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Various keyword network methods are used to map scientific fields, but few studies have considered the semantic roles of keywords in such networks. This study proposes a term function–aware keyword citation network to fill this research limitation. Specifically, we first used a term function identification method to identify research questions and methods from scientific articles. Then, we constructed a question-method term citation network to represent the correlation structure of keywords. Next, we explored the topology characteristics, question-method bipartite network, and knowledge community structure of the generated network to validate its superiority in science mapping analysis. A dataset of 299,567 conference proceedings collected from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) digital library is used to evaluate the effectiveness of our methods. The results show that the term function identification model based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) achieves a score of 0.90 F1. And the question-method term citation network outperforms existing keyword citation methods in revealing association patterns between scientific knowledge and improving the interpretability of the knowledge structure of the computing field. We believe that our work expands the methodology of keyword citation network and science mapping analysis and provides guidance for considering the term function in various scenarios.  相似文献   

Although more than a million academic papers have been posted on Facebook, there is little detailed research about which fields or cross-field issues are involved and whether there are field or public interest relationships between Facebook mentions and future citations. In response, we identified health and biomedical scientific papers mentioned on Facebook and assigned subjects to them using the MeSH and Science Metrix journal classification schema. Multistage adaptive LASSO and unpenalized least-squares regressions were used to model Facebook mentions by fields and MeSH terms. The fields Science and Technology, General and Internal Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and Sport Sciences produced higher Facebook mention counts than average. However, no MeSH cross-field issue differences were found in the rate of attracting Facebook mentions. The relationship between Facebook mentions and citations varies between both fields and MeSH cross-field issues. General and Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular System and Hematology and Developmental Biology have strongest correlations between Facebook mentions and citations, probably due to high citation rates and high Facebook visibility in these areas.  相似文献   

The existing credit allocation method of coauthored research paper could not tell the whole story about who did what and the acknowledgment of different parts of the article. When an article is cited, the first author often gets the primary or even full credit, even if the citing paper cites the method part of the article, which is mainly contributed by the second author. This study proposes a context-based author credit (CAC) model to allocate individual credit to coauthors in a multi-authored paper. In the proposed model, coauthor's credit is conceptualized as a directed and weighted connection between citations and contributor roles, where the relationship was decided by citation context. Citation strength was used in the proposed model instead of the number of citing papers which can make the credit of research more precise. The proposed approach can complement existing measures of author credit analysis based on author signature order. In our experiments, the model was validated by fitting to empirical data, a group of highly productive authors’ articles and their citing papers, from PLOS Medicine. The results show that CAC model outperforms prior alternatives such as normal, fractional, harmonic counting and author contribution solely based on contribution list in terms of reflecting the specific performance of coauthors. Besides, the CAC model has a certain sensitivity to the contributions of lower-ranked authors, breaking through the restriction of the author's signature order. This paper also provides the new application of this model in author academic evaluation.  相似文献   

A呼呼和A乎乎在使用中常常出现混用的现象。本文从二者的构词方式、语义特征、使用现状入手,分析这种混用产生的原因,并探析其发展趋势。  相似文献   

A呼呼和A乎乎在使用中常常出现混用的现象。本文从二者的构词方式、语义特征.使用现状入手,分析这种混用产生的原因,并探析其发展趋势。  相似文献   

化问题张璐;张庆祥;延安大学数学与计算机科学院,延安大学数学与计算机科学院 陕西延安716000,陕西延安716000优化;;分层蚁群算法;;全局最优提出了一种改进的群算法用于求解优化问题,首先建立N个低层子种群,用一定数量的蚂蚁在这N个解空间中先随机搜索,然后模拟蚂蚁寻食的方式通过信息素来指引搜索,得到N个结果后在用蚁群算法求解,并给出了具体的算法。A Hierarchic Ant Colony Algorithm for OptimizationZHANG Lu,ZHANG Qing-xiang (Dept.Mathematics and Computer Science,Yan'an Uuiversity,Yan'an,Shannxi 716000)Ant Colony Algorithm(ACA) is brand-new bionic simulated evolutionary algorithm,which has been applied to many fields.Ant Col  相似文献   

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在《英文角斗场》中,每篇文章都是精选自英美中小学生的读物和教材噢。想知道自己的英语水平有多高,就来试试吧。  相似文献   

纽约地铁资质审查项目构架,以A 588与A 352异种材料焊接为主,以A 588和A 352材料,焊接制作5项工艺评定,分析和总结焊接工艺,为生产制造确定合适的焊接参数提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

I醒關 《今日科苑》2013,(3):84-85


袁龙 《西藏科技》2009,(1):27-28
近地警告系统属于飞机导航系统的一个子系统。近地警告系统的任务是在飞机起飞或复飞和进近着陆阶段,且无线电高度低于2450英尺时起作用。如果飞机接近地面时出现不安全的情况,近地警告系统就在驾驶舱内发出目视和音响两种报警信号,使飞行员知道有不安全情况存在,以提醒飞行员采取有效措施,避免触地事故发生。  相似文献   

你见过有8层楼高的飞机吗?你能想像一次能承载555位旅客的空中巨无霸吗?空中客车A380就有这样的大块头,所谓大块头有大智慧,我们就一起来认识一下这个大块头吧。 2005年北京时间1月18日下午,世界上最大的客机--空中客车A380在法国图卢兹正式诞生了,这标志着人类航空历史进入了一个新的里程。 这个相当于8层楼高的空中巨无霸,造价高达2.5亿美元,有555  相似文献   

凭借这款功能强大、配备触摸屏的智能手机,摩托罗拉杀入了3G的竞争战场。  相似文献   

AMD平台能否在移动市场上异军突起?让我们看看华硕K40AB的表现。  相似文献   

本文对现代汉语中,"好容易"和"好不容易"以及"好热闹"和"好不热闹"进行了全面的考察,试图从语音形式和语法结构的规律,探索其产生的原因和使用的范围。并运用信息论中的否定羡余理论和元语言理论试图对其进行分析。  相似文献   

天津拖拉机制造厂最近試制成功一种新型煤气机。这就是24A型煤气机。它是一种用無烟煤(白煤)或木炭做燃料的动力机械。它分煤气發生爐和煤气發动机兩部分(圖1)。 將煤或木炭加到煤气發生爐內,从下部升火燃燒。燃料燃燒后就产生二氧化碳和一氧化碳。二氧化碳經过熾熱的燃料層又被还原成一氧化碳。同时燃料中的水分  相似文献   

苗苗 《金秋科苑》2009,(5):84-84
早在我国齐代、隋代就有关于维生素A缺乏症(夜盲症)的描述,以及用牛肝治疗夜盲症的记载。唐朝太宗年间,孙思邈就在《备急千金要方》中记载了用富含β-胡萝卜素的中草药配合羊肝来治疗夜盲症的药方。这是较早的关于维生素A的应用与研究,不过那时候的医生尚不知道,究竟是动物肝脏中的什么成分对夜盲症有治疗作用,更不会分析其结构与生化性质。到了17世纪,西方医生也开始鼓励病人多食用肝脏来治疗夜盲症。  相似文献   

A319/320飞机引气系统故障具有多发性、重复性、复杂性,据有关部门统计,这个系统的年故障总数占整个飞机故障的1/3还多。为了乘客乘坐的舒适性,维护人员每天都必须花费大量的精力及维护排除引气系统的故障。排除引气渗漏的故障较难,为了在排故中节省时间,减少弯路,减轻工作量,本文对A319/320飞机引气系统故障的认识做一个基本的表述。  相似文献   

在《英文角斗场》中,每篇文章都是精选自英美中小学生的读物和教材噢。想知道自己的英语水平有多高,就来试试吧。  相似文献   

A是阿萨法·鲍威尔(Asafa Powell)的首字母,也是26个英文字母的首字母,鲍威尔用他的实力证明了"A速度"是如今当之无愧的顶级速度。但这个极限还能冲多远,并不完全取决于他,运动器械、比赛时的风速等外界因素变化都能对之产生巨大的影响。  相似文献   

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