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Data from the International Social Survey Program indicate considerablevariation in the desire of respondents for increased spendingon the environment in Australia, Austria, Great Britain, theUnited States, and West Germany. This paper explores this variationwith the following objectives: (1) to determine the extent towhich the social bases of environmental concern are consistentacross nations; (2) to determine how the issue of the environmenthas been politicized in the five industrialized nations, focusingon the association of Old Leftist concerns and environmentalconcern; and (3) to determine the extent to which the socialbases of environmental concern can explain the cross-nationalvariation. The study usesa regression analysis, testing variablesrepresenting the social bases of environmental concern frompast research in the United States, a scale representing commitmentto the platform of the Old Left, and dummy variables for eachcountry. The results show that the social bases of environmentalconcern are the same in the five countries studied, includinga consistent positive association of Old Leftism with environmentalconcern. However, substantial variation between countries inthe overall level of concern remains. Potential sources of theremaining variation are examined.  相似文献   

日前翻检旧档,发现两封抗战时期国民党大佬写给陶百川的私信。这些信札保存在上海市档案馆馆藏——解放后军管会新闻处接收的旧大东书局档案中。说起大东书局,解放前在“上海滩”是以印制钞票、印花税票和邮票而著名的。它的董事长是赫赫有名的“海上闻人”杜月笙,总经理便是这位陶百川。  相似文献   

Positive news is advantageous for a party, but the effects ofnegative news are less obvious, especially in a multiparty system.One possibility is an indecisionmodel in which negative informationwould push voters to the undecided category. An alternativeis a proportional model in which voters would move to otherparties in proportion to their share of the vote. A third scenariowould correspond to a proximity model in which the shift wouldbe to parties holding viewpoints similar to those of the criticizedparty. The three models were tested using the ideodynamic modelor the 1994 elections in the Netherlands and Germany. The explanatoryvariables were content analysis data obtained daily for majorprint and electronic news media. The dependent variable wasweekly survey data of party preferences of voters. The analysisshowed the proportional model to be the least plausible withthe proximity model being promising. Campaign strategists startingfrom the proximity model will both promote negative news aboutother parties and adopt their issue positions.  相似文献   

国立社会教育学院图书博物馆学系简史   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了我国现代重要的图书馆学教育机构——国立社会教育学院图书博物馆学系的创立背景,并探讨了其办学的基本情况。  相似文献   

From their inception the modern Olympics have been characterized by controversy over the meaning of the games. The 1908 London games and their coverage in the Edwardian press illustrate the tension between the Olympic ideal of ‘friendly’ sporting competition and the reality of the intense national rivalry in Europe prior to the First World War. During the games, newspapers also addressed the parallel tension between amateur virtue and the desire to win. The press presented sporting achievement at the London games as a measure of national status and provided an introduction to issues surrounding international sporting competition which still persist today.  相似文献   

在海选的基础上产生国家标志 国歌像国旗、国徽一样,是一个国家必不可少的象征和标志.在举行隆重集会、庆典以及国际交往等仪式上,通常需要演奏或演唱,以抒发爱国之情. 1949年春天,新中国尚在紧张的筹建之中,"保卫世界和平大会"在捷克首都布拉格召开.按照大会规定,开幕式各国代表团入场时,要同时奏唱本国国歌,这让应邀出席的中国代表团陷入窘境.大家商量了一下,决定用《义勇军进行曲》来代替,只是歌词中"中华民族到了最危险的时候"一句不甚合适.新生共和国马上就要成立了,中华民族即将迎来的是灿烂的明天.于是,郭沫若将这一句改为"中华民族到了大翻身的时候".  相似文献   

全国高校信息素质教育学术研讨会综述   总被引:79,自引:1,他引:79  
王波 《大学图书馆学报》2002,20(2):89-90,88
2002年1月7~9日,由教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会委托黑龙江省高校图工委、黑龙江大学图书馆和黑龙江大学信息管理学院承办的全国高校信息素质教育学术研讨会在黑龙江大学召开。教育部高教司教学条件处李晓明处长,黑龙江省教育厅辛宝忠副厅长,黑龙江大学衣俊卿校长、丁立群副校长出席了会议开幕式,教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会朱强秘书长,教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会用户培训工作组组长、清华大学图书馆刘桂林馆长,黑龙江大学图书馆霍灿如馆长,黑龙江大学信息管理学院冷伏海院长等参加了会议全过…  相似文献   

解读了《北京宣言》昭示的理念和CASHL文献资源共建、共知和共享的成功实践,从保证稳定的资金投入、提高资源建设与服务质量、加强宣传推广、建立评估机制等方面提出了构建国家级人文社科文献资源保障与服务体系的建议。  相似文献   

博士论文有很高的学术价值。国家图书馆对博士论文不应该仅仅是简单的收藏,而应该是深层次服务,最终实现博士论文全部信息资源的全面开发和利用。为此,提出如下建议:扩大博士论文的收藏范围;全面揭示博士论文的信息;完善博士论文的共建共享;加强博士论文的出版发行;建立博士论文的网络交流平台。  相似文献   

本文分析了GB3179 及GB7713 等项国家标准在应用中的问题, 提出了完善这几项国家标准的意见和建议。  相似文献   

在CALIS编目工作中,相对于检索字段而言,3XX附注字段一直是比较薄弱的环节。实际上,要想真正实现CALIS数据“整体化、标准化、规范化”的目标,就必须十分重视3XX字段的著录规则。本文对CALIS3XX字段中容易混淆的几个字段进行分析探讨,概括归纳出正确使用这些字段的一些规律和方法。  相似文献   

全国高校信息素质教育学术研讨会,在国家教育部高教司和高校图工委的领导下,在组委会全体同仁的共同努力下,在与会代表的积极支持下,经过两天大会和分组会议的热烈研讨,即将落下帷幕。我受组委会的委托,向大会做总结。大会研讨的主题———“新世纪网络环境下大学生信息素质教育发展的机遇、挑战与对策”,从征集的论文看,共分为以下五个专题:(一)信息素质教育与创新教育(二)计算机网络教育(三)文献检索课教学与改革(四)文献检索课教材与师资建设(五)信息用户教育与服务其中第三个专题,即关于文献检索课教学与改革的论文…  相似文献   

2002年末,上海博物馆等举办的《晋唐宋元国宝展》中,宋代著名文学家、史学家欧阳修的书法《欧阳氏谱图序》是其中之一(见影印件)。欧阳修(1007-1072),字永叔,号醉翁、六一居士,吉州庐陵(今江西吉安)人。据明代宋濂在该书法跋中提到:“欧阳文忠公谱图序作于至和二年(公元1055年)”。一百三十一年后,欧阳修的同乡,南宋丞相周必大把该书法作品与欧阳修于嘉祐八年(公元1063年)书写的“夜宿中书东阁诗”联为一卷装裱,至今已近千年。该书  相似文献   

Death and its inevitability have preoccupied man since his origins. Earlier in history it was possible to transcent fear of death through socially reinforced belief if an afterlife. With the rise of science and rationalism, however, this belief was shattered and death in its finality loomed larger. Recently a spate of literature on the death and dying process has raised philosophical, social, moral, ethical, and legal questions. This bibliography details sources through which this new literature may be approached, sorted out, and, to some degree, evaluated.  相似文献   

上个世纪三十年代中国左翼文化总同盟(简称"文总")书记陈处泰,是一位具有较高马列水平的理论家和长期从事革命实践活动的组织者。他的事迹和对党的地下工作的忠诚,对中国左翼文化的贡献,都与一位叫华克之的国民党左派人士有着不可分割的关联。他们之间的生死之交,交织着一曲动人心魄的时代挽歌……同乡同学的发小情谊他们同是江苏省宝应县人氏。陈  相似文献   

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