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This study applies constructivist principles and Virtual Reality (VR) technology to the Web-based Interactive Design Graphics (WebDeGrator) system to improve learning computer graphics. The constructivist treatment provides students with access to their choice of source content, three-dimensional (3D) modeling tools and interactive behaviors in a virtual environment. In this study, we developed a VR-based learning system to simulate and adjust computer graphics through sculpture graphic algorithms in real-time. We will discuss the relationship between constructivism and VR technology and also how the WebDeGrator system encourages student-learning through VR technology.  相似文献   

Immersive and semi-immersive Virtual Reality (VR) systems have been used for training in the execution of procedures, in exploring (often static) 3D structures such as architectural designs or geographical features, and in designing buildings or constructing molecules. In a separate line of technological development, the availability of distributed computing capabilities has led to VR systems that provide facilities for groups of students that are geographically separated to learn together in a collaborative manner. However, relatively little work has been done to investigate the advantages of such Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) for learning the underlying conceptual content.A pilot study is described which features several worlds designed as part of the Distributed Extensible Virtual Reality Laboratory (DEVRL). The basic results are presented along with a discussion as to how the research could be moved forward to provide improved support for conceptua l learning. The discussion also raises the issues of how the interfaces design affects conceptual learning; of navigation and conceptual learning; of the role of collaboration in learning; and of the difficulties associated with constructing dynamic VR worlds. © IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

The promise of using immersive technologies in learning has increasingly been attracting researchers' and practitioners' attention. However, relevant empirical works are usually conducted in fully controlled Virtual Reality (VR) laboratories, as opposed to conventional settings. This quasi-experimental study compares the effectiveness of video learning resources to that of stereoscopic 360° VR, as supplements to the traditional instructional approach. The potential of such methods was examined in high school settings, in the context of the ‘Life and Evolution’ module, with participants (n = 70) divided equally into control and experimental groups. As a point of reference (control condition), we considered the adoption of Video Learning Resources, as students are more acquainted with this instructional method. In the intervention approach (experimental condition), students adopted the use of low-end mobile-VR (VeeR Mini VR Goggles). The key findings indicate differences in the learning motivation, confidence and satisfaction, but no statistically significant difference was identified regarding the factual or conceptual knowledge gains. The study offers insights on the potential of the investigated technologies in the subject of secondary school Biology and further provides implications for theory and practice.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Researchers' interest over the potential of Virtual Reality on different STEM disciplines is increasing consistently.
  • An increasing number of efforts can be identified discussing the integration of multimedia learning resources in the secondary school context.
  • Empirical studies on the subject of Biology are focusing on students' academic performance and achievement but not on learning motivation and satisfaction.
What this paper adds
  • This quasi-experimental study comparatively examines academic performance, with the focus being on learning motivation and satisfaction, across different modalities (stereoscopic 360° Virtual Reality applications-VR, Video Learning Recourses-VLR).
  • The findings demonstrate that both instructional methods are sufficient in enhancing students' knowledge acquisition and academic performance.
  • The adoption of stereoscopic 360° VR influences students' learning motivation and impacts long-term memory retention.
Implications for practice and policy
  • Educators are advised to consider the systematic adoption of “immersive” multimedia tools to enhance the subject of Biology as they can greatly encourage scientific inquiry.
  • Instructional designers are advised to adopt open educational resources aligned to the curriculum of the local context.
  • Educational researchers are advised to integrate stereoscopic 360°-VR solutions in the conventional classroom settings.

Despite a long tradition, conventional anatomy education based on dissection is declining. This study tested a new virtual reality (VR) technique for anatomy learning based on virtual contrast injection. The aim was to assess whether students value this new three‐dimensional (3D) visualization method as a learning tool and what value they gain from its use in reaching their anatomical learning objectives. Several 3D vascular VR models were created using an interactive segmentation tool based on the “virtual contrast injection” method. This method allows users, with relative ease, to convert computer tomography or magnetic resonance images into vivid 3D VR movies using the OsiriX software equipped with the CMIV CTA plug‐in. Once created using the segmentation tool, the image series were exported in Quick Time Virtual Reality (QTVR) format and integrated within a web framework of the Educational Virtual Anatomy (EVA) program. A total of nine QTVR movies were produced encompassing most of the major arteries of the body. These movies were supplemented with associated information, color keys, and notes. The results indicate that, in general, students' attitudes towards the EVA‐program were positive when compared with anatomy textbooks, but results were not the same with dissections. Additionally, knowledge tests suggest a potentially beneficial effect on learning. Anat Sci Ed 2:61–68, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study discusses applying virtual reality (VR) and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to promote health science education in Taiwan. It first describes the needs of health science education in Taiwan, and the advantages of using computer technology in health science teaching and learning. A networked desktop VR-based system and courseware entitled “Travelling with Our Food” were developed for health science learning. The design of the course, the development of the system (platform and software), and expert-based and user-based evaluations are reported. Evaluation results, research issues, and possible future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一门新兴的计算机领域技术,它在自闭症患者的干预中具有良好的适用性。研究者从社会交往、认知、生活技能及自闭症核心缺陷等方面开展了虚拟现实技术对自闭症患者的干预研究。建议此领域研究应注意虚拟现实技术使用与现实生活相结合,将虚拟现实技术与其他的治疗方法相结合,重视辅导者的作用以及增强行为的真实性。  相似文献   

Research at the University of Nottingham has been carried out to investigate the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) for teaching secondary school science. This paper describes the evaluation of VR to teach radioactivity at secondary school level. Evaluation was carried out in a local school and compared directly to the traditional teaching methods currently used in the school to teach radioactivity. Computer experience, computer attitudes, general attitudes and knowledge gained were measured to allow comparisons to be drawn. Individual differences of gender, ability and home computer use were also looked at in relation to the above measures. Results indicated that both ability level and the order in which the conditions were completed significantly affected the attitude scores. High ability students reported higher attitude scores, both overall and for the VR class in particular. As a result of the evaluation study, the Virtual Laboratory has been heavily modified and further evaluation studies were then carried out.  相似文献   

我们从民航飞行学生体质的视角,对民航飞行学生体质健康状况及存在问题进行剖析,随机抽取中国民航飞行学院221名飞行技术专业男学生作为试验对象,综合采用“试验前-后”和“试验组”-“对照组”设计模式,验证运动处方干预模式运用到飞行学生体质训练中的效果。为提升飞行学生体质健康运动处方干预策略和深化民航院校体育课程教学改革提供依据。  相似文献   

该文在学习虚拟全景的基础上介绍了如何掌握其交互设计的方法。主要包括文件的建立、背景图片的使用、节点的设立、节点间的链接等内容  相似文献   


The article examines the latest development in advanced computer‐graphics termed Virtual Reality (VR), which is a technology that entails a 3‐dimensional artificial environment in which the user perceives a sense of presence. The paper discusses the dilemma of defining VR, and the limitations of the current technology. Furthermore, the author describes his experience with VR and looks at the implications of this new technology for education.  相似文献   

工程地质学中的虚拟现实技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对工程地质学课程教学中存在的问题,笔者通过多年的教学实践,总结出虚拟现实技术在工程地质学课程中的运用,结合施工、水利、灾害等效果较好的案例对工程地质虚拟现实技术进行了总结,对土木专业其他工程类课程具有一定的实用意义。  相似文献   

虚拟仿真技术具有沉浸性、交互性、构想性的特征,即通过技术手段与相关设备,充分激发人的视、听、触等感官功能沉浸在虚拟世界中,进行观察与交互。将虚拟现实技术引入高校历史实验课堂对于历史教学和研究以及历史学的“新文科建设”有现实意义。  相似文献   

分析了高校基建项目管理信息系统的建设背景,提出了系统建设的要求,结合需求分析,建设了一套具备项目基础信息管理、项目规划及资源管理和项目虚拟现实管理功能的系统。采用C/S和B/S混合模式结构,实现自动、实时、科学和严密管理,根本上提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术因在交互性、沉浸性和认知性方面具有独特优势而被认为是一种能够促进教育教学发展的新型手段,但是,VR技术在教学中发挥效用的内在机制还有待深入考证。教学效用是衡量技术能否发挥教学效果及其程度的指标,具体包括学习参与、教学效率和教学效果三个维度。结合VR的技术优势和教学效用维度、经由理论演绎建构的基于VR技术的教学效用模型(VR-E3Model),聚焦于研究VR的交互过程、沉浸过程和认知过程三方面效用。其中,影响交互性效用的因素包括软件因素、硬件因素、感知有用性、感知易用性、行为意向、学习者特征等;影响沉浸性效用的因素包括感知、交互感、沉浸感、临场感等;影响认知性效用的因素包括情绪信息、知识建构、认知发展等。经过实证研究检验表明,该模型具有较好的理论解释力;VR技术产生教学效用的首因要素是教师的教学行为意向;VR技术因软硬件的差异,会为使用者带来不同的交互体验;学校在配置VR设备时应从教学需求和成本投入两个维度进行综合考量。  相似文献   

信息时代,教师教学技术体系将从“信息呈现”范式走向“信息处理”范式,实现“精准培养”的功能旨趣,构建以“组织技术”为中心的基础结构并凝结教师“教学生学”的价值共识。“信息呈现”范式的教师教学技术体系将形成摆脱教师个体依赖和时空限制的语言技术体系,铺设学生个性化学习路径的设计技术体系,促进学生自主学习有序进行的组织技术体系,监控教学过程和描述学习轨迹的教学评价技术体系。  相似文献   

The lack of the auditory sense in the hearing-impaired raises the question as to the extent to which this deficiency affects their cognitive and intellectual skills. Studies have pointed out, that with regard to reasoning, particularly when the process of induction is required, hearing-impaired children usually have difficulties. They experience similar difficulties with their ability to think in a flexible way. Generally, a large body of literature suggests that hearing-impaired children tend to be more concrete and rigid in their thought processes. This study aimed at using Virtual Reality as a tool for improving structural inductive processes and the flexible thinking with hearing-impaired children. Three groups were involved in this study: an experimental group, which included 21 deaf and hard-of-hearing children, who played a VR 3D game; a control group, which included 23 deaf and hard-of-hearing children, who played a similar 2D (not VR game); and a second control group of 16 hearing children for whom no intervention was introduced. The results clearly indicate that practising with VR 3D spatial rotations significantly improved inductive thinking and flexible thinking of the hearing-impaired.  相似文献   

Using an observation study in Norwegian lower-secondary school classrooms this paper explores how subject matter and students’ real-world experiences are linked within the use of examples in teaching. The theory of “mimetic didactics” claims that giving students the possibility to interpret examples as both subject matter and something that is relevant to their own lives becomes a possibility through imaginative “as-if” experiences. The study finds that “as-if” experiences in the data are created by identifying with others and through a context-dependent knowledge base. The topics in the examples actualise being human within the political, economic and existential realm and offer possibilities to make knowledge relevant for the students’ future. The study’s contribution to classroom research comprises new concepts on the content aspects of classroom talk: the questions of knowledge accumulation and purpose.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality (VR) technology seems to offer the opportunity of designing 3D worlds and navigation activities which provide settings that are close to children's everyday experiences, capitalising on their enthusiasm for videogame-like technologies.This paper describes how different types of exploration of a VR scene by 6[emsp4 ]y-old children affected their performance in a series of spatial tasks. Individual children explored a desktop virtual world where we varied both the visual perspective on the VR scene (route vs. survey view) and the level of exploration control (active vs. passive movement). We measured children's knowledge of the spatial layout of the environment through their memory of objects' location in the virtual scene and through the analysis of their wayfinding abilities within the scene.The results indicate that children were able to develop and display different levels of allocentric knowledge about the virtual world depending on the way they had familiarized with it and on the characteristics of the task demands. This finding contributes to inform the design of VR technologies aimed at supporting or evaluating spatial abilities in children of this age.  相似文献   

将虚拟现实技术应用于产品预装配规划,结合CAD技术,提出了装配规划系统结构,开发了产品拟实装配环境,使设计者在设计阶段就能生动、随意模拟产品的装配过程,获取装配分析所需信息,以尽早发现产品可装配性及装配工艺中的问题,减少装配成本,缩短产品开发周期。  相似文献   

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