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一、在含有no或less等否定词的句子里,一般不用不定式(短语)作主语,而用动名词(短语)作主语。但在用not否定谓语的句子里却可以用不定式。常见的结构是:Itisnouse(goodhelp)doing…;Itisuselessdoing…如:1.Itisnouselearningthetextbyheartwithoutunderstand鄄ingit.背书而不懂意思是没有用的。2.Itisuselessdiscussingthematter.讨论这事是没有用的。ItisnoteasytostudyEnglishwell.学好英语并不容易。二、动名词可以作therebe这种句型的主语,不定式则不能。例如押1.Thereisnodenyingthefact.事实不可否认。2.…  相似文献   

V-ing形式可在句中作主语、宾语或表语,这是动词非谓语形式的一种重要用法,也是高考的重要考点之一,同学们在学习时应注意下列几点:一、掌握V-ing形式作主语、宾语或表语的基本用法1.V-ing形式作主语V-ing形式可放在句首直接作主语,也可以用it作形式主语,将作真正主语的V-ing形式置于句末,这种用法常见于“Its no use/no good/useless doing sth”句式。例如:G oing to college is m y dream.上大学是我的梦想。Looking after these children is very difficult.照顾好这些小孩很难。Its no use/useless talking about this problem at …  相似文献   

no one与none     
no one和none的汉语意思相近,但用法却有区别。1.no one相当于nobody,二者可以通用,均用来指人,但no one只表示人,后面不能接of短语;none既可指人,又可指物,后面常接“of+the/m y/your/this/that+名词”构成的介词短语。例如:There is no one/nobody here.这里没有人。N o one/N one in this class is late for school.这个班没有一个学生上学迟到。N one ofthe film s are/is good.这些电影中没有一部是好的。2.no one为单数意义,在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式;而none作主语指可数名词时,谓语动词用单复数形式均可;none指不可数…  相似文献   

It has cities,but no houses.有城市无房屋。It has forests,but no trees.有森林无树林。It has rivers,but no fishes.有河流而无鱼虾。What is it?猜猜它是什么?It runs up the hill,一物随山而上,And runs down the hill,  相似文献   

no one & none     
no one意思是“没有人”“无一人”,与nobody同义,通常用来指代人,其后不能跟of短语。当它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。如:①I knocked at the door,but no one answered.我敲了门,可没人答应。②No one likes a person with bad manners.谁都不喜欢没有礼貌的人。none用于对三个或三个以上的人或物的否定,意思是“没有一个”,其后可接of短语;作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数,也可以用复数。如:①There are many books on the desk,but none is mine.课桌上有许多书,但没有一本是我的。②None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢…  相似文献   

根据英语语法规则的要求,英语的主语要与其谓语动词在人称、数和格三方面保持一致。本文主要讨论的是名词作主语时和谓语动词的搭配问题,现特从以下几个方面讨论之。一、确定真正的主语下面例句中,就是由于动词的真正主语没有确定而发生的错误。例1:桌子上有一箱鸡蛋。误:A box of egg are on the table. 正:A box of egg is on the table。这句话的主语是单数“一箱”而不是复数“鸡蛋”。故要用“is而不是用“are”。  相似文献   

Ideal is thebeacon.Without ideal,there is no secure direction;without direction,there is no life.理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。——【俄】托尔斯泰  相似文献   

当动词不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或者从句作句子的主语时,通常用it来作形式主语代替它们,而将真正的主语放在后面,以保持句子结构的平衡。例如:It is difficult to complete the mission on my own.独立完成这项使命是很难的。(真正的主语是to complete the mission on my ow  相似文献   

主谓短语作主语,难划的成分是主语和谓语不好确定.我们知道,主谓短语带上一定语调.语气,便成了主谓句,当它跟全句谓语结合时,这个句子就复杂化了,不但主语长,而且难以确定哪—个是主语,哪一个是谓语。例如“数字准确最关键”这个句子,主语是“数字”,还是“数字准确”呢?谓语是“准确最关键”,还是“最关键”呢?这对初学者是比较困难的.但是它们也有规律可循.首先,我们从主语上看,主谓短语作主语,在没有别的条件帮助下,主谓短语中的谓语一般都是  相似文献   

独立主格结构没有主语和谓语,所以在语法上不是句子。但它是一种具有逻辑主谓关系的独立结构,其逻辑主语多有名词或代词充当,逻辑谓语主要由分词、不定式、名词、形容词、副词或介词短语担任。独立主格结构常位于句首或句末,常用逗号与句子其它成份隔开,一般只用于书面用语。 一、独立主格结构的主要构成形式 1.名词(代词)+分词 It being Sunday today, we have no classes. 今天是星期天,我们不上课。 2.名词(代词)+不定式 The mid-term examination is over,the terminal examina-tion to cme in two months. 期中考试…  相似文献   

1.月球上既没有空气也没有水。[误]There is no air and water on the moon. [正]There is no air and no water on the moon. [正]There is no air or Water on the moon. [析]连词and常用在肯定句中连接并列的词或词组。在否定句中并列成分的连接应用or。2.玛丽是个好姑娘,但她上学经常迟到。[误]Mary is a good girl,and she is often late for school  相似文献   

动词-ing形式是由动词原形加词尾-ing构成。动词-ing形式一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个名词或形容词、副词,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等。1)作主语。例如:Laying eggs is the ant queen’s full-tim e job.产卵是蚁后的专职工作。Saying is easier than doing.说比做容易。有时为了保持句子平衡,通常用it作形式主语,而把真实主语放在句末。例如:It is no use crying over spilt m ilk.作无益的后悔是没有用的。It’s a waste of tim e arguing about it.辩论这事是浪费时间。2)作表语。动词-ing形式作…  相似文献   

一、and连接的两个名词、名词短语或名词性从句一起作主语时,谓语动词一般应为复数形式。例如:The headm asterand the m aths teacherattended the m eeting.校长和这位数学教师都参加了会议。W hathe said and whathe did have greatly encouraged his students.他说的话和做的事极大地鼓舞了他的学生。二、句子的主语是and连接的一个名词和另一个前面有not或no的名词短语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。例如:The horse and notthe donkey is used in gam es ofracing.赛马运动用的是马而不是驴。Allwork and no play m akes Jack a dullboy.…  相似文献   

以下谜语请各猜我国一城市名 1.Everyone is laughing at you. 2.It’s like spring all the yearround(整年). 3.It’s safe in the west. 4.There is no noise in the  相似文献   

英语中的否定句一般是用no或not构成,但有时为了修辞的需要,可采用某些不含no或not的词、短语或结构来表示否定意义,这种现象就叫隐性否定现象。下面就从词、短语和结构三个方面对此现象进行阐述。一、词 1.名词 He showed great reluctance to answer the letter.他极不情愿回  相似文献   

一、教学片段 Step 1. Lead-in T: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hi, Mr. Lu. T: It's quiet. There is no noise any more. No one is speaking. There is no noise. There is no whisper.(迅速地板书 whisper) No one is making a noise or a whisper. A whisper is a very low sound. It means soft noise. As we already know, Jiangxiang school is a most unusual school. It is quite unlike any other school in Sichuan. It is quite unusual, not the same as usual.(板书 unusual)Where do you have English class, in Chengdu or in Yangzhou?  相似文献   

A bag is useful and the word "bag" is useful, too. It reminds us of an interesting phrase(短语), i.e. "to let the cat out of the bag". In meaning it is the same as "to tell the secret". And there is an old interesting story about it.  相似文献   

1.In a roundhouse,there are twobright windows.Theyopen in the m orning,but at night theyclose.Tell m e whatthey are.(G uess athing.)2.It has cities,but no houses there;It hasforests,but no trees there;It has railways(铁路),but no trains on them;It has rivers,but no fishin them;It can be folded(折叠).W hat is it?(G uess a thing.)3.W hat is black w hen it is clean andwhite when it is dirty?(R efer to a thing in theclassroom.)4.W hat has a lot of teeth but no m outh?(R efer to a thing which i…  相似文献   

1. Good morning, children. Good mnorning,____and____. 2. Is everyone here today?____we____here today? 3. It has no eyes or no ears.It has no eyes____ ____ears. 4. The basket is full. It's a____basket. 5. I can't put the book on the desk. The books are too heavy. The books are____heavy  相似文献   

The coconut palm is a tree growing in warm climates1. It has no branches, but a mass2 of big leaves at the top. It is found in villages, parks, house gardens and along the coast in South East Asia. It can grow to a height of thirty metres and live as long as one hundred years. It grows best along the coast because of the sandy soil and moist3 sea breezes4.  相似文献   

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