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简要叙述了科技论文文题,摘要及正文等主要组成部分的写作要求及其注意事项,以及论文发表的基本程序。文中内容对科技工作者的论文写作有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

A broad view of mathematics education takes it as the study of how people learn and do mathematics. Starting with this view, the actual and potential relationships of mathematics education as are search discipline to mathematics as a field of knowledge and activity and to the mathematicians carrying out that activity are analyzed. This leads to the picture of a gulf between the two scientific communities which are based in different cultures of thinking and research. A (meta-)study of mathematics and all its facets termed here mathematicology is proposed. It could serve as common ground for cooperative studies by mathematicians and mathematics educators. Thereby the gulf will not necessarily become narrower but abridge over the differences and mutual misunderstandings could be built.  相似文献   

基于相关文集、方志、游记、家谱等史料,对明清时期徽州官民的游居环境保护的意识与措施进行研究。结论显示:徽州官民对树木山场、龙脉水口等自然资源和黄山、齐云山等旅游名胜地的保护措施,既体现了徽州笃信风水、尊宗敬祖的文化传统,也展现了徽州民众尊重自然、和谐发展的旅游伦理思想。同时从侧面说明,明清之际随着商品经济的发展与徽州人地关系的不断紧张、民众求利思想的强化,徽州自然环境不断恶化的客观事实。  相似文献   

纽马克的"文本类型翻译观"与巴斯奈特的"文化翻译观"有相似之处,也有不同之处。文章从二者的"异"入手,着重谈二者的"同"。通过对纽马克的"文本类型翻译观"与巴斯奈特的"文化翻译观"的比较研究,旨在更全面地认识两位翻译理论家,从而更深入地认识和理解他们的翻译理论。  相似文献   

《国色》是一部传记体小说,该文在探讨它的艺术特质的过程中,侧重于作者对历史真实与艺术虚构、人物形象的情爱与性爱、小说风格的雅与俗等关系的处理及其产生的基本风格,以便促进人们创作或阅读传记文学作品的思考。  相似文献   

It has become almost commonplace to recognise that teaching is an embodied practice. Most analyses of teaching as embodied practice focus on the embodied nature of the teacher as subject. Here, we use Butler's concept of performativity to analyse the reiterated acts that are intelligible as—performatively constitute—teaching, rather of the teacher as subject. We suggest that this simultaneously helps explain the persistence of teaching as a narrow repertoire of actions recognisable as ‘teaching’, and the policing of conformity to teaching thus embodied. However, like performatively accomplished subjectivity, this repertoire is unstable and ambiguous, and thus open to change and disruption. Moreover, teacher subjectivities may lead them to mobilise these possibilities of disruption.  相似文献   

创新教育与现代的观念和思维方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教育的核心就是试图从整体上改变传统的教育模式,其目标必然是确立受教育者的现代观念的思维方式,创新教育的实施需要教育工作者、行政主管部门以及家庭、社会等更新观念,并付出艰辛的劳动。  相似文献   

胡适与蒋介石,一个是五四新文化运动中的风云人物,另一个是1928年至1949年10月以前中国的最高执政者;一个是世界主义者,另一个是民族主义者。他们既承传旧学,又容纳新潮,彼此以反共为合作的政治基础,但又因"民主"与"专制"的不同理念而发生冲突:胡适一心要在中国移植美国式的政治体系,主张言论自由与民主宪政,而蒋介石则认为这是在唱"民主自由高调",如果照此办理"则必断送国脉矣"。由于受中西文化的不同影响,在他们的政治交往中可谓摩擦不断,但终究没有公开决裂。究其缘由,大致有如下三点:一、胡对蒋的批评与讽谏是以支持为前提的;二、蒋在内心虽对胡颇为反感,但在行为方式上仍有相当程度的包容;三、蒋不满美国干预中国内政,但又急需争取美援,他十分清楚,胡的背后有美国支持,故对胡适不得不适度地妥协。  相似文献   

有宗教便有宗教教育,研究宗教教育是全面认识传承民族文化的民族教育的关键。南诏后期废道立佛,大理国以佛治国一脉相承,“释儒”阶层的出现,标志着南诏大理国制度化教育的形成。其教育形式是以寺院为学校、僧侣为教师、佛儒经典为课本。教育的目的是通过君权佛授来巩固王权、教化百姓、统一思想。佛教教育是形成大理白族特色文化的重要因素,同时对大理白族风俗习惯、伦理道德都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the protective effect of social support in the relationship between exposure to violence and psychopathology. Exposure to violence in the family and exposure to violence in the community were examined separately. Exposure to violence was further divided according to whether violence was experienced as a victim or as a witness. Internalizing and externalizing forms of psychopathology, as well as post-traumatic stress symptomatology were examined. METHOD: Participants consisted of 65 high-risk adolescents admitted consecutively to psychiatric inpatient units. Data were collected by means of individual interviews, self-report questionnaires, and hospital charts. RESULTS: Social support emerged as a protective factor with respect to the maladaptive effects of family violence, experienced as either a victim or as a witness. In contrast, social support did not appear to buffer the maladaptive effects of community violence, regardless of whether violence was experienced as a victim or as a witness. In fact, the relationship between community violence and psychopathology was found to be generally nonsignificant regardless of social support status. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that exposure to family violence may affect development differently than exposure to community violence, allowing social support to effectively buffer the effects of family, but not community violence. This finding highlights the importance of examining violence exposure that occurs within the family separately from violence exposure that occurs within the community.  相似文献   

介绍了农村中小学建设经济实用型信息技术设施的配置模式及其在教育教学中的意义和作用。  相似文献   

This paper takes as its subject the circulation of tolerance discourse within two pedagogical encounters in two Australian educational settings, and draws from the work of Wendy Brown on tolerance as a regulatory force. Brown argues that discourses of tolerance are produced within historical and cultural milieu that enable tolerance and aversion to exist simultaneously. This has significant implications for how we might come to understand the project of working towards a socially just educational system and the various struggles encountered within pedagogical sites. I also examine the pedagogical affects that are produced within different educational moments as we work to teach in or around difference and when we embody the Other in the classroom. I engage with how these experiences speak to the way in which tolerance as national ideal acts to both alleviate and circulate discourses of inequality such as sexism and homophobia.  相似文献   

本剖析了当前政治思想工作中形式主义的表现及其危害性.并提出克服形式主义的相应对策。  相似文献   

What would it take for youth to come to see science as a source of inspiration, as something intriguing and valuable, and as a world including them as active agents and legitimate members irrespective of who they are or who they want to become? I attempt to find some answers to this question by listening in on what youth have to say about science and scientists, talk occasioned through the conduct of oral histories of scientists and reflective work about visits to their work places, conducted by a small group of youth participating in an inner-city summer gardening program. I examine how youth and scientists position each other through talk and action and how they co-construct and deconstruct science and scientists’ work. I show how creating spaces within which youths’ images are validated and taken as resources for further co-construction and deconstruction of the world of science can lead to the development of broad notions of science that make insider status a possibility for them, whether as informed citizens or scientists.  相似文献   

李燕 《绥化学院学报》2011,31(3):123-124
英语重形合,汉语重意合,这是英汉两种语言思维模式的重大区别。了解英汉思维模式的差异对于掌握相应英汉口译技巧,提高双语转换能力十分重要。  相似文献   

池田大作和谐师生关系的基本理念是:尊师爱生、良师益友、教学相长及以人为本。这种师生间双边的互动关系无论是对整个教育质量的提高,还是对学生的健康发展以及和谐社会的构建,都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The idealistic purpose of university ranking is to encourage the self-improvement of universities as well as providing reliable information to users on higher education quality for public accountability.Nevertheless,most current rankings advocate indices related highly to the academic selectivity of institutions,while having nothing to do with quality of their performances.At the same time,since the rankings are mostly pushed by competition among universities as quasi-merchandise,it was inevitable that some social values of higher education as labor training and research were emphasized more than others such as student individual development and social justice,which are more invisible but influential from a long term.The rankings therefore ruined the ecology of higher education competition and made social injustice more serious.Value-added evaluation might bring some light to the darkness of rankings but not the primary way to solve the problem since it is functioned as one of the many measures in quality assessment.  相似文献   

Early-Childhood Poverty and Adult Attainment, Behavior, and Health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article assesses the consequences of poverty between a child's prenatal year and 5th birthday for several adult achievement, health, and behavior outcomes, measured as late as age 37. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (1,589) and controlling for economic conditions in middle childhood and adolescence, as well as demographic conditions at the time of the birth, findings indicate statistically significant and, in some cases, quantitatively large detrimental effects of early poverty on a number of attainment-related outcomes (adult earnings and work hours). Early-childhood poverty was not associated with such behavioral measures as out-of-wedlock childbearing and arrests. Most of the adult earnings effects appear to operate through early poverty's association with adult work hours.  相似文献   

马克思主义的经典作家如马克思、恩格斯等,是资本主义社会的病理学家,他们对革命政党和革命政体中廉政的问题早有清醒的认识,并作了理论上的阐述和批判。廉政作为一个系统的文化机制,一方面要严惩腐败,另一方面要教育官吏和人民。当前,处在社会转型期的中国,廉政工作异常艰巨。要遏制腐败,就得健全和完善系统的廉政文化机制。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国高校在课程设置方面较为普遍地存在着体系单一老化、忽视能力培养、缺乏人性关怀等问题,业已构成高校培养高素质人才的重要障碍。课程体系中增设"学科与专业导论",对于创新人才培养模式、提高人才培养质量具有积极意义。因此,应确立"专业导论"鲜明的教学目标并强化其在课程体系中的基础地位、需要有过硬的师资队伍以保证教学效果、科学灵活的教学方法使学生学到知识的同时得到能力的启迪、课程考核方式应综合多方因素、应尽快制订教学大纲并加快教材建设。  相似文献   

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