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Literacy instruction in 7 Grade 1 classrooms was observed with the goal of determining how the teachers motivated literate activity in their classrooms. Literacy engagement (i.e., proportion of time spent reading and writing) was much higher in 2 of the classes compared to the 5 others. There also were great individual differences between teachers in the number of behaviors that presumably might motivate literacy and the number of behaviors that presumably might undermine literacy engagement. Most striking, the teachers in the 2 classes with high engagement did much more than the other teachers to motivate literate behaviors; they also did little that potentially could undermine literacy engagement relative to the other 5 teachers. That is, in the 2 most engaged classes, instruction was saturated with teaching that potentially could motivate literacy behaviors, prompting the hypothesis that teaching that produces literacy engagement in first graders should be massively motivational.  相似文献   

"快乐教学"是以兴趣爱好为核心,以学生主动学习,愉悦完成学习任务为目的,吸取了多种教学方法的精华.在尝试着把快乐教学法应用于化学教学中去,营造真正属于学生自己的快乐课堂,促进学生愉悦主动的学习,谈谈自己的一点体会.  相似文献   

The objective of this article based on interview data is focused on the mobility of Portuguese PhD students, mainly pointing to (i) their motivation for studying abroad and tackling with different foreign cultural environments; (ii) personal and professional interests; and (iii) their ability to face the mobility consequences encountered during both private lives and professional development processes. In addition, the author of this article attempts to put forward ideas on policy making and launching effective programmes that would enhance students' lives and scientific development as possible responses to current contradictory European political agendas in the field.  相似文献   

This article develops a validity argument for the use of the Tripod student survey of instructional practices to assess teacher effectiveness in summative teacher evaluations and professional development decisions. This paper expands upon previous research in three ways: (a) it draws from current validity thinking to examine the evidence for separate summative and formative purposes of the Tripod survey, (b) it takes advantage of a large, multiple measure data set collected by the Measures of Effective Teaching Project, and (c) it accounts for both the multilevel nature of school data and contextual classroom features. Preliminary evidence was found for a two-dimensional structure, representing classroom management (Control) and academic support (Support). The Control and Support Tripod scores are fairly reliable and correlated with classroom observation ratings and teacher value-added scores. However, caution is suggested in interpreting these results as an endorsement for use in high-stakes teacher evaluations.  相似文献   

“性别话语”导致男性和女性在交际方式上存在差异,通过对英语课堂中男女教师课堂反馈方式的对比分析,发现性别差异同样会影响教学风格:女教师的课堂互动性和支持性较强,而男教师的课堂则具有更强的权威性,信息量更为密集。  相似文献   

本从不同角度分析了少数民族学生对汉语课丧失兴趣的各种因素,及对此进行补救的方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a comprehensive writing program for students with and without learning disabilities (LD) in inclusive general education classrooms. The program incorporated research‐based components including instruction in a prewriting planning strategy, narrative text structure, writing strategies, and the process approach to writing. The study was conducted in five fifth‐grade inclusive classrooms with 113 students (including 14 students with LD). A quasi‐experimental comparison‐group design was utilized, whereby three intact experimental classes received the writing intervention, and two intact comparison classes received traditional writing instruction. Measures included several writing indicators as well as state writing competency test scores. Results indicated that the students with and without LD in the experimental group made significant gains from pretest to posttest on several writing measures. Although students in the comparison group made some gains, the gains were related to fewer measures than the measures associated with experimental‐group gains, and the effect sizes were smaller.  相似文献   

闫劲 《青海师专学报》2000,20(3):108-110
分析了女大学生对体育课的兴趣状况及影响学习兴趣的一些因素,阐述了培养学生兴趣的途径和方法,旨在提高体育教育效果。  相似文献   

上大学,缘何后悔——高等教育中的七种缺失及弥补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行高等教育中存在七种缺失,即开学典礼中入学教育实质内容的缺失;人才培养观念中"人"的缺失(或高校人文教育环境的缺失);课程设置上理论与实践相结合的缺失;课堂教学中学生主体性地位的缺失;课程考试与人才评价中创新机制的缺失;大学生年度奋斗目标的确立与评价的缺失和毕业典礼中成就感的缺失.这七种缺失不仅造成大学生在校学习与生活的种种现实困境,以至于有许多学生认为后悔上大学,而且最终制约了大学生毕业后的可持续发展.  相似文献   

大学生逃课的社会成因及矫治   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在大学校园里,逃课是众人皆知、习以为常的现象。许多学者也分别从逃课的主体——学生入手,分析主客观方面的原因。文章分别从科技发展、市场经济、教育体制等层面对大学生逃课现象进行解读,探讨大学生逃课的社会成因及矫治的方法。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童的受教育问题日益受到重视,其中很多智力水平正常或接近正常的学生进入到普通班就读,他们的家长在考虑教育安置问题时首先想到与普通孩子在一起学习可以发展与人交往能力、沟通能力,因此随班就读这种安置形式成为家长的首选。但真正入学以后,各种问题接踵而来,儿童自身、家庭、教师、学校领导、其他儿童的情绪和行为都会受到影响。要解决好这方方面的问题才可能有利于真正营造适宜随读的环境,儿童的发展才可能真正良好地持续下去。[第一段]  相似文献   

赏识教育是生命的教育,是爱的教育,是充满人情味、富有生命力的教育。人性中最本质的需求就是渴望得到赏识、尊重、理解和爱。语文课堂上的赏识教育,就是以学生的语文学习和活动为载体,捕捉赏识教育的契机,优化语文课堂氛围,  相似文献   

Are dogs as discerning as humans?Dogs become sweet-tempered and relaxed when they listen to classical music(古典乐) but put up a howl(嚎叫) when they listen to heavy metal(重金属摇滚乐), according to researchers.  相似文献   

Why Students Can't Write Arguments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In this work, we propose to identify the knowledge that Tunisian grade 10 students build up concerning acids and bases. Thus, after learning, we have proceeded by giving a paper and pencil task to students of two levels of teaching. The results obtained allow us to say that the assimilated knowledge is transitory; that the students have a worse perception of the base than of the acid concept and these two concepts are independent; that they associate the acid or base strength to its concentration; that the pH is far from being a “tool” of estimation of the degree of acidity; and that the students have difficulty in linking the empirical and the models’ registers. Moreover, some alternative conceptions that can be harmful to the learning of Brønsted’s model appear.  相似文献   

Reducing class size to increase academic achievement is a policy option currently of great interest. Although the results of small-scale randomized experiments and some interpretations of large-scale econometric studies point to positive short-term effects of small classes, some scholars view the evidence as ambiguous. Project STAR in Tennessee-a 4-year, large-scale randomized experiment on the effects of class size—provided persuasive evidence that small classes have immediate positive effects on academic achievement. Unlike most other early education interventions, these effects persisted for several years after the children returned to regular-sized classes. The authors of the present article report analyses of a 6-year follow-up of the students in that experiment. Class-size effects persisted for at least 6 years and remained large enough to be important for educational policy. The results suggest that small classes in early grades have lasting benefits and that those benefits are greater for minority students than for White students.  相似文献   

Many struggling readers, students with English as a second language, and children with disabilities do not engage in the strategies that good readers use when reading for understanding. Reading comprehension depends upon the students’ ability to successfully use strategies to monitor and control their own comprehension. Teachers need to help students develop skills that will aid in reading comprehension. The think-aloud is one strategy that can help struggling readers improve fluency and comprehension. One of the most important components to determine the success of the think-aloud is the teacher’s ability to model and facilitate the think-aloud procedure. The teacher needs to have a basic understanding of what is meant to be accomplished using this method. This article profiles how three teachers model and facilitate a think-aloud with three struggling readers.  相似文献   

介绍了增强政治理论课的活力,提高学生学习积极性的方法和体会。  相似文献   

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