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On October 6, 2006, New Suzhou Museum, designed by renowned America-based Chinese architect Bei Yuming, opened to public. Bei went back from the United States to unveil his last creation and some one hundred celebrities from France, Germany, USA, Japan and Singapore, including the wife of French Premier, attended the opening ceremony.[第一段]  相似文献   

When I was in kindergarten, I was always in trouble. During recess I either sat on the benches or stood up against the wall. I had few friends; I always seemed to get into arguments with my classmates no matter if they were Filipino American like me, or European American, or African American, or Latinos. I always caused problems for my teacher. Mrs. H. always tried to silence me when I would try and engage in a discussion as to why I was in trouble. Once I got punished for not doing my class work correctly. We were to watch a movie when we all finished coloring our pictures. I hurried to finish my picture so I could join my classmates on the round carpet. I was so proud of my work I ran up to show Mrs. H. I was halted in mid stride by Mrs. M., the aide, and told to return to my seat. Mrs. H. examined my picture and proceeded to show the class how wrong my picture was. My picture was not done correctly because I colored outside of the lines of the lion's mane. As punishment I had to sit in the corner and color another lion picture as the class got to watch the movie. Every so often I would lean back in my chair and get a glimpse of the movie. I would be redirected to my work when Mrs. H. would yell at me to return to my seat and remind me I wasn't part of the group. All I wanted to do was be with everyone else. Was I really wrong to color outside the lines or did I have fine motor issues that needed to be addressed?  相似文献   

Double-sided Embroidered Screen appears in Suzhou A double-sided embroidered screen copying landscape paintings by Tang Yan, a talented painter of the Ming Dynasty, was put on shelf in an embroidery shop in Suzhou, with a price of RMB 260,000 yuan. It was completed by several highly skilled embroiderers from Zhenhu known as the “hometown of Suzhou-style embroidery”. The extraordinary works cost these embroiderers more than 1800 hours. Xu Beihong’s Oil Painting Expected to Set Record…  相似文献   

Located at the western coast of the Pacific Ocean and the south of the Yangtze River,the Yangtze Delta is composed of fifteen cities in China,such as Suzhou,Hangzhou,and Shanghai ,With neighboring areas ,diverse cultures,mutually complementary economies,and close relationships among people,  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies of cultural engagement are uncommon. This paper explores whether there are stable latent clusters of cultural engagement over time and whether age–period–cohort (APC) effects explain within-person changes between these clusters across the life course. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey (N?=?25,149), I conduct longitudinal latent class analysis to uncover the latent patterns of cultural consumption across nine activities: cinema, watching live sport, attending the theatre, eating at a restaurant, doing DIY, attending an evening class, meeting with local groups, volunteering, and going to a club/pub. Then, I explore whether APC effects are observable in the data using scatterplot smoothing, lowess regression. Six latent clusters are consistently observed in each wave: None, DIY, Restaurant/Pub, Cinema/Theatre, Volunteer, and All (almost all activities). A large number of respondents have highly stable patterns of cultural engagement but there is also a substantial degree of variation. Transitions between latent clusters over time occur between those that are compositionally similar (in terms of activities). These changes in patterns of cultural engagement are partially explained by age effects, such as time constraints and health. Additionally, there is some evidence of cohort effects among the youngest cohorts moving into the “All” latent cluster, the cluster with the most cultural breadth.  相似文献   

Labrang Monastery has the strongest religious atmosphere among all the Tibetan Buddhist temples that I have visited. In Labrang Monastery, commercial influence is rarely seen here and there are not many tourists. Perhaps due to its solemn religious atmosphere, visitors are not noisy as they are in other sightseeing places. They usually peacefully observe the sacred halls, solemn religious rites and faithful monks with their eyes and camera lens. All these should be attributed to its monks w…  相似文献   

It is a small town I like most. I went there with my college mates in the 1980s and was quite impressed. The small town extended along the river. From a distant view, overlapping houses and charming roof slopes could be glimpsed through misty morning rays and black tiles and white walls looked plain but elegant. There was a riverside square in the town and a stone bridge in a distance. Adults sat at the bridge, chatting and enjoying the cool while kids chasing and playing on the square. On t…  相似文献   

This paper was originally written as a keynote speech for a specific occasion, an international forum that was held by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in Taipei in February 2001, to discuss Taiwan's international status in the post-Cold War era. The PCT is known as a strong advocate of Taiwan independence and democratization, and I had this specific audience in mind in organizing this paper. My concern was that the independence advocacy that had aptly expressed people's aspirations in the democratization movement under the iron-fist rule of KMT was being subsumed, as Taiwan polity was Taiwanized and democratized, into a banal statist discourse. This discourse, I am afraid, has distanced itself from its original popular source and become the elite politicians' discourse, indifferent to the everyday life and security of the people in Taiwan. I approached this problematic from the perspective of 'people's security', which I discussed in my previous essay on the topic in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies , vol. 2, no. 1. As the mutual relationships between East Asian countries had to be shaped overwhelming by the US Cold War rhetoric and material influences, discussing Taiwan with regard to the transition to the post-Cold War era required me to go, albeit in outline, into the basics of these relationships as well as the modes of US hegemony in this region both in the Cold War and post-Cold War settings. I felt that characterization of these diverse elements, if sketchy, was indispensable to discussing the topic, Taiwan today. At my friends' suggestion, I tried to revise the original paper to fit into the concerns of the general readership, with the different aspects mentioned more fully explained. However, I have found this difficult as it would require me to write a completely new article, or maybe a whole book. So I present this paper almost as it was written for the original PCT audience.  相似文献   

As a first-year teacher, out of field, European-American, and female, I expected I would have some growing pains teaching a class of African American boys with emotional and behavior disorders. I was unprepared for exactly how much growing and pain would actually be involved. Instinctively, I reached out to the paraprofessional with whom I was working, Mrs. Watkins (pseudonym), and to my surprise I was cleverly deflected with enthusiastic assurances of how I was the teacher and it was my classroom. It was clearly logical to me that, since she was African-American, had worked with African-American boys with emotional and behavioral disorders in the past, and was partnered with me for the year, she would openly work with me to make the classroom the best it could be for all involved. It seemed reasonable to me that I would look to her for guidance. She declined.

After two months, I was barely making it through each day. It was obvious the classroom needed serious changes, but I did not know where to begin. Our interactions were polite, but brief. Our work was always done, but separately. After two months of attempting to solicit her input and begin a reflective conversation about the happenings of our classroom, the most I would get is a shaking of her head or “They're playing you.” When I would ask her to explain how they were “playing me,” she would just shake her head. One day I confronted her unwillingness to engage in a conversation with me. She simply stated, “You're the teacher.” We stopped speaking unless absolutely necessary. (Cicetti-Turro, Personal Correspondence, 2001)  相似文献   


Using a memoir written decades later, I examine key features of the religious scene in Knock, County Mayo, in the 1830s and 1840s. I address the nature of the writer's memory, embodied as it was in orally transmitted stories, and show how these narratives provide maps of the cultural terrain. Then, after briefly considering the class dimension of poor Catholic resentment of powerful Protestants, I focus on the sectarian feeling by and towards other poor people. I analyse the complex ideological work through which local Catholics who converted to Protestantism were socially constructed as ‘not-Knock’ people.  相似文献   

My traveling experiences have led me to more than half of China and countless beautiful places and moving stories have been recorded in my travelogues. But when I saw old villages in Wuyuan in the southern province of Jiangxi, I was totally intoxicated by its incredible beauty and realized that it was truly a fairyland. In a digitalized society today, urban dwellers are overwhelmed by concrete jungles of metropolises and access to history and traditions seems a luxury for them. But old towns…  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of the wrath of Abū Marwān al-Yu[hdot]ānisī, a thirteenth-century Andalusi saint, and the protagonist of the Tu?fat al-mughtarib of al-Qashtālī. I have divided the study into two main parts. The first sets out and analyses various occasions on which the saint committed violent acts against Christians. Two of them died as a consequence of these aggressions. All the cases in this first part took place in the Muslim East during the saint's stay in this area. The second part examines cases of violence committed against Muslim people from al-Andalus. The victims suffered the consequences of the wrath of the saint, although he was not directly involved in the aggressions themselves. The stories are narrated by al-Yu[hdot]ānisī himself, and we do not know whether they really took place. Regarding these manifestations of violence, the hagiographic sources not only justify all the violent acts committed by the saint, murder included, but they present the saint to society as an “example” to follow, and indeed as a “hero”.  相似文献   

The journey toward becoming a multicultural person is not easy and is never finished. As an educational administrator in a tri-cultural state, I felt comfortable that I was proficient in dealing with diversity. Only when I began a doctoral program at a major Texas university was my naivety exposed. I quickly learned that experience in working with diverse populations and the ability to relate effectively to people of different ethnic backgrounds were vastly different. The two years I spent deeply immersed in a multiculturally rich cohort of doctoral students changed me. My eyes were opened to injustices that I had never before seen as I vicariously experienced life through the eyes of the “other.” Today, I am a professor at a regional university. My experiences, focused through the lens of theory, are the basis for the message to my students. I have traveled the road before and can now point the way toward a broader definition of acceptance and tolerance.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):231-255
In this article, I present an analysis of Steven Soderbergh's The Limey that is informed by auteurism and an effort to unpack the film's antinomies. Although it was not as high profile as subsequent Soderbergh films, The Limey presents an interesting entry in the director's corpus for its stylistic signature and its "liberal" politics; a political posture that, nonetheless, only extends so far in entertaining a critical discourse about the society that produced it. I begin the investigation by filling in the background. First, I unpack the newer formulations of auteur theory and emphasize themes, stylistic signature, and social determinations in constituting auteurs. Second, I characterize the independent sector of U.S. film production and its relation to the major studios while positioning Soderbergh as a chimerical case between an independent and a studio director. Thereafter, I orient to the film and its place within Soderbergh's corpus. I analyze Soderbergh's striking and acclaimed stylistic signature (notably with respect to editing). Proceeding to the themes embedded in the film, I examine some of the antinomies in The Limey and their political valence. In particular, I discuss The Limey's class antinomies, its presentation of the United Kingdom in contrast with that of its former colony, the US, and the tropes of femininity that circulate within the film. On the view developed here, Soderbergh's The Limey entertains some fundamental criticisms of the United States, class striation, masculinity and femininity, before making a partial and uneven retreat.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role played by the availability of tin in the development of a commercial, glazed ceramics industry in the medieval workshops of Paterna, in eastern Spain. Tin was an essential ingredient that was used by potters since the ninth century in Iraq to make ceramic glazes opaque. However, it is a relatively scarce raw material, which had to be sourced and imported by many potters; in this paper I explore these possible sources of tin, from the Far East to Iberia and south-west England. Although many factors contributed to the development of a ceramics industry in eastern Spain in the medieval period, I argue that one hitherto overlooked and important stimulus was the expansion of the trade in tin from south-west England – Devon and Cornwall – to the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

下夜班回家,我要经过一条长长的没有路灯的小巷。虽然怕,也只得提心吊胆地走下去。后来,巷口有了一家小小的杂货亭。再到夜深时,经过巷口,杂货亭虽然早已关门,灯却是亮着,明晃晃的,一直到巷尾,也还有隐约的光亮。  相似文献   

Kashgar means "a jade-like place" in the Uyghur language, because it is known for its vast reserve of beautiful jade stone. Human activities such as hunting and fishing existed here as early as 4000 years ago. About 2000 years ago, one of the 36 kingdoms in the West Region is located here. Shule Kingdom built its capital city in Kashgar during the West Han Dynasty of ancient China and it became one of the four most important towns in the West Region during the Tang Dynasty. Kashgar is no…  相似文献   

This analysis was stimulated by the problem in international development of communication between development personnel and members of the populations with whom they work. Building on the work of Bateson and the Ardeners, I propose a theoretical framework that incorporates the “inarticulateness of women” (as discussed by Ardener) and a similar phenomenon I have observed in situations of contact between people of unequal status, in general. Three ethnographic examples of the dynamics of communication between “unequals”1 and the resulting “inarticulateness” are then provided: one between rural and urban dwellers in Iran: one between women and men from two subcultures in rural America; and one among male and female scientists from different countries and different scientific paradigms. I conclude with a set of policy recommendations, that follow from the proposed theory.  相似文献   

Since when has the word ‘border’ started to occupy my mind? That's I can't tell. But, once in a while, the forgotten memories are suddenly brought back to life in the vaguest fashion, and often out of the context. They come out of nowhere. Out of a labyrinth of time, it seems. I was born and grew up on a small island, some 400 kilometers east of the Okinawa Island. It was an island of immigrants who had sought a job at the sugar factory owned by a wealthy family from Japan. It was also an island of diasporas. Many islanders had some experience of crossing ‘borders’ for all sorts of reasons.  相似文献   

This is a reflection on my life experience as a woman of color. I teach Spanish courses as well as teacher preparation courses. I know what it was like to grow up in a nearly all Black community, then move to one which was almost exclusively White. As an adult looking back on my childhood, I believe that it is especially important that culturally and linguistically diverse teachers are present in schools. As a professor, I see few teachers of color in foreign language courses at the university level as well as the P–12 levels. P–16 institutions boast of being more receptive to culturally and linguistically diverse students. Role models are important for all children. However, there are few positive role models for culturally and linguistically diverse children. If the goal is to get culturally and linguistically diverse children to succeed academically, then positive and diverse role models are needed in U.S. classrooms.  相似文献   

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