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In this paper we argue that institutions need to support early career teachers to learn to teach in much the same way that students who are new to higher education are supported: through integrated and intentionally designed transition strategies. We take a published student transition typology and adapt it to identify ways of supporting early career teachers. We argue that strategies within each conception of our adapted typology are necessary to support a diverse cohort of higher education teachers, not only those who begin teaching each year, but those who are in their mid and later careers.  相似文献   

The career project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A survey of 167 institutions engaged in the regional reaccreditation process between 1987 and 1992 revealed that the presence of institutional research activities was positively related to the institution carrying out a systematic assessment of institutional effectiveness. Institutional research activity was more predictive of assessment efforts than was the type of governance (public or private), the level of degree offered, or enrollment size. An alarmingly low proportion of institutions had begun to define outcomes at the time of the survey—a first step in the development of assessment procedures. Even fewer had identified ways of measuring outcomes. Budgets and staff expertise were felt to be adequate for current responsibilities but insufficient to assume responsibility for assessing institutional effectiveness. Institutional research activity is urgently needed in order to support the data collection efforts required by institutional assessment mandates. Whether these activities are conducted by institutional researchers or are dispersed across the campus, they provide the underpinnings for assessment.  相似文献   

Kenneth B. Hoyt is University Distinguished Professor of Education, Kansas State University.  相似文献   

The impact of environmental forces and the interaction of occupational and family roles on career plans were explored in interviews with female vocational clients. Twenty unemployed women in career transitions were interviewed over a three-year period. The women were asked about their career plans at age 18, for the immediate, and the long-range future; the life events that happened and the effects these events have had on career directions. In addition, the women were asked whether they feel they are stuck or moving in their current job situation. Themes from the interviews affirm that role priorities for family and work have been shaped by socialization and changing opportunities. Many of the women, who felt unprepared previously to integrate occupational behavior in their lives, now report that the need for adaptability to work roles has become a priority.This research was partially supported by an award to the first author by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission.  相似文献   

1999年,日本政府开始面向各级各类学校实施新一轮的生计教育改革。具体措施包括:整合和增加课程内容,帮助学生制定职业规划,开展多样的职业支持活动,使产学合作成为正规科目,等等。我们可以从日本生计教育中得到启示,吸取经验。  相似文献   

In social science research on academic careers and mobility, a persistent finding is the substantial effect of doctoral origin on the prestige of the first institution at which one works. There also seems to be a substantial tendency among academic institutions to follow institutional self-recruitment. That is, an academic is more likely to be recruited by an institution in the same prestige category as that which produced him or her. From the period of large expansion to the slowdown of growth in higher education, how have patterns of institutional self-recruitment changed? While elite institutions tend to recruit Ph.D.s from a similar group of institutions, as we go down the line of institutional prestige hierarchy there is a diminishing trend of self-recruitment among similar institutions. This study suggests that there is a general downward mobility in prestige for newly recruited Ph.D.s in a period of a tighter market. While Ph.D.s from elite research universities have continued to increase their chances for being employed at lesser institutions, Ph.D.s from less prestigious graduate institutions have trickled down in the prestige hierarchy. The data used for our analysis are from the National Research Council's Doctorate Records File covering the period from 1969 to 1981, which is marked by significant changes in higher education. The techniques applied are developed by Leo Goodman's loglinear models.  相似文献   

Conclusion Students don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. The use of coherent individual career plans will add significantly to the total career planning process and provide a practical method for students to document and plan their future career and life direction. As Frank Parson once said, “It is better to sail with compass and chart than to drift into an occupation haphazard or by chance, proximity, or uninformed selection; and drift on through it without reaching any port worthy of the voyage” (p. 101). A coherent career plan can be that “compass and chart” young people need as they move along their career journey.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯规划,关系着一个人是否能在社会环境中找到自己的正确定位、充分发挥自己的潜能、走向成功.它是大学生迈入社会,实现自己人生抱负的关键一步.大学生当前面临职业生涯理念模糊,学校所提供的相应服务亦需要完善等问题,因此,大学生应提高对职业生涯规划重要性的认识,积极进行职业生涯规划;学校也应帮助学生制订切合实际的职业生涯规划.  相似文献   

职业观三元理论即职业观的情景亚理论、职业观的经验亚理论和职业观的成分亚理论。探析职业观三元理论的目的是试图详细说明人类职业应该如何定位,并说明在这些不同的世界中是如何运作并产生职业选择行为的。  相似文献   

In modern society individuals are becoming responsible for their own work allocation. In order to overcome an increasing social and work-related insecurity, they not only have to acquire specific career skills but also a so-called "career identity". A career identity is a structure of meanings in which the individual links his own motiviation, interests and competencies with acceptable career roles. In the article the concept of meaning is explored and further elaborated as a social learning process. The article concludes with some remarks about the need for a strong learning environment.  相似文献   

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