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Despite the potential educational value of nature documentaries, the contribution of such films to environmental education is largely unknown. In the present study, we attempt to delineate the role of nature documentaries to the environmental sensitivity of students when the films are simply introduced to the class. More specifically, the present study experimentally checks whether students who have been exposed to a nature documentary on insects develop a greater level of environmental sensitivity towards those animals compared to students who have not. Moreover, we explore whether nature documentaries of a distinct type (i.e., verbal vs. non‐verbal) have a different effect on the students’ sensitivity. The results suggest that traditional nature documentaries have a positive effect on students’ sensitivity, while the non‐verbal, less conventional documentary is more effective in the development of environmental knowledge and feelings about insects. However, the non‐conventional approach is equally effective in the change in attitudes and beliefs as the verbal, ‘traditional’ one. Finally, the study discloses that students in general report more positive emotional reactions to insects than perceived knowledge and understanding. Although nature documentaries seem to improve all components of environmental sensitivity, they do not subvert the predominance of emotion over knowledge about insects.  相似文献   

Internationalisation in higher education is now a worldwide phenomenon but there is little attention paid to internationalisation at doctoral level, although this phenomenon has grown exponentially in recent years. This study focuses on a university in China to examine how international doctoral students and their supervisors perceive supervision and the relations between supervisor and student. It describes and analyses the experiences of supervisors and students, and the concepts they used to articulate and reflect on them. Semi-formal interviews were conducted with six doctoral students and their supervisors. Analysis shows that, apart from formal supervision, informal enculturation through social and academic networks, the tongmen, plays an important role in supervision and in socialising the doctoral researchers into the community of practice. The study adds to the field a new case from a specific epistemological and intellectual tradition and challenges existing theories concerning methods and concepts of supervision.  相似文献   

Ramaprasad (1983 Ramaprasad, A. (1983). On the definition of feedback. Behavioural Sciences, 28: 413. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) defined feedback as information about the gap between actual performance level and the reference level, which is subsequently used to alter that gap. Feedback, therefore, needs to be meaningful, understood and correctly acted upon. Tutors not only have to give feedback; they should really evaluate how effective their feedback has been. This study reports the findings of semi‐structured interviews with third year biology students on their utilization of tutor feedback. We show that students use feedback in six ways. Four specific uses were (a) to enhance motivation; (b) to enhance learning; (c) to encourage reflection; and (d) to clarify understanding. Two further forms of usage were, firstly, to enrich their learning environment and, secondly, to engage in mechanistic enquiries into their study. The findings are discussed in the context of current literature and specific recommendations are given as to how the impact of tutors’ feedback could be enhanced.  相似文献   

In 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, recommended that all public institutions of higher learning in the country incorporate soft skills formation into their curricula. This qualitative study aimed to explore Malaysian students?? expectations of university education with a special focus on the acquisition of soft skills and to examine the students?? perceptions of the instructors?? and the courses?? effectiveness in fulfilling their educational agendas. Ninety-six students at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participated in this study. The findings revealed that their educational expectations were varied and diverse and could be separated into three categories, such as ??Life Skills??, ??Subject Matter (Hard Skills)??, and ??Soft Skills??. The students considered soft skills formation as an important part of university education. However, not all of the soft skills identified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, were mentioned by the respondents. The article discusses the implications of the study??s findings for Malaysia??s higher education policy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the views of students enrolled at a small United States Midwestern community college toward learning mathematics, and to examine the relationship between student beliefs about mathematic learning and educational experiences with mathematics using Q methodology and open-ended response prompts. Schommer’s (Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 495–504, 1990) multidimensional theory of personal epistemology provided the structural framework for the development of 36 domain specific Q sort statements. Analysis of the data revealed three distinct but related views of learning mathematic which were labeled Active Learners, Skeptical Learners, and Confident Learners. Chi-square tests of independence revealed no significant differences based on gender. Additionally, there was no evidence for differences based on level of mathematics completed, age, or college hours accumulated. Student’s previous experiences in instructional environments, however, were closely associated with beliefs. Results are discussed in view of the implications for establishing learning environments and considerations in implementing Standards-based curricula in higher education.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the effects of four types of teachers’ evaluative feedback on Chinese students’ self-efficacy in English vocabulary acquisition. In Study 1, a random sample of Grade 8 students (N = 79) learned prefixes and received either formative or summative feedback after failure in test. The results showed that students who received summative feedback showed a larger decrease in their self-efficacy than those who received formative feedback. In Study 2, a random sample of Grade 7 students (N = 77) went through similar procedures as in Study 1 except that students received either self-referenced or norm-referenced feedback. The results showed that self-referenced feedback was more beneficial to students’ self-efficacy than norm-referenced feedback. The influences of teachers’ evaluation and feedback on students’ self-efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports on the role of students’ reflections in their teacher written feedback. Informed by a qualitative case study approach, this study collected data from 18 students across a semester of an English-as-a-foreign language writing course at a university in China. In the course, teacher written feedback and students’ reflections were both informed by writing as a meaning-making process. The data sources included 72 pieces of student essays, 144 pieces of reflection written by the students, and post-semester interviews with the students. The study showed that engaging students in writing reflections was helpful for developing their knowledge of writing, although the process somewhat followed a zigzag trajectory. The exercise helped them transcend their previous knowledge repertoires, thereby assisting them in critically understanding their revision process and refining their knowledge of writing in response to the teacher’s written feedback. In particular, the students felt that the meaning-making-based reflections provided clear and accessible layers for them to understand the close relationship between language and content. As such, the students felt that they were able to harness their reflections as a written venue through which they could critically digest the teacher’s written feedback and develop their knowledge of writing as a meaning-making process while dialoguing with their instructor.  相似文献   

This article presents the perspectives of science and mathematics teachers on their use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning in Tanzania. The findings show that few teachers used computers for teaching and learning purposes while majority of them used computers for administrative purposes. Additionally, teachers were found to have limited confidence in using technology to facilitate specific concepts or skills, to support creativity, and to support students to learn complex concepts. Therefore, it is suggested that schools explore strategies ICT integration strategies that focus more on making a shift from teaching technology or using technology for administrative purpose to appropriate pedagogical uses that could enhance student learning.  相似文献   

Understanding how students perceive and adopt technology in their daily life is particularly relevant to today’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment, in which versatile ICT tools are becoming more and more pervasive, almost ubiquitous in our day-to-day activities. In the context of English as a foreign language, this study investigates how Chinese students produce an English video with over-the-counter technology tools for accomplishing a language-learning task. In particular, this study probes into how youngsters today respond to a given learning task, how and why they adopt technology tools available and of use to them for the task. Data collection is through observation, students’ reports, and interviews. The focus on specific case study settings offers a closer look at how the use of technology tools is socially and technologically shaped in each individual case. Students reported that they welcomed and valued such learning experience and had in general positive attitude toward the tools and their use in learning. The results reveal students’ willingness and capability in adopting technology tools, whether familiar or unfamiliar to them, and appropriating these tools to fulfill their individual leaning needs. Implications have been drawn to provide a new aspect of technology adoption in school learning.  相似文献   

This case study investigated undergraduate students’ first experience in online collaborative learning in a project‐based learning (PBL) environment in Taiwan. Data were collected through interviews of 48 students, instructor’s field notes, researchers’ online observations, students’ online discourse, and group artifacts. The findings revealed interesting phenomena as results of cultural influences as well as educational system impacts. Students experienced learning benefits from PBL in the intensive six‐week period, yet voiced serious concerns about the changed role of the instructor, as well as strong reservations on peer collaboration as a result of the competitive tradition in education. Online collaborative learning and PBL critically challenged some culturally‐rooted traditions in Taiwan. The study generates practical insights into the applications of online collaborative learning and PBL in Taiwan’s higher education as well as implications for cross‐cultural implementation of online learning.

Online‐kooperatives Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lernumgebung in Taiwan: Eine Fallstudie aus Sicht der Studenten

Diese Fallstudie untersuchte die erste Erfahrung von Studenten in Online‐kooperativem Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lern‐ (PBL) Umgebung in Taiwan. Die Daten wurden durch Interviews von 48 Studenten, den Feldnotizen, den Online‐Beobachtungen, den Online‐Diskurs‐ und Gruppenartefakten der Studenten der Forscher gesammelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten interessante Phänomene als Ergebnisse von sowohl kulturellen Einflüssen als auch Bildungssystemwirkungen auf. Die Studenten erfuhren in den intensiven sechs Wochen den Nutzen von PBL zu kennen, trotzdem äußerten sie sowohl ernste Sorgen über die geänderte Rolle des Ausbilders als auch starke Bedenken in Bezug auf gleichrangige Kollaboration als Folge der wettbewerbsgeprägten Tradition in der Bildung aus. Online‐kooperatives Lernen und PBL forderten kritisch einige kulturell verwurzelte Traditionen in Taiwan heraus. Die Studie ermöglicht praktische Einblicke in die Bewertungen von Online‐kooperativem Lernen und PBL in Taiwans höherer Bildung wie auch Auswirkungen auf interkulturelle Durchführung des Online‐Lernens.

L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne dans un environnement d’apprentissage fondé sur les projets à Taiwan: étude de cas sur les perspectives des étudiants de premier cycle

La présente étude de cas porte sur la première expérience d’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne qu’ont eue des étudiants de premier cycle dans le cadre d’un environnement d’apprentissage (AFP) fondé sur les projets. On a rassemblé des données grâce à des entretiens avec 48 étudiants, grâce aux notes de terrain des professeurs, grâce aux observations en ligne des chercheurs, grâce au discours en ligne des étudiants et aux productions de groupe. Les résultats obtenus ont fait apparaître des phénomènes intéressants, résultant des influences culturelles et du poids d’un système éducatif. Les étudiants ont vécu une progression de leur apprentissage grâce à l’AFP au cours de la période intensive de 6 semaines mais ils ont toutefois fait part de l’inquiétude sérieuse que suscitait le changement de rôle du professeur et de leurs fortes réticences sur la collaboration entre étudiants du fait de la tradition de concurrence en éducation. L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP représentaient un défi critique pour certaines traditions enracinées dans la culture de Taiwan. La présente étude ouvre des perspectives pratiques sur les applications de l’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP dans l’enseignement supérieur à Taiwan avec des conséquences pour la mise en place de l’apprentissage en ligne dans un cadre transculturel.

El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, en Taiwan: un estudio de caso sobre las perspectivas para los estudiantes de primer ciclo

El presente estudio de caso trata de la primera experiencia de estudiantes de primero ciclo con el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) en Taiwan. Los datos han sido recaudados a través de entrevistas con 48 estudiantes, a través de los apuntes de terreno de los profesores, de las observaciones en línea de los investigadores, del discurso en línea de los estudiantes y de las producciones de grupo. Los resultados han arrojado fenómenos interesantes que son el resultado tanto de las influencias culturales como del impacto del sistema educativo. Los estudiantes han experimentado los beneficios del aprendizaje ABP durante la sesión intensiva de 6 semanas pero han expresado inquietudes serias sobre el cambio de papel del profesor y fuertes reservas acerca de la colaboración entre alumnos como consecuencia de la tradición competitiva en educación. El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y ABP representan desafíos críticos para algunas tradiciones con fuertes raices en Taiwan. Este estudio abre perspectivas prácticas sobre las aplicaciones del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y el ABP en la enseñanza superior de Taiwan además de implicaciones para la puesta en práctica transcultural del aprendizaje en línea.  相似文献   

Little is known as to how students process tutor feedback. In this study, 36 final-year biological sciences undergraduate students from four higher education institutions took part in interviews or focus groups. Students were assigned according to tutors’ judgements as being either high achieving or non-high achieving, and focus groups consisted of a single student type. A thematic approach was used to analyse the interview data. There were overall major differences in how both types of students processed tutor feedback. These differences concerned primarily three areas: (1) self-assessment, (2) the role of external regulation and (3) the role of peer discussion. The findings are discussed in terms of dispositions to learning and conceptions of learning. It is concluded that guidance to students regarding their use of feedback needs to be designed with respect to encouraging the development of students’ self-assessment practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine students’ affective commitment toward Singapore. Affective commitment refers to the sense of attachment to the nation state. The sample was taken from 286 students in a primary school. In the first section of the paper, we described the design of a Likert-type Affective Commitment to Country questionnaire. Factor analyses (principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis) showed evidence of construct validity for the 10-item scale, and an overall Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.91. In the second section, we reported the statistics related to the students’ affective commitment scores. Overall, a positive affective commitment toward the country was found. Results of our t-test analyses revealed that no statistically significant difference was found between boys and girls for each of the questionnaire items. However, students who had higher academic achievement reported significantly higher scores than their lower ability counterparts with regard to six items of the questionnaire. Suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of feedback: the students’ perspective   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
While effective feedback has frequently been identified as a key strategy in learning and teaching, little known research has focused on students’ perceptions of feedback and the contribution feedback makes to students’ learning and teaching. This reported qualitative study aims to enrich our understanding of these perceptions and importantly to provide insight into the meaning of ‘effective’ when related to feedback. The study involved four focus groups of undergraduate students of varying levels and from a range of Schools completing degrees in the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney. Students’ perceptions relating to a definition of feedback, how they use it and preferences for delivery were prompted by the facilitators. Thematic analysis resulted in three key dimensions: perceptions of feedback, impact of feedback and credibility of feedback. The analysis demonstrated that effectiveness of feedback extends beyond mode of delivery and timeliness to include the credibility of the lecturer giving the feedback. The role of effective feedback includes not only enhancing learning and teaching but also facilitating the transition between school and university.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students’ perception of feedback and level of engagement with the feedback they receive have gained increasing attention in the educational literature recently to identify areas which require educators’ attention. However, research in this area has generally been based on limited self-selecting samples, and has not considered how students’ relationship with feedback may alter depending on their year of study. To address this, a survey measuring students’ views and practices regarding feedback was completed at a higher education institution by 447 first-, second- and third-year psychology students, representing 77% of the cohort. Findings revealed that third years responded more negatively in both areas than their first- and second-year counterparts, whose ratings on these aspects themselves were far from optimal. These findings highlight the need for early interventions to improve students’ perception of and engagement with feedback in the earlier years, and to prevent the recorded deterioration later on in the degree course.  相似文献   

The study investigates one mathematics teacher’s implementation of formative assessment and its effects on students’ self-regulated learning (SRL). A questionnaire administered before and after the eight-month long intervention shows a significant effect, compared to two control classes, on students’ motivational beliefs involved in SRL. Qualitative data shows a notable enhancement of the students’ SRL behavior in the classroom. Analysis of the teacher’s implemented formative assessment shows a practice integrating several aspects of formative assessment, and provides empirical evidence of what formative assessment with large effects on students’ SRL may look like and how it fits with models of SRL development.  相似文献   

In light of recent reform recommendations, teachers are expected to turn proofs and proving into an ongoing component of their classroom practice. Two questions emerging from this requirement are: Is the mathematical knowledge of high school teachers sufficient to prove various kinds of statements? Does teachers’ knowledge allow them to determine the validity of an argument made by their students? The results of this study, in which 50 secondary school teachers participated, point to a positive answer to the first question in the framework of elementary number theory (ENT). However, the picture is more complex with respect to the second one. Results indicated that some teachers may over-value the generality of symbolic mode of representation and under-value the generality of verbal ones. Possibly, the verbal representation of an argument is less transparent and more difficult to understand.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - As an emerging learning method, mobile technologies allow students to gain knowledge via both formal and informal learning. In spite of the...  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the issue of how engineering programmes demand and/or promote argumentative reasoning, which is a subsequent aspect of curricular development. This was the main objective of the project on which this paper reports. This is to say that the focus is on assessment as a way to establish to what extent argumentative reasoning is demanded and mobilised in teaching and learning processes. This aim was achieved using a sample of assignments developed in courses in different Bologna undergraduate programmes at the Engineering School at the University of Porto, during the first semester of the academic year 2009/2010. Whereas problem solving in engineering constitutes a structural element in the curricular organisation of the engineering programmes and is strongly related to argumentative skills, it was possible to conclude that students demonstrate and explain extensively, but do not argue, possibly because their teachers do not invite them to do so in assessment situations.  相似文献   

Peer feedback is frequently implemented with academic writing tasks in higher education. However, a quantitative synthesis is still lacking for the impact that peer feedback has on students’ writing performance. The current study conveyed two types of observations. First, regarding the impact of peer feedback on writing performance, this study synthesized the results of 24 quantitative studies reporting on higher education students’ academic writing performance after peer feedback. Engagement in peer feedback resulted in larger writing improvements compared to (no-feedback) controls (g?=?0.91 [0.41, 1.42]) and compared to self-assessment (g?=?0.33 [0.01, 0.64]). Peer feedback and teacher feedback resulted in similar writing improvements (g?=?0.46 [-0.44, 1.36]). The nature of the peer feedback significantly moderated the impact that peer feedback had on students’ writing improvement, whereas only a theoretically plausible, though non-significant moderating pattern was found for the number of peers that students engaged with. Second, this study shows that the number of well-controlled studies into the effects of peer feedback on writing is still low, indicating the need for more quantitative, methodologically sound research in this field. Findings and implications are discussed both for higher education teaching practice and future research approaches and directions.  相似文献   

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