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如何对待教学中学生的个体差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生的个体差异是教育教学活动应考虑的重要方面之一。因材施教被认为是应对教学中个体差异的有效方法。在对个体差异的涵义和变量进行分析的基础上,对因材施教这种以适应为主处理个体差异的教学思想和策略进行了反思,并提出要在承认差异,尊重差异的前提下,以形成学生的主体性为根本,在适应的基础上逐步超越学生的个体差异,以促进全体学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

即兴创作舞蹈的教学理念对今后的教学改革具有重要的作用。通过对节奏、音乐、舞蹈等的即兴创作,可使学生得到不同的灵感发挥,给学生提供了展示自己的平台。文章对即兴创作舞蹈应用到音乐教学中的用途和引导高中生即兴创作舞蹈的新思路进行了简单论述。  相似文献   

近年来,我国先后对家庭经济困难的普通高校、中等职业学校、义务教育阶段中小学校学生建立了较为完善的学生资助体系,只有普通高中贫困家庭学生的资助体系尚未明确建立.本文通过对河南省普通高中贫困家庭学生资助现状存在的主要问题及其原因进行综合分析,认为加大政府投入,建立健全资助制度,提高社会和学校的认识是解决普通高中家庭经济困难学生资助难的根本途径.  相似文献   

采用修订的《家庭教养方式调查表》测查了470名普通中学生的家庭教养方式,并探讨了其中247名普通高中生家庭教养方式与321名职高生家庭教养方式的异同。结果显示,由24道题组成的调查表具有较好的一致性和效度;普通高中生父母对子女的要求程度和关心程度都显著低于初中生,父母对子女的要求程度显著高于其关心程度;尽管母亲对中学男女生的教养方式没有明显差异,父亲对男生尤其是高中男生的要求程度、对女生尤其是初中女生的关心程度都明显高一些;结合两个维度对中学生家庭教养方式进行诊断之后发现,采取放任型教养方式的父母的文化程度偏低,而权威型和溺爱型的父母文化程度则较高。应用该调查表对职业高中生的测查发现了类似的规律,但职高生父母对子女的关心程度明显高于其要求程度,这与普高生父母的做法刚好相反;尽管他们采用权威型教养方式的比例差别不大,但有更多的职高生父母采取了放任型和溺爱型的教养方式,采取专制型教养方式的职高生父母相对更少。  相似文献   

英语学困生指的是智力属于正常范围,在英语学习方面缺乏学习兴趣,并且没有一个正确的学习态度,学习成绩低于同阶段其他学生的学生。这些学生与同龄人相比较,在学习上有明显的差距和困难,需要一定的教育措施给予有效的帮助。但应注重不能把他们称之为差生,差生的说法是应试教育的产物,认为差生就是智力差,然而学困生强调的是学习困难。  相似文献   

作者阐述了“教会学生会学“的重要性和必要性,并结合教学实践提出了“问题法“教授中学历史课的新模式,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   


This study was an attempt to measure the effect of black dialect on the reading test performance of black and white high school students. Forty-six low achieving ninth grade students were administered a standard English form and a black dialect form of the read ing subtest of the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Level II. The dialect form was written so that the written language of the test approximated the exact oral sentence pattern of the black students taking the test. Results showed that black students administered the dialect form did significantly better (.05) than black students administered the standard English form. White students did significantly better (.01) than black students on the standard English form of the test. All other differences were not significant.  相似文献   

在学习中不少同学应用物理语言进行口头和书面表达物理规律、解释物理现象的能力较差。对于如何培养其物理的表达能力是每一位老师和同学不可忽视的问题。现就此问题作一探究,希望对同学们的学习和将面临的开学考试有所帮助。1 影响表达能力的因素  相似文献   


This study evaluated a program to modify the school attendance of special education (SE) high school students. Twenty 1st and 2nd-year SE high school students from a semirural area in the Southeast were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. Treatment students received social and tangible rewards for good attendance, and their parents were notified whenever they were absent. All tangible rewards were donated by local businesses, and all procedures were implemented by university undergraduates working for course credit. Thus, treatment involved no cost to the high school. We predicted that treatment would lessen the degree to which students would show the decline in attendance that usually occurs over the course of the semester. As expected, students in the control group showed a significant linear decline in their attendance to SE and regular classes, p < .05. In contrast, students in the treatment group showed no significant decline in attendance over the course of the semester. The findings show that programs like the one evaluated here can reduce the absenteeism of SE high school students without any cost to the schools.  相似文献   

我在高三年级当班主任时,班长(男)、副班长(女)谈起了恋爱,全年级皆知.班级同学受其影响,出现了几对有恋爱倾向的同学.花季少年,春情萌动是正常现象,对这简单的否定或训斥是不能解决问题的,而且还可能火上浇油,必须换一种思路.  相似文献   

杨雪联 《海外英语》2013,(5X):13-14
High schools are overwhelmed by tests in China, but it is questioned if the tests are helping students reach mastery or accomplishment. In the writer’s opinion there are two types of tests: summative tests and performance tests. The problem in high school testing is that the two types are seriously unbalanced. Summative tests play nearly all the part for the influence of the University Entrance Exam. This paper gives some suggested ideas and practice hoping to balance and improve the situation.  相似文献   

广为流传有口皆碑的英文歌曲之所以充满生命力,除具有优美的旋律外,还蕴含较深的寓意,更重要的是,它们往往有着动人心弦的故事背景。将经典英文歌曲引入高一英语教学,是培养新生英语学习兴趣,提升听力、口语和阅读等能力的一种有效途径。对英文歌曲在教学中具体应用的可行性和实际方法进行初步探讨和总结,教学实践和经验证明,英文歌曲在教学中具有实际成效。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of St. John's University Summer Science Experience and Teacher Mentoring Program on African American and Hispanic high school students' interest in science and science teaching as career goals. In the first phase of the program, high school students from six school districts in Suffolk County, Long Island (a suburb of metropolitan New York City) engaged in investigative science experiences that emphasized environmental science, chemistry, and technology and learned about effective science pedagogy. The second phase of the program functioned as a teaching practicum for the high school students, where they planned for instruction and taught middle school students investigations similar to those that they had engaged in during the summer program. Various surveys were developed to assess high school students' attitudes about science and science teaching, knowledge of effective teaching approaches, knowledge of ways to motivate younger students, and the overall impact of the program on the high students' interest in science and/or science teaching as career goals. Program evaluations reveal that over 75% of the students expressed an interest in considering science or science teaching as career possibilities. Implications for minority teacher recruitment are discussed.  相似文献   

如何在高中语文教学中进行德育渗透   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高中语文教学中如何将德育与教学内容有机地融为一体直接影响着德育的成效。首先要正确把握德育与语文教学的关系,其次在德育渗透中要讲究艺术性。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the findings and themes from the three high schools we studied. All three schools engaged in five schoolwide strategies for educating students with disabilities. They provided a broad array of academic courses and program options; provided schoolwide support structures that could be combined and customized to the needs and strengths of individual students; worked intentionally to connect students to the school and build their motivation to succeed; created a connected and caring adult community to serve students' academic and social/personal needs; and developed responsive leaders who managed the tensions inherent in the commitment to prepare students with disabilities to be successful in their lives beyond school. The article also reviews the different ways these three school instantiated these strategies. We describe the “theory of action” that integrates the five schoolwide strategies into a synergistic approach in each school and explore implications of the Good High Schools study for practice and for future research.  相似文献   

随着现代家庭消费水平的提高,人们消费观念的变化,体育消费已成为人们消费的一个重要组成部分,而初中生的体育消费观念也发生了明显的变化。文章从促进初中生建立健康的科学体育消费观出发,采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法等方法对忻州市四所中学初中生的体育消费现状进行了全面的调查与分析,结果发现忻州市四所中学的初中生虽然具有一定的体育消费意识,但体育消费观念不成熟,消费动机还存在一些问题;男女生性别的不同导致了体育消费的差异。  相似文献   

对五年制高职一、二年级300名学生经历的校园暴力行为及应对措施进行调查得知:在对自己半年内是否有相关暴力行为的评估方面,有与人吵架行为的学生最多;其次,有作弄或取笑人这类行为的人数居第二;有通过武力或武力相威胁、抢劫、索要他人钱财或强迫他人做不愿做的事情的人数所占比例最少.五年制高职男女学生暴力行为的差异主要表现在一年级,而一年级学生所报告的暴力行为比二年级学生多;学生在经历暴力事件后倾向于不报告成人,二年级学生尤其突出.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the extent to which senior high school students employ the constructs of race, subculture, and sex in establishing counselor preferences. The data suggests that these variables are of far more importance to black students than they are to northern white or to Appalachian white students. The data also supports the findings reported earlier by Stranges and Riccio.  相似文献   

“数据处理能力”是《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》要求的七大能力之一,也是高中统计教学的首要目标.为了了解高中生数据处理能力现状,利用自编的“数据处理能力”测试卷对高中生进行测试,得出如下结论:大部分高中生的数据处理能力已达到了课标的要求;水平较高中学与水平一般中学学生的数据处理能力不存在显著性差异,但文、理科学生数据处理能力存在显著性差异;高中生数据处理能力与其数学成绩之间存在显著正相关.  相似文献   

刘宇 《海外英语》2014,(3):16-17
Abstract:Although our country has attached great importance to English education,especially to the senior high schools’English teaching and learning,there still exist a great number of senior high school students who can’t learn English well.Low learning motivation is one of the major causes.Thus,it is urgent to improve the senior high school students’English learning motivation in the present English education process.In this paper,starting with the definition of learning motivation,and based on attribution theory,need theory,the author will roughly discuss the internal factors and external factors,which lead to the senior high school students’low English learning motivation,and then analyze the possible ways to motivate the students to learn English.  相似文献   

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