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This paper looks at an aspect of the two‐year college: that it is the logical system for achieving educational equality in higher education. The authors find that low aptitude blacks are overrepresented at four‐year colleges, that blacks are less likely than whites to meet aspirations of attending four‐year colleges, and that attending a two‐year college is related to reduced probability that four‐year education will be realized.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Japan has developed many exemplary social policies for their expanding older population and programs to foster elderly workforce participation, shortage of personnel with a comprehensive understanding of gerontology has limited these efforts. In response to the need for greater gerontological education among the Japanese who will work in the allied health professions, we developed an intensive training program on “Successful and Productive Aging,” with two associate degree colleges in Japan. Emphasizing lessons learned from the United States experience, the three‐week program covered issues in health promotion/ disease prevention, health maintenance/independence, mechanisms of formal/ informal caregiving, and preparations for retirement. Instructional methods included didactic presentations by a multidisciplinary faculty, case‐based problem‐solving exercises, and field visits to various agencies and geriatric facilities in the greater Boston area. The educational program was field‐tested with 5 faculty from Japan who were asked to evaluate the program based on whether the learning objectives were met, perceptions of relevance of subject matters to students in Japan, and perceptions of teaching methods’ effectiveness. We present the results of this successful cross‐national collaboration, with emphasis on how information gathered is being integrated into teaching plans upon returning to Japan.  相似文献   

Since the development of the microcomputer in the early 70's, computer technology has expanded into the eductional lives of increasing numbers of persons. Computers, once seen only in wealthy industries, are now nearly as common as pencils and paper in our nations' schools. In addition to the rapid development of computer training programs at the post secondary level, the proliferation of such programs is now manifest at the secondary, elementary, and even preschool levels. While computers appear to offer a great deal of educational potential for our youth, their benefits have not as yet been explored among older adults.  相似文献   

The aim of this small scale investigation was to compare the attitudes, aspirations and knowledge of working class and middle class mothers with regard to the education system. The working class mothers proved to know very much less about the system and were less eager for their children to go on to higher education. Middle class parents tended to be ambitious beyond the child's intellectual capacity, while working class parents tended to be under‐ambitious and to underestimate the child's intellectual ability. In terms of job ambitions, parents’ expectations conformed with their own class background rather than with children's actual potentialities. The author concludes with positive recommendations for breaking down preconceptions about their children's capabilities.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the potential benefits of service‐learning in aging to students, the university, and the community. We first discuss the concept of service‐learning, clarify its parameters, and describe the types of projects that best exemplify its unique blend of service and learning. Opportunities for service‐learning are examined using examples from the current Intergenerational Service‐Learning Project of the National Council on Aging. The complexity of initiating and gaining acceptance of service‐learning in aging projects is explored, with particular attention given to supervisory and curriculum issues. Finally, the national implications of service‐learning in aging are discussed, as well as the possibilities for including service‐learning approaches in some of the new federal initiatives in aging.  相似文献   

Many aspects of multiracial education were investigated in a national survey of teachers’ opinions. This first part of a two‐part article reports on those items which covered necessary or desirable changes in the curriculum and other aspects of school life. These include topics such as religious education and assemblies, dress and diet, mother‐tongue teaching, English as a foreign language, racial bias in books, cultural adaptation and adjustment, special language needs of West Indian pupils, and deployment of immigrant teachers and non‐teaching staff.

A total of 510 teachers (171 primary and 339 secondary) from 25 schools responded to the questionnaire. In these schools the overall proportions of pupils of minority ethnic groups ranged from 18 to 84 per cent. Pupils of Asian, Cypriot, Italian and Afro‐Caribbean origin were represented in varying proportions.  相似文献   


Two‐year public colleges are known to experience the lowest retention rates of all colleges and universities. In addition, the lowest rate of consecutive‐term retention within the two‐year college occurs from students’ first to second term. The literature on factors related to retention in two‐year colleges, however, is strikingly inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to determine demographic and academic factors associated with first‐to‐second‐term retention at a regional campus of a two‐year public technical institution. The interaction between these factors was also studied. Those demographic variables found to be significantly related to retention included educational objective, full‐time/part‐time enrollment status, employment status, and age. The only academic factor found to be related significantly to retention was first‐term GPA. No significant interaction effects between these variables were found. A list of target groups for retention strategies was developed from the results of the study.  相似文献   

The major purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate a range of variables associated with satisfaction and strain experienced in the student role by mature (age 35 and over) reentry women students; and (2) to develop and test a model for predicting satisfaction and role strain in mature reentry women students. Questionnaire data were obtained from 141 women 35 years old and over who were enrolled as undergraduates at a major midwestern university. Significant correlates of satisfaction in the student role included: rated helpfulness of professors' attitudes, helpfulness of counseling, and psychological support from children and friends. Significant correlates of strain in the student role included: dissatisfaction with job, rated helpfulness of financial aid, and number of years since previous school enrollment; age of youngest child was correlated negatively with strain in the student role. Multiple regression results showed that the strongest predictor of satisfaction in the student role was helpful attitudes of professors. Implications of the findings for educators and counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

Until now Dutch historical youth studies have not focussed on the family as an educational environment. However, since World War I pedagogues have had high hopes of parents as educators of their teenage sons and daughters. On the basis of research into advice literature the author shows how family educationalists contributed to curtailing the ‘dangers’ of adolescence. Parents were recommended to loosen the reins on their adolescent children. This advice was based on different psychological theories. At first a physiological interpretation dominated educational thinking. During the twenties Adler's Individual‐psychology shifted attention to the relational aspect of the parent‐child interaction as well as to continuity in the educational relationship. In the thirties new psychological development theories gave birth to the concept of a ‘negative phase’ at the start of adolescence, followed by a neutral and even a positive phase concerning individual mental growth. This brought about a less negative appreciation of adolescence, regarding it as just one of the ‘troublesome phases’ in childhood. Only after World War II psychoanalysis made family educationalists shift their attention more exclusively to young children. Adolescence was no longer regarded as pathogenetic.


Several sets of data were employed in efforts to address the major concerns of this study. The first was a national survey of state directors of two‐year colleges. From them basic data regarding the distribution of funding for public two‐year college institutions on a state‐by‐state basis was obtained. It was found that 57% of funding nationally was derived from state legislatures, 17% from local or regional governments, 14% from tuition, and 10% from other sources. Also computed from the survey data was the distribution of full‐time enrollments by generic program. It was found that about half of the full‐time students were enrolled in occupational programs.

Using selected national data, the cost per credit‐hour for 1979‐1980 full‐time students was computed to be $115 if 24 credit‐hours are considered a full‐time load, and $92 using 30 credit‐hours as a full‐time load.

Also determined were the correlations between selected population data and certain public two‐year college demographics. Strong positive relationships were found between state populations, number of colleges in the state, and the magnitude of the states’ gross weights (fraction of total national full‐time enrollments found in that state).  相似文献   

In order to meet both in‐service and pre‐service training needs in gerontology, North Country Community College has developed an innovative one‐year certificate program. Under the assumption that persons working with the aged in a rural area must have a diverse group of skills to draw upon, the gerontology certificate stresses course work in: communication skills, culture variability, gerontology knowledge, management skills, and service skills. The curriculum approach taken is that of competency based education, with most of the skills courses put into a modular course format. After the first year of the certificate, 53% (N = 65) of the students in the certificate courses are adults or community professionals turning to this community college program to upgrade skills or acquire new ones. This certificate is beginning to meet the training needs in a rural area that were only previously addressed by occasional workshops for the human service practitioner.  相似文献   

Sixth‐formers were questioned in all four grammar schools in a city where all LEA provision of 16‐plus education is to be concentrated in the college of further education. Their replies showed no widespread rejection of ‘authority’ and little enthusiasm for a complete separation from younger students. The most obvious theme was the ambivalent attitude towards direction from teachers‐‐a demand for clear direct instruction and informal discussion, for independence and guidance.  相似文献   

The author states that, taking into account historical changes and variations, citizenship in the Netherlands mainly developed as a bottom‐up affair. She stresses the structural conditions (geographical: an early and high degree of urbanization, the co‐operative regulation of the waterlevel; social and political: limited forms of a central political authority, a multiplied religious map, pillarization; economic: a highly developed merchant capitalism and a late emergence of industrial capitalism) and points at the special contribution of the Dutch educational system to these processes: the operation along local (urban) lines; the early decline of the relevance of the grammar school (from the sixteenth century on); a curriculum for higher and lower social strata set up from a relatively congruent utilitarian point of view; and a structural transformation of the school system in the late eighteenth, early nineteenth century, starting at the level of elementary education and not just (as in Germany and France) in secondary or tertiary institutions.  相似文献   

This research was initiated to explore the effects of changing tuition rates on the open‐door policy of U.S. community junior colleges. Tuition trends in the two‐year colleges of 50 states were assessed using data gathered from the 1975 and 1980 editions of the AACJC Directory, 1980 Fact Book for Academic Administrators, and recently published journal articles. The relationship between tuition rates and enrollment levels in each state were analyzed. The analyses point to a trend of continuous increase in tuition rates for U.S. public two‐year colleges since 1951. Even though the percentage of increase in tuition for recent years has been higher for two‐year colleges than for four‐year colleges, there remains a substantial difference between the average annual tuition of the two types of institutions. There appears to be a negative correlation between tuition and enrollment at two‐year colleges for 1974‐1975 (—.27) and for 1979‐1980 (—.21). Based on these findings, it would appear that further increases in tuition might serve to close college doors for those not able to afford the rising costs of education. Suggestions are offered for internal and external actions to help maintain open access despite rising tuition costs.  相似文献   

Norm‐referenced measurement tools — such as reliability, validity, and item analysis — are commonly used to reach and verify conclusions about criteria. Similar tools for criterion‐referenced testing situations are scant. This study examined faculty planning and testing decisions and applied formulas to arrive at numerical indices that serve as analytical tools for use with criterion‐referenced tests. The research documents the effects of applying the concept of platform unity, which has its roots in curriculum alignment theory. Alignment of curriculum occurs if the planned, the delivered, and the tested curricula are congruent. Specifically, platform unity aligns planned, domain‐referenced content with appropriate test types. Mathematical formulas were created to determine numerically if planned and tested content were congruent. In addition, four other constructs were examined. They included effectiveness and efficiency of test‐item type selection and overtesting and undertesting of course content. A chi‐square goodness‐of‐fit test was used to compare faculty planning and testing decisions. Data indicated significant differences (p < .01) between content plans and the test types used to test content. On the basis of the analysis, it was determined that faculty do not plan and test content congruently across three levels of cognitive content. Also, faculty tended to overtest content; they were effective in their selection of test types, but not efficient.  相似文献   

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