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法兰克福学派代表人物马尔库塞,将马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的非理性成分夸大,并认为真正的马克思主义是非理性的。然而,马尔库塞对《手稿》的非理性主义参解的理论前提是错误的,这一参解并未反映《手稿》思想发展的趋势。由此,马尔库塞的所谓马克思主义的现代化,并不是马克思主义的本真含义,而是他的"弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义"的现代化。  相似文献   

非理性教育:当代教育不可或缺的部分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非理性教育在学校教育中与理性教育具有同等重要的地位,忽视任何一方的教育都不能培养出全面发展的人。非理性教育具有理性教育所不具备的特征,如重视人的个性,创造力的发展,注重人文科学的培养,它克服了理性教育的不足,使我们的教育更趋于完整。两种教育的融合形成了符合时代精神、以完整人格的塑造为目标的现代教育模式。  相似文献   

This study explored heterogeneous developmental trajectories of academic achievement and their relations to trajectories of life satisfaction and trajectories of suicidal ideation among Chinese elementary school students. A sample of 547 students (55.0% boys; Mage = 9.00 years, SD = 0.76 at Time 1) completed a packet of measures on five occasions across two years, using 6-month intervals. Three distinct trajectories of academic achievement were identified: “high-stable” (86.28%), “low-increasing” (8.94%), and “low-decreasing” (4.78%). Girls demonstrated higher academic achievement than boys. Students displaying adverse developmental trends in academic achievement were more likely to show adverse trends in life satisfaction. Finally, trajectories of academic achievement and trajectories of suicidal ideation were related for girls, but not boys. Programs promoting academic achievement may require adaptations for the differing genders and start as early as elementary school.  相似文献   

当前教学的理性主义表现为教学生活的外在倾向、教学话语的本质主义和教学伦理的规范取向。非理性的基本特征体现在:一是关注生命的超越意义,二是重估本能的创造价值,三是回归生活世界的诉求。非理性对教学具有一定的启示作用:教学需要澄明生存的本真性、关注情境的复杂性、凸显意义的生成性。  相似文献   


Since 2009, one-third of all US teacher preparation programs have implemented a new, technology-based teacher assessment—edTPA. Intended to replace traditional measures of initial teaching competency, edTPA utilizes a candidate-curated video lesson and ePortfolio. While research shows that these technology-based tools enhance professional practice, the authors demonstrated that unintended consequences occurred when such tools were incompatible with the cultural contexts implementing them. Employing a multiple-embedded case study, qualitative interviews, focus groups, and field observations (N?=?75) were conducted across eight teacher preparation programs. Findings indicate that policy design and organizational factors influenced how programs culturally made sense of and implemented edTPA’s videotaping and ePortfolio tasks for teacher candidates—substantively or instrumentally. In the process, the authors developed a theoretical and practical understanding of how, and under what conditions, large-scale, technology-based policy tools may be implemented successfully across education contexts.


二次无理数的连分数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了以下几个结果:1.给出了√n(1/2)的连分数展式的简便算法.2.证明了√n(1/2)连分数循环节结构的中心对称性.3.给出了一般二次无理数(a+√n(1/2))/b的连分数算法.  相似文献   

本文从人性这一人学视野出发,提出重视人的非理性因素在德育中的作用,并从德育的现实诉求、非理性因素在德育过程中多方面的作用、非理性因素对德育效果的影响等方面进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

本文利用微积分对n(√an-xn)≥a-xt的猜想给出了证明,并对相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

当前学校德育存在唯理性的误区,而非理性因素对学生道德认知过程具有诱导和支配作用,对道德认知发展具’有激励和推动作用,对道德行为判断具有评价和选择作用,对道德实践具有导向、调节、控制和强化的作用。因此,非理性因素在人的道德素养与道德行为养成中具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

非理性主义倾向是现代人本主义伦理学的一个较为普遍的特征。非理性主义思潮的产生有其社会物质根源和认识论根源。非理性主义的产生对现代西方人本主义伦理学、现代西方伦理史以及人类文明既有其积极价值亦有其负面作用。  相似文献   

This paper is based on a multiple case study of schools which have been identified as improving their performance for about a decade. We proposed different criteria by which to characterize and study these improvement processes and, by applying them to our sample, we elaborated a typology of school improvement trajectories: we identified 4 different trajectories of school improvement. We called the first type restricted improvement because at its center is the management of processes that mainly target academic achievement tests; the second is incipient improvement, which is based on changes that restructure the school processes; the third identified trajectory are cases where school improvement is moving toward institutionalization, while the last are those cases where improvement has been already institutionalized and the schools have achieved high levels of educational effectiveness. We identified challenges that schools face at different stages of school improvement and discussed some related policy issues.  相似文献   

Irrational Numbers: The Gap between Formal and Intuitive Knowledge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report focuses on prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding of irrational numbers. Various dimensions of participants’ knowledge regarding the relation between the two sets, rational and irrational, are examined. Three issues are addressed: richness and density of numbers, the fitting of rational and irrational numbers on the real number line, and operations amongst the elements of the two sets. The results indicate that there are inconsistencies between participants’ intuitions and their formal and algorithmic knowledge. Explanations used by the vast majority of participants relied primarily on considering the infinite non-repeating decimal representations of irrationals, which provided a limited access to issues mentioned above.  相似文献   

无理方程类型很多,解的方法也是多种多样,本文根据无理方程和有理方程、无理方程和方程组之间的内在联系,介绍了用换元解一类无理方程的方法。  相似文献   

日益猖獗的恐怖主义与狂热的宗教情绪、狭隘的民族意识、心理失衡、复仇本能、盲目的群体无意识等非理性因素有关。强化非理性的积极作用,弱化其消极作用,可以在心理根源上消除恐怖主义。  相似文献   

利用连分数的概念讨论了连分数的一些性质,并探讨了二次无理数与循环连分数的关系及二次无理数的连分数展开式的规律.  相似文献   


The Teacher Rotation Policy (TRP) is a recent teacher policy developed in the context of China. TRP seeks to close China’s teacher quality disparities through rotating ‘high-quality’ urban schoolteachers to teach in hard-to-staff rural schools for a period of time. This qualitative case study examined how five policy actors carried out TRP in one rural county from 2012 to 2015. Guided by a sensemaking perspective, the study generated interview and observational data over three months of ethnographic fieldwork in 2016. The analysis of the data revealed high administrative expenses as well as unintended consequences of rotating teachers across schools. Three sensemaking strategies, namely using argumentation techniques, tailoring policy incentives, and leveraging cultural logics have emerged from the participants’ efforts at enacting this policy. These research findings suggest implications for the efficacy and effects of teacher rotation for equalising teacher workforce in China and internationally.  相似文献   

认识的主休理以理性思维和非理性思维的形式来把握客体的。原妈人由于把人和对象融为一体,他们从人去理解物,从物去反思人;他们尚未意识到认识中主观和客观的矛盾,而是凭借个人的情感和初级的思维能力去把握认识的对象,虽然主体的认识采取了非理性的反映形式,但仅从认识的角度看,它是人类认识发展的必然阶段,是人类对自身的意识从自发走向自觉发展过程的必由阶段,它是人类认识的真实基础。  相似文献   

非理性的繁荣:高校资金风险的政治经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教育管理者的市场观和制度与人的关系入手,运用政治经济学的分析方法,分析了高校资金安全管理的风险来源,即对市场的认识不足和制度缺失。指出只有实现了人的理性化,才是规避高校资金风险管理的最佳途径。  相似文献   

非理性因素作为人的创新能力的一翼,具有自我扩张、自我创新的冲力。在创新中,非理性因素既有积极作用如精神动力机制的导向、驱动、调控和弥补作用以及非理性创新能力的弥补作用,又有消极功能如精神动力机制的抑制作用等。要想规避非理性因素的消极作用,就必须理顺理性与非理性在创新中的关系,实现理性与非理性对创新的"双轮"驱动。  相似文献   

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