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According to the U.S. Department of Education, 44% of students entering American colleges and universities in 1995 were over age 25.As increasing numbers of students make changes to enter community college, it is imperative that counselors address the fundamental dilemmas facing this population. Addressing the transition concerns of these students as they navigate through community college may provide a counseling perspective that effectively enhances overall student development while simultaneously influencing future growth and success. This article outlines counseling considerations, from assessment to intervention, designed to help the community college counselor meet students' transition needs.  相似文献   

This article describes an assessment of writing skills (writing sample, objective test, and self‐assessment) made by one community college. Information was gathered to design an entry‐level assessment procedure for placement in English composition and developmental writing courses. Comparing the three approaches, each of which measured different aspects of writing ability, showed that the best predictor of grade in an English composition course was the objective test. However, the statistical results of the study form only one component of an entry‐level assessment program. It may be that a writing sample is needed as part of entry‐level assessment because it points out the value of writing skill in attempting college‐credit courses.  相似文献   

High rates of faculty turnover can be costly to the reputation of an institution and to the quality of instruction. Community colleges may expect high rates of faculty turnover as an aging workforce retires. Other sources of attrition, however, can be attributed to organizational characteristics and the structural properties of faculty work. This study examined non-retirement turnover intent in an urban community college. Specifically, the study utilized an expectancy theory framework to explore the relationship between turnover intent and faculty perceptions of autonomy, organizational support for innovation, and collegial communication. The study population included all full-time faculty members employed by an urban community college in the southeastern U.S. Survey responses from 66% (N = 149) of the invited population revealed that organizational support for innovation had the strongest effect on turnover intent. Faculty who reported higher levels of support for innovation were less likely to indicate intentions to leave. Findings suggest that community colleges can target innovation and organizational change as vehicles for enhancing faculty retention rates. Change initiatives related to curriculum, governance, and faculty development can be designed in ways that facilitate faculty commitment to the institution.  相似文献   

The rise to prominence of surveys by telephone has been attributed to advances in telephone technology, improvement of telephone research procedures, near complete accessibility of any population via the telephone, expansion of a survey industry that requires quality data generated in an efficient and timely manner for eager clients, and availability of considerable information, based on experiment and experience, on what techniques work or do not work when doing telephone surveys. This article details 10 years of experience with telephone survey methodology utilized at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) to collect data from business and industry, former students, and individuals residing in JCCC's service area. Of particular interest to community college researchers are the results of comparisons between mail survey respondents and nonrespondents who were later telephoned for an interview. These comparisons were conducted on results of annual studies of JCCC's career program completers. Although nonrespondents tended to be younger and more often male than female, there were no notable differences in the level of success and satisfaction reported.  相似文献   

In an era of declining college enrollments it is vital to identify potential causes of absenteeism and implement strategies for reducing it. To accomplish this two open‐ended approaches were used to generate a list of reasons for missing social science classes. The combination of these two ultimately led to 51 reasons for missing class that appeared on the Class Attendance Survey in Likert scale format. This survey was shown to have both internal reliability and validity. The dependent variable on the survey was the number of absences reported by each student for the class in which the survey was taken. It was administered in class on or about the last class day by 24 social science professors to 25 classes. This resulted in 402 usable surveys, of which 351 were complete. A factor analysis of the independent variables yielded six factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and factor loadings higher than .50. Four of the six entered a stepwise multiple regression equation. They combined to produce a highly significant F value. In descending order of their beta weights they were labeled “fatigue associated with excessive socializing,” “low attendance incentives,” “irresponsible pursuit of leisure,” and “external responsibilities.” F values for each of the beta weights were significant. Several recommendations for reducing absenteeism were made.  相似文献   

Orientation and retention programs are common in institutions of higher education. The potential association between orientation programs and student retention, particularly within the community college sector, has long been neglected. This study presents an institutional view of a potential associative relationship between an orientation course and student retention measures. A chi-square analysis revealed a significant association among orientation program, student completion of degree, student retention, and student enrollment and persistence.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess and determine how operation under a management by objectives system (MBO) has affected administrative units and individual administrators in public two‐year community colleges. Results from the study showed that respondent attitudes toward the management by objectives system were favorable. The variables identified which serve as significant predictors of administrator attitudes toward the MBO program were: (a) effective as a means for planning and organizing work for which an administrator is accountable, (b) effective as a means for evaluating work performance, (c) effective in improving satisfaction with being more a part of decisions, (d) effective in improving the attitudes of the superior toward the MBO program as perceived by subordinates. Negative reactions toward the MBO system were perceived to be generated by increased paperwork and difficulty in setting educational objectives.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of a five‐year statewide follow‐up study of first‐time, full‐time community college students and documents the academic and career progress of these students from first entry into college to subsequent experiences after leaving the community college. Results detail students’ success in reaching their personal, academic, and career objectives and describe the variables affecting progress in achieving those objectives. Over 75% had achieved their original educational objective and, if starting again, 80% would attend the same community college. Lack of funds, change in life‐style, or a change in goals were most often cited as the reasons for not achieving educational objectives. One surprising finding was that 27% of respondents transferred from one Kansas community college to another during the course of the study. Additional studies are indicated to identify continuing educational pursuits of students who formerly may have been assumed to be community college dropouts.  相似文献   

College and university programs that permit older persons to audit regularly scheduled classes free of charge through tuition waiver programs are open to those aged 60 and over or 65 and over in at least 44 states. A study of such a program at a medium‐sized state university included a survey of 135 faculty members teaching classes audited by elder students. Seventy‐four percent of faculty members surveyed returned a one‐page survey questionnaire that asked them to describe the behavior of older auditors and compare them to younger students. Findings indicate that senior auditors are conscientious, most attending classes regularly and some completing written assignments and taking tests. Faculty members indicated that older auditors make a positive difference in class, learn as quickly as younger students, and are more motivated than younger students. Ninety percent of faculty respondents felt that the free audit program offers older students something of value. No significant differences in responses were found when controlling for the teaching experience of faculty members, for their age, or for the number of older students who had audited their classes.  相似文献   

More than 80% of professors associated with the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges responded to a survey by the authors in 1980. The questionnaire was based on and the findings were compared with a 1972 study by Campbell and Newell. Trends in demographic data, career patterns, and professional orientations are documented and analyzed. University professors of community college education were 7.7 years older as a group in 1980 than they were in 1972; many other changes appear related to this trend. Fewer than 3% of faculty in this field remain at the level of assistant professor, while 61% have already achieved the rank of professor. As a whole, the group is more productive and somewhat more conservative. Some gains have been made in the representation of women (from 0 to 14%) and minorities (from 3 to 6%). With the maturing of this professional group has come related developments in professional orientations. Time invested in research and writing nearly doubled, and professors would like to do still more. Although they still wish to be remembered for having trained outstanding administrators, their desire to be remembered for writing a significant book has increased significantly. As the academic field of community education matures, its professorial members have turned increasingly to scholarly values.  相似文献   

Reorganization within the administrative structure of community colleges is an activity that has been much indulged in but little written about during recent years. This study was undertaken to determine perceptions of the roles that community college presidents play when reorganization within the administrative structure takes place. Colleges used for collection of data were two Texas metroplitan community college districts. Collection of data was limited to administrative changes from the division level through the president's level at each college. No attempt was made to study the district level or the department or curriculum levels.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法对社区体育发展现状和高校体育资源现状进行了调查分析,旨在探讨如何将两者有机的结合在一起,建立“学区体育”模式,使高校体育与社区体育协调发展,构建和谐社区,共同实现全民健身计划的目标。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the associate degree track no longer reflects the path of community college students pursuing bachelor's degrees. Rather, students use the community college to fulfill specific degree requirements. This study investigated whether community college credits were used to fulfill core or major requirements among baccalaureate graduates of a private liberal arts college over a five-year period. Results indicate that more than one-third of graduates used the community college to fulfill requirements for the bachelor's degree. Overall, the primary use of the community college was to fulfill requirements for the core curriculum. Use of the community college was greatest among humanities majors, with business majors completing the most community college hours.  相似文献   

This article is based on an in-depth, yearlong qualitative case study focusing on the Community College of Denver and a comprehensive review of research examining developmental education and institutional effectiveness issues in higher education. The authors identify critical issues, discuss implications, and suggest recommendations for improving accountability of practices; (b) increasing student success, with an emphasis on valuing diversity; and (c) implementing a new developmental program of strategically improving an existing one. Recommendations include (a) being knowledgeable about accountability mandates required of others and initiating self-imposed action; (b) establishing a commitment to quality results and sharing results with internal and external constituents; (c) creating an internal grassroots process that regularly provides for open discussion, planning, promoting and supporting student performance, and celebrating success; (d) cultivating informal leadership; (e) recruiting and hiring the best faculty members available then monitoring, mentoring, and training them; (f) creating a centralized developmental education model; (g) integrating technology into all college services and instructional plans; (h) seeking external funding to support retention and achievement initiatives; and (i) being committed to and taking steps toward leveling the educational playing field. Study results suggest that, when implemented as a combined effort by an institution committed to student learning, these actions can contribute to significantly higher levels of student success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study in college student culture was to determine whether students entering different types of postsecondary institutions have value systems and/or personality characteristics which differ according to the type of institution they select An assessment of the attitudes and traits students bring with them to college was made at a comprehensive state university, a technical institute, and a community college.

The 16 Personality Factors Test of the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (16 PF of the IPAT) was administered to 269 students in selected freshman level mathematics classes at the three schools. Individual factor scores were used to compute group means for each type of school on the 16 personality factors. The t test applied to differences in group means revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) among groups on several factors. The results support the hypothesis that student personality factors are related to the type of college selected.

If further research as recommended by the authors reinforces these findings, there are implications for many areas of the educational experience; e.g., college selection, programming activities, choosing instructional methods, counseling.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970's community colleges have devoted more attention than ever before to the preparation and inservice training of administrators. Despite these efforts, there is as yet no clearly defined career path to top level administrative posts. Most administrators learn skills for their job by observing others, through trial‐and‐error, and in some cases, through being mentored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role mentoring has played in the career development of community college presidents.  相似文献   

Deans of instruction at 300 publicly supported community colleges were surveyed to determine: (1) their preparation for planning; (2) the degree that deans are and should be involved in planning; and (3) challenges and obstacles to planning.Two-hundred and one deans responded for a 67% response rate. Twenty-eight percent had served as dean of instruction in their immediate prior position. Approximately 66% believed that their education had adequately prepared them for institutional and facilities planning, and 84% credited their prior position fortheir planning expertise. Deans rated ten essential planning duties. The top twochallenges to planning were "money and resources" and "technology use in curriculum."  相似文献   

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