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本文研究了动态规划最优性原理在股票投资决策中的应用,给出了一般的资源分配投资的数学模型,并设计了计算机算法,从而为解决复杂的资源分配问题提供了简便的方法。  相似文献   

本介绍利用一种数字方法处理含有时空变化因素的复杂问题的最优决策,它与一般线性规划即有共性又有差异,但它更贴近生活,更实际,更具有普遍意义,借助计算机运算,此方法仍不失为一种是佳途径。  相似文献   

应用动态规划方法进行路径规划,仿真结果证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

基于契约先行的开发方式,设计并实现一种轻量级的组合服务契约,将服务契约设计从语法层提高到语义层,从而丰富了服务契约架构设计的内容,有助于利用SOA进行企业信息高效集成的顺利实施.  相似文献   

在深入研究SOA思想和SCA核心技术的基础上,划分出SOA体系架构层并且对每一层的关键特性进行分析。然后按照SCA规范来实现每一层,建立一种基于SCA规范的服务模型。基于SCA的服务模型可以提高服务复用度,实现不同技术的快速集成。  相似文献   

在深入研究SOA思想和SCA核心技术的基础上,划分出SOA体系架构层并且对每一层的关键特性进行分析。然后按照SCA规范来实现每一层,建立一种基于SCA规范的服务模型。基于SCA的服务模型可以提高服务复用度,实现不同技术的快速集成。  相似文献   

随着面向服务的架构(SOA)逐渐在软件系统开发中运用,同时也出现了基于SOA的数字图书馆.本文首先介绍了SOA的概念和特点,然后指出了传统的数字图书馆架构的不足之处,从而引出了构建基于SOA的数字图书馆的必要性,最后将SOA运用到数字图书馆中,提出了构建基于SOA的数字图书馆架构的过程及其优势.  相似文献   

为解决基于服务质量的服务选择,提出了一个多属性群决策算法.该算法通过使用Borda社会选择函数集成了多种具有不同原理用于计算不断变化的服务质量方法的结果,从而增强了服务选择的可靠性.实验结果表明该方法具有较好的可扩展性,从而能适用于大规模的分布式服务计算环境;同时相比于随机和轮转服务选择策略,所提出的基于群决策的服务选择策略具有更优的性能,它能够有效地优化服务选择.该算法不仅仅是增加了一种用于获取不断变化的web服务质量的方法,而是建立一个具有多层知识的综合信息体,从而保障了服务选择的正确性.  相似文献   

针对当前校园E-Learning系统架构现状不能很好地满足个性化服务的需求,提出了一种面向服务的E-Learning系统架构.从个性化服务出发探讨E-Learning系统的技术架构和业务规划,教师可根据实际环境与需求进行教学设计,动态更新学习资源信息,通过对学习者个性信息的分析为其提供个性化的学习指导.  相似文献   

信息资源的有效整合一直是远程教育领域中面临的难题和挑战。指出了在资源整合过程中存在的主要问题,针对问题分析了SOA(Service--Oriented Architecture,面向服务架构)实现教育信息资源整合的适用性和可行性,并对利用该架构进行远程教育信息资源整合提出了方案。  相似文献   

基于MAS系统的动态web服务组合形式化建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动态服务组合是解决SOA和SOC的重要方案之一.针对动态服务组合的实现,把MAS技术应用到服务组合中.首先对MAS和web服务组合的本质进行分析,讨论了MAS和web服务组合的关系.其次,构建了基于MAS的web服务组合框架,命名为CSMWC,并用Jade实现了该框架.此框架初步实现了语法级别的动态服务组合,并为语义级别的动态服务组合打下基础.为说明构建框架的正确性,应用pi演算对构建的MAS体系结构进行形式化描述,同时对web服务组合中重要的性质如动态性、适应性进行了推理.最后给出了应用基于pi演算的验证工具Pi4SOA进行验证的过程.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of service scale, there are many services with the same functional properties but different non-functional properties on the Internet. There have been some global optimizing service selection algorithms for service selection. However, most of those approaches cannot fully reflect users’ preferences or are not fully suitable for large-scale services selection. In this paper, an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm for the model of global optimizing service selection with various quality of srevice (QoS) properties is employed, and a user-preference based large-scale service selection algorithm is proposed. This algorithm aims at optimizing user-preferred QoS properties and selecting services that meet all user-defined QoS thresholds. Experiment results prove that this algorithm is very efficient in this regard.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Web service technologies are immerging as a powerful vehicle for organizations that participate in Web based dynamic collaborations. An organization can publish its business processes as Web services to the Internet for potential customers to discover and use them. Compared with traditional fixed inter-orga- nization collaboration relationship, the Web-based dynamic collaboration brings service providers more customers and more profits, and enables consumers to search in a w…  相似文献   

网格服务体系结构的出现对网格服务发现提出了挑战,UDDI上基于关键词和简单分类的服务发现机制已经不能很好满足需要.本文在分析现有相关研究的基础上,提出了基于服务质量的网格服务发现机制,引入服务质量相似度的概念,为网格服务发现提供了一种有效可行的方法.  相似文献   

针对web服务组合中选择服务需感知服务的QoS属性问题,采用向量表示法描述原子服务及组合服务的QoS属性和用户提出的多项全局约束,把寻求满足多项非功能属性约束的最优服务组合问题转化为在有向图中搜索最优多约束路径问题,采用有向图对组合服务建模.设计了多QoS属性约束的服务组合模拟退火算法,进行组合服务QoS属性的归一化处理和二次寻优.实验结果表明该方法可求得满足各项QoS约束的可行解,模拟过程显示该算法以多项式时间复杂度选出近似最优解.  相似文献   

Online shopping has already become the new mode that a lot of customers try to adopt. At the same time, the online shopping could not be successfully completed without logistics service. Logistics service quality (LSQ) has significant impact on revenue and profitability. This paper presents the issue from the perspective of the customer, and explores the initial factors of LSQ based on the online shopping through in-depth interview and the Delphi method. The survey uses a standard 7-point Likert-type scale to measure the LSQ. Empirical research results are shown in detail to confirm seven LSQ dimensions with Chinese characteristics, including timeliness quality, personal contact quality, order quality, order discrepancy handling, order condition and convenience. Statistical analyses of the investigation were conducted to test the reliability and validity of the LSQ evaluation model.  相似文献   

Mobility and resource-limitedness pose challenging issues to service configuration for quality of service (QoS) management in ubiquitous computing environments. Previous configuration approaches, such as static resource reservation, dynamic resource allocation and single service composition are not valid in the environments. In this study, we present an adaptive service configuration approach. Firstly, we reduce the dynamic configuration process to a control model which aims to achieve the variation of critical QoS on minimal level with less resource cost. Secondly, to deal with different QoS variations, we design two configuration strategies--service chain reconfiguration and QoS parameter adjustment--and implement them based on fuzzy logic control theory. Finally, a configuration algorithm is developed to flexibly employ the two configuration strategies in tune with the error of critical QoS in configuration process. The results of simulation experiments suggest that our approach outperforms existing configuration approaches in both QoS improvement and resource utilization.  相似文献   

In this paper, primal-dual interior-point algorithm with dynamic step size is implemented for linear programming (LP) problems. The algorithms are based on a few kernel functions, including both self-regular functions and non-self-regular ones. The dynamic step size is compared with fixed step size for the algorithms in inner iteration of Newton step. Numerical tests show that the algorithms with dynamic step size are more efficient than those with fixed step size. Project supported by Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (Grant No.613.000.010)  相似文献   

为减少路网机动车尾气排放,建立了基于近似动态规划的相邻两交叉口信号协调控制算法.以捷达车作为试验车辆,在长春市长春大街进行实车实验,采集了完全停车以及匀速行驶2种状态下的机动车排放因子;以进口道排队长度、信号灯色作为系统状态的表达变量,以绿灯切换方案作为决策变量集,采用近似动态规划中的基函数方法,建立了规划时间窗内优化...  相似文献   

调查了应届毕业大学生对四年大学生活的满意度,通过分析他们对大学生活的满意度、教师上课效果的认可度,对就读大学的情感归属度,对大学未来发展的期望度,以及对职业素质认知度等五个角度,有效解读了高校服务型管理模式所面临的挑战。围绕"学生的满意度和高等教育质量有机结合,大学教育的目标和学生的需求有机结合,美好的办学理想同有效的办学载体有机结合"三个结合,提出了服务型高校管理模式的建构路径。  相似文献   

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