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Too little consideration has been given to the potential dangers underlying program development for older adults. These dangers are exemplified by the inability of program designers to share their expertise. A close examination of current educational efforts serving the older adult reveals that past inadequacies and present growth trends demand more realistic approaches. More people are going to reach the age of 65; shifts in population demand shifts in priorities.

This paper attempts to focus on emerging problems associated with program development. Territoriality becomes a central issue in determining who should develop and implement programs for and about older people. The audiences to which this paper is addressed are educators and gerontologists. The prime question raised is: “Can collaborative efforts between gerontologists and educators improve current program quality?"  相似文献   

Conflicting perspectives on the parent’s role in the infant/toddler classroom can play a significant role in early educational settings. A recent ethnographic study of an Early Head Start program in New York City focused on conflict of this nature and raised the following set of questions: What sort of power and privilege should parents be given in decisions about classroom practice? Who or what should have the final say in these decisions: parents, teachers, administrators, or early childhood research literature? Should teachers unhesitatingly instruct parents as to what constitutes “best practice” or should the parents’ position be given primary consideration? How much weight should culturally based beliefs about child-rearing and early education carry in these decisions? The theoretical framework for this study, following Lubeck (1994) Lubeck, S. 1994. “The politics of developmentally appropriate practice: Exploring issues of culture, class and curriculum”. In Diversity and developmentally appropriate practices: Challenges for early childhood education, Edited by: Mallory, B. and New, R. 1743. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.  [Google Scholar], challenges the notion that “disadvantaged” parents should be categorically dismissed as deficient in their thinking about what is educationally best for their children. The corollary notion that “disadvantaged” parents should be forced to defer to the assumptions of educators—most of whom are white and middle class—is similarly questioned. Greenman (1989) Greenman, J. 1989. Living in the real world: Diversity and Conflict. Exchange, 11 [Google Scholar] and Greenberg’s (1969 Greenberg, P. 1969. The devil has slippery shoes: A biased biography of the child development group of Mississippi (CDGM): A story of maximum feasible poor parent participation, Washington, DC: Youth Policy Institute.  [Google Scholar]/1991) assertions that conflicts that arise over teachers’, administrators’ and parents’ differing ideas about children, child-rearing, and early educational practice can be resolved in ways that are acceptable to all parties also inform this theoretical framework. An analysis of teacher interview data, coupled with classroom observational data, revealed four varying “theme perspectives.”  相似文献   

The traditional 2+2 path no longer reflects the general practice of student transfer between 2- and 4-year institutions. However, students continue to enroll in and complete a substantial number of credits at community colleges. Studies related to transfer most frequently have focused on gathering statistics to measure posttransfer academic performance or student perceptions regarding the transfer process. It is important to talk with students to understand why they transfer before completing the associate degree. This article presents a qualitative analysis of interviews with 103 students who transferred from a public community college to a public state university. Findings indicated that many students enrolled at the community college with a specific intent other than earning the associate degree. Faculty members and students at both the community college and the university also influenced the number of credit hours students completed before transfer.  相似文献   

This paper explores the contexts, origins, nature and evaluation of a modular “Quality in FE” staff development programme, collaboratively designed by two LEA evaluation teams and a university department of education and “delivered” by the latter. Emphasis is placed on the accreditation/progression features of the programme; and its evaluation is reported. An embryonic “in‐house consultancy” model is identified and its aptness to the current conjuncture, especially following the 1991 FE White Papers, is suggested.  相似文献   

More people are surviving to old age, which places increasing demands on the health care system and accentuates the importance of developing alternate methods of meeting the unique health care needs of older adults. A university/ community partnership, such as the one described in this article is one example of an innovative, alternate community nursing service. The program provides home health services; gerontological teaching, research, and practice opportunities for faculty; and expanded gerontological clinical experiences for nursing students. Critical elements of program development are discussed and recommendations for similar programs are given.  相似文献   

Community college students transferring to a 4-year college or university face a variety of challenges. Social and academic issues can pose potential hurdles to graduating with a bachelor's degree for these students. Community colleges and 4-year institutions must work closely together to create more efficient and effective partnerships for students transitioning through the higher education system. This article makes suggestions for community college staff and faculty members to help transfer students successfully transition into university life and complete a bachelor's degree.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins, development and characteristics of a study course for teacher‐education and industrial‐design undergraduates. Starting from identification by a handful of staff of a range of student needs, the course developed an informal, gaming approach that encouraged pooling of and reflection on a wide range of participants' study practices. This approach was found to require, and indeed to prove inseparable from, a broader reflection on the roles and rules, processes, products and assessment of undergraduate study. Staff — staff and staff — student negotiations, stimulated by the processes of planning, delivering and reflecting upon this course, come to be seen as constituting a promising kind of staff and curriculum development.  相似文献   

This study assessed the opinions of faculty concerning academic standards in the classroom. It compared the responses of faculty with experience in the academic senates in 23 community colleges with faculty who had no senate experience. Differences of opinion also were examined based on the demographic variables of gender, age, ethnicity, level of education, years of teaching experience, and subject area taught. While faculty generally agreed with the importance of academic standards and with important considerations for establishing academic standards in the classroom, there were significant differences based on senate membership, gender, ethnicity, age, and subject area taught. Gender and ethnicity displayed the greatest number of differences. Campus‐wide discussions of academic standards, regional subject matter articulation conferences with nearby universities, and explicitly stated goals and objectives in all course syllabi were implications for practice emanating from this study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the concept of giftedness and sport. Generally the area of sport does not fit into the framework of contemporary models of intelligence. The neglect of the psychological aspects of exceptional development in physical abilities is due to the historical cultural separation between body and psyche. A case study is given of a gifted girl in track and field. The present approach links up with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Described and discussed is the influence of the variables family, exceptional drive and dedication, coaching, and schooling. It is proposed that research should concentrate more on the development and guidance of specific (sport)talents.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of evaluating courses in which taking action is integral, that is, one in which the adoption of desirable change is built into the process of evaluating. This method starts from participants’ definitions of evaluation‐worthy issues and through a number of procedural stages enables them to refine, prioritize and reach a consensus on these issues. The process of evaluation is designed to motivate participants to improve their practice, the practice being teaching for tutors, learning for students and managing for course leaders. By improving this practice it is expected that appropriate change in the structure, content and operation of the course will occur. The arguments are illustrated by reference to the evaluation of a course leading to a post graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).  相似文献   

Critics contend that enrollment in a community college lessens the likelihood that a student will complete a bachelor's degree (S. Brint & J. Karabel, 1989). A number of studies have examined personal, demographic, and environmental characteristics that influence the academic performance of community college transfer students. This research has included characteristics that are not readily available to admissions representatives at four‐year institutions, and studies have not considered the private, liberal arts college as the senior institution.

The purpose of this study was to identify easily ascertainable characteristics that occur prior to transfer and to assess the relationship of these characteristics to persistence and baccalaureate attainment at a private, liberal arts college. Two academic factors related to persistence and graduation were included in the methodology: completion of the associate (AA) degree and community college grade point average (GPA) The subjects for the study were 200 students who completed the AA degree and transferred from one of three community colleges to a private, liberal arts college over a 5‐year period.

Results indicated that whereas completion of the AA degree resulted in a higher persistence/graduation rate, completion of the AA degree with a community college GPA of 3.0 or higher increased the persistence/graduation rate to a level equal to that of native students.  相似文献   

Learning communities have been present in community college settings for more than a decade. The literature suggests that they are generally effective for both participating students and faculty. As economic development increasingly demands greater technological sophistication, and community colleges are faced with increasing numbers of developmentally challenged students, learning communities may be one means to effectively resolve this paradox. This article is directed to those faculty and staff who may be considering the initiation of a learning community. It provides a review of literature, and presents a set of issues currently being addressed at one small community college in Louisiana where a learning community is in the design stage.  相似文献   

近年,随着工业化与城市化进程的不断推进,大量农业人口向城市转移已成为中国劳动力供给的一个重要趋势。作为城市中一个特殊的亚文化群体,进城务工人员处于城市主流社会的边缘,陷于社会排斥的困境,其结果形成了一个规模日益扩大、脆弱化程度不断加深的新的弱势群体,直接威胁社会经济的持续发展与和谐社会的构建。在这样的背景之下,本文通过北京大学平民学校的探索,思考继续教育培训在缓解社会排斥、消除进城务工人员群体的边缘特征、提供公平性补偿中的运作方式及其功能。  相似文献   

The assessment system of a Canadian medical education program is described. The M.D. Program at McMaster University features the central use of clinical cases as the basis for learning, and the fostering of independence in learning by students. The assessment system, designed to match the objectives and methods of learning, is guided by several principles. These include a balanced emphasis on a range of objectives, the use of on‐going informal feedback, defined and shared responsibilities in assessment, and the design and use of measures which most appropriately match the objectives. More than ten years of experience has pointed out several lessons: if self‐directed learning is held as important, there is a trade‐off between excessively specific objectives, on the one hand, and too little guidance on the other. This attempt to create a balance between these extremes produces a degree of unevenness in the assessment system. External influences such as the national licensing examinations have some effect on the learning climate. It is predicted that the basic elements of the assessment system will remain in place, but some specific changes will occur. These include a clearer statement of objectives on which assessment can be based, the improvement of measurement tools, and an increased emphasis on the training of those who participate in the assessment system.  相似文献   

The steering of higher education in Hungary is symbolized by the House of Professors in Budapest, a building owned by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, which houses a number of international programmes of importance to Hungarian higher education as well as the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. First the article presents an over view of present trends in steering and governing higher education in western Europe. Then it compares western European tendencies with those typical of eastern and central Europe. Finally, it identifies Hungarian higher education as an intermediary case situated between the extremes of western and eastern developments. The article concludes with an exposition of how Hungarian higher education will be steered by remote control mechanisms.  相似文献   

中国县级政府教育财政预算行为:一个案例研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本研究描述了西北三个国家级贫困县县级政府预算决策机制。揭示出现存的机制导致只有少数人能够真正参与预算过程。其次 ,公民需求与政府支出重点之间相脱离 ,在某种程度上导致了公共服务供给中社会公平性缺失 ,那些最贫困、最需关注的公民需求被置于视界之外 ,因此他们必须在政府预算范围之外自筹自办解决其公共品需求问题 ,这是导致预算外资金大量存在的一个原因。因此 ,农村税费改革如果仅强调缩减预算外经费是不能从根本上解决问题的 ;相反 ,如果地方政府的公共开支重点不变 ,如果其背后的政治决策架构不变 ,上述的这些问题将继续存在。  相似文献   


Constructivism was introduced to Vietnam through many ways such as workshops, books, the Internet, and so on. However, due to the lack of professional education, fundamental ideas of constructivist learning perhaps were missing or neglected through classroom activities. Furthermore, due to the influence of culture and society, Vietnamese constructivism certainly has its own agenda. This paper adapted the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) which was originally developed by Taylor and Fraser (1991) to investigate the classroom environment in a Physics Teacher Education programme in Vietnam, as well as to illustrate Vietnamese teacher educators’ views in employing constructivist learning. Fifteen teaching periods in seven different classrooms were observed, and five teacher educators from those classes were interviewed. Participants are lecturers and bachelor students of the Physics Teacher Education programme at Can Tho University, Mekong Delta region, south of Vietnam. Results showed that all five scales of the CLES in these classrooms are at the intermediate level. All the lecturers indicated positive attitudes about constructivism and have certain methods to perform these constructivist issues in their classes, but they have problems in practical instructional strategies for some scales. Therefore, we suggest that professional development programmes on how to apply constructivist theory, based on each particular scale of the CLES, are essential. This is especially true in scientific uncertainty, critical voice, and shared control. Yet, in a country that highly appreciates Confucianism with social order, not all aspects of an ideal constructivist learning environment should be equally improved. Generally, we believe that constructivist learning will be a key answer to the problem of the generally passive learning style in Vietnam.


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