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Community colleges historically have demonstrated an ability and desire to address needs unmet by other sectors of postsecondary education. On the assumption that productivity assessment should be molded to reflect the unique missions and approaches of 2‐year institutions, this study examined preferences for broadly stated institutional goal areas as well as for productivity measures for assessing the achievement of these goals. Findings regarding the goal areas substantiate the unique community college mission and reveal preferences for measures that reflect consistent satisfaction or areas which can be impacted directly by community college trustees, administrators and faculty. The study was conducted over an 8‐month period in 45 institutions, 10 of which were community colleges.  相似文献   

America is aging, and quickly. Among the educational institutions that could address this critical issue, none are better suited than community colleges. Community colleges not only educate students but also respond to the emerging needs of the communities they serve. Previous studies have shown that few community colleges have developed an agenda for addressing the impact of aging on our society and that faculty and administrators may not be aware of the potential for expanding aging‐related programs. This study reports the responses of 703 community college faculty representing a broad variety of disciplines and educational backgrounds. As expected, the majority of faculty had little previous training in aging, included no aging content in existing courses, and were uncertain as to whether to include aging content in other courses that they taught. This uncertainty, however, must be tempered by the fact that 61% of the responding faculty were interested in attending a basic training program in aging. Such community college faculty interest and participation could enhance the introduction of aging materials into existing curricula and expand their other educational activities that would ultimately benefit older persons in the community.  相似文献   

This study determined full‐time faculty members’ perceptions of and involvement in community services at community colleges in Ohio. A total of 249 full‐time faculty responded to the survey instrument representing 83.0% of the total sample. Data were analyzed by either the t test or the one‐way analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc analysis.

Results showed that involvement in planning and teaching within community services seem to be a key factor relative to how full‐time faculty perceive community services activities. Moreover, certain personal and professional characteristics of full‐time faculty members seem to influence their attitudes toward and their involvement in community services.  相似文献   

This study assessed the opinions of faculty concerning academic standards in the classroom. It compared the responses of faculty with experience in the academic senates in 23 community colleges with faculty who had no senate experience. Differences of opinion also were examined based on the demographic variables of gender, age, ethnicity, level of education, years of teaching experience, and subject area taught. While faculty generally agreed with the importance of academic standards and with important considerations for establishing academic standards in the classroom, there were significant differences based on senate membership, gender, ethnicity, age, and subject area taught. Gender and ethnicity displayed the greatest number of differences. Campus‐wide discussions of academic standards, regional subject matter articulation conferences with nearby universities, and explicitly stated goals and objectives in all course syllabi were implications for practice emanating from this study.  相似文献   

Instructors in community and junior colleges within the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ accrediting region were the focus of this study to determine characteristics and activities of those teaching history. A questionnaire was mailed to each history instructor in 88 of the 285 institutions in the region. A total of 230 instructors responded. After data were compiled and analyzed, it was determined that the typical history instructor in the region is a married, middle‐aged male who is Southern born and bred, and holds at least a master's degree in history. He has been in his present position for at least 10 years, coming to the present position from the high school ranks. The lecture method is used in teaching the 13‐to 15‐credit‐hour average load. Teaching is the primary activity of history instructors, with research and service not a part of usual expectations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the opinions of students, teachers, and administrators relative to student evaluation of instruction in selected community colleges. While important educational decisions in community colleges are made on the basis of students’ evaluations (as in retention, promotion, tenure, and pay), little has been accomplished in testing the assumptions behind student evaluation of instruction. The student evaluation process assumes that students are honest, serious, and evaluate instruction, not some incidental activity.

A 25‐item Student Evaluation Process Scale was completed by 607 students, 130 faculty, and 45 administrators in five Illinois community colleges. Findings revealed little significant differences in the opinions of students regarding evaluation of instruction based on variables of sex, age, school location, student type (transfer or occupational), and class standing. There were little significant differences in faculty opinion and within the administrative groups based on selected variables. There were significant differences when the opinions of students, faculty, and administrators were compared. Students and faculty tended to agree with those items that questioned the objectivity of student evaluation of instruction. Administrators and students tended to agree with items reflecting the seriousness with which students evaluate instruction. Faculty and administrators indicated that student evaluation of instruction impacted faculty members’ instructional performances. Neither students, faculty, nor administrators supported the concept of merit pay tied to student evaluation of instruction.

The role of student evaluation of instruction in a faculty evaluation system must be investigated. A variety of groups should participate in this investigation.  相似文献   

Department chairs in community colleges face a number of job‐related challenges that have been well documented by practitioners and scholars. Despite the identification of these challenges, few efforts have been undertaken to develop a battery of coping strategies for them. This study sought to identify and prioritize coping strategies related to the challenges of chairing a department in the community college. In addition, the work experience background of practicing chairs was selected to determine differences in the use of the various coping strategies.  相似文献   

The traditional 2+2 path no longer reflects the general practice of student transfer between 2- and 4-year institutions. However, students continue to enroll in and complete a substantial number of credits at community colleges. Studies related to transfer most frequently have focused on gathering statistics to measure posttransfer academic performance or student perceptions regarding the transfer process. It is important to talk with students to understand why they transfer before completing the associate degree. This article presents a qualitative analysis of interviews with 103 students who transferred from a public community college to a public state university. Findings indicated that many students enrolled at the community college with a specific intent other than earning the associate degree. Faculty members and students at both the community college and the university also influenced the number of credit hours students completed before transfer.  相似文献   

Data from a national survey sponsored by the Center for the Study of Community Colleges formed the basis for this study of the course aims and instructional practices of the two‐year college literature instructor. Lecture and discussion are the two most used teaching strategies, and nontraditional teaching strategies are nearly nonexistent. Approximately 60% of the literature teachers have between 3 and 10 years of classroom experience, but nearly 31% have taught more than 10 years. A majority of respondents indicated that aesthetic appreciation is their primary course aim. Type of degree held by respondents affected their answers on four items: (1) those with doctorates and 3 to 10 years of teaching experience lecture more than their nondoctorate‐holding counterparts, p = .0125; (2) nondoctorate holders with more than 10 years of experience use audiovisual aids more often than their doctorate‐holding colleagues, p = .0005; (3) nondoctorate holders with more than 10 years of experience use student oral presentations more often than their doctorate‐holding colleagues, p = .0008; and (4) doctorate holders with more than 10 years of experience think that critical thinking ability is more important than do their nondoctorate holding counterparts, p = .002.  相似文献   

This article looks at the relative usefulness of 12 selected factors in the preparation of college administrators as seen by practicing administrators and faculty in comprehensive community colleges, four‐year liberal arts colleges, and universities.

Three hundred randomly selected faculty and administrators in the state of Iowa were sent survey questionnaires. The returned surveys and research data were then analyzed in order to answer the research question.

The findings suggested that graduates from programs in higher education administration may be more accepted in community colleges than in liberal arts colleges or universities. The findings also showed that university personnel perceived the major research experience as being significantly more useful than the other personnel. Nonclassroom experiences were thought to be the most useful by all personnel, with faculty experience in higher education perceived to be the most useful. This study also showed that both administrators and faculty perceived majoring in higher education administration to be less useful than any of the other 11 preparation variables.

One of the recommendations of this study is that students, graduates, and professors in higher education administration programs attempt to educate the participants in higher education and the public on the strengths and uses of their programs. It was also recommended that further research is needed in the area of administrative task analysis at the different types of institutions.  相似文献   

Three major urban community college districts replicated a study of very effective teachers originally conducted at the City Colleges of Chicago. Researchers at the cooperating institutions identified teachers who had outstanding reputations and whose students achieved'at very high levels. Intensive interviews revealed four common attributes of the ninety teachers involved in the original and replication studies. The teachers plan and organize goals, they show respect and interest in their students, they encourage student participation, and they monitor student progress and respond accordingly. The excellent teachers in this study are exceptionally dedicated and hard working. Many of the techniques that they use can be successfully used by other teachers who would like to improve their own teaching.  相似文献   

This study describes the organization, staffing, cost‐sharing alternatives, and administrative patterns of associations that coordinate community/junior college local governing board activities on a statewide basis. A review of literature is provided.

Methodology used for the study included letter‐surveys to state associations of community/junior colleges, community college presidents’ organizations, trustee organizations, and knowledgeable community college individuals in 33 states. Information concerning structure of community college associations, organizations of local trustees and college presidents, whether such organized groups operate as one common group or as separate organizations, and definition of any paid staff was obtained. Results were tabulated for 25 states identified as sharing state and local control of community/junior colleges. Tables are included to show: (1) states that elect trustees, states that appoint trustees, and the number of college districts and campus locations in each state; (2) organization and staffing patterns of trustee organizations and chief administrator groups; (3) patterns of organization types in the 25 states; and (4) fee structure used to finance state community college associations in a selection of state examples.

It was found that little work has been done to evaluate effectiveness of the various systems cited. Information furnished by the study did not give evidence that one form of structure serves more effectively than another.  相似文献   

This article is based on an in-depth, yearlong qualitative case study focusing on the Community College of Denver and a comprehensive review of research examining developmental education and institutional effectiveness issues in higher education. The authors identify critical issues, discuss implications, and suggest recommendations for improving accountability of practices; (b) increasing student success, with an emphasis on valuing diversity; and (c) implementing a new developmental program of strategically improving an existing one. Recommendations include (a) being knowledgeable about accountability mandates required of others and initiating self-imposed action; (b) establishing a commitment to quality results and sharing results with internal and external constituents; (c) creating an internal grassroots process that regularly provides for open discussion, planning, promoting and supporting student performance, and celebrating success; (d) cultivating informal leadership; (e) recruiting and hiring the best faculty members available then monitoring, mentoring, and training them; (f) creating a centralized developmental education model; (g) integrating technology into all college services and instructional plans; (h) seeking external funding to support retention and achievement initiatives; and (i) being committed to and taking steps toward leveling the educational playing field. Study results suggest that, when implemented as a combined effort by an institution committed to student learning, these actions can contribute to significantly higher levels of student success.  相似文献   

A number of recent articles as well as speeches at national meetings have implied that some terrible plot to denigrate the mission of community colleges by including the function of occupational education (vocational and technical) has been perpetrated by the recent tendency on the part of some to downgrade the arts and humanities. There is no historical basis for this implication. The early leaders of the junior college movement gave appropriate emphasis to the development of a comprehensive institution. This article documentes these emphases and provides a basis for more rational analysis of the curriculum of the community colleges.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that most studies on student retention have focused on student satisfaction at 4-year institutions where students tend to be more traditional in nature. The study discussed in this article investigated how Tinto's (Tinto, Russo, & Kadel, 1994) model of retention could be applied to 2-year institutions. It explored academic and social integration and their effects on student withdrawal rates as well as the effect of background skills on withdrawal rates. Study participants were 462 second-semester degree-seeking community college students who completed a survey regarding their satisfaction with the academic and social climate of the community college. Performance on Computer Placement Tests (CPTs) were correlated with withdrawal rates to determine the association between background skill levels and withdrawal patterns. No correlation was found between academic and social integration and withdrawal rates. However, findings did show that the poorer the CPT performance, the more likely students were to withdraw from courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two surveys of newly appointed community college presidents. The first, conducted in 1997, was published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice . It was entitled, A National Study on the Community College Presidency (Kubala, 1999). In this study, newly appointed community college presidents were asked about their pathways to the presidency, their motivation to serve, the search process, their first impressions, governance, and learner-centered transformation. Newly appointed presidents were chosen for the study because of the assumption that they were knowledgeable of contemporary issues, team building strategies, planning, and governance. The second survey was meant to lead to a comparative analysis with a new set of presidents. The reasons for selecting these new presidents were the same ones used in the 1997 study. The instrument was essentially the same as well. The participants in this new study were appointed as community college presidents during the period of September 1997 to September 1999. Copies of the survey instrument were sent to 183 presidents, and 101 were completed for a return rate of 55% . An SPSS package was used to collapse the data, and determine cross-tabulations among the participants.  相似文献   

A vast majority of colleges and universities have provisions for admitting high school students to special college programs (Robinson & Noble, 1992). These postsecondary enrollment options programs are vital because they link local higher education to the community by actively involving high school personnel, students, and parents in planning for college. Establishing and maintaining this link presents unique challenges to educators because it must meet the needs of a diverse population. The purpose of this study was to assess how students and parents perceived a suburban community colleges’ postsecondary enrollment options program. Basing marketing strategies on these perceptions provides colleges and universities an effective means to maintain the established community link.  相似文献   

Critics contend that enrollment in a community college lessens the likelihood that a student will complete a bachelor's degree (S. Brint & J. Karabel, 1989). A number of studies have examined personal, demographic, and environmental characteristics that influence the academic performance of community college transfer students. This research has included characteristics that are not readily available to admissions representatives at four‐year institutions, and studies have not considered the private, liberal arts college as the senior institution.

The purpose of this study was to identify easily ascertainable characteristics that occur prior to transfer and to assess the relationship of these characteristics to persistence and baccalaureate attainment at a private, liberal arts college. Two academic factors related to persistence and graduation were included in the methodology: completion of the associate (AA) degree and community college grade point average (GPA) The subjects for the study were 200 students who completed the AA degree and transferred from one of three community colleges to a private, liberal arts college over a 5‐year period.

Results indicated that whereas completion of the AA degree resulted in a higher persistence/graduation rate, completion of the AA degree with a community college GPA of 3.0 or higher increased the persistence/graduation rate to a level equal to that of native students.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the percentage of students who felt they were weak in an academic skill and who took a college assistance program designed to correct that deficiency and to identify the reasons given by students weak in an academic skill for not using a college support service from which they could benefit. Analyses of survey data obtained from 268 instructors and 6,428 of their students enrolled in a cross section of courses in a large multicampus urban community college district showed the following: (1) of those students who did not feel confident in a skill, less than 30% took advantage of a support program designed to assist them in that skill; (2) more than 40% of the faculty felt that the primary reason students did not take advantage of a needed support service was that they were not willing to devote the extra time or effort required to avail themselves of the service; and (3) the main reasons most academically underprepared students gave for not using a support service were that they did not feel a need for the service or had no time for the service. Implications of these findings for educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

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