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This small‐scale pilot study aimed to establish how the mode of response in an examination affects candidates' performances on items that require an extended answer. The sample comprised 46 17‐year‐old students from two classes (one in a state secondary school and one in a state sixth‐form college), who sat a mock A‐level English Literature examination. The analysis compared writing produced on screen and on paper to try to uncover any systematic differences between the two modes of delivery. The study considered the linguistic features of the texts produced in each mode, the marks achieved and the views of the participants regarding the use of computers in essay‐based examinations. The study found that the response mode had a small effect on the length of essay produced, in that students using a computer wrote more, and on the type of language used, in that students writing on paper used denser but less varied language. There was very little effect on the marks achieved. Participants expressed a variety of concerns about computer‐based examinations, such as noisy keyboards, assessment of spelling, and unfairness towards those who are less comfortable with the technology.  相似文献   

英语写作能力是大学生必须具备的一项重要语言技能,但如何通过课时有限的大学英语课堂教学来提高学生的英语写作能力,历来都是大学英语教师必须面对和研究的难题。鉴于阅读和写作之间的密切关系,经过教学实践和探索,有目的地利用大学英语课文教学来适时渗透写作知识、写作技巧,并尽可能围绕课文学习的内容和素材来设计作文题目,是一种能有效训练和培养大学生写作能力的可取方法。  相似文献   

大学英语写作教学研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学英语写作教学一直是英语教学中的一个薄弱环节,而且在该教学中存在主客观上的问题。不少学者对大学英语写作教学法和大学英语写作教学改革进行了大量的研究,以期提高大学英语写作教学水平,明确大学英语教学的发展方向。  相似文献   

教学评估是大学英语课程教学的一个重要环节,全面、客观、科学、准确的评估体系对于实现课程目标至关重要,为了保证大学英语测试的科学公平,做到真正意义上的教考分离,高校有必要建立适合自身特色的大学英语测试题库,从而促进大学英语教育现代化,深化大学英语教学改革。  相似文献   

英语写作是学生语言表达能力和英语应用水平的综合体现,也一直是学生学习英语的薄弱环节。Corder的错误分析理论将对学习者的研究重心由语言学习的外部环境转移到对语言学习者自身的研究,有效地帮助教师了解学习者在英语写作过程中存在的问题。本文以错误分析理论为基础,通过实例分析了非英语专业学生在大学二年级时写作的常见错误,以及错误的类型和根源,并进行纠错策略的研究。  相似文献   

The College English Courses, required courses for non-English major undergraduates, have been implemented for almost three decades in China's tertiary education. Classroom teachers, however, are facing a host of daunting challenges in writing instructions as college students perform poorly in national English test, known as CET. The paper advocates an explicit and effective genre-based pedagogy designed and developed by J.R. Martin and his "Sydney School", an approach which supports teachers with tools for analyzing texts and scaffolding learning, and emphasizes visible teaching to enable students to succeed in English writing  相似文献   

English writing is a basic ability that the college students must master.The cultivation of college students' English writing ability is more important in college English writing teaching.English writing is based on the students' English comprehensive application ability.Because of many factors,nowadays,college students' English writing level is generally low and English writing ability is very poor.Therefore,how to improve college students' English writing ability is an urgent problem which must be solved.  相似文献   

介绍了在某高校进行的网络环境下形成性评价对大学生英语写作能力影响的实证研究。研究结果表明,网络环境下的形成性评价能有效地提高学生的英语写作能力,在大学外语教学中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

互联网以及各类移动终端的日益普及将人类带入了一个全新的大数据时代。大数据的时代特点为大学英语写作教学,包括写作教学资源、写作目的、写作内容与组织、写作辅助手段与工具、写作评估以及写作能力的内涵带来从观念到行为等多方面的变化,也为大学英语写作教学的改革带来新的机遇和挑战。大数据时代,大学英语写作教学应以语言应用为教学目的,多角度认识作者、文本与读者之间的关系,多维度地设计教学方案。同时,教学平台应将不同的网络应用系统和功能集成在一起,实现写作教学评估系统与写作教学的无缝衔接。大学英语写作教师应对此做好充分的思想与策略准备,在提升个人信息技术能力的同时,增进与教育技术人员的合作。  相似文献   

文章从教育生态学的视角,尝试构建符合外语学习者个体能力发展的生态化大学英语写作课堂,并选取某本科大学文科一年级学生进行历时一学期的教学实验。定性定量数据分析表明,生态化大学英语写作课堂的构建改变了学生对大学英语写作教学的看法,该教学模式不仅能提高学生的写作水平,也在一定程度上促进学生英语综合运用能力的发展,有利于他们自主学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

刘娇  常世财 《海外英语》2014,(21):100-101
Interactive teaching mode refers to a dynamic process of teaching in which teachers and students and teaching materials will affect each other. It offers language learners a chance to communicate and exchange information frequently. Group cooperative leaning has long been considered to be one of the most important forms of the interactive teaching mode. English writing,one of the essential English language skills, is an integral part of college English teaching. The high or low level of English writing is a comprehensive reflection of various abilities. This paper aims to explore the application of the interactive teaching model in college English writing class in order to improve students’ motivation and ability of English writing, thus can provide an effective way of learning to the current college English writing class.  相似文献   

冯霞  何爱玲 《海外英语》2012,(17):52-54
Portfolio assessment is considered as one of the most beneficial assessments in English teaching.However this effective assessment is neglected in college EFL writing.This paper aims to find out whether portfolio assessment can be used in English writing class effectively and describe the implement of this assessment.  相似文献   

Scores on state standards‐based assessments are readily available and may be an appropriate alternative to traditional placement tests for assigning or accepting students into particular courses. Many community colleges do not require test scores for admissions purposes but do require some kind of placement scores for first‐year English and math courses. In this study, we examine the efficacy of using the reading and math portions of the Kansas State Assessment (KSA) for predicting the success of high school students taking College Algebra and College English I at a Kansas community college. Results showed that in this sample KSA scores predicted as well or better than more traditional placement tests and with no extra cost to the institution.  相似文献   

英语写作是"听、说、读、写"四项技能中较难掌握的一项,同时也是大学英语教学中最为薄弱的环节,英语写作水平直接反映了一个人的英语学习水平。如何提高英语写作水平成为当前研究的热点和难点。"体验式英语写作"教学法经过教学实践证明对高职学生的英语写作水平有较好的促进作用。  相似文献   

大学英语写作的教学效果影响着大学英语教学目标的顺利实现,其制约因素既有思想认识上的偏差,也有教学实践中的不足.鉴于写作在英语综合应用能力培养中具有的承上启下的作用,应该从提高认识、改革课程体系和评改措施、创新写作教学法等方面着手,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

在大学英语精读课教学过程中、改变传统写作教学观念和加强在写作教学中“修改”环节的方法,以激发学节的英语写作兴趣提高他们的写作水平。  相似文献   

基于建构主义支架式教学理论,运用多媒体对英语课堂实施支架式教学。文章将支架式教学模式与大学英语阅读课教学有机结合起来,从建立概念框架、进人情境、独立探索、协作学习、效果评价五个方面。探索大学英语阅读教学新模式。  相似文献   

同伴互评在大学英语写作教学中发挥着重要的作用,这种教学方式不仅符合大学英语教学改革的趋势,而且对大学生的合作学习能力、社交能力及写作能力等都有帮助。以同伴互评详细清单为基础的自我评价报告和小组评价报告相结合的同伴互评模式,既能降低学生进行英语写作的惰性,减少主观评价和人际焦虑,又能形成合作互助的学习氛围,有利于建立大学英语写作的自主学习机制。  相似文献   

从分析大学英语教学思辨能力的现状入手,本文探究在大学英语精读课,写作课和听力课以及选修课中学生的思辨能力的培养策略.  相似文献   

随着英语教学方法的不断改进,身体语言的利用在大学英语课程中也开始受到关注,其地位也在课程改革中逐渐显露。学生的理解力有限,教师要充分利用身体语言来调动学生的学习积极性,利用身体语言的优势和特点,帮助大学生在听说读写四个方面获得较好的学习体验。本文结合大学英语课堂中身体语言的必要性详细阐述了身体语言的特征与功能以及身体语言在大学英语课堂中的作用。  相似文献   

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