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本文简述了个别化教学与差异教学的产生及发展,剖析了个别化教学在实践中存在的问题,着重探讨了个别化教学与差异教学的区别和联系,指出二者在立足点、理论基础、教学设计思路、教学方法策略方面存在的差异,并倡导在教育实践中联合实施个别化教学与差异教学.  相似文献   

实施个性化阅读教学,必须尊重学生的主体地位,倡导对作品的多元解读,与学生展开平等对话。  相似文献   

周玉娟 《中国德育》2006,1(4):56-60
坚信每个学生都有某一方面或某几方面的发展潜能,只要提供合适的教育都能成才。实施个别化课堂教学,目的在于促进学生心理健康,主导措施为把握差异,因材施教。不仅对不同学业成绩的学生进行分类教学,而且加强学习技能和学生策略指导;不仅关注学习活动,更要关注学生参与的动机、态度,给予心理支持与辅导;不仅研究如何选择最好的学习方式,更要研究如何让各类不同的学生主动参与其中,并且学有成效;不仅研究课堂教学个别化,还要对个别学生进行教育策划。  相似文献   

张颖 《山东教育学院学报》2003,18(1):102-103,108
“因材施教”是教育学中的一个重要命题 ,是贯穿我国古代教育的一条重要教学原则。本文回顾因材施教原则的产生与发展 ,向人们提示一个真理 ;因材施教是历久弥新的经典教学原则。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 "综合性主题教育"研究始于二十世纪八十年代初,是基于对当时幼儿园分科教育弊病的认识而提出的,试图通过一种包容式的主题设计,打破"成人"化、学科教育化的教育模式,实施符合幼儿认识特点的幼儿园教育.经过十余年的实践研究,已形成了一套比较有效的教育方案,并对上海及其他省市产生了较大的辐射影响.  相似文献   

基础教育课程标准修订的重要取向和主要变化,涵盖了新课标的基本精神。需要认真落实。增加课程标准与教学实践的吻合度,则需要加强对课标的整体理解,按照课改的教学思想组织教学,以基于标准的评价促进教学。  相似文献   

基础教育课程标准修订的重要取向和主要变化,涵盖了新课标的基本精神,需要认真落实。增加课程标准与教学实践的吻合度,则需要加强对课标的整体理解,按照课改的教学思想组织教学,以基于标准的评价促进教学。  相似文献   


High school students completed both multiple-choice and constructed response exams over an 845-word narrative passage on which they either took notes or underlined critical information. A control group merely read the text In addition, half of the learners in each condition were told to expect either a multiple-choice or constructed response test following reading. Overall, note takers showed superior posttest recall, and notetaking without test instructions yielded the best group performance. Notetaking also required significantly more time than the other conditions. Underlining for a multiple-choice test led to better recall than underlining for a constructed response test. Although more multiple-choice than constructed response items were remembered. Test Mode failed to interact with the other factors.  相似文献   

大学英语中个性化教学的探索与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
个性化教学不是一种学习方式或方法,而是一种教育理念。在每个学生接受传授的同时,以学生为中心,目的是让学生按自己的进度,用自己的方法来学习他们所需要的内容,计算机和网络技术是必要的硬件保证。文章探讨了使用计算机进行个性化教学的利与弊以及如何进行个性化教学。最后,作者以一次教学尝试说明了个性化教学的可行性和效果。  相似文献   

个别化教学与差异教学在特殊教育中的运用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在分析国内外个别化教学定义的基础上,阐述了培智学校实施个别化教学的经验及存在的问题与困难。此外,通过差异教学与个别化教学的比较,提出了在特殊教育工作中运用个别化教学与差异教学的一些具体建议。  相似文献   

控制与自主——课堂教学的权力品性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李松林 《教育学报》2006,2(6):79-84
课堂控制与学生自主问题是课堂教学领域中的一大难题,也是课堂教学研究、反思与重建的重要源头,对其研究具有重要的学术价值与实践意义。课堂教学具有鲜明的权力属性,课堂控制与学生自主难题的研究也需要建立一个权力理论分析框架。课堂教学权力系统所具有的肯定与限制、保障与约束等二重性,决定了它是分析和解决课堂控制与学生自主难题的基本维度,也为课堂控制与学生自主的同时实现打开了多种可能性。规范与自由、控制与自主构成了当前课堂教学及其权力系统改革的基本矛盾,而改革的基本思路在于寻求这种矛盾的协调与平衡。  相似文献   

为了组织好高等学校英语应用能力B级考试,提高考试的信度和效度,体现计算机辅助教学的优点,B级考试实行无纸化考试方式,本文主要探讨网络考试对英语教学的反馈作用,以期组织好教学与考试.  相似文献   

In this self-study, the author focuses on ways of embracing and managing a central dilemma of student teaching supervision: balancing assistance with assessment. Drawing on his practice as a field supervisor, the author chronicles conversations with student teachers over a 2-year period in the context of two distinct teacher education programs. Through qualitative methods of data analysis, the author finds that supervisors have access to specific discursive tools and strategies that allow them to balance support with assessment of their student teachers. In this article, he describes and explains five key strategies and concludes with implications for the preparation and support of supervisors that can help them engage in critical dialogue with their student teachers to push their practice forward.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether third-grade teachers' instructional actions during reading comprehension lessons contributed to their students' reading comprehension achievement. Our framework focused on teachers' emphasis on three dimensions of instruction (pedagogical structure, teacher-directed instruction, and support for student learning), as observed in comprehension lessons across a year. Third-grade teachers' instruction was analyzed first by measuring their latent propensity to engage in instructional actions in the three dimensions and then by using these latent variables in a multilevel model to examine their students' gains in reading comprehension. Results provided support for the theoretical dimensions, taking into account contextual variables including lesson, student, and teacher characteristics; teachers' engagement in teacher-directed instruction and their support for student learning significantly contributed to their students' reading comprehension. Results suggest that analysis of teachers' instructional actions within and across lessons is a promising approach for the study of effective reading instruction.  相似文献   

师生关系的异化与回归——个性化教学中的师生关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统意义上的师生关系是二元对立的简单线性关系.随着教育实践的发展,个性化教学成为一个重要形式.师生关系也要随之发生相应地变化,提倡主体性的师生关系是个性化教学的要求和主旨所在.  相似文献   

The purpose of this cluster-randomized control field trial was to was to examine the extent to which kindergarten teachers could learn a promising instructional strategy, wherein kindergarten reading instruction was differentiated based upon students' ongoing assessments of language and literacy skills and documented child characteristic by instruction (CXI) interactions; and to test the efficacy of this differentiated reading instruction on the reading outcomes of students from culturally diverse backgrounds. The study involved 14 schools and included 23 treatment (n = 305 students) and 21 contrast teacher (n = 251 students). Teachers in the contrast condition received only a baseline professional development that included a researcher-delivered summer day-long workshop on individualized instruction. Data sources included parent surveys, individually administered child assessments of language, cognitive, and reading skills and videotapes of classroom instruction. Using Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Modeling (HMLM), we found students in treatment classrooms outperformed students in the contrast classrooms on a latent measure of reading skills, comprised of letter-word reading, decoding, alphabetic knowledge, and phonological awareness (ES = .52). Teachers in both conditions provided small group instruction, but teachers in the treatment condition provided significantly more individualized instruction. Our findings extend research on the efficacy of teachers using Individualized Student Instruction to individualize instruction based upon students' language and literacy skills in first through third grade. Findings are discussed regarding the value of professional development related to differentiating core reading instruction and the challenges of using Response to Intervention approaches to address students' needs in the areas of reading in general education contexts.  相似文献   

Learning algebra is difficult for many students in part because of an emphasis on the memorization of abstract rules. Algebraic reasoners across expertise levels often rely on perceptual-motor strategies to make these rules meaningful and memorable. However, in many cases, rules are provided as patterns to be memorized verbally, with little overt perceptual support. Although most work on concreteness focuses on conceptual support through examples or analogies, here we consider notational concreteness—perceptual-motor supports that provide access into the dynamic structure of a representation itself. We hypothesize that perceptual support may be maximally beneficial as an initial scaffold to learning so that later static symbol use may be interpreted using a dynamic perspective. This hypothesis meshes with other findings using concrete analogies or examples, which often find that fading these supports over time leads to stronger learning outcomes. In an experiment exploring this hypothesis, we compared gains from the fading out of dynamic concrete physical motion of symbols during instruction with the introduction of motion over the course of instruction. In line with our theoretical perspective, concreteness fading led to significantly better achievement than concreteness introduction after Day 2 of the intervention.  相似文献   

个别化教学改革 ,需要以管理手段的改变为前提。分析影响个别化教学改革的管理因素、把握个别化教学管理特点是实施有效管理的前提 ;改革教学管理组织、运用灵活的管理方式、制定相应的管理制度是盲校个别化教学管理的重要策略。  相似文献   

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