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集体效能信念的形成及其对团队努力程度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
集体效能是人类主体性的重要组成部分之一,其核心是团体操作能力,是团体成员交互的、协调的和动力的产物。笔者通过实验考察了集体效能信念的形成及该信念对运动团队努力程度的影响。结果发现:(1)在同等初始效能条件下,接受成功经验处理的组,集体效能显著提高。(2)在同等初始效能条件下,接受失败经验处理的组,集体效能显著下降。(3)同样接受失败经验处理,高集体效能组将保持他们的努力程度(运动时间和最大心率)。  相似文献   

第一节比赛项目一、团体赛男子团体、女子团体、男女混合团体。团体比赛常用的两种方式: 1.三场制  相似文献   

2011年世界击剑锦标赛男子花剑团体比赛于10月16日在意大利卡塔尼亚举行。本次比赛是2012年伦敦奥运会资格赛,也是积分最高的比赛,各队非常重视,均派出了最强阵容。最终,中国队获得冠军,法国队获得亚军,德国队获得季军。为深入了解世界男子花剑强队在团体比赛中的技术特征,本文对此次世锦赛获得团体前4名队伍选手的得、失分技术,剑道区域,得、失分部位进行统计,旨为我国男子花剑队备战  相似文献   

所谓团体赛,在中国棋界并非泛指一般意义上的团体比赛,而是全国围棋锦标赛(团体)的简称。团体赛为国家体委直接组织管理的赛事,与个人赛、段位赛并称“三大赛”。  相似文献   

2009年世界击剑锦标赛女子重剑个人和团体比赛,经过紧张激烈的争夺,最终苏托娃、塞莱恩、波克洛娃和桑佳获得个人前3名,意大利、波兰、德国、法国、俄罗斯、罗马尼亚、匈牙利和中国队夺得团体前8名。本次世锦赛是2008年奥运会后各参赛国和运动员在国际剑联重新排位的一次重要赛事,个人赛和团体赛的前8名代表了当今世界女子重剑的最高水平。本文以2009年世锦赛女子重剑个人赛前3名及团体冠、亚军意大利队和波兰队的各3名上场队员为研究对象,对女子重剑个人赛2场半决赛、1场决赛和团体决赛中运动员不  相似文献   

从第28届奥运会体操比赛探讨我国男队的差距及努力方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对第28届奥运会中国男子队与世界强队之间团体比赛成绩、个人全能成绩、各单项动作难度及完成情况的统计、对比与研究,分析了中国男子体操队的成绩与差距。结果表明:日本和美国团体实力强大,中国队团体实力下降,强项的优势减弱,弱项差距拉大,失误率增高,致使中国体操男队实力与世界强队相比存在一定差距。  相似文献   

胡捷 《网球天地》2020,(2):112-112
1月4日晚,温州和平国际女子网球俱乐部众姐妹欢聚一堂举办新春年会,聊2019的精彩故事,话2020的美丽愿景,怀着振奋和愉悦共同迎接新年到来。年会上,秘书长夏溶溶女士向大家总结汇报了2019年俱乐部的活动和财务情况。每周固定活动日的坚持,每季集体活动的温馨,参加全省公开赛、全国女子团体比赛、世界华人比赛取得佳绩的喜悦,首次举办2019第三届“天龙网球杯”中国城市女子网球团体邀请赛的激动……随着对2019俱乐部一项项活动的盘点,一个个精彩和欢乐的瞬间不断在姐妹们脑海中浮现。  相似文献   

2013年全国少年乒乓球锦标赛于7月31日至8月6日在湖北省宜昌市举行。共有50支团体代表队(男女团体代表队各25只,男团因故取消3队、女团取消1队)、290名运动员报名参赛,其中,男运动员152人,女运动员138人。比赛分为两个阶段,共进行了144场团体比赛和641场单打比赛。  相似文献   

一九八一年在西德慕尼黑举行的世界艺术体操锦标赛有来自31个国家的86名运动员参加。参加团体比赛的有21个队。保加利亚获团体冠军和个人前三名。苏联获团体亚军和个人第四、第五名。捷克名列团体第三和个人第七、第八名。一名西德运动员得个人第六名。具体名次和得分如下:  相似文献   

2009年第一届全国智力运动会女子团体比赛,有别于全国女子团体赛2人项目。智运会采取3人一个团体,这样变化后,团体赛特质就更加突出,比赛时团队需要更多的配合与默契,赛况也更加有趣和精彩了。  相似文献   

Collective efficacy is an important determinant of the motivation of individuals within groups, with increases in collective efficacy producing more effort in a task and greater persistence when faced with failure. To test hypotheses concerning the impact of collective efficacy on effort and persistence, participants (n = 22) were assigned to triads (consisting of the participant and two confederates) and performed three time trials on cycle ergometers. After trial 1, the participants were assigned to either a high or low collective efficacy condition, receiving appropriate bogus performance feedback. All groups received failure feedback after trial 2. Effort was assessed by performance time and maximum heart rate (HRmax) achieved during performance. A 2 (collective efficacy condition) x 3 (trials) analysis of variance with repeated measures on trials revealed significant interaction effects for both performance time and HRmax. Fisher's least significant difference post-hoc tests indicated that, following efficacy manipulation, groups low in collective efficacy significantly reduced both their performance time and HRmax, whereas groups high in collective efficacy maintained performance and HRmax. However, predictions concerning the impact of failure on persistence were not supported. Our results provide partial support for the role of collective efficacy in team sports.  相似文献   

世界花样游泳集体自由自选造型变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索世界花样游泳造型变化的趋势,对2007年十二届世锦赛,2006年第六届世界杯,2005年十一届世锦赛和2004年第28届奥运会花样游泳比赛集体自由自选前六名队伍的造型变化进行统计分析。结果显示:造型数量增加,变化速度加快,密度难度加大;托举的类型增加、层次增多,出水的人数增多,出水位置高,成型时间短,动作惊险、多变。中国队托举与立体造型进步明显,而密集编队、盲点编队、倒立移动编队等体现编队难度的指标与世界前三名队伍相比有一定的差距。  相似文献   

Collective efficacy can be defined as a group's shared confidence that they will successfully achieve their goal. We examined which behaviours and events are perceived as sources of collective efficacy beliefs in a volleyball context. In study 1, volleyball coaches from the highest volleyball leagues (n = 33) in Belgium indicated the most important sources of collective efficacy. This list was then adapted based on the literature and on feedback given by an expert focus group, resulting in a 40-item questionnaire. In Study 2, coaches and players from all levels of volleyball in Belgium (n = 2365) rated each of these sources on their predictive value for collective efficacy. A principal component analysis revealed that the 40 sources could be divided into eight internally consistent factors. Positive supportive communication (e.g., enthusiasm after making a point) was identified as the factor most predictive for positive collective efficacy beliefs. The factor referring to the negative emotional reactions of players (e.g., discouraging body language) was the most predictive for negative collective efficacy beliefs. These findings offer a starting point for the design of continuous measurements of collective efficacy through observation.  相似文献   

Collective efficacy research has begun to progress from simply trying to verify the relationship between collective efficacy and performance to examining the mechanisms through which collective efficacy impacts on performance. To test hypotheses concerning the impact of collective efficacy on group goal selection and commitment, 24 participants were assigned to triads (consisting of the participant and two confederates) and performed two time-trials on cycle ergometers. Before each trial, the participants were asked to select both a finishing time and position goal for their group and to indicate their commitment towards these goals. After trial 1, the participants were assigned to either a high or low collective efficacy condition and received appropriate bogus performance feedback. Analysis of variance and post-hoc tests revealed that participants in the low collective efficacy group significantly reduced both finishing time and group position goals from trial 1 to trial 2, whereas participants in the high collective efficacy group maintained their goals. These results provide support for Bandura's suggestions concerning the mechanisms through which collective efficacy impacts upon performance.  相似文献   

Collective efficacy research has begun to progress from simply trying to verify the relationship between collective efficacy and performance to examining the mechanisms through which collective efficacy impacts on performance. To test hypotheses concerning the impact of collective efficacy on group goal selection and commitment, 24 participants were assigned to triads (consisting of the participant and two confederates) and performed two time-trials on cycle ergometers. Before each trial, the participants were asked to select both a finishing time and position goal for their group and to indicate their commitment towards these goals. After trial 1, the participants were assigned to either a high or low collective efficacy condition and received appropriate bogus performance feedback. Analysis of variance and post-hoc tests revealed that participants in the low collective efficacy group significantly reduced both finishing time and group position goals from trial 1 to trial 2, whereas participants in the high collective efficacy group maintained their goals. These results provide support for Bandura's suggestions concerning the mechanisms through which collective efficacy impacts upon performance.  相似文献   


Collective efficacy can be defined as a group's shared confidence that they will successfully achieve their goal. We examined which behaviours and events are perceived as sources of collective efficacy beliefs in a volleyball context. In Study 1, volleyball coaches from the highest volleyball leagues (n = 33) in Belgium indicated the most important sources of collective efficacy. This list was then adapted based on the literature and on feedback given by an expert focus group, resulting in a 40-item questionnaire. In Study 2, coaches and players from all levels of volleyball in Belgium (n = 2365) rated each of these sources on their predictive value for collective efficacy. A principal component analysis revealed that the 40 sources could be divided into eight internally consistent factors. Positive supportive communication (e.g. enthusiasm after making a point) was identified as the factor most predictive for positive collective efficacy beliefs. The factor referring to the negative emotional reactions of players (e.g. discouraging body language) was the most predictive for negative collective efficacy beliefs. These findings offer a starting point for the design of continuous measurements of collective efficacy through observation.  相似文献   


We examined the influence of collective efficacy and subjective interpretations of success/failure on team causal attributions. The participants were 71 male and female high school athletes on 20 track relay teams. Before a selected competition, participants completed a collective efficacy questionnaire. Then, immediately after their race, they were administered a modified version of the revised Causal Dimension Scale-II. A multi-level framework was employed to assess collective efficacy as an individually held perception and as a shared team belief. The individual perceptions of team success/failure significantly predicted the locus of causality and stability dimensions, whereas aggregated collective efficacy emerged as a significant team level predictor of average stability. Individual perceptions of collective efficacy were significantly related to team control and this relationship was moderated by the sex of the team. The findings indicate that collective efficacy beliefs held by athletes and teams prior to a competition influence the formation of post-competition team attributions in sport.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of collective efficacy and subjective interpretations of success/failure on team causal attributions. The participants were 71 male and female high school athletes on 20 track relay teams. Before a selected competition, participants completed a collective efficacy questionnaire. Then, immediately after their race, they were administered a modified version of the revised Causal Dimension Scale-II. A multi-level framework was employed to assess collective efficacy as an individually held perception and as a shared team belief. The individual perceptions of team success/failure significantly predicted the locus of causality and stability dimensions, whereas aggregated collective efficacy emerged as a significant team level predictor of average stability. Individual perceptions of collective efficacy were significantly related to team control and this relationship was moderated by the sex of the team. The findings indicate that collective efficacy beliefs held by athletes and teams prior to a competition influence the formation of post-competition team attributions in sport.  相似文献   

作为体育无形资产的重要内容,运动队集体形象有着独立于运动员个人形象的商业价值,其保护诉求随着体育事业的发展而日益强烈。探寻合理方式以切实保护其合法利益是目前新兴而迫切的问题。法律性质上,我国成文法中尚未规定集体形象权等说法,集体形象并不属于权利,而是属于权利之外的其他利益。保护模式上,其利益属性决定了其保护模式为行为规制模式而非权利保护模式,即通过禁止不正当利用行为而保护运动队集体形象权益主体的合法利益。具体规则上,在目前法无明文规定且该利益保护确有必要的情况下,适用《反不正当竞争法》一般条款是已有尝试但仍待探索的做法,鉴于一般条款的原则性和抽象性,应强调这并非是一种无限制的扩张保护,而是一种严格考虑保护对象、被诉使用行为、损害后果等具体要素的有限制的适度保护。  相似文献   

该研究通过问卷调查等方法,以集群行为理论为基础,运用集群行为整合模型分析足球球迷暴力行为发生的心理过程。结果表明:(1)对354名足球球迷的问卷调查结果显示,足球球迷具有鲜明的集体身份认同,球迷暴力行为是情绪与认知共同作用的结果,这一结论与van Zomeron与Thomas的观点一致;(2)由集体身份认同、愤怒情绪和暴力行为意愿形成的路径是足球球迷暴力行为心理过程的情绪通路,集体身份认同、集体效能和暴力行为意愿形成的路径是足球球迷暴力行为心理过程的认知通路,两条通路在足球球迷暴力行为心理过程中起到了重要作用;(3)对于足球球迷暴力行为的心理过程,集群行为的社会认同理论模型(SIMCA)和社会认同封存模型(EMSICA)都具有一定的解释性,但是SIMCA模型应该更加适合具有群内相吸、群外排斥特点的足球球迷群体的心理过程。  相似文献   

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