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An examination of the relationship between the attitudes of two populations of older adults and their participation in education‐related activities reveals statistically significant associations in both populations between Anomia and Zest and Participation in Educational Activities, and between Life Satisfaction, Mood Tone, and Zest and Self‐Directed Learning Participation. These findings indicate that self‐directed learning participation is correlated with a person's affirmation of self and its accomplishments, sense of satisfaction and pleasure, and a high level of enthusiasm and ego involvement in activities. The correlation between Anomia and Zest and Participation in Educational Activities reinforces the need for a strong social dimension in education‐related activities among older adults in order to mitigate the effects of personal isolation or anomia. The findings also call for an understanding of nonpartidpation in education‐related activities as an expression of anomia, alienation, or power‐lessness. Practitioners are encouraged to consider how educational programs may effectively bridge the gap of powerlessness and alienation experienced by many older adults.  相似文献   

经济相关事务指这样一种理念,即大学不仅仅要产出发明,还要保证这些发明能够成为创新成果并通过专利和许可转化到商业经济之中,创建和培养新的公司,展开为工业界服务或与其合作的研究,并发展出对技术进步有所贡献的领域。本文讨论了导致教师角色和大学组织变化的因素,受经济相关事务影响而建立的项目带来了教师群体研究的深化和学科交叉性的增强,特别的手段还包括在经济相关领域聘请新增教师的专项基金、研究所和研究中心的增加以及推进学科交叉性的计划。新型的研究所出现,与工业界展开合作,整个大学校因也都致力于此,负责技术转化的机构极大地扩展了。  相似文献   

过去的15年里,在商业主义和科学主义的影响下,加拿大大学的学术文化发生了巨大的变化。本文考察了影响学术文化变化的一系列内部和外部因素,主要通过对以下六个主题的讨论:研究、科学、商业化、变化的角色、同事关系和代际差别。本文特别选取了渥太华大学作为案例,来分析这所研究型大学的发展历程及其引起的争辩。  相似文献   

从北大元培计划看通识教育与专业教育的关系   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
通识教育与专业教育的关系是国际高等教育界探讨的一个重要课题,在我国不论是理论界还是实践界对这一关系的探讨和实践尚不成熟。本文将北京大学元培计划作为案例,对这一关系进行分析。文章首先介绍了元培计划为实施通识教育而采取的制度性安排及其实施效果;然后考察了元培计划处理通识教育与专业教育关系的一些提法和做法;最后,针对有关改进建议,分析了现阶段我国综合性研究型大学实施通识教育的各种困境,指出在我国实施通识教育仍任重而道远。  相似文献   

The impact of an inservice program on practitioners’ gerontological knowledge and attitudes was examined. A nonequivalent control group design was used to conduct the study. The experimental group was made up of geriatric recreational service providers attending the first of two annual one‐week inservice educational programs. An outdoor resource management undergraduate level class served as the control group. The experimental group relative to the control group underwent a significant increase in their gerontological knowledge. Neither group experienced a significant change in their attitudes regarding the social value of the elderly or personal anxiety toward aging. The amount of change experienced in gerontological knowledge by program participants was significantly influenced by the degree of contact the individual had had with elders but not by their educational background. Educational background and degree of contact were not significantly associated with change in gerontological‐related attitudes. Implications for persons involved in designing and developing educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

在中国现代学术史上,清华大学无疑是令人瞩目的研究对象,本文尝试借鉴知识社会学的思考路径,以文学叙述为依托,试图呈现清华知识人知识生产与发表的一般特征及其相关社会文化背景。对相关社会文化背景的考察分别从“学风”与“场城”两个维度进行。前者偏重探讨知识观念转变的影响,后者突出外在环境的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a progressive mobility restorative program on nursing home residents' ability to perform selected activities of daily living (ADLs) and the amount of staff assistance needed to help residents complete these ADLs. A one group repeated measures design study was conducted in a 255-bed university affiliated geriatrics center. A certified nursing assistant (CNA) specially trained in restorative mobility techniques worked with residents individually for at least 15 minutes per day, five days per week to achieve their individualized mobility goals. Items on ADL Self-Performance and ADL Support Provided from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) were collected at baseline, three months, and six months. Thirty-eight of 42 residents (90%) were included in the analyses and 31 residents (82%) completed at least 25 days of restorative activities. Some residents improved their ADL self-performance at three and six months (15% and 33%, respectively) and decreased in the amount of ADL support provided at three and six months (26% and 31%, respectively). Total ADL self-performance and support provided did not change significantly over the six-month period. Most residents maintained their baseline ADL self-performance and level of ADL support provided over the six-month study. A progressive mobility restorative program implemented by a certified nursing assistant specially trained in restorative techniques resulted in most residents maintaining their baseline ADL self-performance abilities and the level of assistance provided by staff. Studies are needed to determine if these types of programs can actually improve functional abilities and decrease the level of staff assistance needed to complete ADLs or if they are effective in maintaining or delaying functional loss and staff burden.  相似文献   

Confronted with the rapid development of higher education in this century but particularly over the last twenty years, the author identifies a number of factors influencing this development and estimates their relative importance. The factors which he lists includes economic and technological factors, demographic factors, geographical factors, historical and political factors, and cultural and ‐ religious factors. The interplay of these factors over time and space leads to the diversification of higher education which in turn raises the major question of how diversification is to be regulated. This major question then leads to more specific questions related to the funding of higher education, the development of such forms as adult and continuing education, the guarantee of equal opportunity, the mobility of students and teachers, the link between higher education and employment, and the ways in which higher education can influence actors in the political arena to act in its favour.  相似文献   


This paper examines the impact of a state‐wide mandatory testing and placement program operating in Tennessee's community college system as it relates to retention and academic progress of minority students. Utilizing the Board of Regents' data base, the records of 5,139 first‐time 1986 freshmen enrollees at Tennessee's ten public community colleges were examined and tracked through three successive academic quarters. Analysis suggests that of this group, only 22% were actually enrolled in college level programs, as the balance (78%) were in the developmental studies program. The constriction of college placement for minorities is especially severe, since developmental program requirements must be satisfied before they can proceed to earn college level credits. Of the 5,139 first time freshmen, only 56 black students were enrolled in college level courses, and of these, only 26 remained enrolled in Regents' institutions after three quarters. Analysis of attrition by ACT cohort suggests that attrition is higher for those enrolled in developmental studies programs, and 13% higher for minorities than for white students. These findings suggest that public officials may wish to assess if the testing and placement program as it is currently operating is achieving stated goals of improved retention and graduation of minority students  相似文献   

武术源于中国,属于世界,是整个人类的共同财富.2008年奥运会在北京获得成功举办,武术已经成为奥运会期间表演项目的背景下,进一步弘扬中华武术,推动武术的国际化传播,是我们广大武术工作者当前一项紧迫的任务.本文对武术在国际上的开展现状进行调查和分析,找出其中存在的问题,提出一些中国武术在国际上的发展策略,有助于中国武术的更好发展,也有利于武术在全世界的进一步推广和传播.  相似文献   

不同的耕作方式对稻田节肢动物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了不同耕作方式对稻田节肢动物群落在各生育期数量变化的影响。结果表明,有机耕作区、纯化肥区、常规耕作区各种节肢动物所占比例差异较大。有机耕作区害虫的发生量最少,天敌个体总数最多,天敌对害虫控制作用也最强,纯化肥区害虫发生量较多,可天敌明显减少,天敌数量仅为有机耕作区的41.11%;常规耕作区害虫总数最多,天敌个体总数最少,天敌对害虫的控制作用最弱,表明实施有机耕作,有利于增强稻田自然天敌对害虫的控制作用。  相似文献   

中国-东盟自由贸易区协定及其对广西经贸的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议的货物贸易协定》、《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议的争端解决机制协定》作为中国-东盟自由贸易区的新法律文件,以强调国民待遇等3个原则、平等互利、互为公平的具体货物贸易规则以及以仲裁为主的争端解决规则为主要内容.这两个协定的签订为中国-东盟自由贸易区的真正运作奠定了法律基础,同时也对在中国-东盟自由贸易区具有区位优势的广西产生相应的作用和影响.  相似文献   

The development of inter‐university co‐operation in Europe is conditioned by such major sets of events'as the evolution of the EC, growing environmental awareness, and the recent revolutionary changes in eastern Europe. Attempts to develop inter‐university cooperation between eastern and western European universities must still cope with the heritage of some forty‐five years of a divided Europe. Such strong points of the eastern European universities as research capacity should be recognized. A very good way to further inter‐university co‐operation on a broad front is through interregional co‐operation, particularly that linking contiguous regions on the East‐West European divide.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教学的实效性不仅与教学内容、教育者、受教育者、学校、教学方法这些内因有着密不可分的关系,也与社会环境这个外因紧密联系。改善这些内外因对提高高校思想政治理论课教学实效性是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

剖析田径运动在群众体育、竞技体育及体育产业发展中的重要作用,所体现的社会功能。  相似文献   

近年来,两岸三地的课程改革均将自主学习作为一项重要目标,试图培养和巩固学生的自主学习动机与策略。西方学者的许多研究表明,倡导学生中心的课堂环境有助于促进学生自主学习能力的发展,而偏重教师中心的课堂环境则不利于学生的自主学习。本研究基于香港中小学生对课堂环境观感和自主学习动机与策略的两项调查,发现教师中心的课堂环境对香港学生的自主学习同样具有促进作用,并依此分析了华人文化情境中课堂环境及学生自主学习的特征。  相似文献   

Decisions on admissions to university and placement into university courses are usually based on the results of achievement (as in secondary school exams) and/or aptitude (in intelligence-type tests and SAT). This paper argues that in a situation where educational provision at secondary school level is highly unequal, a third approach to testing offers an alternative which is preferable both on grounds of theory of cognitive psychology and because it yields much better discrimination.The Alternative Admissions Research Project at University of Cape Town has developed a mathematics test according to the dynamic testing approach as advocated by Miller (1990) for admission of African students from grossly under-resourced schools, as well as for placing these and other students into a diversifying first year curriculum. This approach aims to assess the ability of a candidate to learn from authentic academic material within the test. This paper focuses on the reasons for the development of the mathematics test and the process by which the test questions were developed and piloted. The reliability of the test and correlations of this test with subsequent mathematical performance data are discussed.Following the encouraging data for the test as an admission mechanism, the value of the dynamic testing approach for furnishing additional information for placement into an increasingly varied curriculum at first year level was investigated. This enabled the piloting of more topics and more comprehensive validation of this type of testing. The paper concerns itself with the reliability and predictive value of each of the topics in this placement test for a range of core courses in various faculties and the extent to which these tests can identify potentially at risk students who should be placed onto an appropriate curriculum.  相似文献   

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