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Men's alcohol expectancies are an important cognitive-behavioral component of their consumption; yet, sparse research details such behaviors for men in two-year colleges. Selected for inclusion with the current study were 563 men from seven Illinois community colleges. Logistic regression analysis indicated four significant, positive relationships between binge drinking and alcohol expectancies related to ice breaking, connectedness facilitation, having fun, the sexiness of women, and one inverse relationship for men's sexiness. Programmatic initiatives and individualistic approaches to treatment and education are proposed.  相似文献   

美国社区学院热门专业管窥   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合美国社区学院协会对2000年热门专业的调查,分析了学生、社会对各类学科、专业的兴趣,从中反映出美国社会需求与学院专业建设的热点。  相似文献   


The research and practice surrounding student service members/veterans has evolved over several decades. With a regeneration of veteran students’ enrollment, a need for increased attention to this special student population continues to be an institutional priority, especially for community colleges. The literature suggests that while greater attention has been paid to serving those that have served, there is little to support whether or not such efforts are considered evidenced-based. This discussion asserts that community colleges are ripe with examples of evidenced-based programming for student service members and student veterans.  相似文献   

2004年美国社区学院热门专业中,健康类专业高居榜首,其次是信息技术类、技能类、贸易类、公共服务类专业.健康类专业在2004年增加最多,工业技能类和工程技术类专业则削减最多.大多数健康类专业是有学分的,技能类、贸易类和公共服务类热门专业则多集中在非学分专业.美国社区学院的热门专业与社会需求相融共长,更为注重"头脑生产"和人本关怀.  相似文献   

This cross-case comparative study at Western Community College and the University of the Coast explored through a constructive lens the characteristics that lead to sustainable, high quality service-learning programs and how they are implemented at institutions of higher education. The researchers determined that both Western Community College and the University of the Coast (a) have diverse collaborative partnerships that promote excellent communication between all of the entities, (b) offer a wide variety of service-learning courses to connect curricular and cocurricular experiences, (c) have a stable funding base, (d) provide the necessary resources, (e) have continuity in staffing, and (f) incorporate feedback and assessment into their respective service-learning programs. The findings from this study, based on one-on-one interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis, serve as a model on how to create quality and sustainable service-learning programs that combine academic scholarship, off-campus learning discoveries, reflection, civic engagement, and meaningful community service. The research may be applicable for educators at community colleges at various stages in developing service-learning programs, or who are transforming faltering programs, trying to make them sustainable.  相似文献   

The disparity between the demographics of California’s community college students and faculty is striking. Specifically, underrepresented minority (URM) students represent the largest population at 49%, yet only 22% of faculty are URM. In 1992, legislation was passed to allow community colleges to establish Faculty Diversity Internship Programs (FDIPs) to “promote inclusive efforts to locate and attract qualified graduate students who are members of monitored groups identified by gender, ethnicity, and disability” (Title 5. Education California Code of Regulations, n.d.). This study used a program evaluation to examine two FDIP sites. The study revealed four benefits of participation: (1) mentorship, (2) teaching experience, (3) professional development, and (4) networking and collaboration opportunities. The study found that although the FDIP does not have a significant impact on increasing faculty diversity, it does have a significant impact on preparing faculty for employment in a diverse community college.  相似文献   


87% of the small, public coeducational community/junior colleges in the United States, having total student enrollments of 5,000 or fewer students, reported that they provided student counseling services. The median ratio was 1 counselor per 338 students; education counseling was reported to be the primary service rendered, while job-placement counseling was seen as the least important function of the counseling center. Of the institutions responding, 77% provide counseling services to nonstudents, and 37% indicated that vocational counseling was the area in which they most needed to improve services for students.  相似文献   


A two-phase study of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) in California Community Colleges, involving comprehensive questionnaire surveys in 93 EOPS-funded colleges and site visits at 12 colleges, reveals that EOPS has proven successful in providing assistance to many who would not otherwise have been able to attend college. However, existing resources are not sufficient to meet the financial needs of many students in the colleges and many more potential students in the communities. The survey concludes that the colleges are successfully balancing the competing demands of financial assistance, to enable students to attend school, and services and assistance, to help students once they get to school.  相似文献   


The problem of this study was the development of a cost analysis for selected educational programs in the area schools of Iowa. The rationale underlying the study was expressed in the basic assumption that current-unit-costs per student-contact hour were dependent upon the factors of enrollment, instructional costs, administrative costs, operation and maintenance of plant, fixed charges, and auxiliary services. Relationships were ascertained between the average-annual-per-student-cost for arts and science curricula and vocational technical programs. Current-student-costs per contract-hour for each vocational-technical program were found and a correlation analysis was utilized to determine the relationship that existed between student costs and the above factors. The correlation analysis revealed highly significant relationships between current-student-cost per contract-hour and the related factors with the exception of minor equipment. The correlation between cost and enrollment was the highest at -.72.  相似文献   


This report presents a summary of the program presented by 16 Texas community and junior colleges for people over age 60 during the academic year 1974–1975. This program, funded by the Governor's Committee on Aging and administered by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, supported demonstration projects to improve the quality of life of elderly Texans through innovative educational activities. The development of these programs and the kind of activities made available are described. The majority of these colleges have subsequently continued programs with local funds, based on their demonstration experiences. This pilot project has helped a number of colleges in Texas enter the field of late-life education and, in turn, is helping the older residents in these communities to have an educational program of their own.  相似文献   

针对现行的高校学生收费会计核算制度只能单纯反映实际收到、上缴学费,而对学生应缴、欠缴学费以及学校按政策减免学费等相关信息不能反映的问题,按照"收付实现制"、"收支两条线"的原则,提出通过增设"应收学生学费"会计科目,变更现有"应缴财政专户款"会计科目的核算内容等措施,达到完善现行高校学生收费会计核算制度,为学校整体资金管理与安排提供更加全面、及时、准确的信息。  相似文献   

This article discusses the current status of counselor education programs being operated for the benefit of military personnel and military dependents abroad. A major issue examined is the apparent inaccuracy of the stereotype of the professional military man as an individual unable to learn or present facilitative dimensions.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper identifies leadership development practices within community colleges by surveying North Carolina community college presidents and evaluating an individual North Carolina community college's leadership institute. The results of the study indicate these community colleges indeed have an interest in leadership development activities for its employees, and the examined leadership institutes are quite effective and beneficial for its participants. Based upon these findings, two sets of recommendations are offered for fostering leadership initiatives within community colleges, namely, a focus on more significant topics for community college employees and developing a leadership learning community within a community college.  相似文献   

随着《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的全面实施,与教育体制机制改革相适应,高职院校的会计核算也在积极改革。我国高职院校应借鉴美国社区学院会计核算及会计信息披露的一些做法,探索改进会计核算制度,尤其是改革教育成本的核算,提高会计信息的有用性。  相似文献   

会计模拟实训室环境建设,直接影响到高职院校会计专业人才培养质量及会计专业可持续发展。研究高职院校会计模拟实训室环境建设的现状和对策,加强会计模拟实训室的建设,具有重要意义。会计模拟实训室环境建设要坚持“以人为本”,转变教育观念;加强领导,制定建设目标;加大资金投入;抓紧“双师型”教师队伍建设;重视编写实训教材与指导书等。  相似文献   

对高校会计核算改革的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济体制改革的不断深化,高等学校的办学环境也随之发生了很大的变化。但目前高校在执行现行《高等学校会计制度》过程中,在高校会计的核算模式和会计科目设置方面存在若干问题。本就此提出一些制度改革的设想。  相似文献   

高职会计专业课程评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程评价是加强课程建设的有效途径,合理有效的课程评价体系,能有效地促进课程建设,实现高职教学的培养目标.拟对高职会计专业课程评价体系进行初步探究  相似文献   

This article addresses the need for a comprehensive counseling center to be housed on each campus of community colleges. Counseling helps to improve student academic success and retention, transfer, and graduation rates. Current research also illustrates an increase in psychological and emotional disturbances among college students across the nation, which, at times, results in acts of campus violence such as those that have occurred at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, Henry Ford Community College, and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. This paper discusses the needs of the 21st century student body that result in the case for comprehensive college counseling centers. Recent legislation related to counseling at institutions of higher education is examined, recommendations are given, and components of a comprehensive counseling center are described.  相似文献   

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