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对比较教育学科的研究应该包括至今受忽视的对比较教育学科成员的研究.为了解中国比较教育学科成员的工作现状和对比较教育的看法,本研究选取比较教育学分会第十七届年会的参会者进行了问卷调查.调查发现,超过82%的受调查者对比较教育的作用高度认可,超过72%的人对其未来发展表现出乐观主义的态度.不过,仅有39.5%的人对我国比较教育学界目前整体的研究现状感到满意.此外,比较教育学科成员的看法存在着群体差异.就对学科作用和发展前景的评价而言,博士生和教授群体是肯定的乐观主义者,而副教授群体则是保守的犹疑者.就国内学界整体的研究现状而言,教授群体中满意者比例最高,而副教授群体中满意者比例最低.  相似文献   

The opportunities in which university professors collaborate with the practicing school teachers in a teacher study group are few. This study investigated how a university professor facilitated a collaborative teacher study group to enhance teachers?? professional growth. Five primary school teachers and a university professor collaborated on incorporating Reader??s Theatre into the design and revision of the curriculum in a teacher study group. This study not only identified the roles of the university professor but also highlighted how this outside stimulus facilitated the process of teachers?? professional dialogues in this teacher study group. Five roles of the professor in the teacher study group were identified, including content expert, information provider, thought challenger, discussion facilitator, and caring listener. The discrepancies toward the roles that the professor in the teacher study group should serve between the elementary school teachers and the university professor were analyzed and reported. Implications were drawn for both classroom teachers and university professors.  相似文献   

前行、攀升与飞翔——与朱永新对话教师专业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师专业水平的高低决定其教学效果的优劣,影响教师专业水平高低的因素一是师范教育的质量,二是教师的继续教育与提高。而面对教师队伍现状,后者显得更为重要。作为已经进入教师队伍的教师,可以从三个方面去提高自己的专业素养和专业水平:专业阅读——站在大师的肩膀上前行;专业写作——站在自己的肩膀上攀升;专业发展共同体——站在集体的肩膀上飞翔。  相似文献   


Intending to foster a partnership between his university and a local school and to create a new identity as a teacher educator in the community, a newly hired assistant professor of English education offered support to a secondary English department and ended up working extensively with the teachers (planning, observing, giving feedback, reflecting, and modeling lessons by teaching classes). This self-study examines the experience of the teacher educator as he navigated this 2-year commitment. A systematic analysis of all data collected (detailed journal, observation notes, debriefing notes, correspondence, and transcribed interviews) reveals how the conditions that allow tensions to become productive – a need for interaction, a willingness to engage in commonalties and differences, a sense of value for various skill-sets, and a suspension of judgment for the good of the community – within an emerging community of practice offered opportunities of professional growth for teachers and a teacher educator. This research provides insight into how university professors can better recognize and understand the conditions that allow perceived tensions to function as catalysts for professional development, offering an example of how to improve collaborative relationships between teacher education programs in higher education and K-12 school districts.  相似文献   

Defects 101     
An English professor at a community college in New York City argues, by analogy with contentions made by the neurologist Oliver Sacks about some of his patients, that the testing his university system uses to evaluate his students' writing is only good at exposing deficiencies, not strengths; he claims that students write under constraints that no professor or professional writer would accept. He concludes that it is less important for his students to satisfy mandated rubrics than to satisfy his own rigorous responses as a professional and devoted reader of literature.  相似文献   

Dorfman (1980b) investigated correlates of professional activity in retirement of professors at a major state university who continued to reside in their academic community during the entire year. This follow-up study extends that research to the total population of emeriti by including emeriti who left the University community after retirement and emeriti who continued to live in the University community for part of the year. Interviews were conducted with 113 University of Iowa emeritus professors. There was consistency between level of professional activity during the preretirement career and level of professional activity in retirement for the entire group, with stayers more consistent than leavers. Significant correlates of professional activity in retirement for the entire group included rated importance of consulting and University service, strength of ties to colleagues and professional organizations outside the University, contacts with former students, and perceived rapidity of changes in knowledge in respondents' fields. Multiple regression results showed that the strongest predictors of professional activity in retirement were level of professional activity during the preretirement career and strength of ties to professional organizations outside the University.  相似文献   

The basic purpose of this study was to evaluate the public's image of university professors compared to other professional groups. A questionnaire was administered by telephone to a random sample of 150 residents of a southern metropolitan area. Respondents were asked to evaluate seven professions on : (1) social standing (prestige), (2) honesty and ethical standards, (3) importance to society and nation, and (4) interesting and challenging occupation. Overall ratings indicate that university professors were rated significantly lower than doctors, dentists, pharmacists, and clergy, the same as lawyers, and higher than bankers. Cross tabulations of respondents by income, age, education, and sex revealed that there were no significant differences in the ratings of university professor on the basis of the characteristics indicating that this relatively low opinion of professors is a view shared by all subgroups of respondents.  相似文献   

A six‐page questionnaire sent in 1980 to a 25% random sample of teachers in Minnesota's 18 public community colleges provides information that is compared with similar information collected in 1956 and 1968. The nature and extent of professional activities, sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with careers, attitudes toward collective bargaining, and some demographic variables of Minnesota community college teachers are described and compared.

Minnesota community college faculty members in 1980 were generally contented, as they were in 1956 and 1968. In all periods they spent most of their time on teaching‐related activities. Although the proportion involved in consulting with schools, business, and industry has doubled in the past 12 years, faculty involvement in off‐campus services is still limited. Research and scholarly writing is not a function of most of the faculty. About three‐fourths of the respondents supported collective bargaining in 1980. The most serious source of dissatisfaction, reported by 40% of the respondents in 1980 was inadequate salary. The chief source of satisfaction reported in all three periods was the opportunity to help college‐age students learn and develop. Implications of the results for a re‐examination of community college functions are discussed.

The pecking order in this state does not reflect the major contribution of this system to higher education. Working conditions, particularly in terms of load and support services are primitive. Financial rewards, the status and extra income of consulting fees are severely limited. I can no longer afford five percent salary increases and twenty percent inflation. I am currently looking for a position in private industry, which seems to have the resources education does not. (Sociology instructor)

I cannot remember a profession/job that could be more personally rewarding, spiritually constructive or totally satisfying as college teaching. (English/history instructor)  相似文献   

The current study leveraged a professional development programme for engineering faculty at a large research university to examine the impact of instructional improvement on student engagement. Professors who participated in the professional development were observed three times and rated using an existing observation protocol. Students in courses with instructors who participated and did not participate in the professional development were surveyed about their classroom engagement. The responses were used to conduct quasi-experimental comparisons. Results indicated that students in courses with professors who participated in the professional development self-reported 3% more behavioural and 2% more cognitive engagement than students with professors who did not participate. Within professional development group, follow-up comparisons showed that students in courses with the highest rated instructors self-reported 7% more cognitive engagement than students with lower ranked professors. Thematic coding of the qualitative data suggests that the highest rated instructors may have achieved these gains through the use of three domain general instructional strategies: activating prior knowledge, facilitating classroom interaction and promoting reflection. Findings are contextualised within extant literature reporting similar effect sizes, and implications for future engagement research from a classroom systems perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

Many previous time allocation studies treat work as a single activity and examine trade-offs between work and other activities. This paper investigates the at-work allocation of time among teaching, research, grant writing and service by science and engineering faculty at top US research universities. We focus on the relationship between tenure (and promotion) and time allocation, and we find that tenure and promotion do affect the allocation of time. The specific trade-offs are related to particular career paths. For example, full professors spend increasing time on service at the expense of teaching and research while longer-term associate professors who have not been promoted to full professor spend significantly more time teaching at the expense of research time. Finally, our results suggest that women, on average, allocate more hours to university service and less time to research than do men.  相似文献   

Numerous books, blogs, and articles on research productivity exhort academics to ‘write every day’ even during the busiest of teaching times. Ironically, however, this research-boosting advice hangs from a perilously thin research thread. This article scrutinises the key findings of Robert Boice, whose pioneering studies of ‘professors as writers’ in the 1980s and 1990s are still widely cited today, and offers new empirical evidence to suggest that the writing practices of successful academics are in fact far more varied and individualistic than has generally been acknowledged in the literature.  相似文献   

本文参照各高校教授委员会的实际运作情况,结合高校教职工的调查问卷,从功能定位、制度建设、实际作用等方面探讨现阶段国内高校教授委员会建设,进而得出使教授拥有学术权利,形成"教授治学"的机制,使学术权力摆脱行政权力的束缚,从而为学术研究、学术自由创造条件,发挥教授在学术事务管理上的智慧和能力,实现大学的本质。在此基础上,进一步探讨教授委员会运行的外部环境和制度建设,力争为我国现代化大学管理模式的完善服务,以进一步发挥大学职能,为社会培养更多的高素质人才。  相似文献   

教师的年龄,是反映教师生理阶段是处于青年期、中年期还是走向老年期的一个重要指标;工龄或教龄,是反映教师生存中,从事其教学、专业工作长短的一个指标,它也可以从一个侧面反映出教师的专业素质;教师的文化学历,反映了教师生存中,从事教学与专业工作的文化基础和文化起点,是教师生存压力大与小最重要的学术背景条件。调查表明:(1)各层次教师的平均年龄趋向合理,如教师的平均年龄为35岁,其中,教授52.5岁,副教授43.5岁,讲师35.7岁,助教27.2岁,见习教师23.2岁。但美中不足的是见习教师的年龄偏轻;(2)各级职务的教师中,都有一批很长工龄的教师,反映出部分教师晋职困难,如教授,最短工龄为19年;副教授,最长工龄为38年;讲师,最长工龄为36年;助教,最长工龄为21年。以上情况反映出:越是晋升更高一级的职务就越困难;(3)高学历教师在加速增长,但目前总的比例不高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed method research is to understand and support educators' continuing learning and growth better by using a lens of transformative learning to examine their experience and professional development practice and responsibility. Data from 58 participants and the course professor are analyzed to consider the occurrence of transformative learning and the related needs that emerged. This article also presents trends across the learning experiences and recommendations for practice and responsibility. Additionally, there are implications of the research for higher education professors, administrators, and developers reflecting on their concepts and planning of formal professional development.  相似文献   

Bullying within academia often focuses on peer bullying or the student victim. However, the student bully who targets professors is a neglected area of study yet just as destructive, demeaning, and intimidating. Using a narrative lens analysis, the researchers share how the story of bullying unfolds in the classroom. Distinct triggers, such as entitlement or expectation management, mark the beginning of the narrative. As the narrative progresses, students display a variety of aggressive behaviors in an attempt to establish power or dominance over the targeted professor. The resulting academic contrapower harassment (ACPH) display may negatively impact the professor psyche, learning environment, and overall level of satisfaction with the professoriate, leaving a potentially open-ended narrative that impacts targeted professors for years to come. Thematic analysis reveals shared themes among targeted professors, indicating bullying is problematic on multiple levels. The findings suggest a lack of formal training and education while reinforcing the importance of peer networks.  相似文献   

大学教授在现代大学办学中有着不可替代的重要地位和作用。文章在分析大学教授学术水平内涵的基础上,讨论了教授群体对大学学术管理的影响以及教授权力在我国大学学术管理事务中的具体体现。  相似文献   

Tasmania is the island state of Australia with a population of 416,000 people. A statewide programme on child abuse was commenced with the passing of a Child Protection Act in 1974. The results of the introduction of education programmes for professional groups and of providing information for the community have been analysed. Since 1972 notifications of suspected cases of child abuse have risen sixfold, but even now there are fewer cases reported in areas away from the main professional centre in the state. In the types of abuse being reported, there has been a sharp rise in self referrals and children deemed to be at risk. Sexual abuse may have been dealt with by other agencies before, but is now being notified. There has been a change in the age groups of children coming under notice with an increase in those between 2 and 12 years and a fall in those 0–2 years. The proportions of notifications from the various agencies have changed with considerably more coming from self referrals, from community referrals and from the education services. These trends would seem to indicate that both the professionals and the community are more aware of child abuse than formerly.  相似文献   

This research endeavors to understand whether certain professors have customer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the minds of students. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to conceptualize, develop, and empirically test a model of customer-based professor brand equity. Survey data gathered from 465 undergraduate business students were used to test the model. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis findings indicate that certain professors do indeed have CBBE and the transference of the brand-building effort can be successfully applied to professors who are willing to be strong brands. The results show that professor brand characteristics – quality of instruction, competence, and reputation – have an influence on students' feelings of attachment to the professor and to the quality of relationships with the professor brand and therefore, professor brand equity. The ultimate goal of most professors is to inculcate lifelong student learning, but this worthy pursuit gains wings through the professor brand-building effort.  相似文献   

Faculty members in higher education institutions frequently have the responsibility of providing service activities to their institutions, professional societies, and external communities. This responsibility, however, generally carries little reward in the workplace and does not play a major role in promotion criteria. For the study we report here we drew upon a sample of 4,400 research university faculty members to explore their satisfaction with service roles by academic rank. Findings showed that mid-career faculty members at the associate professor rank were significantly less satisfied with their service functions, including workload, equity, work balance, recognition, and institutional support, when compared with both assistant and full professors.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between professional knowledge, self-concept, and interest of pre-service physics teachers. In order to support student learning and interest development alike, teachers need a profound professional knowledge and respective motivational orientations. Developing both professional knowledge and motivational orientations in teachers is therefore a key challenge of teacher education. Prior research has focused on the development of content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) within teacher education, but the role of motivational orientations such as self-concept and interest have mostly been neglected areas of study. As individuals develop domain-specific motivational orientations, they compare their achievement in an external frame to the achievement of their peers, and they compare their achievements in an internal frame across domains. The effects of these psychological processes on domain-specific motivational orientations are described by the generalized internal/external frame of reference model (GI/E model). We assessed the professional knowledge (CK and PCK) and motivational orientations (self-concept and interest) of N = 200 pre-service physics teachers from 12 teacher education institutes in Germany. To investigate the predictions of the GI/E model, we utilized structural equation modeling. In line with the GI/E model, the analysis revealed that pre-service teachers use social comparisons. Pre-service teachers with a higher CK/PCK also showed a higher CK/PCK self-concept. We also identified instances of internal comparisons as we found that a high level of CK corresponds with a lower PCK self-concept. While we could not identify the same effects from professional knowledge on interest, self-concept mediated the effects from professional knowledge on interest. The results suggest that interdependencies between professional knowledge and motivational orientation should be given more consideration in teacher education research and should also be addressed more explicitly in teacher education.  相似文献   

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