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In general, mathematical representations such as formulae, numbers, and graphs are the inseparable components in science used to better describe or explain scientific phenomena or knowledge. Regardless of their necessity and benefit, science seems to be difficult for some students, as a result of the mathematical representations and problem solving used in scientific inquiry. In this regard, several studies have attributed students’ decreasing interest in science to the presence of these mathematical representations. In order to better understand student learning difficulties caused by mathematical components, the current study investigates student understanding of a familiar science concept and its mathematical component (pH value and logarithms). Student responses to a questionnaire and a follow-up interview were examined in detail. “Measure” and “concentration” were key criteria for students’ understanding of pH values. In addition, only a few students understood logarithms on a meaningful level. According to students’ understanding of scientific phenomena and mathematical structures, five different student models and the critical features of each type were identified. Further analysis revealed the existence of three domains that characterize these five types: object, operation, and function. By suggesting the importance of understanding scientific phenomena as a “function,” the current study reveals what needs to be taught and emphasized in order to help students obtain a level of scientific meaning that is appropriate for their grade.  相似文献   

理解教育政策:现象、问题和价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何理解教育政策,这是教育政策研究者常常感到困惑的问题。本文从教育政策现象出发,解析政策现象之中蕴涵的政策问题及其本质,进而以教育的准公共产品属性为认识基础,认为教育政策就是作为公共权威的政府为了解决相互冲突的对教育产品的不同需求,通过对教育中所负载的价值的选择,从而提供的不同类型的解决方案和采取的政府行为。这种理解融合了"自上而下"和"自下而上"看待教育政策的视角,关注了教育政策的多维度、公共性和"价值负载"的性质。  相似文献   

This study is a meta-synthesis of 20 action research studies undertaken in the classroom by teachers to develop their understanding of an innovative strategy for teaching science. The studies were undertaken as part of the requirements for their 2-year M.Ed. program from the Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED), Pakistan. The teachers enrolled in the program are expected to conduct a small-scale study as part of their thesis requirement which counts for 16 credits or 25% of the program. Twenty studies from a total of 350 M.Ed. thesis were selected based on specific criteria that they (a) are qualitative action research studies, (b) are undertaken by teachers who themselves teach in the science classroom, and (c) use an innovative strategy for teaching science. The meta-synthesis shows that action research contributed to developing understanding in all three domains of teacher knowledge: pedagogical knowledge, subject matter knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge. The teacher researchers developed an understanding of the theory and practice of the innovative strategy implemented and found that the transformation of their science content knowledge to “fit” the new ways of teaching was the most challenging and rewarding part of their research. They also found that the balance between innovative ways of teaching science and current methods of assessment was very hard to achieve and created a barrier to the acceptance of new methods of teaching.  相似文献   

With the rise of alternative inquiry paradigmsacross academic fields, faculty within the same academicdepartments choose to ground themselves within different intellectual traditions and distinctacademic cultures, not simply those parallel to thepositivist tradition. One illustration of the emergingparadigmatic pluralism across academe is the actual paradigm choice by individual scholars.Appreciating these paradigm choices is critical if weare to interpret the faculty work and faculty culturethat shape institutional culture and influence resource allocation at universities and colleges. Usingqualitative methods, I focus upon a single discipline inmy exploratory study, law, but extend these concepts andissues in analyzing and interpreting my findings to how they might apply to faculty working inother academic fields.  相似文献   

伟大的波兰音乐家肖邦之所以成为世界浪漫主义最具独创性的艺术大师,在于他鲜明的艺术个性:(1)将波兰民间音乐有机地融合在浪漫主义音乐中;(2)创造性地运用和声;(3)在严谨的结构中插入即兴发挥;(4)题材、体裁的多样化。  相似文献   

首先通过对“应试教育”的本质与特征的分析,明确了素质教育的本质,即依据人和社会的实际需要,使全体受教育者的个性得到全面和谐发展的教育实践活动。并进一步探索了素质教育的价值取向,即追求真美美的统一,最后,提出素质教育的目的即实现个性的自由发展。  相似文献   

A number of statements of various analytically‐derived output and support goals appropriate to secondary schools were submitted for evaluation, as ideal school goals, to a sample of teachers drawn from ten comprehensive schools. The teachers’ top priorities were output goals referring to the balanced development of pupils’ potentialities, interests and skills, and management goals referring to the regulation of social conflict within the organization, and social cohesion amongst the participation of the staff. Of relatively low priority are output goals reflecting a concern for the maintenance of the authority structure within and the economic needs of the wider society, and direct service to the community within which the school is set. Adaptation to the needs of that community and the maintenance of the status of the school are support goals which are also given relatively low priority.  相似文献   

和谐是马克思主义整个学说的最终目标或落脚点、归宿。和谐包括人与自然之间的和谐,人与人之闻的和谐,即社会内部的和谐,还包括人自身各方面的和谐。人的实践活动既是构建和谐的途径,又是破坏和谐的路径。只有遵循自然规律、社会规律和人自身发展规律的实践活动才能够构建和谐,而违背这些规律的实践活动不仅不能构建和谐关系,反倒破坏已有的和谐关系。马克思主义是强调和谐的,即便在强调斗争时其最终目的还是为了构建和谐关系,但是这种强调本身并不是无原则的,而是有条件的。我们只有在强调和谐时看到问题的另一面——矛盾、对立、斗争,在力争构建和谐关系时及时、准确地解决不断出现的新情况、新问题才能顺利达到目的,才不会从一个极端走向另一个极端,才不会给各种极端思潮的泛滥留下活动余地。  相似文献   

<正> Chaotic motion refers to complicated orbits in dynamical systems.It occurs even in deterministic system governed by simple differential equations and its present has been experimentally verified for many system in several disciplines.In this paper we discuss some of mathematical understanding of chaos.  相似文献   

沙利文的人格发展思想新认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从发展心理学的角度对沙利文人格理论渊源、基本内容和现实意义几个方面进行了介绍和分析。主要内容为:沙利文人际关系为中心的人格理论基本构成;人格发展的阶段理论;人际关系理论与现代发展心理学研究成果的对比,包括与皮亚杰认知发展理论,新认知发展理论及其他发展心理学家成果的一致性;沙利文人格理论的贡献。  相似文献   

本文对吴月娘形象提出新的观点。认为吴月娘是封建宗法社会一夫多妻制的最大受害者和殉葬品 ,是西门庆家唯一的忍辱负重者 ;是中国妇女传统道德的坚守者。这是一个值得肯定的正面人物 ,不同意那种说吴月娘是“阴险主妇”、“假正经”、“癞皮狗”的评论  相似文献   

Ethical wills are statements of values, which traditionally represent a moral, rather than material, legacy to one's posterity. As documents, they are intended to help others lead better, more fulfilling lives. Yet, the process of writing ethical wills also holds great significance for those who write them—to consolidate and articulate their personal values. In this article, ethical wills are examined as an effective tool in leadership education of youth, connecting them with the religious tradition to which they are heirs. This article focuses on Jewish youth leadership education.  相似文献   

漆画艺术是我国传统漆器工艺和现代绘画相结合的新画种,具有较高的审美价值。它的出现与发展是漆艺史上的重要转折。漆画制作材料和制作工艺的特殊性,使其产生含蓄、深邃、古朴、典雅的艺术效果,具有含蓄美、质材美等审美特征。漆画的创作不仅需要一般绘画艺术所应具备的条件,更需要汲取传统髹漆工艺,掌握漆的语言,使它们有机结合,从而充分体现漆画的艺术特征  相似文献   

X射线标识谱似乎是一个很简单的概念,然而由于对此物理概念不能正确理解,导致在处理实际问题时出现了一些不易发现但却极端错误的方法,本文就一简单的例子来说明对此物理概念的正确理解。  相似文献   

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