做出了初步探析,还就我国行政程序法典中的简易程序规定作了初步设计。  相似文献   

论加强对抽象行政行为的监督   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国目前的抽象行政行为存在部门利益法制化、重复立法、越权立法等问题,这主要是由于现行抽象行政行为监督机制不健全造成的。因此要从进一步完善权力机关对抽象行政行为的监督、加强抽象行政行为中的民主程序、赋予行政相对人对所有抽象行政行为的行政复议请求权、逐步确立法院对抽象行政行为的司法审查等四个方面加强对抽象行政行为的监督。  相似文献   

When solving a scientific problem through experimentation, students may have the responsibility to design the experiment. When students work in a conventional condition, with paper and pencil, the designed procedures stay at a very general level. There is a need for additional scaffolds to help the students perform this complex task. We propose a computer environment (copex-chimie) with embedded scaffolds in order to help students to design an experimental procedure. A pre-structuring of the procedure where the students have to choose the actions of their procedure among pre-defined actions and specify the parameters forces the students to face the complexity of the design. However, this is not sufficient for them to succeed; they look for some feedback to improve their procedure and finally abandon their task. In another condition, the students were provided with individualized feedbacks on the errors detected in their procedures by an artificial tutor. These feedbacks proved to be necessary to accompany the students throughout their experimental design without being discouraged. With this kind of scaffold, students worked longer and succeeded better to the task than all the other students.  相似文献   

随着高校行政诉讼的日益增多,迫切需要对高校的行政违法问题进行研究。运用行政法理论,结合高校的特点和实际,对高校行政违法进行界定,并归纳其特征和构成要件,在此基础上对已有高校行政案件的典型案例进行分析,可以初步概括和归纳出高校各类行政违法行为的特征及其法律意义,并把高校行政违法划分为行政不作为、行政越权、行政滥用职权、事实与证据上的错误和程序违法五种类别。  相似文献   

Infants’ memories are highly specific to their training stimuli; they rarely transfer learned responding. In two experiments, we asked whether sensory preconditioning facilitates the transfer of deferred imitation. In Experiments 1A and 1B, 6-month-olds were simultaneously preexposed to Puppets A and B and then saw target actions modeled on Puppet A. The infants associated the paired puppets and imitated the actions on Puppet B. In Experiment 2, the preexposure procedure was repeated, but the actions were modeled on Puppet A with a toy train in view. The infants also associated Puppet A and the train: Either object effectively reactivated both forgotten memories; thereafter, the infants again imitated the actions on Puppet B. These findings reveal that infants form specific and enduring associations between stimuli they have merely seen together. These associations facilitate the transfer of deferred imitation, both directly and indirectly, through connections to other associations.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2006,16(2):139-153
This study explored the effects of active learning and types of elaboration on procedure acquisition (writing database queries). Training materials emphasized elaborations of conditions for executing actions versus elaborations of the connection between conditions and actions. In the “active” conditions, participants performed structured exercises designed to encourage active processing. In the “passive” conditions, participants studied examples that contained instructional elaborations. Although excessive instructional information for more knowledgeable learners can hurt performance, our results indicate that condition–action elaborations improved procedural performance the most, in both the active and passive conditions. Active learning required longer training time but was offset by reduced test time.  相似文献   

A classroom procedure that did not involve extensive teacher training nor intrusion into the school system was found to be easily implemented for one month with second graders. The children were encouraged to report during daily circle time how they had been kind, cooperative, helpful, or sharing with a peer. The report had to be corroborated by at least one classmate. Each prosocial action resulted in a star being placed on a class star chart. Pre and post observations of the frequency of prosocial actions by the intervention class and a randomly chosen control class revealed a significant increase in prosocial actions among peers in the intervention classroom.  相似文献   

A classroom procedure that did not involve extensive teacher training nor intrusion into the school system was found to be easily implemented for one month with second graders. The children were encouraged to report during daily circle time how they had been kind, cooperative, helpful, or sharing with a peer. The report had to be corroborated by at least one classmate. Each prosocial action resulted in a star being placed on a class star chart. Pre and post observations of the frequency of prosocial actions by the intervention class and a randomly chosen control class revealed a significant increase in prosocial actions among peers in the intervention classroom.  相似文献   

公民住宅权是人身自由权的延伸,根据国际规范,对其进行限制除有法律明文规定外,还需遵循正当理由、合理程序和比例原则。在我国,急需以法律形式规范最有可能造成住宅权侵犯的行政行为。  相似文献   

外语学习是一个很长的语言习得进程只有掌握语言的表达方式 ,语言的使用使你的及文化背景、社会功能 ,才能自如的使用语言 ,教师应在自身的教学过程中 ,拓展思路 ,利用语境教学发展学生的能力  相似文献   

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