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Innovation researchers have begun to look beyond how users develop tangible objects or product innovations and moved to investigate the existence and impact of intangible user-developed innovations in techniques and services in the household sector . In this paper, to incorporate technique and service innovations and other varieties of intangible innovations not yet described in the literature into an efficient and encompassing typology, we propose the new concept of intangible Behavioral Innovation as an overarching category that stands in contrast to tangible product innovation. Behavioral innovation is defined as consisting of one or a connected sequence of intangible problem-solving activities that provide a functionally novel benefit to its user developer relative to previous practice. We demonstrate in a pilot study using a relatively novel big data-gathering and semantic analysis approach that behavioral innovation exists and can be identified in user-generated content posted openly online in peer-to-peer discussion forums relating to household sector activities such as parenting. The preponderance (N = 138) of the 168 user innovations captured in our samples of discussion comments were intangible behavioral innovations, most of which were developed by women. The majority of behavioral innovations identified were diffused by their user developers in response to specific requests for help or advice from peers in their online community. Thus, incorporating the new concept of intangible behavioral innovation into studies of user innovation's scope and significance in the household sector can serve to clarify which users innovate in our communities of interest, what and how they innovate, why they are triggered to diffuse their innovations peer-to-peer, and how their innovative activities might impact social welfare.  相似文献   

商业模式创新与企业竞争优势的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过理论分析初步界定了商业模式创新的4个维度:价值主张模式创新、价值创造模式创新、价值传递模式创新、界面规则模式创新。最后通过大规模的问卷调查,基于279份有效样本,运用结构方程模型对我国企业商业模式创新的制约性因素,以及它对企业竞争优势的贡献进行了检验,结果表明,在商业模式创新对企业竞争优势的贡献中,不同能力因子的作用存在一定的差异性。价值主张模式创新、价值传递模式创新与界面规则创新对企业竞争优势有显著的正向作用。  相似文献   

企业创新网络:企业技术创新研究的一个新范式   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
本文采用理论分析和实例分析相结合的研究方法对企业创新网络进行研究。首先从创新模式的发展史中描述了企业技术创新的行为特征,以此提出了企业创新网络的概念和基本机构,并指出了企业创新网络的执行主体、集成对象、基本特征、链接机制和演变过程,以期对企业创新网络的进一步研究有所借鉴。  相似文献   

突破性技术创新:一个新的研究视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
技术创新与技术进步的明显加快,使企业的创新由以渐进性创新为主转变为以突破性创新为主。在当今的经济社会中,突破性技术创新已成为世界各国,尤其是发达国家经济持续增长的主要动力。因此,本文在阐述突破性技术创新特征和机理的基础上,提出了我国企业在实现突破性技术创新过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

企业自主创新的动力机制及模型构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自主创新一直是政府和理论界长期关注的课题.影响企业自主创新的因素有哪些?为什么相同规模的企业自主创新速度不同?如何提高企业的自主创新能力?针对上述问题,对企业自主创新的内部和外部因素以及实现机理进行了较为深入的分析,并尝试构建了企业自主创新的速度模型,最后提出了有关提高我国企业自主创新能力的建议和措施.  相似文献   

A summary of the findings of a study of innovation among firms in the food sector (suppliers of equipment and packaging, and food processors) is presented. The methodology to incorporate national innovation policy concerns is discussed, including the analysis and impact of firm preferences for federal innovation incentives. Generally, it was found that government influence tends to discourage innovation in this sector, although there are notable exceptions. National science and technology policy recommendations included the following: (1) the most desirable actions are those that make more investment capital at a lower interest rate available to the sector. This would aid food processors in adopting equipment and packaging that would make them more productive and stimulate suppliers to innovate in these product categories. (By one source, suppliers account for more than half the significant innovations in this sector); (2) large food processor and large supplier firm size is a justifiable condition for innovation in the food sector; (3) national innovation policy would be more effective if informed by an increased awareness and understanding of the technology strategy formulation process at the firm level; (4) although tax incentives for innovation are preferred by the sector, the results of this study do not unambiguously inform innovation tax policy; (5) desirable regulatory reforms, especially in the areas that are extreme cost burdens to smaller firms, include the speed-up of the decision making process, and clarification and increased consistency of regulations (e.g., labeling); (6) dissemination of information on the innovation process is a desirable goal to be maintained by government; and (7) any government actions that foster supplier-food processor collaboration for innovating purposes would be desirable.  相似文献   

We explore the causal links between service firms’ knowledge investments, their innovation outputs and business growth based on a bespoke survey of around 1100 UK service businesses. We combine the activity based approach of the innovation value chain with firms’ external links at each stage of the innovation process. This introduces the concept of ‘encoding’ relationships through which learning improves the effectiveness of firms’ innovation processes. Our econometric results emphasise the importance of external openness in the initial, exploratory phase of the innovation process and the significance of internal openness (e.g. team working) in later stages of the process. In-house design capacity is strongly linked to a firm's ability to absorb external knowledge for innovation. Links to customers are important in the exploratory stage of the innovation process, but encoding linkages with private and public research organisations are more important in developing innovation outputs. Business growth is related directly to both the extent of firms’ service innovation as well as the diversity of innovation, reflecting marketing, strategic and business process change.  相似文献   

In 1982, the Small Business Innovation Development Act established the small business innovation research (SBIR) program. This program reserves a percentage of federal agencies’ extramural R&D budgets for research projects conducted by small businesses. When this Act was reauthorized in 1992, the selection criteria for funding dramatically increased the likelihood of funding for projects that promised to lead to commercial success. Using data from a survey of the SBIR program award recipients at NASA Langley Research Center, we address three questions about this change: (i) was there a shift to projects with more commercial potential? (ii) did these projects experience higher rates of commercial success? and (iii) was there a reduction in basic research accompanying the increased commercial success? Our analysis suggests, the answer to all three of these questions is ‘yes’.  相似文献   

There is sufficient evidence, drawn from surveys of innovation in the public sector and cognitive testing interviews with public sector managers, to develop a framework for measuring public sector innovation. Although many questions that are covered in the Oslo Manual guidelines for measuring innovation in the private sector can be applied with some modifications to the public sector, public sector innovation surveys need to meet policy needs that require collecting additional types of data. Policy to support public sector innovation requires data on how public sector organizations innovate and how a strategic management approach to innovation can influence the types of innovations that are developed. Both issues require innovations surveys to delve deeply into the innovation processes and strategies that are used by public sector managers. Implementation of the measurement framework proposed in this paper would open up opportunities for a new, policy-relevant research program on public sector innovation.  相似文献   

Problem-solving by everyday individuals is thought to occur as a two-step process. First, an individual identifies or formulates a problem, followed by entering into a subsequent search to find the best solution. Here, however, we consider an alternative process that everyday individuals may use for solution finding first theorized by von Hippel and von Krogh (2016). Specifically, von Hippel and von Krogh proposed that everyday individuals may sometimes discover a solution and the need it satisfies simultaneously without the need for apriori problem formation, a cognitive process they called “need-solution pair recognition”. Utilizing a rich literature from psychology and neuroscience, we propose that seemingly spontaneous discoveries found by need-solution pair recognition are natural products of the object recognition system and its underlying mechanisms. This view asserts that on encountering an object and reasoning how it might be used (i.e. functional object understanding), an individual's perception of an object may culminate in recognizing the object as a solution, and in some cases, as a solution to a problem previously unknown to him or her, thus bypassing formal problem-formulation and active solution searching entirely. To empirically test this view, we manipulated the ability of everyday individuals to functionally reason about objects while we examined the spontaneous occurrence of solutions found by either need-solution pair recognition or traditional problem-first problem-solving. Consistent with our hypothesized mechanism, our results indicate that need-solution pair recognition occurs more frequently when constraints on functional object understanding are reduced. That is, we found that needsolution pair discoveries outpaced solutions found from traditional problem solving, in environments with unfamiliar objects, where participants were not directed to solve specific problems. Our results provide clear evidence that everyday individuals in the household sector do not always innovate through traditional problem-solving processes, but instead may arrive at solutions as they recognize and reason about objects. Implications for research and practice in household innovation, and for innovation more generally are considered.  相似文献   

董伟  颜泽贤 《科技管理研究》2007,27(10):227-229
运用系统科学有关"涌现"的理论,分析了以国家创新系统为代表的知识创新涌现的性质、不变序、宏观确定性和不可预测性特征及环境作用、元素间非线性相互作用和内部模式等产生机理;最后简要分析了对知识创新管理工作的几点启示。  相似文献   

周飞  沙振权  孙锐 《科研管理》2019,40(1):113-120
市场营销导向的概念被认为是战略营销的基石,然而有关市场导向对企业创新的影响效果却一直饱受争议。基于资源建构主义理论,本研究基于反应型市场导向和先动型市场导向的差异,从资源拼凑的视角研究市场导向与商业模式创新之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)先动型市场导向对商业模式创新有显著正向影响,而反应型市场导向对商业模式创新存在倒U型影响;(2)先动型市场导向和反应型市场导向对资源拼凑均存在显著正向影响;(3)资源拼凑分别在反应型市场导向和先动型市场导向与商业模式创新之间起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

通信设备产业和医药产业都是中国重点支持发展的高新技术产业,但两个产业的差异也显而易见:通信设备产业具备较强的创新能力,无论是企业竞争力还是企业创新成果都从最初的毫无国际影响发展到处于国际领先水平。本文运用产业创新系统框架,对两个产业进行了比较分析。研究认为,产业知识基础(如技术机会)、行为人和网络(如市场需求、研发合作、政府支持等)和制度基础(如知识产权制度)三个方面能够一定程度的说明两个产业创新能力产生差异的原因。  相似文献   

通信设备巨头技术创新布局与扩散比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋天华  于光  石春生 《科研管理》2011,32(11):18-24
专利引文是衡量技术创新的重要指标。以著名的德温特(DII)创新系统的数据,对通信设备行业两家重要企业思科与华为的专利引文进行分析。结果显示,一些中国高技术企业经过多年的技术创新,其研发效率已经追上世界一流的跨国企业;中国企业的技术扩散主要是在国内,国际间技术扩散刚刚起步,影响力较小;而跨国企业技术扩散是全球性的,影响力处于龙头地位;追赶型企业技术创新是力求突破的锥型布局,领先企业是平衡型的哑铃布局;企业的技术创新布局主导着它们的技术扩散方向,中国企业技术创新与扩散的宽度大,但是优势技术少,技术深度低。而跨国企业优势技术多,技术扩散的深度高,技术专业化程度比较高。  相似文献   

张省  杨倩 《科技管理研究》2021,41(10):144-151
将数字技术能力细分为数字技术创新和数字技术获取两类能力、商业模式创新分为技术导向型和消费导向型两类创新,以商业模式创新作为中介变量构建数字技术能力与企业绩效之间关系理论模型,并提出三者之间关系的研究假设,基于沪深股市32家数字技术上市公司的公开数据,采用多元回归分析方法验证研究假设.结果 表明:(1)企业的数字技术能力...  相似文献   

为探究网络经济时代企业如何充分利用外部资源实现商业模式创新,本研究基于开放式创新视角,以关系学习为中介变量,企业开放度为调节变量,构建了组织忘记影响商业模式创新的理论模型,并运用相关分析与回归分析方法,对320份有效样本进行了实证分析。结果显示:组织忘记对商业模式创新具有正向影响;关系学习在组织忘记与商业模式创新之间起中介作用;企业开放度正向调节关系学习对商业模式创新的影响;企业开放度正向调节关系学习在组织忘记与商业模式创新之间的中介效应。  相似文献   

服务创新:研究现状、概念界定及特征描述   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
服务业在各国的GDP产出和就业中扮演着越来越重要的角色,制造业也越来越依赖服务要素实现价值增加并获取竞争优势。服务创新是推动服务业和制造业发展的强大动力,它与制造业的技术创新在内容、特性和过程模式上存在较大差异。服务创新研究已经成为创新研究的新热点,但国内在该领域的研究刚刚起步,理论探讨和实证分析都很缺乏。本文首先对服务创新研究难点和研究群进行介绍,随后对“服务创新”概念内涵进行分析,最后对服务创新的特性进行阐述通过以上论述,读者可以初步把握服务创新的研究框架,形成对服务创新概念和特性的清晰认识,为进一步的研究奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

摘要:龙头企业的知识扩散对区域创新的带动效果及其作用路径是产业集群研究的重要议题,同时也是实践界关注的重要领域。已有研究认为,龙头企业知识扩散的创新带动效果受到扩散路径与中小企业吸收能力的影响,其中扩散路径通常被划分为基于非正式交流和基于协作关系两种。根据浙江省3个产业集群内的156家中小企业的调查数据,本文的实证研究发现,龙头企业知识扩散对本地中小企业的创新带动作用存在一个重要的条件,即知识扩散路径与中小企业吸收能力应当形成匹配。企业吸收能力弱时,龙头企业知识通过非正式交流进行扩散能够实现有效的创新带动。企业吸收能力强时,龙头企业知识通过协作关系进行扩散能够实现有效的创新带动。  相似文献   

在创新环境转向开放创新的新时代,基础研究创新特征发生变化,传统的基础研究评估模式已无法适应创新环境与创新模式变化对基础研究评估实践提出的新要求,探索面向开放创新的基础研究评估模式已成为新形势下激发基础研究潜能、推动创新发展所面临的重大命题。通过分析传统创新环境下基础研究评估模式存在的问题,结合开放创新时代基础研究的创新特征变化,创新性提出面向开放创新的基础研究评估新模式即知识创新效应评估,并从基础研究创新过程及产出成果流向的角度出发,构建了知识创新效应评估的理论模型,该理论模型包含三个要素维度即知识创造、知识交流和知识扩散,为后续进一步研究构建面向开放创新的国家基础研究评估指标体系奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

The impact of the global recession has served to increase pressure on non-profit organizations resources. Executive leadership is an essential component of the success of these institutions. The two-fold purpose of this article is to provide a state-of-the-art overview about the existing literature on leadership and organizational innovation in the third sector, as well as to identify research gaps leading to a research model, which can be used in further empirical research. For this, we used the collection of existing literature in the Web of Science. The 144 articles selected in the database were analysed using the VOSviewer software. Results show a concern with the renewal of management bodies and a lack of qualified leaders. This study contributes to the construction of an action agenda leading to the establishment of new leadership and organizational innovation model for the third sector.  相似文献   

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