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杜威的儿童经验观是其教育理论中举足轻重的部分。文章以杜威的"儿童与课程"一文为基础,结合现当代我国基础教育改革现状,解读了杜威儿童与课程中儿童经验观的统一性、变化性和预示作用,并联系现实,阐述了基础教育改革可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

教育研究范式转换:从主体性到主体间性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
康伟 《教育科学》2006,22(6):1-4
20世纪80年代以来,我国教育对主体性教育研究的重视,既是教育研究的一大理论收获,也对教育实践起到了积极指导作用。但是,主体性教育研究背后的主客二元对立哲学基础,使主体性教育面临着自身难以克服的矛盾和局限,即用“学生是主体”的理论指导“学生是客体”的实践。笔者明确提出对象的二分法(对象包括主体与客体两部分)、主体性二分法(主体性包括客-主体性与主-主体性两部分),对主体性教育理论进行分析扬弃,确立主体间性教育在主体教育研究中的本体地位,认为主体间性教育就是主体间主体性和理解性平等共在的指导性学习。  相似文献   

Higher education in Japan: A view from outside   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Higher education in Japan is often characterized in comparativestudies as considerably expanded, highly stratified, overshadowed bycompetition for admission, not very demanding for the masses ofundergraduate students, important in awarding credentials, but without closelinks between the subjects of study and subsequent professional tasks. Thesecharacteristics have been pointed out so frequently in the past that thequestion has to be raised whether this picture is too old-fashioned and toomuch of a stereotype. This article echoes the previous articles of thisspecial issue. The themes addressed by Japanese authors are partlysummarized, partly supplemented and partly challenged by a foreign observer.Developments and notably changes in the early 1990s are analyzed in respectto the quantitative-structural pattern of the Japanese higher educationssystem; governance and financing; access and admissions; learning, teachingand research; links between educational attainment, credentials and career;curricula, competences and graduate employment, and finally graduateeducation. The author draws the conclusion that efforts directed towardsreforming higher education have been spread over many issues, among themmany academic issues such as new curricular approaches, rather thanfocussing on single major issues such as steering, governance and evaluationas one could observe in Europe during the last ten years or so. Changingsocietal conditions, for example growing employment problems, the increaseof specialists' career and internationalization currently stimulate areconsideration of higher education policies in various respects.  相似文献   

An inclusive paradigm that emphasizes the nature and inevitable cultural shaping of meaning-making through relationships is represented as the relational cultural paradigm for vocational psychology presented in this article. This paradigm represents a phenomenological worldview or meta-theory for understanding meaning and mattering in worklife. The concept of worklife represents the nexus of work (unbound by dichotomous distinctions such as labour market and personal work), relationships, and culture (including the cultural construction of gender). Narratives are identified as a tool for understanding the meanings people construct.  相似文献   

H S Mani 《Resonance》2006,11(12):21-34
This article is aimed at undergraduate students to give them a taste of thePrincipia, Newton’s famous book. I have selected some examples and results in mechanics; most of them are a part of the undergraduate curriculum. His research interests are in high energy phenomenology. He is also interested in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses.  相似文献   

论中小学心理健康教育的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙永明 《教育探索》2003,(11):91-93
为全面实施素质教育,培养中小学生良好的心理素质,中小学开展心理健康教育渐成趋势。但目前还存在着对中小学开展心理健康教育重要性认识不足、中小学心理健康教育师资专业化程度不高等问题。因此,必须提高对中小学开展心理健康教育重要性的认识,提高中小学心理健康教育师资的专业化程度,采用多种形式开展心理健康教育,以提高中小学心理健康教育的有效性。  相似文献   

小学教育质量的情感观   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从对教育质量的理论界定入手,指出考察小学教育质量必须兼顾两个层面的内容:认知层面与人格特征层面。在我们的现实生活中,人们受制于各种因素的制约,学校对教育质量的评价存在着实用性:即注重认知层面,忽视人格情感层面。这样做的结果可能使维持生命的乳汁有被从教育中抽干的危险。通过引用见诸于报端的一些极端例证和小样本的调查结果阐释了情感教育的现状,并提出了改进学生情感教育质量的三大举措:创设一个良好的情感教育的学校氛围;开设相关的课程;改进教材本身存在的问题。  相似文献   

Despite the upsurge in interest in e-learning (or online learning) in Chinese higher education, little is known about the ways in which lecturers design and run their online courses, or about how they perceive e-learning. This paper reports the results of interviews with higher education teachers in China working in conventional, campus-based universities, concerning their conceptions and beliefs of e-learning. The interviews were analysed from a grounded theory perspective that gave rise to seven emerging themes, namely: the ‘centrality of the lecture’, ‘online cooperative learning’, ‘network learning’, ‘student learning’, ‘lecture plus online work’, ‘infrastructure and access’ and ‘professional development’. Discussion of these emerging themes helps us understand the ways in which these teachers think about e-learning and teaching, the beliefs they hold about their ‘e’ practice, the ways in which they implement e-learning, the problems they face in incorporating e-learning into their courses and the ways in which they perceive e-learners. This provides a fascinating and unique insight into e-learning in Chinese higher education. Evidence shows that it is a complex area with many influences, some of which can be attributed to social, cultural and Confucian-heritage factors. It is concluded that, despite enthusiasm by some for innovating e-learning, the dominance of traditional teaching methods in China suggest that the conditions for mainstreaming e-learning in the near future are not strong.  相似文献   

Gaining access to the inherent relational complexity of teaching/learning situations is essential to learning to teach. As teacher educators our work with prospective teachers indicates that opportunities to develop the capacity for relational knowing are increasingly being denied and dismissed. Specifically, we are concerned with what we perceive to be a flight from the experience of relational complexities, demanding constant discernment in the concrete situated dimensions of teaching and learning, into representative certainty and singularity in ways of seeing, thinking, and doing in classrooms. This paper documents this concern and explores the consequences of such disregard.  相似文献   

Conclusion It has been demonstrated that a range of factors contribute to the low status attributed by teachers to science education in many elementary school settings. The solution to this crisis is being sought by several education systems in Australia and the effective inservice/professional development models adopted invariably consider teachers as interested adult learners as they partake in extended courses. Furthermore, the models include content on the ways children learn in science, and aid in the development of teaching activities and units appropriate to the curriculum under which the participants operate.  相似文献   

混合方法研究:美国教育研究中的新范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混合方法研究是指研究者在同一研究中综合调配或混合定量研究和质性研究的技术、方法、手段、概念或语言的研究类别。它是在美国质性、定量两种研究方法范式的争论中产生的。其理论基础是实用主义和系统哲学。混合方法研究程序设计包括确定研究问题、确定研究目的、选择研究方法、收集资料、分析资料、解释资料、使数据合法化、得出结论并撰写最终报告等步骤。其突出优势是在研究中能增加交叉性优势,压缩非重叠性弱势,提高研究的效度与信度。  相似文献   

诗歌特别是古代诗歌在中小学语文课本中占有相当大的比重。本文以中小学语文教材(人教版)所选全部篇目以及推荐背诵篇目为分析对象,紧密结合新课程标准对古代诗歌的要求,根据中小学生认知水平、心理发展的特点和古代诗歌的特点,讨论如何把握古代诗歌的工具性特征,提高学生听说读写的语文综合能力,最终实现语文学科的工具性和人文性相统一的目标。  相似文献   

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