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The present study is based on the theoretical model of college retention developed by Tinto (1975, 1987, 1993) and subsequent validation efforts of others (Bers and Smith, 1991; Munro, 1981; Pascarella and Chapman, 1983a, b; Pascarella and Terenzini, 1983, 1991). The first goal of the study was to assess the validity of the model on a two-year community college sample. The second goal was to extend and further refine the model by examining the mediational influences of a comprehensive set of psychosocial measures (i.e., life events occurring during the first semester of college, social support, self-esteem, social competence, personal conscientiousness, psychological well-being, and satisfaction with the academic, administrative, and social systems of college) on the constructs within Tinto's (1987, 1993) model. Results confirm the generalizability of the model to two-year community college populations. In addition, the structural equations model revealed that the psychosocial measures have both direct and indirect effects on college persistence.  相似文献   


This study investigated a set of variables – designated by marketing researchers as psychographic – and their relationship to non‐residential college students' concerns centering around commuting to class. A fourteen item instrument was developed and responded to by 425 students. A factor analysis revealed four factors and the dominant factor was comprised of items such as car security, parking, physical security and traffic. Other factors such as education quality items (i.e, library, faculty) accounted for a small percentage of the variance. A discriminant function analysis of the psycho‐graphic variables compared with six student time‐distance groups did not find differences among the groups by various class attendance times and commuting distances. Research limitations and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the extent to which innovative activities vary among Canada's community colleges and to what degree specific organizational characteristics correlate with institutional innovativeness. The hypotheses were derived from an extensive literature on innovation theory, largely centered in the private sector. The research methodology was modelled after organizational innovation studies in the structural‐functional paradigm.

Data on specific innovations, both initiated and implemented, together with a number of organizational variables, were gathered from a sample of fifteen community colleges across Canada. The results confirmed that innovativeness does vary among institutions and also correlates positively with concentrations of support function specialist positions and with levels of macro‐environmental funding for innovative activity. The study also confirmed that an inverse relationship exists between innovative activity and measures of centralization of authority.

In general, it was found that findings reached in studies of innovation involving private sector organizations were applicable to the community college sector.  相似文献   

Teaching in context can be defined as teaching a mathematical idea or process by using a problem, situation, or data to enhance the teaching and learning process. The same problem or situation may be used many times, at different mathematical levels to teach different objectives. A common misconception exists that assigning/teaching applications is teaching in context. While both use problems, the difference is in timing, in purpose, and in student outcome. In this article, one problem situation is explored thoroughly at different levels of understanding and other ideas are suggested for classroom explorations.  相似文献   

Using an ex post facto analysis of outcomes data, this paper tracks the academic performances of developmental and non-developmental students and examines the effects that developmental courses have on subsequent academic progress leading up to graduation. Three-year data on developmental students and graduates were analyzed to discern the characteristics of students graduating from the College, and to compare and contrast the characteristics of developmental and non-developmental students who graduated. The College graduates were categorized into four groups with respect to their academic preparation as suggested by their placement scores. During the three-year period considered, over 61% of the College's graduates took one or more developmental courses. This study shows that there is a positive link between the number of developmental courses taken and time to graduation. Consistent with prior studies, it is remarkable that developmental students perform equally well in college level courses as non-developmental students, depending on the number of pre-college level courses taken. As higher education institutions are facing increasing demands for accountability and performance requirements, accurate assessment and placement of students needing interventions become more imperative. However, accountability measures linked to retention, graduation rates, and federal student financial aid may disadvantage community colleges, especially because roughly two-thirds of community college students attend part-time and require remediation.  相似文献   

Using the data collected by Arthur Cohen in a national study on curriculum, instructional, and course practices in science courses in community colleges, this study explored instructional methods and media use. Several areas were investigated. These included (1) media use and attrition, (2) media production facilities and assistance used, and (3) media development locally. The results indicate that lecture is the most predominate method, that media have little effect on attrition, and that geographic region has little effect on media use.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two studieshypothesizing that nonintellectual learning dispositionsare as important as intellectual assets in predictingthe success of college students. The first study was conducted with a low-risk francophonepopulation (N = 298) and indicated that the Test ofReactions and Adaptation in College (TRAC:nonintellectual dispositions) predicts the collegesuccess of first-year students above and beyond thatpredicted by the high school rank (academicdispositions) and a French-language measure of aptitude(intellectual dispositions). The latter measure added noadditional variation to the high school rank in predictingsuccess. These results were replicated in a second studyconducted with an American student population who wereacademically at risk (N = 179) and using the Scholastic Aptitude Test as a measure ofintellectual dispositions. Findings are discussed interms of their implications for selection, screening,and intervention for first-year collegestudents.  相似文献   

This field study examined a model of attrition in young Mexican American women at a community college. It was hypothesized that those who achieved low academic performance would drop out in response to a series ofpsychosocial and sociocultural barriers in education. The model in vestigated a process by which Mexican American women matriculate into the community college system and either bring with them or encounter for the first time a set of well‐documented barriers to education. At this juncture, they either possess or do not possess the personality characteristics and background that help them overcome the consequences of the barriers. If the students are able to sustain themselves through the difficulty posed by the barriers, they are more likely to experience depression, which may manifest as somatic symptoms. To the extent that a student succumbs to depression, her academic performance would fall and she would opt to leave school. The results of this study suggest that the greatest impact of educational barriers was not on academic performance directly but on the psychological and emotional well‐being of the student. This study found no significant relationship between academic performance and depression. The relationship between somatization and depression in this population was corroborated.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of developmental courses in a rural community college. The Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Blue Level, Form A, Stanford Test of Academic Skills English Subtest, Level 2, Form E, and the Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, 3rd Edition, Blue Level, Form G were administered to two groups of entering freshmen in the fall of 1987. Group 1 included all students whose diagnostic test scores indicated a need for at least one developmental course. Group 2 consisted of all students whose diagnostic test scores did not indicate a need for developmental course work. Results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the mathematics mean Quality Point Averages with the developmental students attaining higher mean Quality Point Averages. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in English mean Quality Point Averages; however, developmental students obtained a higher Quality Point Average  相似文献   

Critics contend that enrollment in a community college lessens the likelihood that a student will complete a bachelor's degree (S. Brint & J. Karabel, 1989). A number of studies have examined personal, demographic, and environmental characteristics that influence the academic performance of community college transfer students. This research has included characteristics that are not readily available to admissions representatives at four‐year institutions, and studies have not considered the private, liberal arts college as the senior institution.

The purpose of this study was to identify easily ascertainable characteristics that occur prior to transfer and to assess the relationship of these characteristics to persistence and baccalaureate attainment at a private, liberal arts college. Two academic factors related to persistence and graduation were included in the methodology: completion of the associate (AA) degree and community college grade point average (GPA) The subjects for the study were 200 students who completed the AA degree and transferred from one of three community colleges to a private, liberal arts college over a 5‐year period.

Results indicated that whereas completion of the AA degree resulted in a higher persistence/graduation rate, completion of the AA degree with a community college GPA of 3.0 or higher increased the persistence/graduation rate to a level equal to that of native students.  相似文献   

Recent international comparisons show that themathematics achievement of American students is belowthe international average. In response to thissituation, the present study compared first-year college students enrolled in remedial-type mathematicscourses with their counterparts enrolled in nonremedialcoursework. Findings include that students enrolled innonremedial mathematics courses enter the institution with many advantages over students enrolled inremedial mathematics. Tests of a path analytic modelconfirmed that background variables play a major role indetermining success in college mathematics.  相似文献   

This study is a correlative predictive study focusing on the identification of factors impacting on the ability of Hispanic students to achieve their educational objectives within the community college environment. The study sample of 698 students was selected from a community college in Southwest Texas with a student enrollment that was 61% Hispanic. Through regression analysis, factors that were significantly related to the completion of the students’ educational objectives were identified. These relationships were identified for the total sample and for each of four subgroups, Hispanics, white nonHispanics, males, and females. The results indicated that positive or negative reasons for withdrawal and the students’ positive perceptions of their educational experiences were significantly related to the ability of all students to complete their objectives. However, there were sufficient differences between the groupings of factors retained for the total sample and the four subgroups to warrant the conclusion that the community college needs to consider each subgroup as a unique population and to develop policies and programs specifically oriented to each subgroup's needs. This specificity of approach was seen as being particularly important for the improved retention of high‐risk subgroups, such as the Hispanic students.  相似文献   

Reorganization within the administrative structure of community colleges is an activity that has been much indulged in but little written about during recent years. This study was undertaken to determine perceptions of the roles that community college presidents play when reorganization within the administrative structure takes place. Colleges used for collection of data were two Texas metroplitan community college districts. Collection of data was limited to administrative changes from the division level through the president's level at each college. No attempt was made to study the district level or the department or curriculum levels.  相似文献   

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 44% of students entering American colleges and universities in 1995 were over age 25.As increasing numbers of students make changes to enter community college, it is imperative that counselors address the fundamental dilemmas facing this population. Addressing the transition concerns of these students as they navigate through community college may provide a counseling perspective that effectively enhances overall student development while simultaneously influencing future growth and success. This article outlines counseling considerations, from assessment to intervention, designed to help the community college counselor meet students' transition needs.  相似文献   

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