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This article focuses on faculty views toward programs for their own professional development. Significant contributions to existing research on the topic are (1) an attempt to have faculty respond to the broad range of ideas, both old and new, that have been suggested over the past several years of greatly increased dialogue, and (2) an attempt to map some of the systematic variation in faculty development interests among faculty members, based on selected individual characteristics. The article is based on a study conducted during spring and summer 1978. The study disclosed a preference for goals relating to the ongoing teaching performance of faculty and markedly less enthusiasm for goals relating to overall institutional concerns. Activities that could be pursued individually or independently were preferred over those conducted in groups and those involving evaluation of performance, attempts to serve personal needs, or attempts to facilitate interaction among individuals and departments. A comparison between faculty perceptions of “what should be” and “what is” revealed a number of marked discrepancies on goal and activity items.  相似文献   

The use of part‐time faculty by community colleges continues to grow. A study of 283 community colleges in the Midwestern states found a number of practices being used to assist part‐time faculty to become proficient teachers. Evaluation of these faculty revealed that there was much to be desired by over 40% of the colleges. Few merit recognition programs were found to exist. Most of the colleges in the study were planning to increase support services to their part‐time faculty in the future.  相似文献   

An aura of controversy surrounds the proliferation of part‐time faculty members on community college campuses. The related literature provides evidence that part‐timers have fewer advanced degrees and years of teaching experience than their full‐time counterparts. Nevertheless, the increasing trend toward their employment shows no sign of slowing. As part‐timers comprise a growing proportion of community college faculties, and as they are recruited from nonacademic sources, opportunities should be provided for them to hone their pedagogical skills. The findings of a study undertaken at Arizona State University's Department of Higher and Adult Education reveal part‐timers’ needs for assistance and information in instruction‐related areas such as evaluation, handling paperwork, teaching community college students and community college philosophy. An instructional resource manual developed for part‐time faculty was perceived to be a viable method of providing assistance to part‐timers.  相似文献   

Based on the work of Barron (1966) and Hudson (1966), the hypothesis is set up that science pupils are more obsessional than arts pupils. This is confirmed on a substantial sample of sixth‐formers. However, it also appears that the possession of obsessional traits is a hindrance to performance in the sciences. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Matched groups of pupils from consecutive intakes of a recently opened boys’ grammar school were compared as to academic performance at GCE ‘O’ level and as to attitude to school, while the school, which began by being rigidly streamed, was gradually being unstreamed. The main conclusion has been that significantly more boys have done well at GCE ‘O’ level (gaining five or more passes) as a result of less streaming but slightly at the expense of the brightest pupils, not as to the number of passes these boys have obtained but as to the quality of those passes. There has also been social gain under conditions of less streaming: the behaviour of the boys has improved in general, although the overall attitude to school, as measured by analysis of questionnaires, has not altered.  相似文献   

Two‐year college faculty teaching credit courses off‐campus were surveyed to ascertain their perceptions regarding a variety of factors about these courses. In general, faculty cited a number of factors that lead to the conclusion that the quality of off‐campus courses may be less than comparable on‐campus courses. However, the summary question about the extent of learning indicated that 83% of two‐year faculty included in the survey reported their students learned as much or more than they would in a comparable on‐campus course. The information was based upon personal perceptions of the faculty included and was not correlated to other measures such as standardized test scores or grade point averages. The data from two‐year college faculty were compared to a larger data base from 322 faculty teaching at all levels of higher education and results were similar.  相似文献   

An attitude toward mathematics questionnaire indicated no real difference in attitudes between two‐ and four‐year colleges. No differences in mathematical competencies, as measured by the Beckmann‐Beal Mathematical Competencies Test for Enlightened Citizens, existed between two‐ and four‐year colleges. The gain in mathematical competency due to taking one precalculus mathematics course was only 1.48 questions, or an increase of only 4.1%.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine preservice physics teachers’ instructional beliefs and to investigate the relationship between their beliefs and practices. The theoretical framework was based on the combination Haney & McArthur’s (Science Education, 86(6):783–802, 2002) research and Ford’s (1992) motivation systems theory. A multicase study design was utilized for the research in order to focus on a belief–practice relationship within several examples. Semistructured interviews, observations, and preservice teachers’ written documents were used to collect data. Results showed that most preservice teachers held instructional beliefs aligned with constructivist philosophy. Some of the preservice teachers’ beliefs were consistent with their practices while some of them presented different practices from their beliefs in different placements.  相似文献   

Financial uncertainty and projections of changing enrollment patterns of students are forcing community colleges into positions of maximum flexibility. As a result, they continue a trend of increased reliance on part‐time instructors to deliver their services. This trend is noted by full‐time faculty as cause for alarm. Allegations of poorer quality instruction provided by part‐time instructors cannot be documented. However, it is clear that part‐time employee practices in the areas of selection, orientation, evaluation, and development need dramatic improvement. Implications of this research point to the need for college administrators to reexamine management procedures with regard to part‐time faculty.  相似文献   

There are limited empirical data on curriculum in two‐year colleges; this study is designed to address that lack. A literature review is used to identify the functions served by credit courses: transfer, general education, preparation for work, and remediation. Secondary analysis is made of data gathered on a 1977 survey of science, social science, and science‐related technical courses. Instructor perceptions of course purpose(s) are used to determine if the identified functions are served. The findings indicate these functions are served, but predominately as combined functions rather than the discrete functions identified in the literature. Patterns of multiple course functions are identified by academic area and by course. Further, the methodology used is presented as a useful tool in developing empirical data about college curricula.  相似文献   


This investigation was undertaken to determine the extent to which academic ranking of faculty exists in the community‐junior college system of Florida and whether the use of academic rank is on the increase or decrease. A questionnaire was submitted to each of Florida's 28 two‐year colleges. Responses were received from all the institutions included in this study, which is a replication of an earlier study done in 1974. Eight of Florida's 28 community‐junior colleges use some form of academic rank. Most of these award the traditional rank of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. In general, promotion is determined by degree, advanced graduate credit, experience, effective teaching, professional growth, and service. Six of the eight colleges have adopted a salary schedule related directly to the rank held.  相似文献   

Scores on two measures of knowledge of aging were compared and correlated with direct and indirect measures of attitudes toward aging. Knowledge scores were not strongly related (r = .2‐.3) to either indirect or direct measures of attitudes toward older adults, and scores on the knowledge tests were not strongly correlated with each other (r = .25). In general, older subjects had higher knowledge scores and more positive attitude scores than did younger subjects. The age effect for knowledge remained after attitude was controlled. Suggestions for improving tests of general knowledge of aging are offered.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONDNAfingerprintingisamethodforproducingtheDNAfragmentbandpattern ,specificforthegenomeofacertainindividual.Theproductionoftheindividualspecificbandpatternisbasedonthesimultaneousdetectionofseveralhighlypolymorphic,repetitivegenomicregions,wh…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two teaching methods in elementary accounting: an individualized self‐paced method and a traditional method. One hundred students enrolled in an individualized self‐paced elementary accounting class and 150 students enrolled in traditional elementary accounting classes were used in this study. The pre‐experimental equivalence of age, sex, college grade point average, business courses previously taken on the college level, and previous work experience were compared for the two groups. All of the students were administered the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Orientation Test and the Mehrabian Measures of Achieving Tendency at the beginning of the courses. Students in both groups completed the first 14 chapters in the same textbook. Students were then given the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Achievement Test, Level 1, Form GS. A significant relationship was found between students’ aptitude as measured by the AICPA Orientation Test and students’ age. Average age was significantly higher for those students in the individualized self‐paced accounting laboratory class. Age, along with aptitude, was found to be a significant predictor of success in the individualized self‐paced laboratory class but not the traditional classes. A multiple regression analysis showed that aptitude was found to be the best single predictor of students’ achievement in elementary accounting. Only 17 of the 100 students in the self‐paced class completed the course; 16 of those had high aptitude and high achievement motivation scores. A general conclusion of the study was that if individualized self‐paced accounting laboratories are to be used in teaching elementary accounting, counselors should select students who have high scores in both motivation and aptitude. Students with other than a combination of high aptitude and motivation scores should be provided with remedial work in order to raise their achievement and retention level or they should be advised to take traditional courses.  相似文献   


Among the “new” students attending community colleges are a large number of reserve and lateral transfers, students with previous college experience. This study was conducted to provide information on their characteristics and their reasons for attending and leaving colleges as compared to the first‐time college study. A sample of 10,196 students in the Los Rios Community College District (California) was studied and five student groups were identified: First Time Students (FTS), 54.7 percent; Noncompleter Lateral Transfers (NCLT), 19.2 percent; Completer Lateral Transfers (CLT), 7.5 percent; Noncompleter Reverse Transfers (NCRT), 12 percent; Completer Reverse Transfers (CRT), 7.6 percent. The CRT and FTS groups differed most significantly. The CRT were older, more often married with children, worked more hours, and were taking fewer units. In general, the characteristics of the other three groups were similar and at a mid‐point between the CRT and FTS. Factor analysis of the reasons for attending showed that factors related to job training, location, low cost, lack of admissions requirements, and the colleges' reputation were important for study groups. Preparation for transfer was not among the most important factors for any group. Students who left four‐year colleges listed reasons related to academic indecision, cost, and items critical of the previous institutions significantly more often than students who had left two‐year colleges. They reported reasons related to mobility and short‐range goals significantly more often. Results appeared to support previous studies with regard to students' characteristics. Further research on students' reasons for attending and leaving, as well as a reexamination of colleges' program formats, services and delivery systems were recommended.  相似文献   

This research is presented in a two part series. The first article sets forth the objectives of the study and the research methodology and design. Basic demographic and institutional data are also presented. The second article in this series discusses interrelations among research data and presents conclusions and implications for practice.

An attempt is made to assess the extent to which faculty associations have penetrated certain management functions or rights. A related and second objective was to determine the impact of faculty unions on the traditional professional prerogatives of the faculty. The sample studied was approximately 63 percent of all collective bargaining agreements in existence at two‐year institutions. The authors also sought to develop predictors (institutional and demographic variables) of contractual language. In part 1, characteristics of institutions where contracts are in existence are discussed. A statistically significant relationship was found to exist between the demographic and institutional variables and the relative strength of contractual clauses in the areas of appointment, promotion, nonrenewal, tenure, long range planning, retrenchment and management rights. A complete breakdown of all variables utilized in this study can be found in the appendices  相似文献   

现代心理语言学理论视阅读为一个十分复杂的心理语言处理过程。这个过程包含两个不同层次的信息处理模式:基于语言材料,处理句子层并列关系及从属关系信息的自下而上的微观信息处理模式;基于内容背景知识,处理篇章层中心信息的自上而下的宏观信息处理模式。这两个信息处理模式在阅读过程中相互作用,但起决定作用的是后者。图式论认为,词汇知识结构即语言图式主要作用于自下而上的微观信息处理过程,内容知识图式和篇章结构图式主要作用于自上而下的宏观信息处理过程。在阅读过程中,不具备、不能激发及错误使用任何一种图式都会导致阅读理解错误。  相似文献   

This study aimed to: (a) understand practicing teachers’ knowledge of model functions and modeling processes, (b) compare the similarities and differences between the knowledge of science and non-science major teachers, and (c) explore the possible reasons for the similarities and differences between the knowledge of these 2 groups. A 4-point Likert scale questionnaire was developed and used to measure the knowledge of 187 practicing elementary school teachers (94 science majors and 93 non-science majors) on model functions and modeling processes. The author selected 10 target teachers to conduct think-aloud interview and to explore their ranking. One month after completing the questionnaire, 28 volunteer teachers were selected for a follow-up interview to better understand the reasons for their responses. The results show that these teachers tend to agree or strongly agree with the items about model functions and modeling processes. The only significant difference between science and non-science majors was for the item “generating new ideas.” Qualitative analyses of the follow-up interviews and think-aloud results showed that teacher education and professional development did not focus on understanding and using models. Science-major teachers tended to formulate their responses with reference to specific models, while the non-science major teachers’ responses contained acquiescence bias. Finally, implications for science education are discussed.  相似文献   

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