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Based on five types of trust, this research explores trust influencing factors in peer-to-peer interpersonal communication, group communication and mass communication. Previous research has mainly focused on trust and the corresponding antecedents in electronic commerce communication and online collaboration. This study extends the literature on trust influencing factors in social media communication. A trust traffic light model is used to illustrate the importance of keywords, drawn from interviews with 115 participants who use WeChat frequently. Salient trust factors were found and further elaborated through qualitative analysis. Furthermore, we developed a trust cognitive onion model to illustrate the interactions of trust factors.  相似文献   

The social question and answer (Q&A) community provides people with an effective tool to obtain high-quality information. From the perspective of reciprocal determinism and value co-creation, this study aims to investigate the formation mechanism of high-quality knowledge in the community. We develop a model to investigate how cognitive factors and community technological factors influence users’ knowledge co-creation behavior, thereby influencing knowledge quality in the community. A survey of 382 knowledge contributors in a social Q&A community shows that knowledge self-efficacy, topic richness, personalized recommendation, and social interactivity have a positive impact on users' knowledge sharing and integration behavior, which subsequently affect the community’s knowledge quality. Moreover, users' ratings moderate the influence of knowledge sharing on knowledge quality. This research demonstrates the synergistic effect of people and technology in knowledge co-creation, thus advances literature about value co-creation and content quality in online communities.  相似文献   

Service failure apologies on social media are a new crisis communication outlet trend used by companies to apologise to affected customers quickly and offer solutions, ultimately to restore customers' trust and brand loyalty. This paper contributes to the nascent literature on companies' social media service failure apologies and fills a gap in the social commerce literature by recognising that due to the open and public nature of social media, these apologies may reach not just affected customers, but also unintended audiences such as potential customers among the general public, which could potentially damage a company's reputation and market share. An online survey administered to 241 customers and 271 non-customers of a famous mobile phone brand, which used YouTube to apologise to its customers for a service failure incident, is used to explore potential behavioural outcomes, after exposure to the apology. Findings confirm that both customers and non-customers of the service provider may become exposed to a social media service failure apology. The hypothesised model predicts behavioural intentions to remain a customer after exposure to the social media service apology better than behavioural intentions to become a customer, even though relationships hold for both groups. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which politicians' visibility in traditional news coverage explains individual politicians' visibility on social media, and vice versa. We also explore whether these relationships depend on commonly identified characteristics of individual politicians. We collected data for all elected candidates from the 2012 Dutch national elections covering each 15 days prior to the election day (N = 2250). This includes 2736 newspaper articles and 77,597 mentions on Facebook and Twitter. Our results show that the traditional news agenda and social media agenda impact each other, but that the reciprocal influence is not independent of politician characteristics.  相似文献   

We present a study exploring the connection between social networks and collaborative process. We focus on exploring academics' network position and its effect on their collaborative networks. In this paper, we discuss two types of networks of collaboration—(i) citation; and, (ii) co authorship. We explore the effects of social networks on these two types of collaborative process. By defining network position in this way, we develop a social network that uses the academics as nodes within the network instead of each published paper. We obtained the collaboration data through archival records (i.e. Web of Science) and examined the interactions among different actors from the archival records for determining the existence and strength of relations between actors.  相似文献   

Rapid communication during extreme events is one of the critical aspects of successful disaster management strategies. Due to their ubiquitous nature, social media platforms are expected to offer a unique opportunity for crisis communication. In this study, about 52.5 million tweets related to hurricane Sandy posted by 13.75 million users are analyzed to assess the effectiveness of social media communication during disasters and identify the contributing factors leading to effective crisis communication strategies. Efficiency of a social media user is defined as the ratio of attention gained over the number of tweets posted. A model is developed to identify more efficient users based on several relevant features. Results indicate that during a disaster event, only few social media users become highly efficient in gaining attention. In addition, efficiency does not depend on the frequency of tweeting activity only; instead it depends on the number of followers and friends, user category, bot score (controlled by a human or a machine), and activity patterns (predictability of activity frequency). Since the proposed efficiency metric is easy to evaluate, it can potentially detect effective social media users in real time to communicate information and awareness to vulnerable communities during a disaster.  相似文献   

Electrokinetics promises to be the microfluidic technique of choice for portable diagnostic chips and for nanofluidic molecular detectors. However, despite two centuries of research, our understanding of ion transport and electro-osmotic flow in and near nanoporous membranes, whose pores are natural nanochannels, remains woefully inadequate. This short exposition reviews the various ion-flux and hydrodynamic anomalies and speculates on their potential applications, particularly in the area of molecular sensing. In the process, we revisit several old disciplines, with some unsolved open questions, and we hope to create a new one.  相似文献   

民主文化指人们的民主取向、民主行为和民主效能的总和。社会技术形态转型对民主文化转型构成基本影响,并从总趋势上作用于民主文化转型。中国社会技术形态转型的特殊性规定着中国民主文化转型的目标,而良性的中国民主文化转型又赖于对社会技术形态环境的优化。  相似文献   

Majority opinions are often observed in the process of social interaction in online communities, but few studies have addressed this issue with empirical data. To identify an appropriate theoretical lens for explaining majority opinions in online environments, this study investigates the skewness statistic, which indicates how many “Likes” are skewed to major comments on a Facebook post; 3489 posts are gathered from the New York Times Facebook page for 100 days. Results show that time is not an influential factor for skewness increase, but the number of comments has a logarithmic relation to skewness increase. Regression models and Chow tests show that this relationship differs depending on topic contents, but majority opinions are significant in overall. These results suggest that the bandwagon effect due to social affordance can be a suitable mechanism for explaining majority opinion formation in an online environment and that majority opinions in online communities can be misperceived due to overestimation.  相似文献   

Mobile social platform such as WeChat Moments has gained great popularity in China in the past few years. However, there are still a lack of studies that focus on Guanxi network building in the virtual social community. Drawing upon social capital theory and technology affordance theory, this study develops a research model to examine the influences of platform media richness and interactivity on users’ social capital and participation behaviors in the WeChat Moments. An empirical survey was conducted in China and 287 valid data were collected from WeChat users. Structural equation modelling analysis was used to test the research model. The empirical results suggest that platform interactivity and media richness are significant technology affordances that promote users’ Guanxi network, and their influences are mediated by social interaction and shared understanding. Furthermore, Guanxi network is positively associated with users’ active participation in the WeChat Moments. Theoretical and practical implications are illustrated in the final section.  相似文献   

Nowadays, using increasingly granular data, from real-time location information and detailed demographics to consumers-generated content on the social networking sites (SNSs), businesses are starting to offer precise location-based product recommendation services through mobile devices. Based on the technology acceptance model (TAM), this paper develops a theoretical model to examine the adoption intention of active SNS users toward location-based recommendation agents (LBRAs). The research model was tested by using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived control, and perceived institutional assurance are important in developing adoption intention. Perceived effort saving, special treatment, and social benefit have influences on the adoption intention through the mediating effect of perceived usefulness. Perceived accuracy has direct influence on adoption intention.  相似文献   

In social networking services (SNSs), users’ unclear understanding of the large and invisible audience increases the chances of online turbulence, which is a key source of SNS-induced stress. This growing phenomenon has gained increasing attention in academia and industry due to the undesirable consequences for users and SNS platforms. In this study, we draw from the transactional model of stress to examine how audience management strategies impact online turbulence and lead to neglected unintended audience concern and lurking. We also investigate the role of self-monitoring as a stress inhibitor. We test our model with data collected from 301 SNS users. The results show that the four types of audience management strategies have different effects on online turbulence, which significantly impacts neglected unintended audience concern especially when users have high self-monitoring skills. We believe that this work contributes, both from scientific and practical standpoints, to the understanding of the interventions and stressful responses of online turbulence in SNSs.  相似文献   

随着企业社会责任活动的深入开展,企业界和学术界对其做了广泛的探讨,但就如何实施企业社会责任还没有多少可以借鉴的成果,本文通过营销学视角,借鉴产品经营法则,给出企业履行企业社会责任可操作的流程。  相似文献   

This study extends and tests the dual factor model of technology usage (Cenfetelli, 2004, Cenfetelli and Schwarz, 2011), which recognizes enablers and inhibitors as two distinct constructs in the context of social media. We test the effect of two enablers: perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment on perceived communication quality and social media continuance intention. We advance the understanding of the conceptualization of inhibitors from object-based, social-based, behavioral-based, and affective-based perspectives. We investigate the moderating effects of affective-based inhibitors (i.e., perceived social media distress and perceived social media anxiety) and the direct effects of object-based inhibitor (rapid change), social-based inhibitor (i.e., distorted reputation), and behavioral-based inhibitor (perceived complexity) on communication quality and continuance intention. To test the hypotheses, we collected data using an Online Crowdsourcing Markets (OCMs) technique. Using a sample of 268 Facebook users, our findings suggest perceived enjoyment is the main enabler, whereas perceived complexity is the main inhibitor of social media continuance intention. The findings also suggest that perceived social media anxiety moderates the relationships between (1) perceived complexity and perceived enjoyment, (2) perceived complexity and perceived usefulness, and (3) perceived complexity and perceived communication quality. We also find distorted reputation has a positive effect on perceived complexity but rapid change does not have a significant effect on perceived complexity. Perceived communication quality also significantly influences social media continuance intention. Our study confirms the dual factor model of technology usage and advances social media research by demonstrating that inhibitors are distinct from enablers.  相似文献   

目前,国内关于企业自主创新能力评价指标体系的研究成果存在不能明确反映自主创新的自主性、忽略自主创新的合作性以及缺少某些重要的自主创新影响因素等不足。鉴于此,从创新资源转化过程视角构建了一个由自主创新资源投入能力、自主创新成果产出能力、自主创新合作能力和自主创新环境等四类指标构成的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

中国作为铜资源消费大国,保障铜资源的可持续供应是经济建设进程中的首要任务,科学地计算和评价中国铜资源的社会存量可为中国铜业的可持续发展及铜资源的循环利用提供重要的数据保障。本文运用动态物质流分析(MFA)方法、Weibull分布方法和生命周期方法并结合Minitab软件计算了1990-2013年中国铜产品的报废量和铜资源的社会存量。计算结果显示:①1990-2013年中国铜产品的理论报废总量为1521万t,社会蓄积量为6504万t;②2013年中国再生铜产量占精炼铜产量的38.4%,低于世界平均水平(40%);③以国内废杂铜为原料的再生铜产量占再生铜总量的36.5%。研究结果揭示:中国国内铜资源报废量和社会蓄积量将会持续增加,未来将会保持这种增长趋势;中国国内的废杂铜没有得到有效利用;中国再生铜的原料主要源于进口废杂铜,在铜资源对外依存度居高不下的情况下还没有意识到中国国内废杂铜循环利用的重要性;在精炼铜消费量持续增长和自给能力有限以及进口受限的综合压力下,再生铜必将成为未来中国铜供给的主要来源。建议在中国铜资源禀赋条件差的条件下增强废杂铜的回收利用,提高废杂铜的利用效率,来保障中国铜资源的供给安全。  相似文献   

The social processes involved in engaging small groups of 3–15 managers in their sharing, organising, acquiring, creating and using knowledge can be supported with software and facilitator assistance. This paper introduces three such systems that we have used as facilitators to support groups of managers in their social process of decision-making by managing knowledge during face-to-face meetings. The systems include Compendium, Group Explorer (with Decision Explorer) and V*I*S*A. We review these systems for group knowledge management where the aim is for better decision-making, and discuss the principles of deploying each in a group meeting.  相似文献   

盛亚  蒋旭弘 《科研管理》2020,41(8):160-170
企业作为社会创新三大主体(政府、社会、企业)之一,日益受到关注。但企业社会创新涉及众多利益相关者的权利关系却被研究者忽略,也造成了实际工作的举步维艰。本文首先阐明了基于权利关系的利益相关者网络概念,进而构建了利益相关者网络视角的企业社会创新过程理论模型,运用社会网络密度、节点度和中心度的计算方法,对浙江九仓再生资源开发公司的垃圾回收社会创新过程的不同阶段进行详细的案例研究,得出的结论是,在企业社会创新过程中,利益相关者有不同的权利诉求,由此形成的权利关系决定的网络密度、节点度、中心性也因不同阶段而演化,其中高管、政府和社区是主要利益相关者,股东、员工、客户、合作者、供应商也是不可或缺的利益相关者,他们在社会创新过程的四个阶段中因不同的权利关系而发挥着不同的作用。  相似文献   

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