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作为国际开放教育资源运动的新一轮热潮,在国际顶尖高校和商业机构的大力推动下,MOOCs正在席卷全球教育领域并引发教育教学模式新的变革。在这一时代背景下,如何方便快捷、规模化地录制海量的教学视频,已经成为各级各类教育培训机构进军MOOCs领域需要迫切解决的先决问题之一。该文首先调研了MOOCs中教学视频的主要形式,并认为课堂实录是规模化制作教学视频的首选方案。在分析了传统录播教室的系统组成和特点之后,以所承担的建设专项为背景,设计并实现了一个面向MOOCs的云录播教学环境。该文希望为视频教学资源制作机构提供可资借鉴的建设参考,进而为基于大规模在线开放课程的教育教学变革提供资源平台和环境基础。  相似文献   

室内微气候控制技术的综合性空气调节系统实验平台主要由空调冷热源、组合式空调箱、恒温恒湿控制系统、参数测量系统、换热器性能测试系统、室内微气候环境等构成。集中式空调系统根据温、湿度需要向室内微气候环境提供稳定的送风气流,室内通过开闭风阀可实现多种送、回风方式,以此开展室内气流组织形式及热舒适性的实验研究。实验平台还可开展表面式换热器热工性能测试、喷水室热工性能测试、循环式空气调节过程测试等专业实验项目,对实验教学及科学研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

Education is centre stage in current UK government initiatives to promote multi-agency team work. This paper draws on a research project which explored the way in which multi-disciplinary teams work and learn together in their practice with children, to consider the implications of ‘joined-up’ practice for theorizing dilemmas of knowledge creation and identity transformation for professionals in multi-agency teams. The paper focuses primarily on the experiences of education professionals. We exemplify some dilemmas of ‘joined-up’ team participation in specific workplace activities involving knowledge exchange. We then explore the impact of belonging to multi-agency teams on professional roles, identities and learning. The paper then summarizes strategies which professionals used for resolving dilemmas around learning and knowledge creation, and considers how participating in shared workplace activities might enable or constrain professionals to consoli date their professional identities and learning. Drawing on theoretical research into workplace participation and professional learning, the paper examines implications for theorizing the professional identity of teachers in multi-agency team work, within a systemic model that takes account of: creating new knowledge and practice; enhancing professional identity; and building inter-professional communities.  相似文献   

多功能人工环境实验平台主要由模拟室外环境和室内环境、空调系统、制冷系统、加热系统、自控系统等部分组成。其中控制系统采用集中控制方式对空调系统进行自动控制,完成对空调系统和环境参数监测,并对系统中的设备的控制连锁及空调机组、制冷机组等控制系统进行整合。该实验平台的温度、湿度、风速等参数能在规定的要求下快速达到稳定调节和变工况调节,并有较高的控制精度和稳定性,对实验教学及科学研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study reports on a large-scale implementation of Assessment for Learning (AfL) in a Swedish municipality. The implementation was founded on two principles: (1) teaching should be informed by educational research; (2) to be successful teachers’ professional development needs to be based in everyday classroom practice. From these principles, AfL was chosen as a strand of educational research to inform teaching and ‘Teacher Learning Communities’ were chosen as a vehicle for professional development and for implementing AfL practices. Findings indicate that the project has been successful in bringing about a change in how teachers talk about teaching and learning and in changing teachers’ pedagogical practice towards AfL. Findings also suggest that AfL practices are mostly teacher-centred, which means that the teachers still take most of the responsibility for the assessment. This leads to high workload for the teachers and may also hinder students from taking responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an intelligent architecture, called intelligent virtual environment for language learning, with embedded pedagogical agents for improving listening and speaking skills of non-native English language learners. The proposed architecture integrates virtual environments into the Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning. This architecture supports visual, auditory, and haptic channels of interaction. It allows pedagogical ideas about language skills to be implemented and validated with a minimum design time. Moreover, we design a computational model to evaluate learner's proficiency level, and an automatic adaptation mechanism which adjusts to the learner's learning curve. We have implemented two scenarios based on the proposed architecture to teach learners how to communicate in public places such as airports and TV stores. Inputs to this system include learner's speech and hand motion, and outputs include graphical scenes, force feedback, and speech by a few embodied agents. Throughout interactions, agents discover the proficiency level of the learner and customize the level of communication complexity accordingly. The system is tested on 10 subjects. Experimental results show 14% increase in the number of proper replies, 3% decrease in grammatical errors, 16% decrease in pronunciation duration, and 11% increase in learners' proficiency level within three trials.  相似文献   

A set of basic construct Prolog schemata are presented as the basic constructs of a structured Prolog for recursive list processing. Prolog schema hierarchies are given that group classes of Prolog programs within each of the basic construct Prolog schemata via most-specific schemata which high-light their similarities and differences. A schema-based instructional approach based upon this classification of Prolog programs is provided as a method of introducing recursion to novice Prolog programmers. The incorporation of this approach to teaching recursive Prolog programming in an intelligent tutoring system is presented. Finally, a schema-based Prolog programming environment embedding this tutoring system in addition to a standard Prolog development system is proposed which promotes the acquisition and use of structured programming constructs in Prolog.  相似文献   

《网络安全法》规定我国实行网络安全等级保护制度(以下简称等保制度)。高校拥有大量信息资产,是国家网络空间安全的重要阵地。为贯彻执行等保制度,将等保工作管理过程规范化、流程化和信息化,设计并实现网络安全等级保护支撑系统。该系统涵盖定级备案、等保测评、建设整改、安全监测、安全通报等多个等保工作环节,包括多级权限管理、知识库、文档报告快速生成等特色功能。通过该系统可顺利完成 8 个二级等保系统备案工作。  相似文献   

In 2001, the Welsh Assembly Government announced proposals for a Foundation Phase for children aged three to seven years. The Foundation Phase framework promotes a play‐based approach to children's learning in both indoor and outdoor contexts and places children's well‐being and their personal and social development at its core. While the framework is currently being piloted across Wales, full implementation will not take place until 2010; for many schools, then, this is a time of transition. This paper discusses the findings of a research project that aimed to document the current use of the outdoors by a group of early years teachers working in South Wales. Drawing on data from interviews and observations conducted in four schools, it is suggested that the teachers missed many of the opportunities afforded by the outdoor environment to enhance children's learning. The paper considers the reasons why this might be the case and comments on the distinction, apparent in two schools, between what was seen as ‘normal’ and ‘special’ outdoor activity.  相似文献   

针对传统过滤算法只能实现结构对应层次的判断这一不足,提出了基于语义的信息过滤新算法。通过分词、计算词语相似度等操作,构造出体现语句语义关系的框架,然后再通过计算框架问的匹配程度来进行过滤。试验证明,过滤效果较传统算法在语义对应层次上有所提高。  相似文献   

There is widespread belief that computers should be used for the teaching and learning of mathematics. Research indicates that computers are primarily used in mathematics classes: (1) to reinforce previously taught concepts, (2) to allow students to construct computer programs to simulate mathematical techniques known to the student and (3) to explore mathematical microworlds encompassing mathematical ideas and concepts normally known to the student. Furthermore, it is said that pre-service teachers should experience the learning of mathematical ideas and concepts of which they had no prior experience in environments in which computers are just one of the resources available for exploring and experimenting with these ideas and concepts. How should these learning environments be constructed so that pre-service teachers are sensitised to the value of doing mathematics in such environments? Is a student's understanding of novel mathematical concepts enhanced when s/he explores it in a computer-enriched environment? An experiment with pre-service teachers was carried out in a college of education for blacks in South Africa. This article describes the insights gained from this experiment.  相似文献   

Teachers’ implementation of technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments (SCLEs) will be affected by their beliefs about effective practices. In order for student-centered programs to be used as intended, designers must be aware of the key issues that will shape their implementation and the beliefs teachers hold about these issues. This case study examined 15 teachers’ beliefs about student-centered learning as they implemented Alien Rescue, a computer-based program for middle school science that was designed to create a SCLE in the classroom. Considerations for the design of similar programs are offered.  相似文献   


In this paper, the determinants of the intention to use online learning management system (LMS) among students in one of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic were studied, using quantitative and qualitative analysis. A total of 541 responses from students, enrolled in online courses during the fall and spring semesters 2016–2017, were used to examine students attitude toward online education. In addition, interviews with six instructors were conducted. Results showed that success of students in e-courses depend on year of education and the academic major of students. Factors, defined in the scope of this work, namely, technical characteristics of LMS, ease of use, feedback options of LMS and advantages of LMS use, were also found to be significant for students in their success in online courses. In interviews with instructors, three main points were highlighted, namely, problem with students’ perception of online courses, lack of online education experience among instructors and administrative issues.  相似文献   

This paper presents ideas and a design for a Hypermedia-Based Learning Environment, HBLE for short. As the system is in implementation phase, we are also able to present some implementation techniques, problems and solutions. HBLE offers tools and methods for course development, teaching, maintenance, and different learner-centered study strategies. The system also has information acquisition functionality for research purposes.We study structuring the learning material and how to adapt it for individual students. As collaboration is an important aspect of learning process, the system also includes tools and research instruments for collaborative activities between the actors in the learning process. The concrete outcomes of the project are a platform for Web-based courses and experimental courseware. © IFIP, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

在信息技术环境中,打破了传统教学中“一枝粉笔、一块黑板、一本教材”的“填鸭式”教学模式,以自主性、合作性、创新性、现代性为特征,构建了职业学校学科课程教学的新模式:突出“模块”,构建了全模块化课堂教学方式;突出“实践教学”,构建了虚拟化实践教学方式;突出“案例”,构建了数字化环境中的案例教学方式;突出“网络资源”,构建了互联网资源辅助教学方式,并建立了相应的评价体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the implementation of a professional learning project aimed at building educators’ knowledge and skills in assessment for learning (AfL) within two school districts in Ontario, Canada. Specifically, the research examined the value of a two-tier Instructional Rounds (IR) professional learning model. This professional learning model was unique because it engaged both teachers and principals in collaboratively learning and implementing AfL strategies in order to develop systemic capacity in assessment. In total, 12 principals, 48 teachers, two superintendents and two school district assessment consultants participated in the study. Data were collected through observations of IR sessions, classroom observations, interviews, IR session reflections and a post-project survey. Findings from this study report on positive changes in teachers’ and principals’ conceptions and implementation of AfL as well as on the value and challenges of IR as a professional learning model. The paper concludes with a discussion on developing systemic capacity in AfL through an IR model of professional learning.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - To provide ongoing learning for busy professionals, universities are increasingly offering postgraduate opportunities by distance and online. This research examined...  相似文献   

近年来,英语语言教学的相关研究指出,通过对语言练习"任务"的特征和实施条件进行加工处理,可使任务参与者的注意力聚焦到语言使用的准确性、流利性和复杂性上。该文通过个案的设计与实践分析,探讨任务设计与实践结果之间的联系和影响。采用Ellis的描述框架对该任务的设计和特征进行了描述和解释,并预测了实践的效果;将任务的实践效果与预测效果进行比较后,分析差距,对任务设计进行相应的修改处理并进行二次实验;并在设计、实践、分析、修改、二次实践与二次分析的全过程基础上,对英语口语教学的任务设计提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

毛里求斯是一个多语种国家,当地人使用的主要语言有英语、法语和克里奥尔语以及少量的用于宗教仪式的祖传语言。在毛里求斯,大多数孩子在家里使用克里奥尔语进行日常交流,在学校,从小学一年级就开始学习英语、法语和一种祖传的语言。笔者于2008年11月20日至2009年1月1日历时40天在毛里求斯对当地的六个家庭进行了非正式的观察和访谈。本文将从毛里求斯的语言使用和态度入手,为其提出合适的文化政策和战略建议。本文第一部分描述毛里求斯的人口和语言使用情况。第二部分调查当地人对克里奥尔语被政府纳入教育系统的态度。第三部分是对访谈和观察收集到的数据进行讨论和分析。结论部分提出了语言规划的建议。  相似文献   

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